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Hello, dear Averians


1st Aprill is coming, the day, when each of us make a joke over someone

Someone maybe have one story, and someone may have several. That is why we are launching the contest stories.

You are required to tell how and on whom you play pranks on April 1.

You can't even try to use google, because we will find and will eliminate participants.

If you have photos, this is a wonderful.

Those who still don't have interesting stories, you can create them in the coming Fool's Day!


And now most importantly – prizes!

Premium account for 7 days on any server of the game project Averia.ws!

The dates of competition: From 27th March up to 14th April.

Don't flood! Good luck you all!10.png.c1c4d6d0e1c49db84f2827355233ea37.png

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Prize pool was changed!

1st place - Premium account for 14 Days

2nd place - Premium account for 7Days

3rd place - Premium account for 3 Days

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  • 3 недели спустя...

If it's still on, im gonna tel ya a joke what I with my colleague's did on my work for 1 colleague. His birthday is on April 1 (he turned this years 40), he's responsible for fire protection. And I made a fake fire with birthday cake and told him that there is a fire inside a building and told the place where is the fire, so when he ran into that place and came back he had tears of joy

and told us that was a best april 1'st prank ever he got on his birthday.

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