Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 8 марта 2018 Рассказать Опубликовано: 8 марта 2018 Dear players! We want to celebrate the first days of the Spring and International Women's Day! We have prepared special unique event just for you! One fine day Maryse walked on the river bank. The noise in the bushes caught her attention, and she wanted to know what the reason of it. When she push the branch a few rabbits attacked and ripped off her necklace. The beads were scattered on the grass and rabbits, without losing time, have picked them up and disappeared in coastal thickets. Maryse was very upset because these beads were a gift from her beloved Grandma. Grieved for a while she went to search daredevils who will help her to recover the stolen treasure... On March 8, after the morning restart, you will be able to get Lost Bead from all the monsters in the game world, as well as from the monsters in the quest area. Exchange them for useful rewards in the festive store "Spring Has Come (Lost Beads)" from the NPC Pathfinder Worker, as well as from the quest NPC Maryse (details below). Detailed event description: Main event period: from 8 to 22 March event items Lost Bead will drop from monsters. Exchange of event items will be also available from NPC Pathfinder Worker and NPC Maryse. Final event period: from 22 to 28 March only exchange of event items from NPC Pathfinder Worker will be available. Change of the periods of the event will be carried out with server restart. Information about restarts is announced in this topic, as well as inside the game world. Be sure to update your game files via updater! Lost Bead will be deleted at the end of the event. All characters can take part in the event (1-85 levels). Also, all the characters will receive as a gift the transformation staff "8 March Women Transformation - Valhalla-Age" with the morning restart on March 8. This is a shadow item that transforms you for a while into a girl, and also it has some useful bonuses You can take part in the event in two ways: 1. Kill any monsters in the game world of 61-85 levels. Lost Bead will drop out of them with a 10% chance; 2. Hunt the rabbits in special instance zone. You can visit special instance zone via NPC Maryse which appears at Giran Square each day from 15:00-20:00 and 20:00-21:00 (gmt +3); Instance zone duration - 20 min (which means that last entrance can be made at 20:30). After the event your character will be transferred back to the town. NPC Maryse can send from 1 to 50 players 1 time every 5 mins; After you will be transfered into instance zone you will find Maria (best friend of Maryse). She will hide you by transforming your character into rabbit and buff you with Wind Walk lv. 2. To find the "Lost Bead" you need to scout the area with skill "Rabbit Magic Eye". But you should be careful - some rabbits can become really angry! Exchange Lost Bead and receive the following rewards: Family Box with Life Stones - 3 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin Enchantmented Family Box - 5 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin Giant Codex - 15 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 42 Lost Bead) 300 Knight's Epaulette - 5 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 25 Lost Bead) Attribute stones (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Divinity, Darkness) - 7 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 28 Lost Bead). Attribute stones can not be exchanged, dropped, sold. Soul Crystal level 12 (Red, Green, Blue) - 30 Lost Bead + 3 Family Coin (or 125 Lost Bead) Soul Crystal level 13 (Red, Green, Blue) - 85 Lost Bead + 7 Family Coin (or 290 Lost Bead) P.S. Dear Ladies! I would like to congratulate you for the International Women's Day on behalf of our team! Let all your dreams come true, our beloved and charming girls. :uuuuu: Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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