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Все публикации пользователя isaiahbone

  1. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

    3 days no answer?
  2. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

    So i tested again without buffs(base stats), but this time backstab/ autoattack crit/ lethal blow/ deadly blow with and without Focus death. Still 40% roughly on all blows , BUT auto crit went from 400 to 700 which is 75% increase. I can test it together with you ingame if you want, pm me in forum. P.S: I'm not using dyes on dagger, and also tried in pvp(not duel) - same results. No Focus death: Backstab 1600 - 1700 Autoattack crit 400 Lethal blow 1700-1850 Deadly blow 1300-1450 With Focus death: Backstab 2150 - 2250 Autoattack crit 700 Lethal blow 2300-2450 Deadly blow 1750-1900 //unbuffed //no focus death //backstab and autoattack //unbuffed //with focus death //backstab and autoattack //unbuffed //no focus death //lethal blow and deadly blow //unbuffed //with focus death //lethal blow and deadly blow
  3. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

    I did another test
  4. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

    Thank you for the answer, will check on it :)
  5. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

  6. isaiahbone

    Focus Death

    Tested damage with Backstab. Same buffs first try without focus death as the ones with focus death. Nothing was changed except for focus death buff. From 1900-1950 to 2600 that's less than 40% dmg increase. I want to ask if that's intended or? //focus death off //focus death on
  7. isaiahbone

    Restart downtime?

    dunno about x7,but x25 is back up
  8. isaiahbone

    Restart downtime?

    There was a restart scheduled for 9:00, thought it's just a fast restart, but seems like 1h later still not back up? Any ETA on the downtime?
  9. isaiahbone

    Nobl q

    got it today without lasthit pt, you just didnt do something right
  10. isaiahbone

    Nobl q

    Were you also 1500 range or closer? 1500 is pretty close
  11. isaiahbone

    Nobl q

    Is it already possible to get barakiel staff QI without being in lasthit pt? Just staying alive and in 1.5k range
  12. When i pick those items from the ground, it doesn't go to inventory? It's nowhere to be found? Is it perhaps jumping to warehouse or?
  13. The rewards in achievements that you get for online hours, at what time of the day do they reset?
  14. isaiahbone

    English speaking clan

    Im trying to search ingame since yesterday, no replies so far? Can you give me names or something
  15. isaiahbone

    English speaking clan

    Are there any? Do you recruit solo players? Pm me or tell me ingame nickname
  16. isaiahbone

    English speaking clan

    Is there one, that also recruits solo players? Pm me in forum or give me ingame nickname
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