So i tested again without buffs(base stats), but this time backstab/ autoattack crit/ lethal blow/ deadly blow with and without Focus death.
Still 40% roughly on all blows , BUT auto crit went from 400 to 700 which is 75% increase. I can test it together with you ingame if you want, pm me in forum.
P.S: I'm not using dyes on dagger, and also tried in pvp(not duel) - same results.
No Focus death:
Backstab 1600 - 1700
Autoattack crit 400
Lethal blow 1700-1850
Deadly blow 1300-1450
With Focus death:
Backstab 2150 - 2250
Autoattack crit 700
Lethal blow 2300-2450
Deadly blow 1750-1900
//no focus death
//backstab and autoattack
//with focus death
//backstab and autoattack
//no focus death
//lethal blow and deadly blow
//with focus death
//lethal blow and deadly blow