Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 23 декабря 2019 Рассказать Опубликовано: 23 декабря 2019[/img] Dear Friends! So the New 2020 Year is about to break in to our houses PersikCute On behalf of E-Global, I have a great pleasure to congratulate you on a good and bright holidays - Christmas and New Year! Let it bring you a peace of mind and a huge happiness as in your real life, same as in our beloved game world! We are glad to announce "Dress up the New Year Tree" event in celebration of upcoming holidays! Useful information: Event start - 23 December; Ending date - going to be announced in this thread; To correct display of all items of the even you will need to update you client via launcher\updater! Who can participate: Every player of our server can participate in the event, regardless of the equipment and the level of your character. The event is not tied to any time and a specific location. All you need is just to hunt on a monsters in game. Event description: New Year Tree has been setted at Giran town square. Mobs devoured her and stole all the ornaments. Santa Claus sent his assistant to Elmoraden so she could restore the Christmas Tree before the New Year and players can help to do it intime! 1. Hunt mobs and collect items Fir Tree Branch; Bead Ornament; Star Ornament; Lottery Ticket that can be used at the 2nd part of the event (a bit later); Christmas Red Sock - small chance (uncommon item). You will receive 1 reward from the items below once you opened it: [spoiler=Rewards] 10 Quick Healing Potions 35 Ivory Coins Soul Crystals 12/13/14 Levels Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Holy/Dark Attribute Ore (АТТ камни) Enchanted Treasure Chest Life Stone Treasure Chest Potion of Vitality Replenishing Gemstone A/S gr. Ring of Core Earring of Orfen 2. Bring collected items (Fir Tree Branch, Bead Ornament, Star Ornament) to NPC Santa Assistant Emma. You can find Emma at Giran square. 3. Exchange collected items to receive useful items: Christmas Red Sock Christmas Festival - useful buff that will boost your character: [spoiler=Description] Duration - 120 min; Can not be removed by Cancellation, Steal Divinity etc; Will not be removed after character death; Will not work on Grand Olympiad; HP, CP, MP +15%; Moving Speed +10; P. Atk. +8%; M. Atk. +10%; All Clarity +10%; Modifies the appearance of the weapon, turning it into an icicle. Exchange rate: Item Christmas Red Sock = 1 Star + 3 Bead + 10 Branch; Buff Christmas Festival = 3 Star / 8 Bead / 25 Branch (up to your choice). Please note! You will receive buff for free if you have Real Santa's Hat. You will receive guaranteed reward during your first dialog with Santa Assistant Emma: Snow Kung Transformation Sick 30-days limited item; Transform you into a Snowman; Transformation - increase your speed and allow you to throw a snowballs MP +30% Once you equipe the Stick - you will receive 3 active skills - Rock, Paper, Scissors. Play with your friends. [*] Santa's Hat: 30-days limited item; Active skill: Vitality (Energy Recovery) - restores energy (vitality) upon gaining experience; Buff duration - 20 min; Cooldown - 4 hour. You don't like red color? - chose your own for 50 Ivory Coins! [*] Santa's Hat can be upgraded to Real Santa's Hat at Santa Assistant Emma for 25 Family Coin: Timeless item; You can receive Buff Christmas Festival for Emma for free; Active skill: Vitality (Improved Energy Recovery) - restores energy (vitality) upon gaining experience; Buff duration - 60 min; Cooldown - 4 hour. [*] Santa's Suit 30-days limited item; New Year suite, which will replace your armor; Can be upgraded to Real Santa's Suit at Santa Assistant Emma for 15 Family Coin: Timeless item; Will not remove your armor same as other costumes. Happy Holidays! :2603::1f389: TheDominator 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Rylai 2568 Опубликовано: 22 января 2020 Рассказать Опубликовано: 22 января 2020 Dear friends! Holidays are over. Some of you had great time with family and some of you killed a lot of monsters and got their Lottery Tickets! We want to introduce you second part of New Year's event! Holidays on E-global are still there and Santa Assistant Emma invites you to try your luck in Lottery! Note! To see the new content you need to update your client via launcher! You can download updater here. You need to put it in game folder. Event description: During the whole event you could find Lottery Tickets by hunting. This tickets allows you to take part in Lottery and Emma will give you sweert prizes is you are lucky!е;) Possible rewards: [spoiler=Rewards] Ivory Coins; Blessed Scrolls Escape; Blessed Scrolls of Resurrection; Family Quick Healing Potions; Family Olympiad Coupons; Family Fame Coupons; Fangs of Stakato; Gemstones A\S gr.; Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Holy/Dark Attribute Ore; Enchanted Treasure Chest; Life Stone Treasure Chest; Knight's Epaulettes; Giant's Codex; Giant's Codex - Mastery; Soul Crystals 12/13 Levels; Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's/Archer's/Magician's Will; Earring of Orfen; Ring of Core; Saerom's Bead A/S; As you can see now you can get Saerom's Bead as your reward. This item allows you to exchange regular set items for masterwork. You cannot make masterwork weapon by using Saerom's Beads. Some players can also try to play Super Round of lottery (once in 10-15 games) Super Round offers you even better rewards! [spoiler=Description] In addition to regular rewards there is a chance to get: Soul Crystals 14/15 Levels; Forgotten Scrolls: Elemental / Alignment / Rune Protection; Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Holy/Dark Crystal; Saerom's Bead S80; Zaken's Earring; Ring of Queen Ant; If you don't want to waste your time for hunting you can purchase lottery tickets for Family Coins: 1 Premium Lottery Ticket 3 Family Сoin; 10 Premium Lottery Ticket 25 Family Coin (2.5 FC per spin); 25 Premium Lottery Ticket 50 Family Coin (2 FC per spin); 50 Premium Lottery Ticket 75 Family Coin (1.5 FC per spin). We wish you good look and a lot of sweet prizes!PersikLike Сначала мы работали тяжело, а потом стали работать еще тяжелее. По всем вопросам можно в личку. Всех лю😊 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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