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Последний раз darkal3x выиграл 4 октября 2022

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О darkal3x

  • День рождения 15 октября

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  1. as title, Fire server - WTS Majestic MJ +7 Boots / Armor Light +7 "DarkAl3x only serious offers ! thanks ,sps!
  2. considering the HIGH number of ppl and clans who are willing to play, this would be a really good option @Rylai
  3. heya mate, ofc it's best on that time because ppl go to epics pvp etc, so as solo/mini group it's a good timing... But let's see if more ppl are interesting ,only VERY FEW wrote to me, if we won't be at least 15-20 at start, I will abord and just go with the flow in a ENG speaking clan :)
  4. darkal3x

    Euphoria comming MidWar

    up ! for the good old times with the Romanian up teams/guys :)
  5. I saw on some stream something rly interesting and usefull I would say, on some NPC (could be also the Olympiad NPC) to have this option, to see which player(name-clan) wears any of the epic jewels :) also good info for other ppl, also show off for the player/clan/ally to see themself on the top of numbers of epics, etc :) Thoughts? Opinions? :) https://mw2.global/petitions/main/petition?id=161 - petition for voting if u think it's cool and helpfull https://ibb.co/tsr1LBB
  6. hehe I (we) try ! if we get 10-15 ppl who wana go for it from start, I go like the last year, if not I make a fvcking top DD join some mid clan and kill all ppl who KS my moobs and help clannies on wars :))
  7. https://mw5.media/petitions/main/petition?id=84 - for voting! Considering last 2 servers (fire/water) there were A LOT of mid/low clans on each server...considering that each MAIN BIGG Clan, has a 2nd clan also, it's very hard for the mid/low clans to stand a chance for a fort (and also the drops from it) if there are only some (like last server), It would be nice because each low/mid clan ,can go and search an Fort owned by low/mid clan and the PVP would be more EQUAL with a chance to conquer it and more interesting battle, not only 5min . I think somewhere around 12+ at least for each server would be a HUGE advantage for the majority of ppl enjoying the PVP (not only at sieges) ,for mid/low clans and for each type of players, with medium activity, no only no lifers or full CPs :) Thanks in advance, sps! Enjoy the days until server opens :) https://mw5.media/petitions/main/petition?id=84 - for voting!
  8. in the start of server, when there will be FULL load of ppl, would you consider opening +3,4 fort on the map? :) considering that bigg clans have box clans also,etc , would be rly nice to have more 10+ Forts open from start :)
  9. yo Tymah! :) well atm...busy with the football :D and waiting T & L opening , to play a bit, until the MW5 opens you mate? all ok I hope 😎
  10. Hey there! If you speak also ENGLISH and want to see ENGLISH main in the clan chat, ally, party chat, this is for you, we are some friends, playing since the 1st MW here, but WHO WANA SEE 80% ENGLISH IN THE CLAN CHAT, not "hieroglyphs" non stop and understand only Davai and SUKA BLEAH from all what's there :) Clan - ~SemperFidelis~ International, MEDIUM activity , NOT ASKING FOR 8h work shifts or no lifers (but always glad to have some in) ! > looking for solo players, mini groups 2-3-4-5, CPs of friends that wants to join and have fun together under the same flag(clan) and try some activity Forts, AOE farm, etc after 19-20:00 gmt+2 :) We have also discord for voice @ events (Fort, CH siege, Castle siege, RBs, or just normal PvE,PvP) it's way more fun to keep in touch when playing L2. We are open for PvP also, NOT ONLY PVE 100% , if you only and only like PvE we are not for you, sorry, WE NEED YOU TO HELP US IF WE ARE AT FORT SIEGE, or near you on the map pvping some no lifer, donator :) ! We want to have fun with purple nick also So want to give it a try?! WE WANT AND WE HOPE TO START WITH 20-30 PPL minimum at start, depends on you! and try to HAVE DAILY ATTEMPTS TO SIEGE FORTRESS to make instance after / or DEF IT when needed (GOAL as medium / low clan and also like the last server to try find some friendly guys to make an ally together :) last MW post https://ibb.co/5rW1dCp - DROPS in the START of the SERVER!!! fs: WILL - but to have fort you need to be a group! we can make it even with 2-3 active parties EVEN solo ppl not CPs, if organized https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2002980526 > PVP fun, anytime you want, it's about ENJOY AND HAVE FUN not take it too serious! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1228820152 > PvP fun anytime, when PVE gets boring! https://ibb.co/2ZNsjDW - top RBs if we are fast https://ibb.co/jrc3zHs - top RBs
  11. darkal3x

    Ultrex CP(international)LF CARDINAL

    upppppppppp for the malakas!
  12. Hey there, priviet! By any chance do you consider opening a new server, faster than Oct/Nov ?! :) I think it would be very interesting for all the people out there, who enjoy playing here. Considering last sieges there were no attackers in some of the castles, considering in oly there are 10-12 max games / day, I think you can try open a vote poll or something if ppl are interested. WOULD BE SO NICE AND FUN to don't wait again 5-6 month to have the fresh fun again :) ps: as personal opinion, maybe u can keep the stages with +/- 1 week longer or so , than this time :P Keep up the good work - best private server ever thanks, sps in advance
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