Papanda 2529 Опубликовано: 26 ноября 2021 Рассказать Опубликовано: 26 ноября 2021 Dear Players! Today is a Black Friday and we in our MasterWork II didn't pass it by! From 26th to 28th of November (inclusively) some categories of products on sale at a discount! Unique Set: -24% by price 95 Master Coin (instead of 125 MC). The discount will be added to your personal discount. Just came to the server? The kit will help you complete the initial levels! Came earlier, but weren't sure if you should take it? Doubts aside, at a discount it is triple useful! Please note! During the Black Friday promo you can buy Unique SetPersonal Unique Set: - 3 Best D-grade Weapons with SA; - 2 Personal D-grade Sets of your choice; - Full Personal Top NG Equipment; - Top D-grade Jewelry; - Blessed MW Ring with: BSoE & BSoR; - Unique "Blackbird" Cloak (+150 HP); - Riding Mount - Golder Lion; - Autoloot Agathion for 30 days; - Summon Bracelet for 7 days; - Rune of Regeneration for 7 days; - Hat of your choice; - 3 Vitality Pies - Full Vitality Restore; - 4 Vitality Replenishing Potions; - 5 Vitality Maintaining Potions; - 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktails; - 10 Fresh Fruit Cocktails; - 1 My Teleport Book; - 3 My Teleport Flags; - 10 My Teleport Scrolls; - 3 Entrance Pass - Rim Pailaka; - 3 Entrance Pass - Hall of the Abyss; - 2 Entrance Pass - Labyrinth of the Abyss; - Many NG and D-grade Soulshots & Spiritshots; - 250 GHP, 250 GCP, 15 BSoE, 10 BSoR. by price of Starter Set! Vitality: -15% discount for all products. A couple of examples: 1 Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel GiftPersonal item for 7 days. Active Skill: Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes. Reuse time: 6 hours. Passive Skill: Autoloot. - ~12 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; 1 Box with Vitality RunePersonal Item. When using - You will get the Vitality Rune for 7 days. This Rune increases the Experience you get when killing monsters. Premium includes: Vitality can’t be reduced below 2-nd level and provide: +50% bonus to Experience for killing mobs.Without premium: Vitality can’t be reduced below 1-st level and provide: +25% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. - ~12 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; 3 Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-64 lvlPersonal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. - ~12 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.. Shots: -25% discount for all products. A couple of examples: 5000 Soulshot Pack (D-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots D-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - ~ 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; 2000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 2000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - ~6 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; 10000 Silver QuiverIf used, 10000 personal B-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. - ~2 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.. Supplies: -25% discount for all products. A couple of examples: 50 MW CP PotionPersonal Item. It recovers CP by 200. Cooldown: 3 sec. - ~5 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. ; 10 Sweet Fruit CocktailCocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, for 1 hour, one can feel the effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Guidance, and Bless the Body. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. - ~11 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. - ~2 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.. Expand: -15% discount for all products. A couple of examples: Infinity MW Summon BraceletBracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the MW Summon Bracelet. Activates all 6 talisman slots when equipped. Personal Item. - ~21 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; Box with "My Teleport" ItemsPersonal wrapped pack containing: - 1 My Teleport Spellbook; - 3 My Teleport Flags; - 20 My Teleport Scrolls. - ~21 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; Box with Marks of Giants & TitansPersonal wrapped pack containing Marks of Giants and Titans, which in total increase weight limit by 225% for 30 days. - ~12 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.. Also on Black Friday will be availible with the discount Autumn Legandary Outfit! -30% by price 245 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. (instead of 350 MC); Please note! After completion of the promotion it will be withdrawn from sale and from december will be availible to purchase Winter Legendary Outfit! Also please note! There will be a special gift for the owners of all Legendary Outfits! Don't miss your chance to build your collection 😉 Also we didn't forget about MasterWork United! From 27th to 28th November (inclusively) will be availible the Black Friday promo! Special Black Friday promo offer : Winter Legendary Outfit and also Autumn Legendary Outfit (of course with a discount)! Autumn Legendary Outfit will be availible -50% by price 175 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. (instead of 350 MC); Winter Legendary Outfit will be availible -50% by price 175 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Euro. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. (instead of 350 MC). We also remind, that on the United server there are regular discounts for the whole assortment up to -50%! Thank you for choosing us and MasterWork! Have a nice weekend 🤩 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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