Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 Olympiad is supposed to start at 7pm gmt+2 but at 5pm you can sign, allthough its not working. Yesterday alot of people signed but no one got a match. Please fix this already before people will quit Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
L2teamStorm 1084 Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 We was on epics,no time for oly Актуальная инфа по слотам для тех кто ищет КП - Клановый рекрутинговый бот - Клановая темка на форуме сервера Клановый паблик в ТГ - @L2teamAGR Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 мая 2019 I know that alot of people were on epics but there were still many people who signed. For sure more than 9. And its also a problem that u can sign for oly at 5 pm Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Okay I have another complaint about olympiad. Giving mages acumen, zerk and empower make them way too strong. An EE can literally empty your mana in 5 seconds. Also I dont understand how debuffs work here. Trance and root seem to land like 99% of the times even though i have IC set, AQ and lionheart on but this is probably due to their insanely high cast speed. A PR chain stunned me an entire match with his skill only +4 and I had lionheart up aswell as a CON build on my Warlord. This balance is so bad I cant even find words for it Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
TheDominator 1947 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 And your profession? Becouse on OBT we had so meny tests with Olympiad (abd by last servers Interlude Final year ego too) and we have great balance (compared with Interlude). But at now that ' s more about "levels, equipment", don't about professions. And haven't "landfills" on Olympiad yet. About EE with Valakas and FR with Stun Stack - yes, and? :D Добавьте возможность отправлять ГОЛОСОВЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ на форуме. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Im warlord and I have good gear and im lvl 79. With +4 CON dyes. With IC set, lionheart and ant queen root and trance shouldnt land that easy... Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
TheDominator 1947 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Im warlord and I have good gear and im lvl 79. With +4 CON dyes. With IC set, lionheart and ant queen root and trance shouldnt land that easy... I think, that u need stun epics ;) Try to make Olympiad jewelry (earring and necklace), would be better ;) Добавьте возможность отправлять ГОЛОСОВЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ на форуме. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 I think, that u need stun epics ;) Try to make Olympiad jewelry (earring and necklace), would be better ;) That does not help vs EE's anyway. They are way too strong and you must agree on that. No one can beat them Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Geoteral 1141 Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 10 мая 2019 That does not help vs EE's anyway. They are way too strong and you must agree on that. No one can beat them There are a lot of things olympiad is depends on: class-counters, equipment, life stones and epics. This EE might be the boosted one. Unfortunately, you cant perfectly balance all the aspects of each class considering characters boost differences. There will be always "oly farmers" and "the weak one" classes. Turns out even archer with a bunch of epics can do oly pretty good because of stun. мой ютуб канал с роликами по игре lineage dva Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
SLKware 1 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Olympiad is supposed to start at 7pm gmt+2 but at 5pm you can sign, allthough its not working. Yesterday alot of people signed but no one got a match. Please fix this already before people will quit Hello, we stated that lot of player was actually on epic that day, and only 7 was subscrived to oly. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Is it really just me who think that giving mages zerk, acumen and empower is too much? I mean all the EE's were hitting me for 1,5k dmg with prominence augment on their AM+3 when I have full S grade Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Arkhaz 0 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 There are classes which were always OP on oly (known as oly farmers) and sorry but WL is not the strongest chars on PvP. Even as a tank is super hard to win vs proper driven and equiped EE/WC/SE/PP etc. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Geoteral 1141 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Is it really just me who think that giving mages zerk, acumen and empower is too much? I mean all the EE's were hitting me for 1,5k dmg with prominence augment on their AM+3 when I have full S grade as i said, you wont kill EE even if you remove npc buffs from him are you surprised ee with valakas' necklace and prominence augment farming olympiad? :1f438: мой ютуб канал с роликами по игре lineage dva Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Wiesior 1 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Okay I have another complaint about olympiad. Giving mages acumen, zerk and empower make them way too strong. An EE can literally empty your mana in 5 seconds. Also I dont understand how debuffs work here. Trance and root seem to land like 99% of the times even though i have IC set, AQ and lionheart on but this is probably due to their insanely high cast speed. A PR chain stunned me an entire match with his skill only +4 and I had lionheart up aswell as a CON build on my Warlord. This balance is so bad I cant even find words for it It seems like GoD/classic mechanics where CC have nearly 95% base success rate and can be effected only by lvl difference, buffs and items. But not even stats like MEN or CON helps. If this is the case the class balance is completly broken on this server. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Spamalot 0 Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 мая 2019 It seems like GoD/classic mechanics where CC have nearly 95% base success rate and can be effected only by lvl difference, buffs and items. But not even stats like MEN or CON helps. If this is the case the class balance is completly broken on this server. Yeah it totally feels like classic where debuff landrate is only affected by lvl Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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