Подведу сухую статистику, так-как я не могу в нормальный английский, а гайды на обезьяньем языке чуть более, чем бесполезны. Впрочем, как и всё, что я делаю. Хотя, с другой стороны, я ДЖВА года ждал эту игру. Сколько там до старта? 4 дня осталось, судя по таймеру на сайте. Хэх - вставить бы вам мои мысли касательно этого сервера - интересно бы получилось. Вообще понял, что можно найти общий язык и прийти к общему (моему. лол), мнению с любым человеком. Вопрос одной бутылки алкоголя, одной ночи и одного кухонного стола. Старая - добрая русская традиция находить истину в вине и спорах.
Ладно; вернемся к теме.
Premium Shop [Gracia x7 edition]
[10 E-coin = 1 euro]
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Item for Offline trade (not yet in the shop, but will must be on release) - 50.000a for 1 item (for 48 hours of offline trade by .menu)
Extrance Passes to Kamaloka for 3 E-Coins, to Labyrinth for 5 E-Coins (can used only one by the day)
Packs of Soulshots and Blessed Spiritshots D/C/B/A/S gr. for 3/4/6/8/10 E-Coins. In one pack of D-A shots: 3000 soulshots / 1500 spiritshots. S gr. - 2000 / 1000. Packs and Shots are tradable.
GHP (100) for 10 E-Coins
Elixir of HP (50) A/S for 12 E-Coins
Elixir of MP (25) A/S for 12 E-Coins
BSOE (4) / BSOR (4) for 10 E-Coins (can't sell to NPC for adena)
Cocktails with warriors and mages buffs (all in one). 1 Cocktail for 7 E-Coins, Pack with 10 Cocktails - 59 E-Coins. All this items are tradable.
Scrolls of Buffs (1 hours) for 1-3 E-Coin
Dualsword Craft Stamp for 95 E-Coins
Soul Crystals: 5th/9th/10th/11th/12th Level for 5/10/15/65/150 E-Coins
Potion of Vitality Replenishing (pink) - 5 E-Coins for 1 Potion, 22 E-Coins for Pack with 5 Potions. Pack is tradable, Potions - don't. Momentaly UP yours Vitality (~ 1/5 of all). Reuse time: 30 mins.
Potion of Energy Maintenance (blue) - 7 E-Coins for 1 Potion, 30 E-Coins for Pack with 5 Potions. Pack is tradable, Potions - don't. When used - take the buff, whats stop of down the Vitality, when You kill the creeps. Time of buff: 10 mins, reuse time: 30 mins.
THAT CAKE! 50 E-Coins for one, 220 E-Coins for Pack with 5 Cakes. So meny subjes about it, but what I think - its great socialy item ;) Some about use it: Item stay when summoned by 1 hour, and ALL players, whos stay near - take the buff for 5 mins, whos change Vitality (UP, when You kill the creeps). So, Its item for ALL and for noone :) 90% of PvP, GvG, random parties, drammas and trash on the our future world will be around this Cake ;) Actualy so funny, nice.
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1000 CRP - 20 E-Coins
5000 CRP - 85 E-Coins
Item for 3rd / 4th / 5th Levels of the Clan for 15 / 35 / 65 E-Coins
Eggs for Clan Skills (10) / (3) for 25 E-Coins.
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4 types of Runes:
Premium Runes (30%) - 12 hours / 3 days / 7 days / 28 days / "Forever" for 15 / 35 / 65 / 120 / 360 E-Coins
+ 25% to EXP / SP
+ 30% to Adena, Chance of Drop
+ 25% to chance of Spoil
[*]Bonus Runes (15%) - 3 hours / 6 hours / 12 hours for 12 / 20 / 35 E-Coins
+ 15% to Adena, Chance of Drop
+ 10% to chance of Spoil
[*]Crystal Runes - 6 hours / 24 hours / 720 hours for 12 / 35 / 120 E-Coins
- 5 rand penalty levels. Like You can use C gr. without penalty from 35th Lvl, B. gr from 47th Lvl
[*]Fame Rones (?) this Runes were announced, but at now we can't watch it in the E-Store.
+ 50% of Fame rate on sieges zone (Fortress, Clan Halls, Castles)