Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 11 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 декабря 2020 Dear players! The first day of the Great Olympics has passed, in which more than 1000 players took a part! And this is only the first day! Almost all of the time, 150 out of 150 arenas were occupied, but thanks to the settings for arrival to /from the arena, the queues were almost invisible. We would like to remind you once again about the work of the limits on the number of fights: Each character has a total limit of 100 battles per period, which includes: Opened (out-of-class) - 70 fights; By class - 20 battles (only on Fridays); 3x3 - 10 fights (only on Saturdays). You can read more about all the features of the Olympiad in this thread. We thank you for such an excitement and interest in this event. In the meantime, while you have been participating in a bitter struggle for the championship at the Olympiad, we have prepared a Patchnote! ❗10 of December (with the restart on 12/11) Kamaloka of the first stage (20 - 59) became more generous. We have distributed the drop groups so that more players can get the coveted drop without oversaturation of the market; We remind you that autoloading does not change the logic of a drop within a group in any way. Don't be afraid to put Random. A number of changes were made to the Olympiad, some of which were used immediately, while others will work only after the restart; For the Accessory pledge Residential Stun Immunity skill to work at the Olympics, you still need a crown, which can be purchased from the castle. We will try to finalize this system to the end, but the task is not as trivial as it might seem. We whant to remind you that outside the aisles of the Great Olympics, wearing a crown is not required to use an active skill - it is available without it. A 6th shortcut panel has been added for your convenience. In connection with the introduction of a large number of improvements in the client interface, we want to recommend, that you not only use the Updater, but also make a Full Check. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 13 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 13 декабря 2020 Dear players! The last day of the Olympiad is approaching, within which everything will be decided. During the first 3 days, the Olympiad was attended by over 1800 players on our server! Thank you for your activity and participation in the mass event. ? You can read more about the Great Olympics in this thread. Separately, we want to highlight the following point (although hardly anyone will encounter this feature with such excitement): To obtain hero status you need to: Perform 9 battles; have at least 1 victory. We also want to share a preliminary announcement of changes for the next period of the Olympics. We have analyzed your accents and interests and are planning to make the following changes: Reduce or remove all class battles at the Olympics; Increase the limit for 3x3 battles; We will increase the number of battles in the Open; Consider the possibility of increasing the time of the Olympiad These changes do not have specific numbers behind them yet, but we will inform you about all the information that has appeared. ? Now to the patch note! ❗11-12 of December (with the restart on 12/13) Balanced some quests (according to the concept); Minor changes were made to some skills to match the HF mechanics; In fact, we added bonuses to the server for participating in the Olympiad, which depends on your place in the class rating, namely: For 1st place in your class - Hero (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad) MAX CP, HP, MP +10%; Clarity for all skills +5%; 15% discount for the entire range of Olympiads Manager. Example: The original cost of Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) is 7200 NGP. With a 15% discount, the price will be 6120 NGP. Note! Scrolls from the Shop at the Olympiad Manager cannot be sold to a regular trader. However, you can always find a player who needs this item more than you do. For 2nd and 3rd places in your class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad) MAX CP, HP, MP +7%; Clarity for all skills +5%; 10% discount for the entire range of Olympiads Manager.. Example: The original cost of Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) is 7200 NGP. With a 10% discount, the price will be 6480 NGP. Note! Scrolls from the Shop at the Olympiad Manager cannot be sold to a regular trader. However, you can always find a player who needs this item more than you do. For 4th, 5th, 6th places in your class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad) MAX CP, HP, MP +5%; Clarity for all skills +4%; 7% discount for the entire range of Olympiads Manager. Example: The original cost of Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) is 7200 NGP. With a 7% discount, the price will be 6696 NGP. Note! Scrolls from the Shop at the Olympiad Manager cannot be sold to a regular trader. However, you can always find a player who needs this item more than you do. For 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th places in your class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad):: MAX CP, HP, MP +3%; Clarity for all skills +3%; 5% discount for the entire range of Olympiads Manager. Example: The original cost of Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) is 7200 NGP. With a 5% discount, the price will be 6840 NGP. Note! Scrolls from the Shop at the Olympiad Manager cannot be sold to a regular trader. However, you can always find a player who needs this item more than you do. We suggest you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the positions of the windows, that you set yourself, will not be changed. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 15 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 15 декабря 2020 Dear players! The first period of battles at the Olympiad has ended and the server has seen its first heroes! We congratulate all the winners and wish all applicants good luck in the next period, which will begin on 24th.? We thank to all the players, who participated in the first cycle of the Great Olympics, and there were many of them. More than 2,500 players have passed through it in 4 days of the Olympics! Once again: more than two thousand five hundred players. This is a big number, and I congratulate all of us on this! You can read more about the Great Olympics in this thread. But this does not cancel regular Patch notes! ❗13-14 of December (with the restart on 15.12) Separately, we would like to note the moment with the introduction of the In-Game Market. To our great regret, we were not able to implement everything necessary for the integration of this system by the promised time. Not because we forgot and not because we do not want to provide you with the possibilities that were previously announced (). The fact is that in this case, we must be more than confident in the full performance of the service due to the direct financial obligations to you. But don't worry! We wold not put it on a hold for too long! Already with the start of the second phase, i.e. on December 20th, the In-Game Market will be added to our Personal Account for you ? Parameters of some unicorns have been balanced (minor changes); Pets can no longer pick up drop, what they can pick up are - herbs; Issuance of NGP has been fixed; The most popular Low C-gr have been added to the Luxury store, weapons that were previously available only from mammon. This change will favorably affect the assimilation of newcomers who came to the server "in the unlucky" period of mammon and cannot get the necessary weapons. Mobs have been removed from the hill above the Silent Valley. This was a custom feature from the past Interlude Rework server. Perhaps it's time has not come, yet ? NPC Talien has been moved to the top of the stairs in the city of Aden; It should be noted that such minor edits and improvements are introduced every day and, usually, we do not highlight them separately. The number of macroses that a character can create has been expanded: From 48 to 66. In clans with more than 100 people, the display has been fixed. The Heroic Berserker skill has been fixed: now the effect has full resistance to debuffs; Squads are now displayed \ work correctly at all clan levels; Fixed descriptions of hero weapons. We suggest you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the positions of the windows, that you set yourself, will not be changed. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 21 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 21 декабря 2020 Dear players! The Second Phase is already in full obedience to you, our dear (yes, it is written in the appeal) players. The first epics have already been killed, new (and old) castles have been captured and the game is just beginning! The new levels really made it possible to feel your characters in a new way, to reveal new setups and to continue playing not as trendy/ necessary, but as you want! Our statistics available online says that your interest increased and continues to grow. In the near future we expect an influx of new players to the server (and not only "solo" ?). Follow the recruiting section, or better, right in the game? Well, it's time for the first Phase II Patch Note! Epic Bosses and mobs Minor changes were made to the Epic Boss Zken. We remind you, that First Zaken: Monday, December 21; from 20:30 to 21:30 Server Time (21:30 - 22:30 Moscow time); Then: every 3 days, from 20:30 to 21:30. Queen Ant, Core, Orfen now have level 70; In the display of the drop from some epics there is an item . In fact, this is item 151 loading... and soon it will be displayed normally (but not with the next restart). With the next restarts, the ability to put item 20033 loading... at ToI will be fixed. Note! Flags can be installed only up to the 12th floor (inclusive). We remind you, that First Baium: Friday, December 25; From 21:00 to 23:00 server time (22:30 - 00:00 Moscow time); Further: once every 7 days, from 21:00 to 23:00. Skills and items Fixed clan skills (Squads). They now work and display correctly;клановые умения (Сквады). They now work and display correctly; Corrected passives with bonuses for enchanting C-gr sets; Cyberpunk Event: Fixed the visual display of the buff True Cyberpunk 2077. Now you can use the costumes and all cloaks are replaced correctly! Now the number of drops of the Herb of Cyberpunk 2077 has become 2 times more. Dialogues for the exchange of RARE Jewelry item 11591 loading... have been corrected. Market and Personal Account Ingame Market: Note! We have restarted the market! Those who were exhibited - they remained in place. All trades will rollback, which means: Everyone who SOLD on the market before the rollback: Market balance has been removed; Items have been returned. Everyone who BOUGHT on the market before the rollback: Market balance has been returned; Items have been removed. At the moment, the Game Market is operating normally. Additional information about it: item 57 loading... is sold in millions for your convenience. You can buy 0.5 if you need to buy 500.000. The lower threshold for selling is 0.66 euros per million. The upper threshold of salling is 0.7 euros per one million. Items available for sale: Non-personal items of C, B, A, S grade; Scrolls, stones, books etc, starting with C-gr (inclusive); Exception: we have temporarily removed the sale of characters through the market until we introduce uniform rules for the availability and transfer of a PIN. Transfer \ sale of a character: PA & VIP points are tied to an account, not to a character. Personal Account: The bonus for one-time replenishment of the PA balance has been reworked. Now the bonus that goes to the account replenishment will be credited to the Warehouse of the Personal Account and can be transferred to any char. Additional Information: Please note that you cannot pay with coins from the Warehouse in your Personal Account. In addition to coins, you will also receive item 18274 loading... List of bonuses: When replenishing 100 - 149 coins, you get: + 1 item 4037 loading... + 100 item 18274 loading... When replenishing 150 - 199 coins, you get: + 3 item 4037 loading... + 150 item 18274 loading... When replenishing 200 - 249 coins, you get: + 6 item 4037 loading... + 200 item 18274 loading... When replenishing 250 - 299 coins, you get: + 10 item 4037 loading... + 250 item 18274 loading... When replenishing 300 - 349 coins, you get: + 15 item 4037 loading... + 300 item 18274 loading... + 1 item 13421 loading... When replenishing 350 - 499 coins, you get: + 25 item 4037 loading... + 350 item 18274 loading... + 2 item 13421 loading... When replenishing 500 - 999 coins, you get: + 50 item 4037 loading... + 500 item 18274 loading... + 3 item 13421 loading... When replenishing 1000 - 1499 coins, you get: + 100 item 4037 loading... + 1000 item 18274 loading... + 5 item 13421 loading... When replenishing 1500 - 2499 coins, you get: + 135 item 4037 loading... + 1500 item 18274 loading... + 10 item 13421 loading... When replenishing 2500+ coins, you get: + 250 item 4037 loading... + 2500 item 18274 loading... + 20 item 13421 loading... We suggest you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the positions of the windows, that you set yourself, will not be changed. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 26 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 26 декабря 2020 Dear players! This time - no big preface about ... Patch notes!? However, we want to remind you once again that you are amazing and we are happy to work for you. This patch fixed a number of minor and medium bugs. We prepare such fixes and upload them to the server literally every day to make the game more enjoyable and better every day! Epic Bosses Zaken: NoPK zone was fixed. Additional NPCs have been added before jumping / teleporting "on tongue". With their help, we will distribute the load on the server and avoid a number of annoying accidents. We recommend that you press the teleport button once and wait for your turn. NPC will definitely serve you? Baium: NoPK zone was fixed; Fixed the zone where teleport flags cannot be set. Items Restored the ability to exchange common wolves for snow wolves in CH Aden; Note: Only owners of the above Clan Halls can summon the Frostwolves; At NPC Mickey in the city of Aden, you can exchange a snow wolf for a regular one back. Instances Zaken: Fixed teleport at the end of the instance. Now it moves to the current point of approach, namely in Giran Harbor. Pailaka: Fixed the level limit for entering the second Devil's Legacy pailaka. Now levels 58 - 70 (according to the server concept). NPC Newbie Guide and Adventurers' Guide now have a buff available for characters 1-51 We remind you that in order to use extended support magic and a number of useful functions, you need to have item 18265 loading... Fixed exchange of RAR helmets. Now the level of enchantment does not crash when exchanging B / A / S-gr; Added a small restriction zone for traders to land near NPCs in Giran Harbor. We suggest you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the positions of the windows, that you set yourself, will not be changed. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 29 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 29 декабря 2020 Dear players! The Great Olympics is in full swing, New Years are literally on the doorstep, and exciting events await us on this Sunday! We, of course, rolled up our sleeves and prepared for you ... Christmas Patchnout! Events The event Cyberpunk 2077 is over. We were happy to help Joni, but his time has passed. See you later, Johnny! And it will probably be at the beginning of summer, when you fix your bugs, CD Project Red, ALO ADMINS SHO ABOUT BAGS SHO ABOUT PRODUCT FOR SHO I PAYED WHY IS EVERYTHING NOT READY ... Oh, what are we talking about? The " Dress up the Christmas tree"! event has been introduced! We have prepared for you various bonuses and visual items that will fill you with a festive mood! You can find out more about the event by following this link. Clans The Castles Crown skills now work correctly at the Olympics. We reminde you, that outside of the Olympics, you don't need the Circlet of Innadril Daffodil Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Innadril Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. (or any other castle) item, but when you participate in battles at the Olympics, you need a crown. Note! When you put on the crown of the castle, it will be displayed as the 3rd level of the skill, but in fact it will have the 1st level (according to the concept). Items from the Apella set have been introduced. Apella armor was added to the Clan Trader's assortment in the cities of Rune and Aden: Item 9830 loading... = 1046 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Plate Armor This full body armor used by clan members can be worn by a Baron or higher-level Aristocrat. = 3399 CRP, 12кк Adena Improved Apella Gauntlet Heavy ArmorCan be worn by a Baron or a higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Solleret Heavy ArmorCan be worn by a Baron or a higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Brigandine Can be worn by a Baron or a higher-level Aristocrat. = 3399 CRP, 12кк Adena Improved Apella Leather Gloves Light ArmorCan be worn by a Baron or a higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Boots Light ArmorCan be worn by a Baron or a higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Doublet This full body armor used by clan members can be worn by a Baron or higher-level Aristocrat. = 3399 CRP, 12кк Adena Improved Apella Silk Gloves RobeCan be worn by a Baron or higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena Improved Apella Sandals RobeCan be worn by a Baron or higher-level Aristocrat. = 697 CRP, 5кк Adena We suggest you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the positions of the windows, that you set yourself, will not be changed. Note! You should update with Updater right after the restart! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 9 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 9 января 2021 Dear friends! Happy New Year everyone and let's hope that this year will be much better than 2020. Once again we wish everyone happiness and good health. And for us, admins and dev. team - strength (and a bit of common sense) to develop the first Patch in 2021! The first epics have already passed and we can say with all confidence that most of our players have returned from the holidays and the battles are just amazing in their scale! Separately, I would like to note the fights on Baium: literally no one from our team remember when was the last time we saw such an epic marathon on the 14th floor of ToI. Thank you all for the emotions and for trusting us. Costumes Legendary Set Legendary Costume of the best representative of his race, which is put on top of your equipment. Want your character to look truly unique? It's your choice! Looking good - feeling good.? Note! Each race looks different, emphasizing its best and strongest sides. Purchasing a set for 350 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. you will get: Legendary Costume (visual armor); Legendary Weapon (weapon visual). Pay attention! Available for purchase only in the Personal Cabinet! These are personal items! Not tradable, not marketable! You can try them on with NPC Rylai in Giran. Winter Set Stylish Winter Costume All players will receive its temporary analogue for 7 days Pay Attention! It will replace your armor when you put it on. You can exchange this temporary suit for it's permanent version with NPC Emma for 50 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. You can exchange Real Santa's Suit Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming! Personal Costume which will bring the true Spirit of Christmas and New Year. Happy Holidays! Ho-Ho-Ho! Winter Costume with NPC Emma for 25 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Equipment Special Ability (SA) Bloody Orchid Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Back Blow, or Critical Bleed. - Mana Up (instead of Critical Bleed); Sobekk's Hurricane Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Haste, Haste, or Critical Drain. - Health (instead of Critical Drain); Angel Slayer Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, HP Drain or Haste. - Mana Up (instead of HP Drain). Note! During this week (the period of registration in the catacombs) you have the opportunity to insert a new SA (and take out the old one, if necessary) in Bloody Orchid Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Back Blow, or Critical Bleed.Sobekk's Hurricane Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Haste, Haste, or Critical Drain. NPC Pushkin in Giran. Only for this Special Ability (СА). Basic cost. Reward for Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul The identity of the witness to the death of the Ant Queen. Needed to exchange for Cursed Queen Ant's Rings in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Galladucci. Personal Item. Cursed Ring of Queen Ant 7 daysPersonal Item with Queen Ant's power: +15 to Critical Chance rate; +7% to Critical Power; +5% to PvE defence. / 1 day has been improved: M.Def was increased from 32 to 42; Active skill was added: Skill name: Self Cleanse; Description: Instantly removes all negative effects and debuffs; You can't use it during the Olympiad; Cooldown: 60 minutes (Fixed time). The cloak was fixed: Zaken's Soul Cloak HPCloak embroidered with Zaken's soul. Can be worn by someone who has proved his strength against mighty Zaken. Can not be traded or droped. Add +15 P.Def. +150 HP - now the bonus works correctly. Skills: Prophet: Piercing AttackWhen striking, there is a chance to decrease an enemy's P. Def. by 23%.: Lowering target P.Def: 23% (similar to Hex) Duration time: 30 seconds (similar to Hex) Counter CriticalFor 20 minutes, increases the target's P. Def. against Critical by 10%. Interchangeable with Chant of Protection.: Starting from level 1 of the skill it will have an active trigger: Counter Critical provides static protection that reduces critical damage dealt to you. Also, when a character who is under the buff effect gets damage, there is a chance that he will get an active buff, which will enhance his characteristics: On level 60: Passive effect: -10% damage from crit. attacks on you; Buff effect: +15% critical melee damage (doesn't work with skills other than Blow skills) for 8 seconds. On level 72: Passive effect: -15% damage from crit. attacks on you; Buff effect: +25% critical melee damage (doesn't work with skills other than Blow skills) for 8 seconds. On level 79: Passive effect: -30% damage from crit. attacks on you; Buff effect: +50% critical melee damage (doesn't work with skills other than Blow skills) for 8 seconds. On level 83: Passive effect: -30% damage from crit. attacks on you; Buff effect: +100% critical melee damage (doesn't work with skills other than Blow skills) for 8 seconds. New skills Improved CombatCombines P. Atk. increase and P. Def. increase to have more advanced combat power increase effect. For 40 minutes, increases P. Atk. by 15% and P. Def. by 15%. Mass Combo Buffs All Combo Buffs will get their mass analogue Mana cost when using skill: хх Pay attention! These skills will be added exclusively to the Prophet (Hierophant) class. New Skill Prophecy of Earth: A new skill from the group of Prophecy/Victory buffs, which will have the next stats: Max. HP +20%, Chance M.Crit.Atk. +2, Crit. Dmg. +20%, P. Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Atk.Speed +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Cast Spd. +20%, resistance to negative effects of 10% , Accuracy -4. Speed -20%. Solo target analogue of Chant of VictoryRecovers all party members' HP by 20%, and for 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase Max HP by 20%, magic damage Critical Damage by 2, Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%, and Accuracy by 4. Decreases Speed by 20%. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore. Pay attention! Hierophant's basic skill Prophecy of FireFor 5 minutes, a powerful spirit acts to increase a party member's Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, magic damage's Critical Rate by 2, Critical Damages by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases Speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore. will remain without any changes. Tyrant: Skill Force StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. now have 3 second cooldown instead of 5 (similar to Gladiator skill Sonic StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.); Skill Force BurstSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. тnow have 2 second cooldown instead of 3 (similar to Gladiator skill Sonic BusterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.). Shillien Elder: New Skill Shillien Sacrifice, which allows you to sacrifice your HP in exchange for MP. HP consumption: On level 56: 650 HP; On level 58: 975 HP; On level 76: 1300 HP. Gained MP: On level 56: 260 MP; On level 58: 390 MP; On level 76: 52 MP. Cooldown: 120 second (Fixed time) Added skill Lord of VampireFor 30 seconds, 80% of the standard melee damage inflicted on an enemy is recovered as HP.: Absorbs HP from physical melee damage inflicted on enemy (doesn't work with skills): On level 60: absorbs 20% of damage inflicted on enemy as HP; On level 70: absorbs 30% of damage inflicted on enemy as HP; On level 79: absorbs 50% of damage inflicted on enemy as HP; On level 83: original skill parameters. Duration time: 30 second; Cooldown: 150 second. Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner: Skill Dimension SpiralCreates a tear in the dimension to inflict damage on an enemy with 57 Power added to M. Atk. Over-hit. has been changed: Now cooldown is 12 second instead of 15. Items and skills that reduce cooldown now work on Dimension Spiral. Warsmith: New Skill Mechanical Upgrade: Now transfer some of the summoner characteristics to the summoned mechanism. Specificaly: 25% P.Atk / M.Atk., 25% P.Def. / M.Def., 10% Max. НР / МР, 20% Crit Atk. Chance, 10% P.Atk. Speed and 3% M.Atk Speed. regarding the characteristics of the summoner. Bounty Hunter: New Skill Shadow StepAllows user to stealthily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible.: Approaching the enemy from behind (absolute analogue of Dagger-class skills) Rewards: Now coupons for armor and weapons of all Grade were excluded from the academy's award (any of the two stages) Now as a reward for passing the profession quest you will get an additional coupon for weapons First profession: Personal Coupon Weapon: D-gradePersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Second profession: Personal Coupon Weapon: C-gradePersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Pay attention! the awards for the achieves there are the following items (among others): Achieve for reaching level 20: Personal Coupon Armor: D-gradePersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Achieve for reaching level 40: Personal Coupon Armor: C-gradePersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. All 1-47 level characters who have finished a second profession quest, but dont have a corresponding coupon - will receive it automatically. All 1-47 level characters who have finished a first profession quest, but don't have a corresponding coupon - will receive it automatically. Noblesse status Now after the killing raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel a chest will appear (which stays for 2 minutes) by talking to which you will get a special item Staff of Goddess: Rain Song Fragment A severaly damaged staff piece. A mysterious light shines faintly. When you collect three of them (after receiving third one ) - they automatically update to Staff of Goddess: Rain Song A wooden staff that is embedded with a light blue orb at the top of it. It gives you a feeling of an ocean breeze filled with moisture blowing gently in your face. To get this item - you have to be on the specific stage of the quest - Kill raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel. Pay attention! This is an alternate stage of the quest. Original one remains without any changes. For Example: After reaching the quest to Kill Barakiel you don't have to be in the party who finishes the boss. You can simply pick up those items from chest which appear after his death; And this update will help fix the traffic problem on this boss. Do not forget! Your quest should be at the same stage as the original quest to kill Barakiel; The chest after his death remains there for only 2 minutes; Check your inventory, it should be less than 80% full (no more than 63/80 spots). Shop and VIP system: Butler: The cost of all Spellbooks has been reduced from 3(three) Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.. Ivory Store: Will be added Rune of Experience Points 50% 1 hours limited timeAncient characters that bestow a mysterious ability when possessed in the inventory. Increases acquired Exp. by 50%. The remaining period decreases even while logged off.: Duration time: 1 hour Cost: 195 Ivory Coin Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. New Year's Event: First rewards from Christmas Red Sock Item needed to receive a gift from Santa Claus who goes around each territory. Cannot be exchnaged or dropped. have been received and now the chance of getting them has been increased! PS: This is Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired by level 55. , Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll to learn the Archer's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired by level 55. и Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Mages level 55 or above to learn Magician's Will. ? Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 9 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 9 января 2021 Did you really though this is the whole update? Nope! Here some more! Following yesterday update we've prepared for you another portion of important changes. In anticipation of the upcoming Zaken and entry of Kamael race, we've prepared another Patch note!? Zaken: Reworked the logic of the Epic Boss Zaken behaviour: Zaken was moved from his "castle" to the deck of the ship;; Zaken will no longer teleports between rooms; Zaken will no longer teleport players to random points of his "castle." Visually, the ship has been redesigned to create a comfortable environment for battles and grinding: Here are some screenshots of the changes: Скрытый текст In the future we plan additional improvements to the ship, but this is later. Passage to Zaken A new item has been added that removes the cooldown to 2 instances: Low-Zaken; High-Zaken (once it's added). We remind you that these are the two different instance zones. Cost: Butler \ L2 Store: 4 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Personal Cabinet: 3 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. A personal item! As a gift, we will give to each active player one pass VIP System: The next level of VIP system was added - 4th! To get it you need to have 50,000 VIP points. This level will provide the following bonuses: New Cloak Visually< the wings will move, as if in honor of your greatness! (veeeeery beautiful) It has the following stats: HP: +300; Weight Limit: +100%. Notice! You can exchange your cloak from the 3rd to the 4th level with NPC Rylai and keep all inserted bonuses (CP / HP / MP). Level bonuses: SP +100% (instead of 50% on 3rd); Adena +50% (instead of 40% on 3rd); Seal Stones +50% (instead of 40% on 3rd); Drop +65% (instead of 50% on 3rd); Spoil +65% (instead of 50% on 3rd); Fame +100% (instead of 50% on 3rd); PvE Attack +7% (instead of 5% on 3rd); PvE Defense +10% (instead of 7% on 3rd); EXP penalty -50% (instead of 40% on 3rd). Other: Visual Fitting weapon visual effect from the Legendary Costume Legendary Costume of the most worthy representative of his race. Personal Item.Legendary Costume Legendary Costume of the most worthy representative of his race. Personal Item.. We remind you that the Legendary set its a costume of the best representative of his race, which is put on top of your equipment. Want your character to look truly unique? It's your choice! Looking good - feeling good.? Note! Each race looks different, emphasizing its best and strongest sides. Purchasing a set for 350 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. you will get: Legendary Costume (visual armor); Legendary Weapon (weapon visual). Pay attention! Available for purchase only in the Personal Cabinet! hese are personal items! Not tradable, not marketable! and Items and Abilities Base spell cast time For OlympiadGood Luck, Have Fun! has been reduced from 4 to 3 seconds, which depends on the cast. spd; An analogue spell was added for For OlympiadGood Luck, Have Fun!, which depends on the atk. spd; Chance of triggering the effect Bless the BodyIncreases Max HP by 25% for 20 minutes. while casting spells with Staff of Evil Spirits Blessed Body<Soul Crystal Option> Casts Blessed Body magic upon the target with a 20% chance of success when using good magic. Effect 5. increased from 20% to 28%; Chance of triggering the effect Bless the BodyIncreases Max HP by 25% for 20 minutes. while casting spells with Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy Spirit Blessed BodyMasterwork Item that increases the heal amount. <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body when using a magic skill on the target. increased from 20% to 35%; Spell Noblesse BlessingMaintains target's buff/de-buff condition even following death and resurrection. The Blessing of Noblesse and the Amulet of Luck disappear, however. Consumes 5 Spirit Ore. has a fixed cooldown, so it cannot be used to apply a buff from both of Staff of Evil Spirits Blessed Body<Soul Crystal Option> Casts Blessed Body magic upon the target with a 20% chance of success when using good magic. Effect 5.and Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy Spirit Blessed BodyMasterwork Item that increases the heal amount. <Soul Crystal Enhancement> Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body when using a magic skill on the target. . A look into the future: In the very near future, we will list the upcoming changes prepared. Specifically the introduction of the Kamael race. But we want to tell you about the most important aspects of this update: Character development to 72nd level will be significantly easier; Two Epic Bosses, specifically Core and Orfen will be removed for a while. They will return in the near future (around Jan 25th) , but in the form of Instance Zones to choose from (i.e. only one Boss will be available); In addition to Instances Core and Orfen will be added another instance: Bailor. It will undergo a number of changes to update it to the current realities of the server, however it will still be the same exciting and incredibly useful Boss; B-grade items will be added to the Luxury store in Giran; In sets Unique Set Personal Unique Set: - 3 Best D-grade Weapons with SA! - 2 Personal D-grade Sets of your choice - Top D and C-grade Jewelry - 3 C-grade Weapons with SA! - 2 Personal C-grade Sets of your choice - Blessed MW Ring with: BSoE & BSoR - Unique "Blackbird" Cloak (+150 HP) - Riding Mount - Golden Lion - Autoloot Agathion - MW Guardian - Summon Bracelet for 7 days - Rune of Regeneration for 7 days - Hat of your choice - 3 Vitality Pies - Full Vitality Restore - 4 Vitality Replenishing Potions - 5 Vitality Maintaining Potions - 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktail - 10 Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 1 My Teleport Book - 3 My Teleport Flags - 10 My Teleport Scrolls - 3 Entrance Pass - Rim Pailaka - 3 Entrance Pass - Hall of the Abyss - 2 Entrance Pass - Labyrinth of the Abyss - Many D and C-grade Soulshots & Spiritshots - 250 GHP, 250 GCP, 15 BSoE, 10 BSoR -If you buy it through Web Store you'll get 500 Ivory Coins as a gift were added coupons for B-grade weapons and armor; C-grade weapons and armor will be added to all stores. Available for purchase with Adena Adena Kamael race will be introduced! Around the Jan 25th next stage of the server will be introduced - Gracia! We highly recommend you to use our Updater. It won't change your game settings and window positions. Everything you have set yourself will not be changed. Notice! You have to update with our Updater right restart is over! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 15 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 15 января 2021 Dear players! Our server is almost 2 months old, which means basically 2 things. First - it's about time for one of the most expected stages of our project: Gracia Final. I want to note, that regardless of haters and their trash talks - we going to face it with the online not less that at the Grand Opening! That's why we want to say, once again: thank you for your loyalty and patience! All we doing is dedicated for you! The Second one - it's time for Kamael! This update going to take part at Friday, 15.01.21 starting from 15:00 to 17:00 CET. You will need to make a Full Check via Updater to avoid inconvenience. More details by following this link. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 20 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 20 января 2021 Dear Players! At Sunday, January 17, 2021 before sieges server has been restarted in order to fix problems after Kamael Update. Skills: DecoySummon a mirror image that distracts an enemy. has beed fixed. Now it works correctly; Arbalester's Trap skills were fixed too; Maximum AbilityA critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. skill has been fixed for Inspector / Judicator; Sub-Class change from Character Status window (Alt+T) has been improved; As Prophecy of EarthFor 5 minutes, a powerful spirit acts to increase a party member's Max. HP by 20%, magic damage's Critical Rate by 2, Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Speed by 20%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases Accuracy by 4, Speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore. skill added for Hierophant at Lv. 78, Prophecy of Fire SP cost has been reduced; Lots of fixes in skills descriptions. Items: Special Set Unique Set Re-Pack with ring and mount now cannot be sold at shop for 0 Adena. But you should still be careful with it ? Soul Crystal option for Hell Hound Quick Recovery now has correct option - Quick Recovery; Kamael weapon augmentation with Life Stone has been fixed; Kamael weapon conversion has been fixed. Note: Augmented weapon cannot be conversed to Kamael Weapon or to regular weapon, this is intended mechanic. Lots of fixes for items descriptions. Zaken: Zaken Instance re-entry time has been fixed. Now they have separate cooldowns; Extra Entrance Passes for Zaken Instance have been fixed. Now you purchase Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken, which contain two passes into Zaken Instance: Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken (60) Extra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (56-73) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. Personal Item. и 1 шт. Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken (78); High-Zaken instance boss has been weakened. Other: VIP Lv. 4 now displays correctly; Anouncement for Stage Changes at Primeval Isle now displays correctly; Achievements list has been fixed; PvP/PK Achievements now have more bonuses; If you don't see PvP Achievements, then you have to participate at least in 1 PvP Offline-trade time has been increased from 16 hours to 24 hours. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 24 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 24 января 2021 Dear players! We are glad to present a Patchnote that has already been successfully installed on the server (this means that no restart is needed ?) Zaken SA can be enchanted from 10 to 12 in the High-Zaken instance (5% chance, personal for each group member); Now, depending on the speed of killing the High-Zaken Boss, the group will randomly receive Zaken's Secret Chest (like on HF). Inspector / Judicator Now can summon A or S-gr Bolt; Chance to receive Maximum AbilityA critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. effect has been slightly increased; Effect from SpiteFor 1 minute, inflicts a curse that causes malice in the target that is attacking an enemy and causes great Critical Damage at a certain rate when damage is received. skill now will not been stacked with effect of Critical Wound. Increases Critical Damage by 15%. Requires a dagger. Shillien Elder / Shillien Saint Possibility to get skill-link for this class has been fixed; We want to remind: EE and Bishop can get 1 skill, but ShE can take 3. Legendary Costume Legendary Weapon now correctly display for Kamael; We want to remind: It can be purchased only in your Control Panel! The price is 350 Master Coin Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. It's personal items! They can not be traded! You can try-out the set in Giran at NPC Rylay. Achievements Once you will complete Sub-Class achievements: Personal Coupon Armor: C-grade;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal Coupon Weapon: C-grade;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade);High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. It is very light. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. Soulshot (C-Grade). Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. It is very light. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. Buff Control New skills have been added to buff-control display system. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 24 января 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 24 января 2021 Dear players! We are glad to inform you that on January 25th, the second step will be made towards the introduction of a new stage of our server - Gracia Final. As part of this step, new instances will be added, the ability to obtain important and valuable items will be opened, you will have the opportunity to develop your character more easily and efficiently, and a number of items will be updated for the new server realities. More about this in our Patchnote! All those updates are going to be implemented at 25.01.21 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET. Rates Now you can develop your character even faster and effective: Level EXP from Mob EXP from RB 1-39 х7 х6 40-51 х7 => х5 х5 52-59 х5 => х3 х4 60-71 х3 => х1 х3 72-78 х1 х2 79+ х0.1 and less х0.3 and less It is important to know for any beginner that Achievements (20th and 40th level), Class transferring and completing Clan Academy - will provide your a valuable prizes that will make your start simpler and more comfortable! Have you ever experienced difficulty leveling 73? Now it's in the past! Epic Bosses Level of Epic Bosses Queen Ant, Zaken, Baium has been increased: Level: 75; Parameters of Epic Bosses has been increased: HP has been increased ~ in 1.5 times; P.Def has been increased ~30%; M.Def has been increased ~20%; P.Atk и M.Atk has been also increased. Экипировка и Крафт Crafting prise of S-gr. weapons and equipment will be reduced to the base value (the chance and the amount of required resources will correspond to the recipe 60%). Instance Zones Baylor New instance has been added, which is well known to the old-timers of our server - Baylor. The instance itself is included 3 corridors with mobs and at the end of each one you will find a Boss. As soon as you defeat each of the bosses, you can get to the main boss Baylor. Please note! Access to the main Boss will be closed until the server moves to the next stage - Gracia Final. Only through the killing of the Instance-Boss by the whole server you will open the HellBound Isle location. When the entire server will kill 100 Bosses - a portal will appear in Heine town, which will allow you to get to the HB. Main info: Group: 7-9 characters; Level of cheresters: 73-85; Drop: S gr. Weapon, Armor, Jewellery. SA enchanting 10 => 13 levels. Attribute stones, A and S gr. scroll of enchantment, etc. Difficulty: high. Entrance: Giran Harbor. Cooldown: Tue, Thu, Sat; Please note! On January 15th only 3 Bosses will be available in this Instance, namely: Coral Garden and RB Tears (78 lvl); Steam Corridor and RB Kechi (78 lvl); Emeral Squaer and RB Darnel (78 lvl). Instance Boss Baylor itself will be available after moving stage to the Gracia Final stage and after killing 100 Bosses by the entire server will open HellBound Isle location. Information about the number of killed Bosses will be automatically announced in the Global Chat. You can find more details regarding this Instance Zone by watching this video: Скрытый текст Castles and Forts Special dungeons in Castles and Forts will appear and you can get some nice and useful drop. Cooldown: 1 time\day, at 5:30 AM CET; Availability: for each group separately (by analogy with labs). Pailaka 3rd Pailaka - Injured Dragon will be available. This instance will allow you to gain significant EXP, which will allow you to get closer to important and new skills. Level: 73 – 77 Duration: 60 min. Items It will be possible to buy / sell / exchange attribute stones from Instance Baylor. Please Note! Inserting Attribute stones are not yet available. The stats of the following items have been improved: Pioneers Ring Unique Ring of Pioneers who participated in the OBT of the First MasterWork! When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 10%, + 3% PvE Defence. Active Skill: -SoE with 10 minutes cooldown. - now has 32 M.Def; Greater MW Ring Greater Ring from Rare MW’s Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 25%, + 5% PvE Defence. Active Skill: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown. - now has 40 M Def; Blessed MW Ring Blessed Ring from Unique MW’s Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 50%, + 7% PvE Defence. Active Skills: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown; -BSoR with 3 hours cooldown. - now has 48 M Def. Hero weapons will receive new parameters of P. and M. Attacks that roughly correspond to S-gr + 4-5. Infinity Blade - now has 333 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Cleaver Increases critical attack success rate/power, MaxHP, MaxCP and damage inflicted during PvP. Inflicts extra damage on critical attack. Reflects debuff attack back on enemy.- now has 405 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Axe During a critical attack, it bestows one the ability to cause internal conflict to one's opponent. Damage shield function, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP as well as one's shield defense rate are increased. It also enhances damage to one's opponent during PvP.- now has 333 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Rod When good magic is casted upon a target, increases Max MP, Max CP, Casting Spd, and MP regeneration rate. Also recovers HP 100% and enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 267 P.Atk / 202 M.Atk; Infinity Crusher Increases Max HP, Max CP, and Atk. Spd. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 405 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Scepter When casting good magic, it can recover HP by 100% at a certain rate, increases MAX MP, Max CP, M. Atk., lower MP Consumption, increases the Magic Critical rate, and reduce the Magic Cancel. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 325 P.Atk / 222 M.Atk; Infinity Stinger Increases Max MP, Max CP, Atk. Spd., MP regen rate, and the success rate of Mortal and Deadly Blow from the back of the target. Silences the target when a critical attack occurs and has Vampiric Rage effect. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 291 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Fang Increases Max HP, Max MP, Max CP and evasion. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player at a certain probability rate. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 405 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Bow Increases Max MP/Max CP and decreases re-use delay of a bow. Slows target when a critical attack occurs and has Cheap Shot effect. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 654 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Wing When a critical attack occurs, increases Max HP, Max MP, Max CP and critical chance. Silences the target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 405 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Spear During a critical attack, increases Max HP, Max CP, Atk. Spd. and Accuracy. Casts dispel on a target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Enhances damage to target during PvP.- now has 333 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Rapier - now has 302 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Sword - now has 361 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk; Infinity Shooter - now has 401 P.Atk / 151 M.Atk. Skills All skills from Life Stones will now have level 10. Heroic Valor and some other buffs of Overlord / Dominator will now affect on the alliance (instead of just group and clan); Heroic Valor will now affect on group and alliance (instead of just clan). Shop A new Vitality Clover was added to all stores, and the prices for the old ones were reduced: Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-85 lvl (New) 1 q-ty. = 10 Master Coin; 3 q-ty. = 25 Master Coin. Please note! If you will buy it in the Control Panel, there will be a special offer: 10 q-ty. = 75 Master Coin. Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-52 lvl Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 q-ty. = 1 Master Coin (было 3); 3 q-ty. = 2 Master Coin (было 7). Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-64 lvl Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 q-ty. = 3 Master Coin (было 7); 3 q-ty. = 7 Master Coin (было 15). Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-76 lvl Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 q-ty. = 7 Master Coin (было 10); 3 q-ty. = 15 Master Coin (было 25). The cost of sets with soul and spirit shots has been reduced: D-gr. 5000 q-ty. = 1 Master Coin (previously 3); D-gr. 3000 q-ty. = 1 Master Coin (previously 3); C-gr. 5000 q-ty. = 3 Master Coin (previously 6); C-gr. 3000 q-ty. = 3 Master Coin (previously 6); B-gr. 3000 q-ty. = 5 Master Coin (previously 9); B-gr. 2000 q-ty. = 5 Master Coin (previously 9); A-gr. 3000 q-ty. = 7 Master Coin (previously 12); A-gr. 1500 q-ty. = 7 Master Coin (previously 12); S-gr. 2000 q-ty. = 9 Master Coin (previously 15); S-gr. 1000 q-ty. = 9 Master Coin (previously 15). The update from February 5th implies a full transition to the chronicles of Gracia Final and therefore the opening of the Gracia content, the introduction of a new Instance Zone at SoI, the ability to insert an attribute, the Baylor himself, the opening of a modified HB, IOP, the introduction of the attribute system (ATT / Traits / Resists / Surrenders) and others. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
lrd 508 Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2021 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2021 Dear friends! We were preparing another patch notes and thought... Why don't we make EXP weekend? ? This friday in the morning server will be restarted, after that during weekend EXP rates will be increased and vitality items cooldowns will be decreased by half! Rates From 26.02 to 01.03 EXP&SP will be: Level Before After 1 ~ 39.99 x7 x10 40 ~ 51.99 x7 > x5 х10 > х7 52 ~ 60.99 х5 > x3 х7 > х5 61 ~ 64.99 х3 > х2 х5 > х3 65 ~ 69.99 х2 х3 70 ~ 75.99 х2 > x1 x3 > x2 76 ~ 80.99 х1 х2 81+ Same as before Please note! Rate changes does not affect Raid Bosses or Instance zones EXP rewards. On your first login after restart you will get special package. What's inside: MW Vitality Pie Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 60 minutes Vitality Maintaining Potion Magic potion that maintains the energy stage. Reuse delay 30 minutes. Cannot be exchnaged or dropped. one random vitality hat for 3 days (1-81 lvl) and other useful items! Vitality items All Vitality items cooldowns was decreased by half! For example: Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel Gift 7 day Before restart: 8 hours cooldown; During weekend: 4 hours cooldown. Other items: MW Vitality Pie During weekend: 30 minutes. Vitality Maintaining Potion и Vitality Replenishing Potion During weekend: 30 minutes. Afro Hair Vitality - 3 days. 1-81 lvlAfro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Personal item. When put on allows you to use an Active Skill that restores your Vitality when killing monsters. Duration: 20 minutes. Cooldown: 11 hours and 30 minutes. During weekend: 5 hours 15 minutes. Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 60 minutes Vitality items prices in Control Panel store will be also decreased during weekend. Other changes Re-use time of all CP Potions (Greater CP Potions of all types, CP Potions) will be decreased New: 1 second. Old: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 0.6 seconds. We love and appreciate all our players and we glad to bring you holiday atmosphere for this weekend? We thank you for choosing us and staying with us. Have a great weekend! with ❤️, E-Global & Averia Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 28 февраля 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 февраля 2021 Dear friends! Today is the day when the first Territory Wars are going to take place and in order to make it smooth and clean we will restart the server. Since we are making a restart, here is another patch. ? Sieges & Territory Wars Sieges schedule: 16:00 - 18:00 - first sieges: Gludio, Dion, Innadril, Schuttgart, Aden; 19:00 - 21:00 - second sieges: Giran, Oren, Goddard, Rune; Right after second sieges end, Territory Wars will begin and will last for 2 hours. 21:00 - 23:00 - first TW. Next sieges will be according to the default schedule. Important information, that we want to point out: Any character can register for any territory at NPC Mercenary Capitan in specific towns. Please note! First TW will be available only for castle owners. Any character 40+ level can participate. To get Badges and complete quests the minimum level of your character must be 60. Next Territory Wars will be on Saturday 13.03; Territory Wars register will be closed 2 hours before TW start; Members of a clan that owns a castle will have territory flag bonus, despite having or not flag after TW. Please note! If you have a flag of your territory, bonus will not be doubled. Flags cannot be dragged out of the combat zone. If a character that carries a flag leaving the combat zone, a15-second long countdown will start, and if the character stays for 15 seconds outside the combat zone, flag will disappear. Clan invitation is not available if it's less than one hour till TW starts. Resurrection skills and items are not available during territory wars. Please note! Both Build Headquarters and Outpost Construction, the same as Castle Control crystals does not affect Resurrection abilities. Charm of Courage (S-Grade) - works as intended; You can resurrect near the outpost, flag or castle without any penalties. Fortresses are not involved in Territory Wars, so there won't be Catapults. To become Noblesse you will need to collect 50 Territory Badges (instead of default 100 badges). Territory Badge store got some changes: Giant's Codex - Mastery - 25 (instead of 80) 10 Blessed Scroll of Escape - 2.500.000 Adena и 1 (instead of 40 for 1 BSoE); Constructs an outpost that assists clan member recovery and reinforcement during territory battles. Territory ward capture is possible. Consumes 120 B-Grade Gemstones.Establishes a headquarters during a siege that aids in recovery and reinforcement of forces. Consumes 300 C-Grade Gemstones.Territory Health Recovery Potion - 1 (instead of 8); Accessories - 8 (instead of 80); A-gr jewelry: Oren Earth Protection Ring Ring given to the guardian of Oren territory. Resistance to Earth +12. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect. - 60 ; Oren Protection Earring Earring given to the guardian of Oren territory. Paralysis attack +15%, hold defense +15%, darkness defense +8. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings. - 90 ; Oren Darkness Protection Necklace Necklace given to the guardian of Oren territory. Darkness power defense +26. Cannot be exchnaged or dropped. - 120 . S-80 gr jewelry: Oren Earth Royal Guard Ring Ring given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Resistance to Earth +15. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect. - 80 ; Oren Guard Earring Necklace given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Paralysis attack +15%, hold defense +15%, darkness defense +10. CP +5%. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings. - 120 ; Oren Darkness Royal Guard Necklace Necklace given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Darkness type defense 30. Cannot be exchnaged or dropped. - 160 . Box with belt A and S-gr - 35 (instead of 70); You can also exchange your Territory Badges for badges of another territory: Gludio Territory Badge = Dion Territory Badge + 350.000 Adena or 1 Master Coin (you can choose any option). Skills A lot of skills (trigger-type abilities, King of the Hill buff and a lot more), will no longer take buff slots and now will use separate buff section Fixed Sub-Class Ability – Haste when using Bow and Crossbow. Now it will work as intended. Items Soul Ore and Energy Stone - now has 0 weight value (same as Spirit Ore); Arrows that are dropped from monsters now have 1 weight (instead of 5-3).A material used by Dwarves in item manufacturing. Also used to summon and maintain servitors. Can be sold in any shop.Recharges the energy of a Gladiator or a Tyrant 1 stage at a time. Can be recharged up to 2 stages.A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. Offline Trade Offline trade now lasts for 36 hours (was 16 hours) Number of offline trade slots on server has been increased from 2000 to 2500; Now if there is no free space for new offline traders, the oldest one will be kicked from the game. Look to the future New 8th of March event ; New tank and some other classes skills; Best A-gr weapons in Ivory Coin Store;Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Hellbound Isle expansion and Dynasty (S-gr) equipment; Forge of Gods - drop will be improved: Attribute stones, S-grade equipment (monster stats will not be changed); Anomic Foundry on Hellbound (with Icarus quest), Giant's Cave, Tiat will be available a bit later ? We recommend you to use our Updater. It will not change your game and interface settings. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Zubei's Gaiters. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.Badge bearing the mark of Dion territory.Badge bearing the mark of Gludio territory.Recovers HP when in use. Restricted to characters higher than level 61 and lower than level 75. Can only be used on the battlefield during a Territory War. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 28 февраля 2021 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 февраля 2021 Dear players! We tried to make everyone happy but something went wrong... ? Since we added an option to register for Territory Wars and not only castle owners, TW for Rune castle owners did not start. We figured out what caused that problem and fixed it, Territory Wars will begin at 22:00 server time, right after server restart. We want to apologize and as compensation we will partly save increased weekend rates and all characters will recieve: 1 MW Vitality Pie Personal Item. 1 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% (1-85 lvl) 60-minutes 2 Vitality Maintaining Potion 2 Sweet Fruit Cocktail 2 Fresh Fruit Cocktail 1 Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) 5 Recovery Spellbook for Combat Use Spellbook that restores a character's lowered Exp. at death. Usable only in combat. Cooldown: 60 minutesIncreased rates will affect all characters up to 78 level (including 78) rates above level 78 will be the same as before weekend EXP event. Reveal hidden contents Level Old New 1 ~ 39.99 x7 x10 40 ~ 51.99 x7 > x5 х10 > х7 52 ~ 60.99 х5 > x3 х7 > х5 61 ~ 64.99 х3 > х2 х5 > х3 65 ~ 69.99 х2 х3 70 ~ 75.99 х2 > x1 x3 > x2 76 ~ 78.99 х1 х2 > x1 79 ~ 80.99 х1 х1 81+ x0.1 We apologize for inconvenience. Thank you for understanding. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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