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Все публикации пользователя Jesionpl

  1. Jesionpl

    BD dances 1min ?????? only

    sorry even if noone will do bd or sws for 2 min dance or song during the game bd or sws will pump out it self from mana and what nothing --but ok-- up to you pls show me the buffs form donation service or elite club
  2. Jesionpl

    BD dances 1min ?????? only

    so will be 1 min ?? fine thx
  3. Jesionpl


    the ones above --the beginning of the post
  4. hi GM bd dances 1min only?????? even i retail is 4 min pls extend the time to 20min ??
  5. Jesionpl


    Hi GM you or your specialist dint fix anything--- everything is the same 24h to start server and still same bugs
  6. Jesionpl


    hi 1) Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2 fine about the chance but even today i killed 2x rooms full of monsters and nothing so tell me ????? the chance is??? 4) gatekeeper this is not problem with client the char i bugget i create another one on the same accont just different char and name and everything is fine ---- so what if during normal game this error will comesup?????? f i will let say 60lvl or 70????? pls thik about it
  7. Legacy Of Insolence - Quest not working at all quest items dont droping at all
  8. Jesionpl


    1) Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2 quest items not droping-- I killed the whole room of mobs an drooped only one quest item there was maybe 30mobs--- i don it 2 times exactly the same only one quest item ofcourse i have 80 lvl but quest items shuld drop independently form a lvl + on this server shuld drop 3 2) Enchant skill of 3rd prof. POW success rate is so big is biger then normal skils i have it +15 and others only +8 becouse succcess rate i much lover 3) Improved Kookabura does not recharge mana while i standing or sitting i have to use some attak skill to move the kookabura to recharge mana on my char --- 2 skils -1recharge 4) Gatekeeper not working GM pls fix it
  9. Hi I have issue about Delicious Top Choice Meat quest the quest items dosnt drop out from every mob after 2nd transformation pls have a look-- it shuld drop from every sigle one
  10. Jesionpl

    support magic not working +

    pls give a link to the quest
  11. Jesionpl

    support magic not working +

    even if I click, on it nothing works
  12. Jesionpl

    support magic not working +

    3) cyclic macros ------not working
  13. Jesionpl

    support magic not working +

    Hi i have some issues 1) Support magic from newbie helper ----not working 2) Auto loot ---- not working
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