Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 6 января 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 6 января 2017 Change language: Grand Opening - 7 January, 18:00 (CET / GMT +1) Dear Players! Before the start you need to update you client via Updater! Grand Opening will be at 18:00 (CET / GTM +1) +/- 10 min. OBT server is close on 06.01.17 at 22:00 (CET / GMT +1). Friends, please, pay attention while reading this thread. Create Account (Attention: on our server is working a Master Account system. If you have one - just log in and new create Game Account on Interlude x25 server) More details regarding your Control Panel (CP) you can find here. Files Cilent (direct link) Patch (direct link) Updater (direct link) Server Description Interlude x25 Open Beta Testing - resoults Some changes: [spoiler=Details] The characteristics of Pterosaur was fixed; The drop of items from specific quests was fixed according to server description: Relics of the Old Empire x3 q-ty of droping items Alliance with the Ketra Orcs x3 q-ty of droping items Alliance with the Varka Silenos x3 q-ty of droping items War with Ketra Orcs x3 q-ty of droping items War with the Varka Silenos x3 q-ty of droping items The Finest Food x10 q-ty of droping items, chance 100% Seekers of the Holy Grail x3 q-ty of droping items Guardians of the Holy Grail x3 q-ty of droping items A Powerful Primeval Creature x4 q-ty of droping items Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe x6 q-ty of droping items Legacy of Insolence x15 q-ty of droping items Exploration of Giants Cave Part 1 x15 q-ty of droping items Exploration of Giants Cave Part 2 x15 q-ty of droping items The Zero Hour x3 q-ty of droping items Delicious Top Choice Meat x7 q-ty of droping items Heart in Search of Power x7 q-ty of droping items 3rd class transfer quest reward 4 Giant Codex, 25kk Adena Supplier of Reagents x5 q-ty of droping items In Search Of Fragments Of The Dimension x5 q-ty of droping items Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force x5 q-ty of droping items A Game of Cards x5 q-ty of droping items Seductive Whispers x15 q-ty of droping items Yoke of the Past x15 q-ty of droping items Path of a Noblesse, Precious Soul 1 x5 q-ty of droping items Gather The Flames x3 q-ty of droping items [*]Dances and Songs was added to the E-Book and Modern E-Book; [*]All consumables items was added to the E-Store for Adena; [*]C-Grade equipment was added to E-Store for Adena; [*]Top B-Grade equipment was added to E-Store for Crystals; [*]Low B-Grade equipment was added to E-Store for Adena; [*]A-Grade equipment was removed from E-Store; [*]Noblesse status is no longer can be received via E-Store; [*]Sub-Class is no longer can be received via E-Store (but 4 scepters can be purchased for E-Coins); [*]Ketra's and Varka's 5 level alliance items was removed from E-Store; [*]Santas Hat now can be deleted; [*]Enchantment scrolls now not stackable; [*]All custom items description was fixed; [*]All custom and items skills was fixed; [*]Epic Bosses Queen Ant, Zaken, Core, Orfen and theirs guards now has level 80; [*]All links at NPC that following to the CP are working properly; [*]Frintezza was fixed; [*]All buff-cakes was fixed; [*]The bug with Zaken's door was fixed; [*]Auto-use function of GHP/QHP/MP/CP/GCP was added and working properly; [*]Infinity Soul/spiritshots was fixed and now working properly; [*]The characteristics of Tyrannosaurus and respown positions was fixed; [*]De-buffs at Hot Springs was fixed (on you can get only Malaria and Cholera); [*]Delicious Top Choice Meat quest was fixed; [*]A and S Soul/spitirshots was removed from E-Store and Grocery Store; [*]Level of Raid Boss Cabrio and his guard was increased; [*]Scepters of sub-class now can be received without quest; [*]Cooldown of Celestial Shield was fixed; [*]Cooldown of Cleanse was fixed; [*]Gatekeeper was added on Primeval Isle; [*]Drop of Blach Halisha's Mark was changed to 100% [*]The amount of mobs at Shrine of Loyalty location was increased and the cooldown of the spawn was decreased; [*]Charecters will receive shodow coupones for D and C grade weapon for purchasing 1st and 2nd profession; [*]Bug with B-Grade gloves at E-Store was fixed; [*]Character with PK status can use E-Store and E-Buffer; [*]Level of Raid Boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel and his guard was increased; [*]Malaria and Cholera now can be cleased; [*]Skill Aura Flash will not be give a buff effect; [*]Block Buff [*]SoE/BSoE can not be used on Olympiad games; [*]PvP-zone was added near the alternative Barakiel (which will be added on 13 January); [*]List of the Boss that can drop the 23rd buff slot item (book): - Death Lord Ipos from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Kernon's Faithful Servant Kolone from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Meanas Anor from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Varka's Hero Shadith from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Varka's Commander Mos from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Varka's Chief Horus from 1 to 2, chance 5% - Vanor Chief Kandra chance 50% - Gordon from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Ketra's Chief Brakki from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Ketra's Commander Tayr from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Ketra's Hero Hekaton from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Uruka from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Queen Shyeed from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Plague Golem from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Daimon the White-Eyed from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Palibati Queen Themis from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Bloody Empress Decarbia from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Shilens Messenger Cabrio from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Anthara's Priest Cloe from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Bloody Priest Rudelto from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Flame of Splendor Barakiel from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Demons Agent Falston from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Eilhalder von Hellmann from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Lesser Giant Olkuth from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Last Lesser Giant Glaki from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Last Titan Utenus from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Cherub Galaxia from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Fire of Wrath Shuriel from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Longhorn Golkonda from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Kernon from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Korim from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Immortal Savior Mardil chance 50% - Death Lord Hallate from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Doom Blade Tanatos chance 50% - Spirit of Andras the Betrayer from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Beast Lord Behemoth from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Lord Ishka от from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Roaring Skylancer from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Fafurions Herald Lokness from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Water Dragon Seer Sheshark from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Krokian Padisha Sobekk from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Ocean Flame Ashakiel from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Icicle Emperor Bumbalump from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Anakazel (commander-rift) - Level 68 50% - Flamestone Giant from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Storm Winged Naga from 1 to 2, chance 75% - Palatanos of Horrific Power from 1 to 2, chance 75% [*]Skills that would require a spellbook to learn: Cleanse Symbol of Noise Cyclone Raging Waves Gehenna Day of Doom Volcano Mystic Immunity Flames of Invincibility Purification Field Mass Recharge Gate Chant Salvation [*]Skills Resurrection and Mass Resurrection now will be autolearned to level 1; [*]E-Buffer can now buff your pet; [*]Soul Crystals can be purchased at Luxory Shop for crystals; Will be any box-limitation on the start? During all our server-starts we always have a question about box limitation. We are expecting very high online on this server, but can't make any accurate prediction. That's why we came up with such decision - 3 box will be available at the server start. This number could be change during the server life. DDoS on E-Global?????????? Most likely - yes. Why? Because we are the best. We didn't have any server start without it. All you need to know - we are prepared. :holypeka: Haters - GL :frog2: How do Technical Support works? What I need to know? One of the strongest side of this project - it's stuff. We assigned every member to appropriate department and provide him with his tasks. Thats why we can be sure in our customers support. The replies on ticket and time of the response must fit the conditions (in case if any conditions wasn't fit you can leave a report here in Personal Message). Regular ticket respond - during 24 hours, depending on load; Ticket with a log parsing respond - during 24 hours, log parsing - during 4 days; Ticket with any donation issues - during 2 - 4 hours; Ticket with a Bot reporting - as soon as possible. Is there any punishment regarding the using of 3rd party software? Yes. We create a flexible approach to the punishment of 3rd party software users, but we have made a big work of removing such common software as "Adrenaline". More over, we have bot hunters team that will hunt on such violators at all over the Lineage 2 world, all day long. We are hoping that our investments and efforts were not in vain! From whole E-Global Team we are wishing you best of luck at the Grand Opening! Let the strongest win! :goodmorale: Nicotina 1 Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Owlet 384 Опубликовано: 7 января 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 января 2017 We prepared a fix-files regarding the symbols bug for players that use Windows XP. You need to download l2.ini file Extract it to the system folder (replace the previous one). Now it should work just fine! . Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
kamololo 1 Опубликовано: 7 января 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 января 2017 When server on? Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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