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Все публикации пользователя Mogi

  1. Mogi

    I got scammed !HELP <!

    it`s game moment if you give your info abouth account + password it`s your problem cuz you give him chance pick your item without any warning so dude good luck farm again from 0 and never give your account for other ppl GL
  2. Mogi

    WC LF CP/CL in 48H

    Yo Yo I`m looking cp or clan in 48h 71 WC Online 9+ pm Here or in game Bzz
  3. Mogi

    English CP LFM

    norm xD better say don't be a dick face xD
  4. Mogi

    Донабор в дестро пакет!

    tag??? esli nuzn wark pm Pusle
  5. Mogi

    Nerfed Summoners Class

    nop it`s be Cobra Bartz and more see problem that cuz summon stats make lower why??? omg if dwarf can kill me and summon ezz dude then sory time fix summons
  6. Mogi

    Nerfed Summoners Class

    LOOK no difrence PP/WC/SE buffs same here now talking abouth nerfed all summoners class for this class I play almost 6 years and know when same system play and you see what wrong so relax for fields farm yea it`s almost not visible problem but when going to cata/TOI/IT or smlk you see that summon weak at moment I grind PS and passive VR not work summon even can`t hold 2 mobs I use all mp to heal him but no chance cuz summoners skills and pets status lowered 40% why???? dntk ask ADM it`s first server when summoners are sh****** they have to look at summons not chars cuz after 40lvl when pick summoner them pet`s do not grow status now I`m 60+ but my shadow stats like 40 this is server owners problem fix it
  7. Mogi

    Nerfed Summoners Class

    ADM we whait answer what you do cuz now all ppl and even I can`t farm after 58+ cuz summons are 3 times weak. ex: in cata summon full biffed shadow can`t kill 2 mobs cuz stats of summons are lower mobs kill at 40 sec summon and later me so explain ppl how them play for summonrs??? ppl like them so right now fix it
  8. Mogi

    WTF server dead?

    what a hell here going on stoped window and server down any info ??????
  9. Mogi

    Nerfed Summoners Class

    hello admins I play here 3 time in this project and see that summoners still not fixed they 2 low rate project nerfed -40% dmg and stats of summoners I play in a lot servers low rate but here first time I see that no fix for summoners last x10 be same problem and not fix now again please make normal stats on summoners ppl can`t play alone them need look a party or clan like PS this class solo grind char on shadow do not work passive VR it`s maximum 2% but in normal stat he have get 15% passive vr and dmg lover even full buffed summon he can`t hold 2 mobs. same at cats and pony need fix it I hope for next update be fixed thx for read and understand problem
  10. Mogi

    Active WC

    QQ all looking cp or smth I`m WC 66 Online have 8+ some times 15+ can for me 26 year old lang: Ru(basic+speak) Eng(Normal) I hope fount some place for fun game PM here or ingame *Bzz*
  11. Mogi


    try different proxy with 20 sec delay within select cuz a lot time stuck your l2 he make some delays and you can`t log in
  12. dear admin wtf here going on nick exchange scammer I give trade with my char and he at same time but in trade show my other char nick I put items and confirm with my both chars bud items disapier and later I see that exchanger accepted trade omg he scammed all my items he scamming in monster derby track mby time make delay from trade and that if 1 give trade other can`t send trade now I`m left without items so who can back my items?
  13. Mogi

    LF CL/CP

    61 wc still looking clan or cp
  14. Mogi

    LF CL/CP

    Still looking
  15. Mogi

    LF CL/CP

    qq vsem ishu normpak ili klan dle fan igra mne 26 umeju igrat na vse class online vremia 8+ vazmozna I 24 pisite toka narmalni liudi xD p.s. ja tyt poka neigraju
  16. Mogi

    Warka 58 LF CP CL Online+8

    Looking normal CL/CP
  17. Mogi

    Набор в кп

    Ja Wark s onlainam 8+ esli nuzn pm
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