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As they said in server's description "The description is not final and can be changed. All changes will be announced.",

then we can make a try to convince admin about changing his mind about autoloot in this server...

I know that every player has his opinion about autoloot and this is the best way to know who want autoloot to be on and who want it off!

I hope that in the end of this poll we all and most important the admin will know what players of this server want because in my

opinion this is the most important,what the majority want...!

Thx a lot for your time...!

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Yes of course this is an opinion...

But in my case i wont have any advantage as been a spoiler except of playing with a bow...

They sure get an advantage but it is minimum to affect the game...!

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The decision regarding to auto-loot has already been taken and written down in the concept of the server.

There always pros and cons in this question, but the decision was made

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The decision regarding to auto-loot has already been taken and written down in the concept of the server.

There always pros and cons in this question, but the decision was made


Any chance you might consider adding auto-loot in the future?

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Any chance you might consider adding auto-loot in the future?

We are always ready to make life of the players easier, however as it's already been told by dwarfPWNZ - it's give some advantage to range class. In such case it's much more better to stick to the original mechanics.

Also I need to mention as it's PTS server (not java) - technical part of autoloot may have some lags during big loads (which will couse of big online, that we expect). So we are ready to re-consider this later, but now we going to make stable server were everything is working correctly (at least we trying ;)).



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We are always ready to make life of the players easier, however as it's already been told by dwarfPWNZ - it's give some advantage to range class. In such case it's much more better to stick to the original mechanics.

Also I need to mention as it's PTS server (not java) - technical part of autoloot may have some lags during big loads (which will couse of big online, that we expect). So we are ready to re-consider this later, but now we going to make stable server were everything is working correctly (at least we trying ;)).



This is the biggest joke I ever heard of :)) dude lag and load is cause by objects standing on the floor.. eg lot of arrows on farm areas will make client lag.. also much more objects on server world..will use more ram and cpu so lag on server side

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This is the biggest joke I ever heard of :)) dude lag and load is cause by objects standing on the floor.. eg lot of arrows on farm areas will make client lag.. also much more objects on server world..will use more ram and cpu so lag on server side


Thanks for you reply,


I don't want to offend you in any way, but we have some experience on this market.

Arrows and loot didn't make such load because: some players are loot it right away, some players delete it and they load on the location and that's it. They will desapear in short time.

Autoloot is working in another way: every character in the world (party also counts) that kill mobs are sending request to the server and then it must return with some reply. Period of answer is very short, because items shouldn't even show on the ground (as they suppose to). This cause a load on the server which is much worst then just a drop on the ground (which loads only PC, but you can make a regular restart to clean it).


I hope it make sense for you.


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:))) u make me roll on the floor :)) dude i'm sw developer.. what you are trying to say make no sense.. pls stop trying to explain like this is a factor for server concept.. which is still wrong translated..;)

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:))) u make me roll on the floor :)) dude i'm sw developer.. what you are trying to say make no sense.. pls stop trying to explain like this is a factor for server concept.. which is still wrong translated..;)

I don't think it's productive talk in any way.

I've tried to explain you a simple mechanic of working so you can understand that it's not a personal we against you (don't know why you figur it out), but you don't realy up to make a constructive talk.


Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.



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The decision regarding to auto-loot has already been taken and written down in the concept of the server.

There always pros and cons in this question, but the decision was made

So what do you mean by that?

I read this one here...


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How about no?


The thing is, that this is a x3 low rate (even with the changes that are made). Adding x100500 mechanics like mass sweep, auto-loot, auto skill learning and etc is overkill and goes way over the "tolerance" pole. You don't want to pick up drop? You don't have to. You can always find some god-forsaken spot in some dark corner, farm the mobs there and loot every 20 minutes later if you play solo mages or some other crap. But I think it would be much easier to lower the mobs hp, wait for em to run up to you and only then finish them off. That way you won't have to run around like morons picking up shit (I thought this was obvious?). Either way, this won't change. You may as well deal with it or find a different server.

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