Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 13 ноября 2020 Рассказать Опубликовано: 13 ноября 2020 Dear players! First of all, we would like to thank you for such an active participation in the OBT of our shared server! We haven't seen the servers being Normal for a long time during tests ? Скрытый текст We don't want to brag, but we really want to express our special gratitude to these people: On the screen online on the OBT server! Further, as promised, we will conduct a patch note of changes both on OBT and Live. ❗Friday, 13.11: The Burst Shot skill was added for the Phantom Ranger class to learn (according to the concept description); Fixed description of several items and skills; Some animations and models for monsters and RB have been added and corrected; The correct order of learning summons at the first levels has been restored (an old mistake of the official developers has been fixed); Fixed consumption of items Mechanic Golem at the first two levels of study (at the rest of the levels everything was correct); Fixed some descriptions and teleport points for the Club Manager (will be available after the next restart); Added Low D-Grade two-handed sword to the Newbie Guide (available after next restart); other minor fixes. Thank you and stay tuned! We regularly release not only fixes, but improvements, changes and various gifts ? Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 14 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 14 ноября 2020 ❗Saturday , 11.14: Added: Skill Replace has been added to all Summoner professions; Thread with Sub-Class description. Fixed: For Olympiad buff - now successfully applied with weapon effects; Summon Merchant Golem (now you need 5 Spirit Ore to summon); Consuming Spirit Ore to keep the Crafting Golem alive at low levels; Accelerated the application time of BSoR for Pets, which, by the way, players receive as a gift for purchasing Pets; Removed from auto-learning Boost HP and Fast HP Recovery; The individual parameters of the summons will be brought up to date; Will remove the lagg of the SS on a high caste speed; Will remove the cooldown of skills with the help of the Olympics, the cooldown of which is> 20 minutes (transformations, for example); Correct SAs will be added to B-gr knuckle-dusters (according to the server concept); A Low D-Grade two-handed sword will be added to the Newbie Guide; Skills Magical Mirror and Physical Mirror has cooldown\affected time fix (according to server conception); Few Olympiad Arenas has been removed due to it's geodata issues. and other minor fixes. We recommend that you remember to do Full Check every few hours. Some changes are made using a restart (example: changes to the cooldown of skills), while the corrections to the description of the item / skill are constantly being introduced, since these are the Game Client files that we distribute by the updater. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 15 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 15 ноября 2020 Dear players! We would like to express our gratitude to all OBT participants once again! A lot of you join our OBT server and we are appreciate everyone who put trust in our product and our team. Thank you! The first 3 days of the OBT were devoted to the opportunity to check the start and equipment of the NG -> A-gr class, as well as very late content with weapons and armor + 10-16. Now we would like to ask you to focus specifically on the content of the first stage, which is 1-60. Attention! OBT 2.0: On Monday, November 16, at 8:00pm Server Time (6:00pm GMT), a scheduled restart will take place on the OBT server, within which we will change the maximum level of characters to 60, and the OBT Shop - up to equipment up to B-Grade, inclusive. Please note! All characters on the OBT server will be deleted; We emphasize! Characters, but not Game Accounts! There will be a limit on the level of enchantment (ONLY DURING OBT): Weapon: +8; Armor: +6; Jewelry: +6. OBT 2.1: On Wednesday, 11/18 at 8:00pm Server Time (6:00pm GMT OBT), the server will be transferred to the second stage, and the maximum level of characters will change to 72, and the OBT Shop - up to A-gr equipment, inclusive. Please note! Characters will NOT be deleted! There will be a limit on the level of enchantment (ONLY DURING OBT): Weapon: +8; Armor: +6; Jewelry: +6. Thank you all for your active participation in testing our server! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 16 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 16 ноября 2020 ❗ Sunday, 11.15 M. Attack of two-handed staff is now more than one-handed weapons (according to the concept); Fixed SA in Imperial Staff; Fixed the issue of Hero Weapon Weapon for OBT server (according to the current OBT concept); Summon Merchant Golem (added AI); A number of Dialogues and HTMs have been fixed; Fixed "double" healing from Battle Roar, Battle Cry and Body of Avatar (according to the concept); Fixed Surrender to Holy in Inquisitor transformation (according to the concept, namely Interlude for the first and second stages); Several descriptions of Skills and Items have been corrected; Now the basic "weapon" of the summons = sword (there used to be "fists"). Thus, skills such as Stigma of Shilen and Tempered Weapon affect the summons; Fixed the Summon Treasure Key skill - now makes the correct keys that work with chests; The exchange Foundation for Rare at NPC Pushkin in Giran has been added (described above): Armor of ANY rank can be unpacked from Foundation to Sealed. However, the unpack of B-gr. is available in cities, and for unsealed, for example, Sealed Rare Dark Crystal Gloves in Phis / Light / Robe Gloves Gloves - you need Mammon; The weapon can be unpacked directly from the Foundation state to Rare, but by inserting SA - similarly, for A-gr. and higher - Mammon is needed. For B-gr. - at the NPC in cities; Note! To display things in the exchanger, you need to have both a Foundation item and Mammon's Varnish Enhancer in your inventory. We also remind you that on Monday, November 16, at 8:00pm Server Time (7:00pm CET), a scheduled restart will take place on the OBT server, within which we will change the maximum level of characters to 60, and the OBT shop - before equipment to B- Grade, inclusive. Note! All characters on the OBT server will be deleted; We emphasize! Characters, but not Game Accounts! There will be a limitation on the level of enchantment (ONLY DURING THE OBT) Weapons: +8; Armor: +6; Jewelry: +6. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 17 ноября 2020 ❗ Monday, 16.11 OBT transferred to stage 2.0: The maximum level is 60; Enchanting limit (ONLY DURING OBT): Weapon: +8; Armor: +6; Jewelry: +6. Monsters and Drop: Fixed passive effects of monsters with the xN HP effect ("X-ed mobs"). Now HP regen corresponds to Interlude (not High Five) Fixed resists and weakness of monsters. It now works Interlude-like, including Holy Weapon; Fixed drop of monster keys, now it corresponds to the concept (in the drop-spoil patch it will be fixed in the near future). Clans: Fixed learning of clan skills. Now they need the correct eggs in the correct amount according to GF / HF (according to the server concept); Removed the need for SP to increase Clan Levels. Now you only need Adena and corresponding items (up to level 5 inclusive). Items: We changed the cost of Shadow weapons, opened access to all Shadow Weapons at all levels: Reduced the cost of low C shadow weapons to 116.800 (was ~ 170k); The cost of mid C shadow weapons - 169.000; Increased the cost of low B shadow weapons to 195,000 (was ~ 170k). Fixed item descriptions of various items (according to the concept); Fixed all Cloak. Olympiad: Corrected the Olympiad geodata. Now all 4 arenas are available, they work properly; Fixed doors at the Olympics; We remind you that the Olympiad after the start will be available from 19:00 to ~ 22: 40 (+ time for the end of those who managed to register); As part of the OBT, we have expanded the registration window from 23:00 to 22:40.. In a 20-minute window, a change of periods is carried out, they clean the arenas, psychologically rehabilitate the NPC buffers. Skills: Fixed LS of Vampiric. For High Five, the cooldown is 300 seconds. Now 12 seconds (according to the concept); Corrected the skills of Cubic, as well as from the visual display of dice in skills; Fixed Chant of Revenge (according to the concept); Cleanse - does not require a book; Gate Chant - no book required; Soul of Pa'agrio - adena instead of a book: This change works for all combo-buffs; Raplace - now learns from level 48 (was up from 40); Fixed item descriptions for various skills (according to the concept). General: Fixed SS "lag"; Fix the Fighting Evil daily quest(s) ; Fixed various dialogs and HTMs. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 18 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 18 ноября 2020 ❗ Tuesday, 11/17 Skills: Focus Death skill has been splitted by level. Classes: Abyss Walker, Plainswalker; Learning level: Level 55 - Chance and Crit. Atk. damage in front -20%. Mortal Blow Chance + 30%, Crit. Atk. damage at the back + 40%.. Dagger required; Level 66 - Chance and Crit. Atk. damage in front -25%. Mortal Blow Chance +45%, Crit. Atk. damage at the back +65%. Dagger required; Level 78 - Chance and Crit. Atk. damage in front -30%. Mortal Blow Chance +60%, Crit. Atk. damage at the back +90%. Dagger required. Focus Chance skill has been splitted by level. Classes: Treasure Hunter, Abyss Walker; Learning level: Level 55 - Chance of Crit. Atk. in front-20%. Chance of Crit. Atk. from the side +20%. Chance of Crit. Atk. at the back +30%. Dagger required; Level 66 - Chance of Crit. Atk. in front -25%. Chance of Crit. Atk. from the side +25%. Chance of Crit. Atk. at the back +45%. Dagger required; Level 78 - Chance of Crit. Atk. in front -30%. Chance of Crit. Atk. from the side +30%. Chance of Crit. Atk. at the back +60%. Dagger required. Focus Power skill has been splitted by level. Classes: Plainswalker, Treasure Hunter; Learning level: Level 55 - Crit. Atk. damage in front -20%. Crit. Atk. damage from the side +20%. Crit. Atk. damage at the back +40%. Dagger required; Level 66 - Crit. Atk. damage in front -25%. Crit. Atk. damage from the side +25%. Crit. Atk. damage at the back +50%. Dagger required; Level 78 - Crit. Atk. damage in front -30%. Crit. Atk. damage from the side +30%. Crit. Atk. damage at the back +60%. Dagger required. Counter Critical skill has been splitted by level. Class: Prophet; Learning level: Level 60 - For 20 min. increases protection against crit. Atk. on 10%. Interchangeable with Chant of Protection; Level 72 - For 20 min. increases protection against crit. Atk. on 15%. Interchangeable with Chant of Protection; Level 79 - For 20 min. increases protection against crit. Atk. on 30%. Interchangeable with Chant of Protection; Level 83 - For 20 min. increases protection against crit. Atk. on 30%. When receiving a certain amount of damage for 8 sec. increases the power of Crete. Melee strike. Requires Forgotten Scroll - Counter Critical. Works in conjunction with Chant of Protection. Added the ability Crushing Strike to the Warsmith Profession (similar to Bounty Hunter Profession). Striking an enemy, for 3 sec. decreases P. Def. and M. Def. goals by 10%. Power: 1041. Requires a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible; Levels of learning: from 40 to 85 level. Fixed all the summons. Now they correspond to the original ones, including skills, stats and HP parameters (according to the concept); Chant of Revenge was repaired, now it fully matches the description; Fixed the visual display for the consumption of the Cubic skill (in the client); Fixed Ready to Fight. Now it is a passive that works for the group (according to the concept); Updated the description of the topic with skills on the forum. Items: Fixed Shadow Staffs (two-handed) Fixed descriptions of various items (according to the concept). Rest: The first Pailaka is now available from 35 to 45 levels. Reward: 20,000 Vitality points (full vitality), instead of 10,000 as it was before; Corrected the correct display of htm buffs for all Newbie Guides. ❗OBT 2.1: On Wednesday, 11/18 at 8:00pm Server Time (21:00 CET OBT) , the server will be transferred to the second stage, and the maximum level of characters will change to 72, and the OBT Shop - up to A-gr equipment, inclusive. Please note! Characters will NOT be deleted! There will be a limit on the level of enchantment (ONLY DURING OBT): Weapon: +8; Armor: +6; Jewelry: +6. Thank you all for your active participation in testing our server! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 20 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 20 ноября 2020 ❗Wednesday-Thursday, 11.18 - 11.19 Changes \ fixes: Prophet - Massive buffs have been added that are applied immediately to the group; Skills appear at the MAX level of the original skill; MP cost for using skills х3; List of skills: Mass Wind Walk - 30 lvl; Mass Might - 40 lvl; Mass Shield - 44 lvl; Mass Mental Shield - 56 lvl; Mass Magic Barrier - 52 lvl; Mass Berserker Spirit - 52 lvl; Mass Focus - 52 lvl; Mass Death Whisper - 56 lvl; Mass Haste - 52 lvl; Mass Acumen - 48 lvl; Mass Bless the Body - 72 lvl; Mass Bless the Soul - 70 lvl; Mass Concentration - 68 lvl; Mass Guidance - 56 lvl; Mass Greater Might - 74 lvl; Mass Greater Shield - 74 lvl. Inquisitor transformation has been added: In addition to attacking skills , transformation has the Invocation skill; Learning levels: 56, 60, 64, 68, 72; For 30 sec reduces the power of defense by 90%, recovers MP per second (depends on the character's level). If the character takes damage, the effect of the skill ends. Massive buffs have also been added to the transformation. Bishop, Elven Elder, Shilien Elder: Classes got a new skill Mass Wind Walk: Can be learned at level 30; Applies the 2nd level Wind Walk effect to all party members; MP consumption х3. Swordsinger, Paladin, Temple Knight: Divine Blade (toggle): Can be learned at level 43; The ability to attack with Holy power. Increases holy damage by 5%; Personal effect Holy Weapon; Consumption: 0 MP. Divine Armor (toggle): Can be learned at level: 40, 46; Increases resistance to Holy attacks by 7% / + 10%; Personal effect Resist Dark; Consumption: 0 MP. Bladedancer, Shilien Knight, Dark Avenger: Dark Blade (toggle): Can be learned at level 43; The ability to attack with Dark power. Increases darkness damage by 5%. Personal effect analog Dark Weapon; Consumption: 0 MP. Dark Armor (toggle): Can be learned at level: 40, 46; Increases resistance to dark attacks by 7% / + 10%; Personal effect Resist Holy +7% / +10%; Consumption: 0 MP. Anchor: Proc Chance of the skill has been balanced to 40%. (At Interlude \ Gracia Final - 20%, at High Five - 100%). Transfer of skills Upon receipt of 3 class by the classes Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shillien Saint, the Skill Transfer system becomes available, which makes it possible to obtain the ability (s) from other classes. Note! Classes receive a different number of items for which abilities can be learned ( Holy Pomander) Cardinal - 1 Holy Pomander; Eva's Saint - 1 Holy Pomander; Shillien Saint - 3 Holy Pomander. Scavenger class completion now grants the correct 163.000 Adena reward; The description of skills, items and HTM has been corrected; Added to the Game Map: Markers with the location of the Sub-Class Raid Bosses, which are always displayed on the map (even if you do not go to the Raid Bosses tab in Map Info): Marks with the location of the author's NPCs when pressing (+) on the Game Map: Spawn points for all cities have been reworked when pressing To Village, SOE and similar skills. Now you don't have to run from the farthest corner of Aden ? General information about OBT: Dear friends! We want to thank you for such an increased interest in our server! It was, perhaps, one of the most active OBT servers in recent years. And not only for our project! All players who logged into our test server - we put a personal item in the Warehouse of the Personal Account: Pioneers Ring. This is a unique ring of pioneers who took part in the OBT of the first MasterWork! Stats: 24 M.Def, No-Grade; After death, you lose 10% less experience; + 3% Defense in PvE (does not stack with set ring); Active skill: SoE with cooldown: 10 minutes. As a result of the open testing, we identified errors and bugs of various levels of complexity and importance, but we are pleased to announce that we spent the necessary amount of time for each of these errors and they were all fixed! Once again, we thank you for your active participation in our OBT and wish you every success at the Server Start, which will take place at 20:00 Server Time (7:00pm CET)! ❗Separate changes that will be at the start (regarding the server concept)❗ Dear players! Please note that some settings will differ from those declared in the first days from the start of the server (further they will correspond to the description of the server concept). ? Academy changes: Upon receiving a second class as an academician, he leaves the academy and receives a special reward: 1 Proof of Loyalty; 50 Greater Healing Potion; 100 Ivory Coin; 1 Family Vitality Pie; 3 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 3 Fresh Fruit Cocktail. Upon receiving the 2nd class as an academician, the clan receives: 1 Proof of Loyalty; Clan Reputation Points (CRP). In 5-7 days after the Server Start, we will introduce a two-stage system, with the Academy Favor, academy up to level 52 (for the first stage), etc. It is fully functional, but its implementation from the start of the server will lead to a certain imbalance. For more information about the Clan Academy, see the topic with the concept of the server (in the section Gameplay -> Clan Update). ? Amount of Game Windows: From the start of the server, it will be available: 3 Windows + 2 with PA = MAX 5 windows. Note! If due to online there is a high load on the server, we will gradually reduce the number of available game windows. 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Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2020 Dear players! The server is running, which means that it is time to relax on the comfortable couch of a cozy club work even harder to fix bugs and quickly respond to the huge load on the Game and Physical Servers. More than 6,100 unique players visit us every day: Скрытый текст ❗20-25th of November: Fixed auto invite to the academy through the Clan Entry system. Now all conditions for joining the academy will be met; Fixed purifying of karma at levels 60+; Fixed a number of skills to bring them into line with the concept and improved the system for using melee skills; Fixed crafting cost for Dark Crystal and Tallum periphery recipes (according to the concept); Added 2 new Auto-Loot Agathion to NPC Butler. You can find them in the Autoloot section: Autoloot Agathion - Antharas: 150 Master Coins; Autoloot Agathion - Zaken Spirit Sword: 250 Master Coins. Fixed quests for several professions (corrected item drops from some quest monsters); Fixed rewards for completing professions; Fixed sorting Party Matching. More recent rooms will now go from the beginning of the list, rather than from the end; Fixed the skills of the forts; Fixed a bug when capturing forts with 5 "barracks"; Fixed respawn of monsters for some locations; Fixed bonuses for enchanting items from sets (set armor); Fixed descriptions of several dozen skills and items; Fixed the logic of the first Pailaka (Song of Ice and Fire). Now there will be no problems with the appearance of bosses; Established NoPK zones on all Epic Bosses: For example. In the area of the Epic Boss Queen Ant, when you kill the white character, you get + PvP and do not become PK (behind the river); A condition, under which, your character will be "flagged" when attacking the Epic Boss has been established (according to the concept). We want to remind you that the NPC, which encourages all Elmoraden warriors, appears after the Epic Boss Queen Ant’s death, at the entrance of the Gludio Temple! Watch QA at streams and get a bonus at the town ? We wish you all the best and a nice day! PS: We know how much you dislike restarts several times a day. We perfectly understand everything and will not make excuses. The only thing we would like to tell you and promise: We do not and will not do restarts unless it is necessary. All restarts are made exclusively for you and comfort of your gameplay. Please, try to understand and forgive us with ❤️, E-Global & Averia team. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2020 ❗26 - 27 of November (with restart on November 27) HP parameters of Epic Boss Queen Ant have been increased: Previous: 2.434.922; Now: 3.652.383. Now NPC after the death of Epic Boss Queen Ant will: Give 2 Bottle of Ant Queen's Soul (instead of one); Pay attention! Everyone who received one item will also receive the second. 10.000 Vitality points; Stand 10 minutes (instead of 5); World Announcements related to Epic Boss Queen Ant have been added: The beginning of the respawn interval; The appearance of Epic Boss Queen Ant itself; Death and the appearance of the NPC in the lair and the town of Gludio. Added to the list of exceptions for capturing Command Channel Bosses from: Kamaloka - Labyrinth of the Abyss; Kamaloka - Hall of the Abyss; Dimensional Rift; A number of other Bosses that will be available in the next stages. Guild slots have been expanded: Maximum size of Guards increased from 20 to 30 members (+20 slots for 2 Guards); Maximum size of Knights squad increased from 10 to 15 members (+20 slots for 2 Knight squads); Maximum size for improved Guards - increased from 40 to 50 members; Maximum size for the improved Knights squad is 30 members. Fixed the movement of clan members to the guards / knights squads in clan; Fixed a bug with the exchange of weapons on the quest for the Sub-Class; Fixed the work of some skills for the alliance. Skills such as Mass Ressurection and Honor of Pa'agrio now work for the entire alliance; Fixed a bug when FPS decreased significantly when learning skills; Fixed cooldown of Potions when auto-use. Your system chat will no longer be clogged wit CP / Great CP Potion cooldown messages; Elixir on MP now work correctly on auto-use; Fixed descriptions of several dozen skills and items; During the first stage, the fine, for the difference in levels between the character and the boss, was severely increased. "All in good time"; Fixed the respawn time of Sub Class Raid Bosses. Now the respawn is correct (according to the concept): 8 h +4 h random (a.k.a. 10 h +/- 2 h); You can find out about the nearest respawn / kill of Sub Class Raid Bosses in this thread (from our player). Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2020 ❗28 - 29 of November (with the restart on November 29) Fixed a number of descriptions and dialogs for: NPC; Recipes; Items; Skills. Raid Bosses needed to complete the Sub-Class quest received to the drop: Avadon Circlet; Zubei's Helmet. HP parameters of Epic Bosses of Queen Ant have been increased: Queen Ant: HP: 5.000.000; P.Def and M.Def were slightly increased. Orfen: HP: 5.000.000; P.Def and M.Def were slightly increased. Core: HP: 5.000.000; P.Def and M.Def: were slightly increased. We recommend you to use our Updater. When you open it normally, it will not change your game settings files and the window positions that you set yourself will not be changed. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 4 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 4 декабря 2020 ❗29 - 30 of November (with the restart on 12/01) All Epic Bosses have been leveled up to 60 to avoid Raid Curse debuffs. The parameters of Epic Bosses remain unchanged. Changed the logic of the Counter Rhythm skill. Now, in order to cause the trigger, you need to use the Aggression, istead of Deadly Strike. There is also a chance that the skill will trigger from a basic attack; Chance of proc from skill - still remains 30%. The exchange of items from the Luxury Shop at the Mammon Merchant has been fixed; We want to remind you how the trade with the Mammon Merchant works: If you change weapons of the same rank (Mid C -> Mid C) - the level of the item's enchant remains relevant for the new weapon (transferred); If you improve the rank of the weapon, the enchant level will be reset! Fixed the Autoloot system. Now, the drop picks up a character that deals more damage (instead of the last hit); Vitality Hats now only occupy one (top) inventory slot (accessory). They can be successfully combined with Medical Face Mask or other accessories from the Battle Pass Manager NPC Rylai; Fixed descriptions of several dozen skills, dialogues and items; Fixed the exchange of the item Staff of Evil Spirit on the quest for SubClass; Clan Hall owners now can exchange their wolf for the Frostwolf in the cities of Aden and Rune. By the way, you can ride such a wolf if you want and have a need in that. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the assortment of different mounts that the Battle Pass Manager NPC Rylai in Giran will offer you, exchanging them for cards that you can loot from regular Raid Bosses ? Pay attention! Only the owners of the Clan Halls above can summon the Frostwolves. An NPC Mickey has been added in the city of Aden, which will help you to exchange the snow wolf for a regular one back. New skills have been added to the Buff Control system (in the group setup window -> Show Special Buffs), such as Counter Critical, Invocation, Rhythms from BD and SwS, and other buffs. The number of slots in the clan base has been expanded (depending on the level of the clan). We are glad that you, our beloved players, are actively socializing and looking for a community to play. We will happily continue to make it possible to accept more players by expanding the clan base and various guilds ? The Clan War Statistics window has been visually improved: Fixed the title of the window; Removed / minimized stripes above the clan icons. Added a function to manually enable / disable the screen blinking when the character's HP drops to a critical level. Now, to enable / disable the setting, you need to go to the General Menu -> EGlobal Options -> Check \ Uncheck the box at the very bottom of the window that appears: Example: to disable the function, remove the checkbox from the ShowSeriousDamageEffect box. Fixed buff Focus from Sweet Fruit Cocktail: no longer disappearing when entering the time zones. Due to the introduction of a large number of improvements in the client interface, we recommend you not only use the Updater, but also make a Full Check. Various settings can be restored in a few minutes, but disabling "HP blinking" is priceless ? Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 4 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 4 декабря 2020 Dear players! Server is 3 weeks old and we are glad to announce that Online of the Server is grows! We have passed the threshold of 6.800 one-time players online and not going to stop! Our new hardware is keeping pace with the growing online and we are taking steps to reduce the loads and increase productive resources. Скрытый текст Статистика уникального онлайна: Besides that we are ready to announce new event "Catch Up", within which beginners will receive various bonuses and boosts for EXPing and catching up the server ? But meanwhile - the Patchnote itself! ❗01 - 02 December (with the restart at 03.12) MW Vitality Pie (full Vitality restoration) was added at L2Store in section "EXP+SP". Please Note! Vitality Pie can be purchased only in L2Store (not at CP or Butler). Character can purchase only one Vitality Pie once a day! Price - 7 MC. All New Players will not appear near the Gludio Town; New players will automatically: 3 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 3 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 2 Vitality Maintaining Potion; Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka; NG Shots; NG weapon by your choice. Rings from the Starter Package has been slightly improved: Greater MW Ring: M.Def 24 => 32. Blessed MW Ring: M.Def 32 => 40. The Pioneers Ring will not be automatically added to every new character's inventory Now you can receive 1st class transfer for free (1 Adena) You will receive Shadow Items Coupon D-Grade anyway; Original quest is still available. You will receive EXP, SP and Adena once you compete it. Price for the 2nd class transfer has been decreased to: 1.500.000 Adena; 20 MC. Incorrect display of amount members in main clan has been fixed; Clan Academy will not work in 2 phases: regular and until 48 level) You can join Academy from level 1 (via Alt+N => Clan Entry) until level 39. You can not join Academy at level 40. Once you will complete 2nd class transfer: Clan will receive: 1 Proof of Loyalty; Clan Reputation Points (CRP). Academy member will receive: 1 Proof of Loyalty; 50 Greater Healing Potions; 100 Ivory Coin; 1 MW Vitality Pie; 3 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 3 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss. Once you will reach level 48: Clan will receive: 1 Proof of Loyalty; Academy member will receive: 1 Proof of Loyalty; 100 Greater Healing Potions; 150 Ivory Coin; 1 MW Vitality Pie; 5 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 5 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss. Autoloot agathions has been fixed. Now drop will receive character or group that did most damage to the monster, instead of those, who did lasthit. Trigger system has been fixed; Accessories appears and description has been fixed; System with possibility to insert Life Stone directly from the inventory has been added (fixed): Changes and additional information regarding event Global Queen Ant: Due to loads on our server because of huge online and big desire to receive a Bottle of Ant Queen's Soul after Queen Ant dead and a server crush at 01.12.2020 as a result - we've made some actions to eliminate such situations in the future: Now NPC Relic Watcher will appears at Gludin, Dion, Oren, Hunter, Schuttgart, Aden, Goddard and Rune Towns near GK or Temple. Please Note! NPC will NOT respawn at Gludio and Giran towns (due to high load of one-time useing of this NPC). Now NPC Relic Watcher will stay for 30 minutes, instead of 10. I've remove extra bottles from the players that receive more then 2 Bottle of Ant Queen's Soul due to server crush. Because of inconvenience due to the server crush - we have provide every character with following apologize gifts: 1 MW Vitality Restore; 50 Greater Healing Potions; 2 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 2 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 2 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 1 Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Hall of the Abyss; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss. Due to the introduction of a large number of improvements in the client interface, we recommend you not only use the Updater, but also make a Full Check. fabuLous 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 7 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 7 декабря 2020 Dear players! Today the first sieges took place on the server and they were ... contradictory? On the one hand, they were very spicey and the number of players who visited them, beats every conceivable and inconceivable records. On the other hand, this led to serious lags and several server crashes ... Скрытый текст First of all, we want to apologize to all the players who have encountered difficulties and inconveniences due to the disconnections and thank you for your tolerance. We really took all measures in order to withstand the expected online and have already worked several times with both hardware and L2server to increase its throughput. However, this is not as easy as it might seem. As a part of this topic, you can see that the work to improve the server is being carried out regularly. We are improving both cosmetic aspects and low-level load balancing, and server optimization systems. We want to assure you, that every effort is made to provide you with the best server and the best service, as this is our top priority. You, of course, have the right to swear and feel negative emotions towards us, but try to believe - not everything can be foreseen, but you can try to fix everything. And we are busy with this and will not stop working to make the server better for you! Now let's move on to the patchnote, as life on the server is just at it's beginning! ? ❗03 - 06 of December (with the restart on 12/07) A thread was posted with information about: First Sieges; Setting up the Olympics; Entering the Game Exchange; Entering the Second Stage; You can read it at this link. Fixed descriptions of the several dozen of skills, dialogues and items; Have tried Fixed slots and textures of Hats; Working with client files. Icons for Cloaks, Mounts and Costumes have been added. Now "what's outside is inside." Скрытый текст Due to the server crash - we have issued the following items to all characters as an apology for the inconvenience: 1 MW Vitality Restore; 50 Greater Healing Potions; 2 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 2 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 2 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 1 Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Hall of the Abyss; 1 Entrance Pass - Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss. In connection with the introduction of a large number of improvements in the client interface, we want to recommend, that you not only use the Updater, but also make a Full Check. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 9 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 9 декабря 2020 Dear players! Tomorrow the first battles at the Great Olympics will take place, and we continue to work on the server ? Especially for you - a list of changes and improvements, which you know as a "Patchnote" ❗07 - 08 of December (with the restart on 12/09) Epic Bosses: The parameters of Epic Bosses have been changedhave been changed. Epic Bosses have received full resistance to negative effects (debuffs); Queen Ant and Orfen: HP: 5.000.000 => 7.140.000; Increased P./M. Def: ~15-25%. Core: HP: 5.000.000 => 10.000.000; Increased P./M. Def: ~15-25%. The drop rate of various items has been changed: Queen Ant: Ring of Queen Ant: from 75% to 100%; Wills drop has been increased. Now there will be 3 wills, 1 of each type; The total number of items, that could drop from the Epic Boss has been increased. Orfen and Core: Ring of Core and Earring of Orfen: from 150% to 200% (2 epics with 100% chance); Wills drop has been increased. Now there will be 3 wills, 1 of each type; The total number of items, that could drop from the Epic Bosses has been increased. Castles: Castle skills and flags have been fixed. Now, they are giving correct bonuses. General changes: Now, when teleporting from certain squares / locations, the character will appear in the Giran Harbor. Thus, we will reduce the load on the server during mass movements to Giran during Sieges and other events. Locations list: Giran castle; Devil's Isle (at the next stage); Antharas Lair (at the next stage). Giran Harbor Changes: Another NPC Clarissa was added (Gatekeeper from Giran with all TP list); Were added NPC Butler and Adventurers' Guide; Were added NPC Warehouse and Grocery Store; A zone of increased regeneration will be added, similar to the city of Giran (soon, but not with this restart). Added Giran Harbor to teleports at NPC Adventurer's Guide (Club Teleports) Added 2 missing icons for costume and maunt. In connection with the introduction of a large number of improvements in the client interface, we want to recommend, that you not only use the Updater, but also make a Full Check. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 11 декабря 2020 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 11 декабря 2020 Dear players! The first battles at the Great Olympics will begin today and we hope that you prepared for them as well as we did.? We wish you success and the realization of your goals, but for now .. Patchnote! ❗09 of December (with the restart on 12|10) The last changes to the settings of the Great Olympics (according to the server concept) were made; Fixed NPC dialogues in fortresses. Teleports are now displayed correctly; Several narrowly focused quests have been fixed. Now the progress of tasks and rewards correspond to the declared ones; Now passive skills have been added to the selection of Macro icons. Customize your macros the way you want ? In the near future you will find a couple more interface additions. At the moment, work is underway on: Sys.Message; Additional panels of Shortcuts; Macroses; and a lot of many other things. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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