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Все публикации пользователя Samael85

  1. Samael85

    How much box i can make w/o PA

    +pa log more or buy 1window for 30 avers ??
  2. Samael85


    WTB : CC - pm ColdFear or make post here
  3. Samael85

    Zaken 60 lvl

    LF 8 ppl ready to make 36 chars ( 9 - 61 lvl +A arm/weap/dyes ) We ned 9x enter More info skype -isamael1985 No retard no morons Open 4 l2 window no play for comadore or 386 pc Fast regrup not waiting 30 min for log 4 box 2bp +1tank + slh + nukers 1person make 9x bp or 9x tank or 9x ......
  4. Samael85

    OK will u compensate our premium time?

    30 deys 380 Aver - you lost max 12 h you premium status losst 12 aver - 20 kk - its not x1 You should be happy that you can play for free
  5. Samael85

    lvl differance

    71 lvl - exp 85 lvl not 100 % exp 1 good train you up 71-75 vit 4 rune exp 30% 50% bonus exp
  6. Samael85


    WTB DYNASTY CRUSHER /CC/PAIN OF SHILEN - mail /pm ColdFear or make post here "Real Money Trade is forbidden! Report about the fact of such trade to our stuff members with PM. Seller/buyer will be banned and you will get bonus [by Administration of the project]"
  7. Samael85

    Let’s go on x25 together!

    "Averia.ws x25 - 15th April, 2016! Come with me and you too! http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-x25-launch-on-15th-april-2016-19-00-gmt-3.138554/" http://imgur.com/t2ww6s1
  8. Samael85

    Let’s go on x25 together!

  9. Samael85

    Do good with Averia.ws - flood

  10. http://forum.lineage2.com.pl/index.php/topic,58033.0.html
  11. WTS : Vorpal heavy set + 0 - w/o atri Vorpal light set + 0 - w/o atri - SOLD Moirai heavy rar - helmet +0 /gaiter +0 /gauntlet +6 / boots + 0 Brestplate +4 Vorpal earring x15 Vorpal ring x8 Vorpal necklace x4 Vorpal - items heavy /light/robe x - %%%%%% Oferts here "От Администрации проекта: Запрещена продажа/покупка игровых ценностей за реальные деньги, сообщите о факте продажи/покупки в личную переписку руководству проекта - продавец/покупатель будет заблокирован, а вы получите бонус"
  12. Samael85


    Wts vorpal items boots/gloves/helmet/tunik/gaiters / jeiwels ect.... all items Pm here or in game pm or mail MonereFull Beast price 10% - for trade zone Akcept only adena /aver "От Администрации проекта: Запрещена продажа/покупка игровых ценностей за реальные деньги, сообщите о факте продажи/покупки в личную переписку руководству проекта - продавец/покупатель будет заблокирован, а вы получите бонус"
  13. Samael85


    WTB VORPAL GAITER +6 / SHIELD +6 mail iSamael "Real Money Trade is forbidden! Report about a fact of such trade to our stuff members with PM and a seller/buyer will be banned and you will get a bonus by ADMINISTRATION of the project"
  14. Samael85

    LF GVG 9X9

    UP and lf more gvg
  15. Samael85

    LF GVG 9X9

    18 GTM+2 PM - ShowDown / CantStopMe
  16. Samael85

    New Proxy in the Czech Republic

    all proxy off 1 h spam login not enter :(
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