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Все публикации пользователя Jok3

  1. Jok3


    Wow, you won 1 pvp, gz, we won lots of pvps vs ru nolifers, but the thing is that you cannot beat them in oly, because there items>skills at oly.
  2. Jok3


    At pts servers after first sieges are tw always, that's why i asked, now i see that it's in 2 weeks.
  3. Jok3


    First tw will be today after sieges?
  4. Jok3


    Try oly and you will see how you won't win a single match, many russians are complete nolifers, playing l2 18 hours every day, living only for l2 without any other objectives in life, you just can't reach their skill level, not even talking about items, you will never reach them unless you play 18 hours every single day too.
  5. Jok3


    Hero at tales, serious shit, there every random was hero, i bet you wouldn't be even in top 10 in this server.
  6. Jok3


    Why you care, eu players don't have chances for heroes anyway.
  7. Jok3

    too many crashes every 10-15 minutes

    It's not about system, it's about some custom textures, ppl getting different error with different textures and that's why deleting and reinstalling 1 file won't help. I have 2 people in my cp that getting constant errors and always they are different, but as i can understand it's all about textures/sounds.
  8. Jok3

    Need info for instances.

    So at x7 server limits for instances are lowered and at x55 is retail? Why is it made like that, at x55 all instances can be done by 1 pt so why don't make it same like x7 server with lowered numbers for ppl at instances?
  9. Jok3


    one evening pvps.
  10. Jok3


    No, i'm not russian, i understand it, but can't speak clearly. This is english section, keep posts in english. :-)
  11. Jok3


    Some random pvps from our international cp: , not posting to media section, cause no one post in english there :p
  12. Jok3


    just don't add again some low proxies like ukraine or czech, add germany or netherlands, same like was "by" proxy, it makes clean game for all players from europe.
  13. Jok3


  14. Jok3


    Can you give answer at least? We can't play with these insane delays...
  15. Jok3


    Up, we still have insane delays, can't play normaly, why you can't make normal eu proxies, not some ukraine or ru... There was "by" proxy in which it was not that bad, but now you decided to remove it...
  16. Jok3


    Can you open some proxy servers for eu countries? Because some ppl from my cp have perma lags and dcs or maybe there is some other solution for them?
  17. Jok3

    ENG forum / ENG support / some info

    i know, but icarus weps with sa for adena is too much for mid rates, now everyone gonna buy icaurs weps and ++ it, because its better than clean vesper, it's gonna be like pvp server who gonna make more ++ icarus wep, why you don't make it same like you did with moirai sets, remove found icarus weps at all, make normal ones for donate and remove for adena at all, well it's up to you, but for me it would be much more fun to pvp for dv rbs and try farm up for my vesper wep than just buy icarus with sa from shop and play with it.
  18. Jok3

    ENG forum / ENG support / some info

    Well there is big international community looking for fresh servers, by translating some basic things to english and adding some advertisement you might bring some thousands players, also many of them are up to donate pa and other things and that would be benefit for you too. As i can see you can speak english good enough, it's not that hard to make some section and make some translations, think about it. P.s I have question about shops, as i saw you removed moirai from shop for adena and made only for donate, maybe it's possible to make same with icarus weps? Because icarus+sa is way better than clean vesper, ppl gonna ++ icarus weps instead of making vespers and that gonna be like pvp server, also some icarus foundation weps like duals or hall are a bit op too, same as moirai sets.
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