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  1. here we go some good content finally it was getting really boring
  2. i guess this is 1st month so you kinda saying the same thing )
  3. i dont know why he is still trying to talk about gameplay, the guy is playing tank for 4 months and he still dont know his range on skills last time i saw him in the field he was tk without cubic
  4. why u dont show the moment of the video atleast so we can laugh at you when he cast it the enemy archer is next to him, but let me guess after 20 years of playing this game you didnt realize that this game is reading position on cast and not where u go after ) now i understand your gameplay atleast
  5. criticizing gameplay from a person that dont play in this party and he log in for 1st time on this char while you playing tank for 4 months but u cant realize that the target you are trying to aggro is on hero zerk or immune is much bigger mistake )
  6. we could talk about all this 1v1 if you want i like topics about gameplay but i think you are another guy that plays this game for 20 years and never seen his own gameplay
  7. well i had to open one of your videos to see your gameplay i saw 2 minutes here it is and i dont know why would i burn because you tried to mock about gameplay a person that is not even playing our pt i just find it stange when people like you talk about gameplay
  8. dont know i open one of their videos and i see he is sk sitting on sword using stun/tribunal while he have icon or apetite meanwhile he is probably doing more dmg than his archers if he uses blunt. there is alot more that we can talk but i closed the video after i saw this tank using mass aggro/challange of fate on a single target while 5 metres from him he could use or 4 people / 2-3
  9. you are the guy playing tamerlan's tank and talking about gameplay or i got it wrong?
  10. it will be a funny topic about perfomance ))))
  11. such a great stories AWWWwwwwWw SO CUTE
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