Papanda 2514 Опубликовано: 6 сентября 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 6 сентября 2017 Podcast with Clan Leaders and Administration E-volution Gracia Final x3 7 September, start at 19:00 (CEST)! Live broadcast on: Please note! ТыYou can win Family’s Ancestral Treasures! Details below. At this moment we can proudly announce that we are raedy to Grand Opening of new E-Volution Gracia Final x3 server, which was prepared by Lineage II Family (E-Global \ Shock-World \ Valhalla-age). 7 Spetember we will have a chance to hear some RU-speaking leaders (they will be translated only if in twitch chat you will ask for it, in other case they will not be translated) and after them - leaders of English-speaking clans. We will find the opinion of different leaders regarding Mid-war and big-war, GvG-tournament and future alliance etc. Don't miss your chance to find out and ask your questions via chat. Hosts: Friggi & Finch On behalf of Administration: Apache Ant (E-Global) Xeonc (AdvExt64, Tech. lead) Моta (Shock-World) On behalf of Ru-speaking community of E-volution GF x3: ExcuseMe (clan: xSide) keltaa (clan: Irreale) joleepwnz (clan: AON) cTPaTer (clan: Incognito) GreasyMonster (clan: Gardarika) TheSapphire(clan: NightOfHorror) TennoHeika (clan: Warband) On bahalf of Eng-speaking community of E-volution GF x3: DjPlayBoy (clan: LandOfHeaven) Ferrari (clan: Alliance) kMr (clan: Icarus) Lihiy (clan: FuelDeBarbares) *the list of the participats can be changed Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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