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Share with friends & receive rewards


Hello, folks. You already heard that x10 server will be launched this autumn?

We decided to run a small event. Now when you will share our page, you will receive some tasty stuff, more information bit later.

To join this event it's important that you shall click "Share" for below link and pin to top until 5th october ( i will add screenshots to show how it works )

If you will unpin your post before 5th October, you will be disqualified. 16.gif

[spoiler=How to make an Share?]


1. Simply follow this URL: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-ws-x10-launches-on-9th-october-2015.116616/





Now go to your main page of Facebook and select "Highlight"








Once you've done this, keep it highlighted atleast until 5th october, now make a screenshot of this and post screenshot in this topic with a URL to your Facebook page.

Let's talk about rewards: 10.gif

3 random players will receive 1 500 ruble on their PayPal / WebMoney or on your phone;

and 30 participants will receive free Premium Account for 30 days.

All winners will be selected by the random number generator!


Event is ment for all averia servers

Well Let's begin ? 117.gif







1. nPoTo

2. Targon

3. Java

4. Bziot

5. TragiLafex

6. Wellerar

7. Shoiti Sato

8. Sagia21

9. Tigar

10. Overis

11. Kaloyan

12. TehQ

13. Jamaician


PM or write post in this topic, with your:


1. Master Account name

2. Game Account name

3. Character name ( once server is opened)



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Ссылка на сообщение
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  Wellerar писал:
What I can do, if I do not have any social profiles, but I want to participate?:(

go to skype if you have and add title about averia, and post screenshot in topic

Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах

  Fahrenheit писал:
go to skype if you have and add title about averia, and post screenshot in topic

It's ok?


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