Papanda 2514 Опубликовано: 30 августа 2018 Рассказать Опубликовано: 30 августа 2018 Dear players! On this week we can finally present our new Interlude Final update 1.5! We know that's a bit later, that you've expected, but it's finally here We want to mention, that update is going to be implemented in 2 parts: First is going to be implemented today (with restart 08:00 CEST). 2nd part - at the end of the week. First time of update Soul Crystals Enchantment Common rules for all following points: Chance is personal for every member of a group All you need is to have a quest "Enchange Your Weapon" and Soul Crystal of certain level in your inventory Folloing Bosses will now have 15% chance to enchant SA from 10 to 12: Tanatos (72) Kandra (72) Chance of enchantment will be increased for following RB (SA10 => 12, from 5 to 15%): Roaring Skylancer Beast Lord Behemoth Meanas Anor Antharas Priest Cloe Eilhalder von Hellmann Following Raid Bosses are now will enchant SA on 12 and 13 level (10% rate): Gordon (85) Varka's Chief Horus (87) Ketra's Chief Brakki (87) Queen Shyeed (80) Death Lord Ipos (75) Death Lord Shax (75) Storm Winged Naga (75) Ocean Flame Ashakiel (76) Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs (78) Cherub Galaxia (79) Chance of enchantment Soul Crystals from 12 to 13 on Anakazel at Hero Rift has been increased from 15% to 20% Chance of enchantment Soul Crystals from 12 to 13 on Ember at Forge of Gods has been increased from 5% to 10% So, now you can enchant SA on regular Raid Boss (except Epic Bosses and Tyrannosaurus), such as: From 10 to 12, wich 15% chance rate for each member of a group: Tanatos Kandra Roaring Skylancer Beast Lord Behemoth Meanas Anor Antharas Priest Cloe Eilhalder von Hellmann From 12 to 13, wich 10% chance rate for each member of a group: Gordon Varka's Chief Horus Ketra's Chief Brakki Queen Shyeed Death Lord Ipos Death Lord Shax Storm Winged Naga Ocean Flame Ashakiel Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs Cherub Galaxia From 12 to 13 уровень, wich 20% chance rate for each member of a group: Anakazel (Hero Rift) Magic Damage Dispersion We've add the magic damage dispersion, whcih depends on type of weapon: Blunt - 20% Sword - 10% Bow - 5% Dagger - 5% Dual Fist - 5% Polearm - 10% Etc (spellbook) - 10% Weaponless - 10% Exsample: Using Sword of Miracle (Sword) Before: fixed 1000 dmg Now: from 900 to 1100 dmg Using Arcana Mace (Blunt) Before: fixed 1000 dmg Now: from 800 to 1200 dmg Improved system of Over Enchant Equipment of A and S-Grade We've re-worked system of equipment enchantment of full A and S-Grade sets: If full set have been enchanted For exsample: Dark Crystal Robe Set is: Dark Crystal Robe Dark Crystal Helmet Dark Crystal Gloves (Robe) Dark Crystal Boots (Robe) Even if Helmet, Gloves and Boots are rare - you will still receive Set Bonus. If you have items with different level of enchant - bonus will work on the lowest level of enchantment item. Exsample: Dark Crystal Robe +8 Dark Crystal Helmet +4 Rare Dark Crystal Gloves (Robe) +5 Dark Crystal Boots (Robe) +6 Bonus will be from +4 level, because the lowest part of the set - Helmet +4. If it will be enchanted for +5 - it will fit the Robe and the general bonus will be +5 level. By the way, On Interlude Final any armor which is enchanted on +4 will provide additional HP, expemt regular P.Def: Armor: Helmet, Boots, Gloves, Upped, Lower, Fullbody, Shield; Regular and Rare bonuses will give same bonus; Sealed and unsealed items give a same bonus; HP bonus is fixed, and is not effected by buffs, active and passive skills, CON and other HP parametrs; Jewelry and Weapon will not give any additional HP bonus; Additional HP, depending on grade: Increasing chance of Foundation armors craft Chance of getting Rare (Foundation) items (Helmet, Gloves, Boots, Upped, Lower, Fullbody, Shield) has been increased from ~ 2 to 5% Before: 60% - regular item, 38% - fail, 2% - rare item; Now: 60% - regular item, 35% - fail, 5% - rare item. [*]More detailed information regarding Rare items Forgotten Scrolls has been added Now all classes can learn Forgotten skills: Magician's Will Passive skill, works with any weapon; Increasing M.Attack +5%, casting speed +5%, MP consumption rate by +5%; Can be learned by all Mystic classes. [*] Fighter's Will Passive skill, works with melee weapon; Increasing P.Attack +5%, attack speaed +5%, MP consumption rate of physical skills, including dances and songes by +5%; Can be learned by all Fighter classes. [*] Archer's Will Passive skill, works with range weapon; Increasing accuracy +8, range of archer attack by +50, speed +5; Can be learned by all Fighter classes. Information: Skills available on 76 level; To learn skill you will need to use Forgotten Scroll. Where to receive Forgotten Scroll: Core - drop 1 scroll randomly from all types; Orfen - drop 1 scroll randomly from all types; Queen Ant - drop 1 scroll randomly from all types; Zaken - drop 1 scroll randomly from all types; Frintezza - drop 1 scroll of each type; Baium - drop 2 scroll of each type; Antharas - drop 2 scroll of each type; Valakas - drop 2 scroll of each type; 3 новых РБ в Silent Valley - drop 1 q-ty, randomly from all types. Transfer of Epic Bosses respawn Due to the fact that some of the Epic Bosses respawn timer has been moved to very awkward time we've decided to change the respawn to more comfortable time for most of the players. For following Epic Bosses the respawn going to be 19:00 CEST: Queen Ant - 31.08.2018, 18:00 - 20:00 Zaken - 01.09.2018, 18:00 - 20:00 Baium - 02.09.2018, 17:00 - 21:00 It's 1 time conrection, which mean that next Baium is going to be killed at 20:45 - next resp is going to be from 18:45 to 22:45, in 5 days. Respawn timer: Queen Ant - 24 +- 1h Zaken - 48 часов +- 1h Baium - 5 дней +- 2h Antharas - 8 days Valakas - 11 days Core - 36h +-1h Orfen - 36h +- 1h Frintezza - 48h +- 60 min Second part of update New location At Sillent Valley fleding from the wrath of the gods the Fallen Giants, which have betrayed they brothers during the war with Mother of Dragons Shillien and been banished from Giant's Cave. Changes at Silent Valley (under Giant Cave): Q-ty of monsters has been changed; There is a chain of quests at the location (increasing the level of trust) - more details in next section; There will be 3 Raid Bosses in this location with unique drop (Bosses will have fixed evening spawn timer); By making quest and killing monster you will have a chance to get: Special breastplate for S-Grade armor, which will classify it; Resources; and other. Location will perfect fit for full and small groups, because useful drop and gaining experience Improvement of S-Grade equipment At new location you will have a chance to complete the chain of quest to increase the level of trust with the race of Giants. From their side they will offer you exchange the proofs of killing the Fallen Giant on their knowledge. As the result of this trade you will receive the special breastplate for S-Grade armor, which will classify it, which will provide additional bonuses which was designed especially for you class. For example: Bonus for certain class: Draconic Leather Armor can be improved for your class (which have Light Armor Mastery), to receive a bonus which was designed especially for you class. Example Draconic Leather Armor [Archer Mastery] Please note: after you will create a Archer Mastery on your armor, none of any other class will be allowed to put this part of armor. Bonus of sets: Heavy Light Robe New skills Treasuse Hunter Plains Walker Abyss Walker Potential Ability Passive skills; When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage; Requires a light armor to be equipped. 3 level of skill: + 10% chance, + 78 power; + 15% chance, + 196 power; + 20% chance, + 256 power. Can be learned: 28 level - 10.000 SP; 52 level - 40.000 SP; 70 level - 200.000 SP. Please note: it works on autoattack, not skills. It will help with a PvE aspect. Hawkey Counter Dash Passive skills - trigger; When attacked, with certain chance party members' Increases Speed; Buff will not take a buff slot. 3 level of skill: Personal speed bonus +15, party speed bonus +7. Effect time - 10 sec; Personal speed bonus +20, party speed bonus +10. Effect time - 20 sec; Personal speed bonus +25, party speed bonus +15. Effect time - 30 sec. Can be learned: 40 level - 150.000 adena and 15.000 SP 64 level - 3.000.000 adena and 220.000 SP 79 level - 10.000.000 adena and 20.000.000 SP Silver Ranger Counter Rapid Shot Passive skills - trigger; When attacked, with certain chance party members' Increases Attack Speed; Buff will not take a buff slot. 3 level of skill: Personal attack speed bonus +10%, party attack speed bonus +5%. Effect time - 10 sec; Personal attack speed bonus +12%, party attack speed bonus +7%. Effect time - 20 sec; Personal attack speed bonus +15%, party attack speed bonus +10%. Effect time - 30 sec. Can be learned: 40 level - 150.000 adena and 15.000 SP; 64 level - 3.000.000 adena and 220.000 SP; 79 level - 10.000.000 adena and 20.000.000 SP. Phantom Ranger Counter Pawer Shot Passive skills - trigger; When attacked, with certain chance party members' Increases Damage from Physical Skills; Buff will not take a buff slot. 3 level of skill: Personal physical skills damage bonus + 10%, party physical skills damage bonus + 7%. Effect time - 10 sec; Personal physical skills damage bonus + 15%, party physical skills damage bonus + 10%. Effect time - 20 sec; Personal physical skills damage bonus + 20%, party physical skills damage bonus + 15%. Effect time - 30 sec. Can be learned: 40 level - 150.000 adena and 15.000 SP; 64 level - 3.000.000 adena and 220.000 SP; 79 level - 10.000.000 adena and 20.000.000 SP. Gladiator Sonic Focus - Level 8 8 level of skill has been added; Can be learned at 77 level, 12.250.000 SP Soul of Hunter Active skill; Increasing outcome and decreasing income PvE damage. Duration: 20 min. 3 level of skill: Increased PvE damage by 10%, increasing PvE defence by 5%; Increased PvE damage by 15%, increasing PvE defence by 7%; Increased PvE damage by 20%, increasing PvE defence by 10%. Can be learned: 28 level - 12.000 SP; 55 level - 120.000 SP; 72 level - 700.000 SP. Warlord Soul of Hunter Active skill; Increasing outcome and decreasing income PvE damage. Duration: 20 min. 3 level of skill: Increased PvE damage by 10%, increasing PvE defence by 5%; Increased PvE damage by 15%, increasing PvE defence by 7%; Increased PvE damage by 20%, increasing PvE defence by 10%. Can be learned: 28 level - 12.000 SP 55 level - 120.000 SP 72 level - 700.000 SP Tyrant Focused Force - Level 8 8 level of skill has been added; Can be learned at 77 level, 13.000.000 SP Elven Elder Mental Recharge Active Magic skill; Fully restore MP of 1 member of the group; Can not be used on yourself and other "rechargers" class (SE, EE); Fixed cooldown - 10 min; Can be learned on 40 level, 3000 SP Shilien Elder Mental Recharge Active Magic skill; Fully restore MP of 1 member of the group; Can not be used on yourself and other "rechargers" class (SE, EE); Fixed cooldown - 10 min; Can be learned on 40 level, 3000 SP. Mass Purify Active Magic skill; Cancels paralysis and petrification effects, and also cures poison and bleed condition of all party members; Fixed cooldown - 2 min; Can be learned on 76 level, 5.000.000 adena and 5.000.000 SP. Prophecy of Wind Skill has been reworked: Earlier: +4 Accuracy; +4 Agility; +20% Attack speed; + 5% Vampiric; +20% Crit. chance from behind; +20% Crit. power from behind; +10% Resistance from defubb and cancel attacks. [*]Now: +4 Accuracy +7 Agility (+3) +25% Attack speed (+5%) +5% Vampiric +25% Crit. chance from behind (+5%) +30% Crit. power from behind (+10%) +30% Resistance from defubb and cancel attacks (+20%) +25% chance to avoid physical and magical skills (NEW); Skill can be enchanted (NEW): Each +1 level will increase speed by 1% (15% max). Prophet Added transformation Inquisitor Character can not use regular skills when he is transformation; New skills available: Divine Punishment - Inflict divinity type damage on the enemy. Divine Flash - Inflict mass divinity type damage on the enemies. Divine Curse - Curse that decrease the effect of recovery magic by 50%. Surrender to the Holy - Decreases the enemy's resistance to divinity type attacks. Phantom Summoner Summon Smart Cubic Active skill; Cancels all the bad abnormal conditions which were cast on the master, and uses useful skills additionally; Can be learned on 76 level, 5.000.000 Adena and 6.000.000 SP. Assassin Servitor Skill has been reworked: +4 Accuracy; +7 Agility (+3); +25% Attack speed (+5%); +5% Vampiric; +25% Crit. chance from behind (+5%); +30% Crit. power from behind (+10%); +30% Resistance from defubb and cancel attacks (+20%); +25% Chance to avoid physical and magical skills (NEW). Shilien Knight Summon Smart Cubic Active skill; Cancels all the bad abnormal conditions which were cast on the master, and uses useful skills additionally; Can be learned on 76 level, 5.000.000 Adena and 6.000.000 SP. Bounty Hunter Sweeper Festival Active skill; When used on nearby corpses that are in a Spoil state; Fixed cooldown, depending on skill level; Maximum amount of targets depends on skill level; Radius - 200. 3 level of skill: 5 targets, fixed cooldown - 10 min; 10 targets, fixed cooldown - 3 min; 15 targets, fixed cooldown - 3 min. Can be learned: 36 level - 250.000 adena and 15.000 SP; 60 level - 5.000.000 adena and 300.000 SP; 76 level - 15.000.000 adena and 5.000.000 SP. Crushing StrikeEffect has been improved on each level of the skill (from 40 to 74): Power of decreasing P/M. def. From 10 to 15% Stun defence reduction on 18% This skill will now remove Ressist Shock buff (same as Surrender\Ressist mechanic); Successful rate has been increased. Warsmith Crushing Strike Effect has been improved on each level of the skill (from 40 to 74): Power of decreasing P/M. def. From 10 to 15% Stun defence reduction on 18% This skill will now remove Ressist Shock buff (same as Surrender\Ressist mechanic); Successful rate has been increased. Clan level 9th level of clan has been added To obtain 9th level of clan you will need: 75.000 Clan Reputation; 120 or more clan members; Be a Lord of a Castle. Capabilities of 9th Clan Level: Knight Orden will now have 20 slots (instead of 10); Status of each member will be increased proportionally (it affect of clan buffs that member will receive): Clan Leader 1 character; Marquis => Duke [*]Royal Guard Captain 2 characters; Count => Marquis [*]Knights Commander 4 characters; Viscount => Count [*]Main clan member 40 characters; Baron => Viscount [*]Royal Guard Member 2х20 = 40 characters; Elder (Wise Man) => Baron [*]Knight Member 4х20 = 80 characters; Knight => Elder (Wise Man) Clan skills New Active skills: Coming soon... Skills can be learned by Clan Leader once clan will acheive certain level; Skills will affect on every clan member (not ally) in 1500 radius near Clan Leader; Fixed cooldown - 30 min; Skills will not use buff slot; Skills can not be alt+clicked; Each cast of skill will use Blood Oath, which can be purchased at NPC Family Store Butler for 350 CRP. Bonus from Castles: Starting from next Castle Sieges (2 September at 15:00 and 19:00 CEST): All clan members that will receive a Castle Passive Skill - +1 Con, +1 Men. Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
seven1 1 Опубликовано: 31 августа 2018 Рассказать Опубликовано: 31 августа 2018 this update and for x7? and when will make it? Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Coide 5 Опубликовано: 3 сентября 2018 Рассказать Опубликовано: 3 сентября 2018 the second part of update has been implemented? Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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