[ADM]Ranive 199 Опубликовано: 25 мая 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 мая 2015 ENJOY YOUR SUMMER VACATION WITH BRAND NEW High Five x50 server made by Averia.ws Everytime when new project is beeing born, we select 1 female member to write an topic about upcoming server and this time i have the honor to do that, i will do my best to give you the exact concept of our gameplay from male perspective. In July opening we will focus on PvP side of the project, after all our pvp servers have not recived attention within last 2 years. Developers already have dozens of tasks to finish up before opening, systems that make your life easier and more enjoyable. About our forums, it will be less sweet and fluffy, all female moderators will be topless and catch your eye between posts. After all this is MALE PROJECT and we make the rules here. You will see a lot's of new systems, I can't wait to tell you everything beforehand, but even our moderators do not know the details, so I have to keep intrigued until the end. There will appear some very cool new services, which no other Lineage project do not have, including new pets. Now a little about the server, as usual we have the strongest DDoS protection, so you dont have to worry about the opening. We're using powerful equipment, best source out there, we also have responsible staff and technician team, and of course lot's of advertising everywhere. Download Game client | Download Updater | Download patch Grand Opening is on 10 July 2015 at 07:00PM (Moscow, GMT+3) The main rates of the project: Exp: x50 SP: x50 Adena: x40 Drop: Chance x18; Amount x1 Manor: x7 Spoil: Chance x1; Amount x15 Quest Reward: x4, some quests are x5 Quest Items: x4 Epaulettes: x10 RaidBoss: x7 [spoiler=Server Commands] .talisman – Combine Talismans into one .ncrelog – Clears game cache without leaving party or instance. .attribute – Automatic armor & weapon attribution ( Stones are required till level 4 ) .bot – Quick way to report any kind of 3rd party activity ( Target the player and write command .bot ) .augment – Automatic Augmentation .cfg – Personal Menu .premium – Check Premium Account status of all group members .whoami – information about your character ( Talisman stats arenot shown there ) .offline – Command to set character into offline store .clan – Delegate clan warehouse privilegs to any member of your clan .skill – Learn skills without beeing next to npc [spoiler=Macros & Lag shots:]Both will be disabled for upcoming x50 server [spoiler=Where to find the FAQ?]The main FAQ is here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/frequently-asked-questions.43766/ [spoiler=Can I vote for the server before the opening?]Yes, voting will be available from 1 July 2015. Vote reward is 300 Averinkas + attribute\enchant scrolls [spoiler=What will be available in the Shop? ]Standart items till S80 (Armors, Weapons & Jewelry ), accessories, cloaks (give exta 50% to weight limit), aghations, misc (mp potion heals 1200 mana, cooldown 15 sec) [spoiler=ALT+B Buffer]All buffs from ALT+B will last for 1 hour. Some buffs are removed from alt+b due to balance of server [spoiler=OFFLINE BUFFERS ]Enchanted buffs last for 1 hour, more info: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/unique-offline-buffer-system-description-and-functions.87965/ [spoiler=Open beta Test server]Opening of OBT is on 3 July at 07:00PM (Moscow, GMT+3) [spoiler=OFFLINE TRADER]Must be atleast lvl 40 to create offline store. [spoiler=Is it possible to buy Avers before opening?]Yes, of course. It is the best option, because during the opening our payment systems can be overloaded with many requests. [spoiler=Cost of Premium Account] 1 day – 30 Avers 3 days – 70 Avers 7 days – 120 Avers 14 days – 200 Avers 30 days – 320 Avers 60 days – 450 Avers [spoiler=Premium Account Stats] Exp: +50% SP: +50% Adena: +30% Drop: +40% Spoil: +60% Weight limit increase: +25% Epaulettes drop increase: +40% Successful crafting chance increase: +12% (if a dwarf, crafting an item for you, has PA or you have PA, the chances are 12% increased. If the both players have 12%, the chances remain 12%) Rare item craft chances increase: +30% (standart 3%, for PA owners 4%) If one party member has PA and second does not have it, each of them receives +25% of experience (instead of 50% given by the premium account). [spoiler=Automatic Events]Standart: TvT/Fighting Club Unique: Pirates on Averia / Collecting bouquets on Averia / Farm - Growing pumpkins / Medals collecting / New Year Fests / Averia Box / Treasures in Averia's Dungeon / Coffer of Shadow / The Magic Tree / Averia Points + absolutely new PvP focused [spoiler=How are the skills learned? ] Skills are learned automatically, except for forgotten scrolls skills [spoiler=Champion monsters]There are 2 types of champions, Blue & Red ( Red ones are hardest ), Champion mobs are till level 80 [spoiler=First sieges? ] On 19 July, 2015 [spoiler=First territorial wars? ]On 1 August 2015 [spoiler=Class change cost] [spoiler=Class change cost] 1st profession: 40 Avers, 350.000 Adena or quest 2nd profession: 100 Avers, 2.000.000 Adena or quest 3rd profession: 200 Avers or 50.000.000 Adena [spoiler=Sub-class & noblesse? ]The cost of sub-class/noblesse is 250 Avers or 100.000.000 Adena. Also it can be achieved by finishing the quest. [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad begins from opening of the server, heroes are announced each 2 weeks. First heroes on August 1st. At 1st everyone will be given 20 olympiad points, and each week another 20 olympiad points. [spoiler=Bonuses to the clans, coming from other servers?]We do not support any clan with ingame items or services [spoiler=How often the server updates are released?]Depends, Updates and fixes can be made daily, some of them might take up to weeks [spoiler=Shout and Trade chat restrictions]Minimum requirement for chating in Trade and Shout chats is level 20 [spoiler=How many slots for buffs and Songs?] 24/12, according to official servers [spoiler=Is there any chance for double craft or rare item craft?]Yes, chance is 3% With Premium account it's 4% [spoiler=What is maximum level of Subclass?]Maximum sub-class's level is 80 [spoiler=When the item auction will be launched? ]From 15 July 2015 [spoiler=Is there an auto loot?]Yes [spoiler=Is there vitamin pets?]Yes, 400+ Avers. Eternal, do not require feeding, cannot be transferred (even through the Vitamin Manager) [spoiler=Is HB opened from the start? ]Yes, it's available, level 11 [spoiler=What kind of punishments for rmt / bots?]All violators will get ban of all accounts. For those who used clicker (in small scale) and repented there is unban for 200 Avers for each account with full deleting of Adena on all characters. [spoiler=What is the limit for windows? ]No limits [spoiler=Is it possible to farm Avers? ]Yes, of course, From all Raid Bosses till 40 [spoiler=Charging Olympiad points ]20 every week and 20 at the start of the period [spoiler=Epic Raids spawn time] AQ – from 30 to 32 hours Core – from 50 to 52 hours Orfen – from 28 to 48 hours Death Lord Hallate – from 12 to 14 hours Longhorn Golkondan – from 12 to 14 hours Kernon – from 12 to 14 hours Shilens Messenger Cabrio – from 12 to 14 hours Flame of Splendor Barakiel – from 12 to 14 hours Baium – 5 days + 3 hours Antaras – 8 Days, respawn between 19:00 to 21:00 GMT+3 Valakas – 11 Days, respawn between 19:00 to 21:00 GMT+3 Beleth – 8 days Darion – from 12 to 24 hours. Features of the project: The largest female audience in our community. Free SMS protection of an Master-account and Game accounts; Penalty for leaving clan - 12 days / There are no penalty for kicking players from clan. Clans, which are in 1 alliance, now are really union. Debuffs do not work on them and they can be attacked only when you press Ctrl, penalties on leaving and joining alliance are removed too; Automatic Attribution; Automatic Augmentation; Elegant looking Costumes; Added feature Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V; Implemented function Anti Scam; New icons for talismans; New Amulets system; Improvement of the Amulets; New faces / haircuts; New vitamin pets; When canceling PvP-option, 50% fame returns; 10 new pets has been added Implemented "Academy" Service Each Territory War Skill enchantment cost is increased by 5 times (Adena/SP); Dances and Songs from players lasts for 10 minutes; Standart granting heroes, Olympiad period is 1 month; Premium account works separately on each server; Vitamin pets are eternal; Command .km-all-to-me is disabled; Quest Item "Lagre Dragon Bone" (7rb) is given to those party, who killed; Scroll enchantment chances are similar to the official; Monster champions to 80 levels are available; Destruction RB no longer exist; From Opening of server Antharas / Valakas / Baium are dead; For any forms of fraud accounts are blocked; For repeated or serious violations of the forum rules, playing account can be blocked Trading/bartering playing characters and accounts/master accounts is prohibited both online and offline Any barters between different games like “my items here for your items in dota 2” are prohibited Driver services offer is prohibited (searching for drivers is allowed) Buy/Sale of the castles or clans is prohibited Players assume all relevant risks while participating in events/contests/casino/roulettes created by the players. The Administration is not responsible for bringing back the lost items Share the link with your friends! Start of the server is on 10 July 2015 at 07:00PM (Moscow, GMT+3) How to connect with windows 10 Гарри, AHTu6uoTuK, Напротив и 9 других 12 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Usa 28 Опубликовано: 25 мая 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 мая 2015 We hope the server will be as perfect as this girl's body NIGHTEAL и Sion1991 2 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
yep 1 Опубликовано: 31 мая 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 31 мая 2015 Ohh amazing :-). Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
jajalinken 3 Опубликовано: 31 мая 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 31 мая 2015 nice girls ;) Sion1991 и fonGnus 2 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Vulnerable 1 Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 What does it mean here? "daesh razvart" Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Tihashe 2 Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 What does it mean here? "daesh razvart" DAVAI Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Raistlin 1438 Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 What does it mean here? "daesh razvart"like u girl watch at u with a good bed near. And her eyes in that moment can tell u something like that. dont know engl, sry Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Awe 455 Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 2 июня 2015 What does it mean here? "daesh razvart" It's like "More lechery here!" I'm not sure it is the right word, it must be in a positive sense :D Ahig - пупсик :3 Sion1991, automatic и fonGnus 3 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Katins 25 Опубликовано: 22 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 22 июня 2015 Sadly dance / songs is only 3min :( on x70 they were 10min. I bet many people bought FS Scrolls for dance of berserker ( like i did ) = more money from donate. But now when it is only 3min it is not worth buying. Make it 5 or 10 pls ;d Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Awe 455 Опубликовано: 22 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 22 июня 2015 Sadly dance / songs is only 3min :( on x70 they were 10min. I bet many people bought FS Scrolls for dance of berserker ( like i did ) = more money from donate. But now when it is only 3min it is not worth buying. Make it 5 or 10 pls ;d We will review your idea. I will ask administrators. Ahig - пупсик :3 Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Whilhelm 3 Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 dont let me down , i wish you nice start Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Fuck That 3 Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 DAAAAAAYM that girls are hot Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
SpongeBoB 3 Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 HELLO everyone and have a great start Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
AchYle 40 Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 DAAAAAAYM that girls are hot or u never saw naked girls, so u think they are hot. Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
GogoM 3 Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 июня 2015 Recived mail, saw this topic, and fapping now. , good luck Sion1991 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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