Eleyn 427 Опубликовано: 8 декабря 2024 Рассказать Опубликовано: 8 декабря 2024 Дорогі друзі! Холодний вітер завиває серед засніжених дерев, а крижані візерунки вкривають вікна. Але зима – це не лише час тиші та спокою, а й сезон чудес та неочікуваних подій! За легендами, у найморозніші дні можна виростити зимові гарбузовики – загадкові плоди, сповнені магії та скарбів. Розбийте ці крижані плоди та отримайте нагороду, гідну справжніх шукачів пригод! Час проведення івенту: з рестарту 9 грудня до рестарту 16 грудня. NPC Гарбузожер після завершення івенту буде знаходитись у грі лише в Гірані та Аркані до рестарту 23 грудня. Під час рестарту всі не обміняні івентові предмети будуть видалені. З цим івентом вас ознайомить місцевий Гарбузожер. Знайти його можна у будь-якому великому місті. Для участі в івенті придбайте у нього Івентову Колотушку, вартістю 50 000 Adena Вона знадобиться вам для розбиття вирощених Сніжних Гарбузовиків. Пам'ятайте: розбити гарбузовик звичайною зброєю чи магією неможливо! А далі все простіше простого! Вибивайте з монстрів Ельморадену Нектар. Приносьте його Гарбузожеру та зможете обміняти на: Насіння: Маленький Сніжний Гарбузовик: 5 Нектарів + 30 000 Adena Насіння: Великий Сніжний Гарбузовик: 50 Нектарів + 250 000 Adena Кожне насіння можна вирощувати за допомогою Нектару. Чим більша ваша вдача, тим кращим буде вирощений гарбузовик! Що потрібно робити для вирощування гарбузовика? Знайдіть в інвентарі куплене у Гарбузожера насіння. Натисніть на нього правою кнопкою миші. Залежно від насіння з'явиться Молодий Гарбузовик або Великий Молодий Гарбузовик. Полийте Молодий Гарбузовик Нектаром 5 разів. Чим більше вдалих поливів, тим кращий виросте: при невдалому поливі над гарбузовиком з'явиться анімація диму, а при вдалому поливі буде яскрава синя анімація. Поганий гарбузовик виросте – при двох або менше вдалих поливах, а хороший гарбузовик – при трьох або більше вдалих поливах. Час життя Молодого Гарбузовика: 5 хвилин! Якщо у вас недостатньо Нектару, не використовуйте насіння, щоб не втратити його даремно. Час життя вирощеного Гарбузовика: 5 хвилин! Не зволікайте та розбивайте його івентовою колотушкою, яку придбали у Гарбузожера. Після розбиття Сніжного Гарбузовика, нагорода у вигляді передаваної коробки автоматично з'явиться в інвентарі. Ви можете накопичити та відкрити їх пізніше, або продати чи передати іншому гравцю. Важливо: Після того, як ви розбили гарбузовик, нагорода у вигляді передаваної коробки автоматично прилітає в інвентар гравця, який його призвав. У разі, якщо ваш гарбузовик полив Нектаром інший гравець, гарбузовик все одно виросте і нагорода буде присвоєна гравцю, який призвав гарбузовик. У разі, якщо ваш гарбузовик розбив інший гравець, нагорода буде видана тому гравцю, який призвав гарбузовик. Якщо у вас забитий інвентар, нагорода з гарбузовика прилетить на пошту вашого персонажа. Якщо ви за 5 хвилин не полили Молодий Гарбузовик або не розбили вирощений гарбузовик, він зникне і поверненню не підлягає. Молодий Гарбузовик бити марно, його можна тільки поливати, розбити неможливо. Всі можливі Нагороди Скрытый текст Нагорода Маленького Зів'ялого Гарбузовика Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Crystal (B-Grade)A crystal of B-Grade. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Gemstone B Gemstone A MasterWork Crystal: B-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of B-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 3 B-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 2 B-grade Spheres. To exchange Weapons, Accessory, Shields, and other Armor pieces, you need: 1 B-grade Sphere. MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 11A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 11A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 11 Нагорода Маленького Стиглого Гарбузовика Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone A Gemstone S MasterWork Crystal: B-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of B-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 3 B-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 2 B-grade Spheres. To exchange Weapons, Accessory, Shields, and other Armor pieces, you need: 1 B-grade Sphere. MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 11A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 11A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 11A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary.A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Нагорода Маленького Гарбузожера Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone A Gemstone S MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Red Soul Crystal: Stage 13 Red Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters.Green Soul Crystal: Stage 13 Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 13Blue Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Fighter's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Archer's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Archer's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Magician's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Magician's Will'. Required: All classes - 55Green Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Нагорода Великого Зів'ялого Гарбузовика Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing Potion Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.Crystal (B-Grade)A crystal of B-Grade. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Gemstone B Gemstone A MasterWork Crystal: B-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 11A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 11A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 11A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary.Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of B-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 3 B-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 2 B-grade Spheres. To exchange Weapons, Accessory, Shields, and other Armor pieces, you need: 1 B-grade Sphere. Нагорода Великого Стиглого Гарбузовика Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone A Gemstone S Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Red Soul Crystal: Stage 13Red Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Green Soul Crystal: Stage 13Green Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 13Blue Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Fighter's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Archer's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Archer's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Magician's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Magician's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Earring of Orfen Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20.00% Bleed Chance +20.00% Heal amount +6.00% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. Ring of Core Max MP +21 Poison Resistance +20.00% Poison Chance +20.00% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied. Нагорода Великого Гарбузожера Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Greater CP Potion Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents.Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Crystal (A-Grade)A crystal of A-Grade. Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone A Gemstone S MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12A red crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12A green crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12A blue crystal that absorbs souls, stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. Once a soul stone reaches this stage, it can absorb souls independently. No targeting is necessary. Red Soul Crystal: Stage 13Red Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Green Soul Crystal: Stage 13Green Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 13Blue Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. However, the Soul Crystal of this stage absorbs souls by itself, so there is no need for using the Soul Crystal to monsters. Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Fighter's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Archer's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Archer's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Forgotten Scroll: Magician's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Magician's Will'. Required: All classes - 55 Earring of Orfen Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20.00% Bleed Chance +20.00% Heal amount +6.00% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. Ring of Core Max MP +21 Poison Resistance +20.00% Poison Chance +20.00% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied. Zaken's Earring Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed Chance +30% Resistance to Stun/ Mental attacks +20.00% Stun/ Mental Chance +20.00% Heal amount +10.00% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% Only one effect is applied when two Zaken's Earrings are equipped and when Enchanted Zaken's Earring is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Zaken's Earring will be applied. Physical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +21 P. Atk. +2.00% P. Crit. Damage +15.00% Accuracy +2 Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Resistance to Hold +20.00% Hold Chance +20.00% Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Queen Ant are equipped and when Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. Magical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +21 M. Atk. +4.00% M. Crit. Damage +15.00% Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Resistance to Hold +20.00% Hold Chance +20.00% Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Queen Ant are equipped and when Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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