Papanda 2513 Опубликовано: 26 октября 2023 Рассказать Опубликовано: 26 октября 2023 Вам также будет интересно: Newbie Guide, Начальные Миссии, Стартовый Путь; Миссии - по сути это всем знакомые задания, но в более удобной и интуитивно понятной оболочке. Мы упразднили и перенесли в Миссии большинство систем поощрений игроков на ранних этапах игры. Теперь нет необходимости бегать к NPC и брать ежедневный квест, не возникнет досадной ситуации когда игрок забыл взять задание и по этой причине не смог выполнить его за игровую сессию. Все эти задания теперь взяты по умолчанию и по выполнению необходимых условий вам придет оповещение, и можно будет забрать награду. Все в одном месте с одной логикой, запутаться и забыть невозможно. Несколько важных моментов: Переход к единой системе поощрений и напутствия игроков упростит игровой процесс, не будет необходимости вникать в разные системы. По ходу развития сервера количество миссий будет расширятся. По ходу развития сервера награда будет актуализироваться, становиться более ценной. Миссии призваны как помочь игрокам и облегчить развитие персонажа, так и направить в нужное русло и ознакомить с нашими наработками. Ознакомимся с интерфейсом: Для вызова окна Миссий необходимо нажать на соответствующую кнопку в боком меню: Перед вами откроется окно Миссий: Раздел Миссий: Для удобства поиска все миссии разделены на разделы. Тип задания: Задания могут быть несколько типов: Ежедневные, Еженедельные, Одноразовые. Название задания. Статус выполнения и полоска прогресса. Отобразить\Скрыть отображение недоступных по уровню Миссий. Награда: Указана перечень и количество предметов в награде. Время на выполнение задания до обнуления прогресса. Актуально только для повторяемых миссий. Уведомление о количестве выполненных миссий в разделе, за которые не получена награда. Подробные условия выполнения Миссии. Кнопка получения награды: После выполнения условий становится активной. С интерфейсом разобрались, теперь пройдемся по наградам, чтобы знать что мы получим в случае завершения миссии. Охота Боссы и Инстансы Локации Квесты Уровни 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-74 75-81 82-85 Великая Охота I Великая Охота II Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 20-29; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 50 монстров в локациях: Топи Крумы и/или Равнины Диона; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 30-39; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 100 монстров в локациях: Долина Ящеров и/или Укрепление Брекки; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 12 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 40-49; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 100 монстров в локациях: Равнины Славы и/или Лес Зеркал; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 50-59; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в локациях: Лес Разбойников и/или Забытые Равнины; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 125 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 60-69; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в локациях: Долина Святых и/или Болото Криков; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 70-74; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в локациях: Сад Чудовищ и/или Лес Неупокоенных; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 175 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 40 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 30 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 75-81; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 200 монстров в локациях: Лагерь Фавнов Варка и/или Застава Орков Кетра, и/или Кристальный Остров; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 200 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 45 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Борьба со Злом: Уровни: 82-85; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 200 монстров в локациях: Пещера Гигантов и/или Склепы Позора, и/или Логово Зла, и/или Мифриловый Рудник, и/или Поля Безмолвия, и/или Шепчущие Поля; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Великая Охота I: Уровни: Любые; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 5 000 любых монстров по всему миру; Награда: Получение награды доступно только обладателям Премиум Аккаунта: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 1.000.000 SP ScrollScroll that replenishes 1.000.000 SP. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 Великая Охота II: Уровни: Любые; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 10 000 любых монстров по всему миру; Награда: Получение награды доступно только обладателям Премиум Аккаунта и после выполнения миссии Великая Охота I: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 1.000.000 SP ScrollScroll that replenishes 1.000.000 SP. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 2 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 350 Рейд Камалока Зал Бездны Лабиринт Бездны Закен Близнецы Кечи/Дарнель/Слеза Орфен/Ядро Успешный Рейд: Уровни: Любые; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите любого Рейдового Босса в открытом Мире; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 40 500.000 SP ScrollScroll that replenishes 500.000 SP. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 5 000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 150 I II Захват Окрестностей Камалоки I: Уровни: 18+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 35 монстров в Зале Кошмаров; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 2 500 Захват Окрестностей Камалоки II: Уровни: 18+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите 50 монстров в Зале Кошмаров; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 3 500 I II Захват Зала Бездны I: Уровни: 18+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Босса в Залах Бездны; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 2 500 Захват Зала Бездны II: Уровни: 18+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Босса в Залах Бездны; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Noblesse ScrollScroll of Nobless buff on 1 hour. Cast onself only. Duration: 60 minutes. Cooldown: 30 minutes.A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 3 500 I II Захват Лабиринта Бездны I: Уровни: 24+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Начальника Стражи Лабиринта в Лабиринте Бездны или Картии; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Noblesse ScrollScroll of Nobless buff on 1 hour. Cast onself only. Duration: 60 minutes. Cooldown: 30 minutes.A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 2 500 Захват Лабиринта Бездны II: Уровни: 24+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Начальника Стражи Лабиринта в Лабиринте Бездны или Картии; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Noblesse ScrollScroll of Nobless buff on 1 hour. Cast onself only. Duration: 60 minutes. Cooldown: 30 minutes.A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 3 500 Схватка с Закеном: Уровни: 73+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Закена. Вход в Инстанс Зону находится в Древнем городе Аркан; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.Reward for defeating Zaken. Contains Damaged Zakens' Earring. Additionally can be obtained enchantment items randomly: Scroll of Vanisher, Blessed Scroll of Vanisher, Crystal Scroll of Vanisher. 35 Zaken's Secret ChestReward for defeating Zaken. Contains Damaged Zakens' Earring. Additionally can be obtained enchantment items randomly: Scroll of Vanisher, Blessed Scroll of Vanisher, Crystal Scroll of Vanisher. 1 Zaken's Soul FragmentSmall fragment that contains a part of Zaken's soul. You can exchange 20 items for a perconal Zaken's Soul Cloak from NPC Old Pirate. 1 Схватка с Близнецами: Уровни: 75+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Йохана Клодекуса или Йохана Кланикуса. Вход в Инстанс Зону находится в Древнем городе Аркан; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Jewel Ornamented Duel SuppliesLavishly adorned with jewels, this box looks like contains items of exceeding value. 1 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 4 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Схватка с Кечи/Дарнель/Слезой: Уровни: 76+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Кечи, Дарнель или Слезу. Вход в Инстанс Зону находится в Древнем городе Аркан; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 5 000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 150 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 500 000 Схватка с Ядро и Орфен: Уровни: 78+; Тип: Ежедневный; Условие: Победите Ядро или Орфен. Вход в Инстанс Зону находится в Древнем городе Аркан; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 5 000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 150 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 500 000 Начальные Средние Высокоуровневые Топовые Лагерь орков Пасека Башня Крумы Долина Драконов Лагерь Орков: Уровни: 25-35; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в Лагере Орков; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 I II Пасека I: Уровни: 34-44; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров на Пасеке; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Пасека II: Уровни: 37-44; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 монстров на Пасеке. Выполненная миссия Пасека I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 I II Башня Крумы I: Уровни: 40-56; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 250 монстров в Башне Крумы; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 Башня Крумы II: Уровни: 49-56; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 350 монстров в Башне Крумы. Выполненная миссия Башня Крумы I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 I II III IV Долина Драконов I: Уровни: 40-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 монстров в Долине Драконов; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Долина Драконов II: Уровни: 46-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 400 монстров в Долине Драконов. Выполненная миссия Долина Драконов I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Долина Драконов III: Уровни: 55-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Долине Драконов. Выполненная миссия Долина Драконов II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Долина Драконов IV: Уровни: 60-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Долине Драконов. Выполненная миссия Долина Драконов III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Заброшенная Мастерская Запретные Врата Древняя Лаборатория Пещера Гигантов I II III Заброшенная Мастерская I: Уровни: 52-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 350 монстров в Заброшенной Мастерской; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Заброшенная Мастерская II: Уровни: 56-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Заброшенной Мастерской. Выполненная миссия Заброшенная Мастерская I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Заброшенная Мастерская III: Уровни: 59-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 700 монстров в Заброшенной Мастерской. Выполненная миссия Заброшенная Мастерская II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 I II III IV Запретные Врата I: Уровни: 56-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров Хищная Личинка, Кровавая Королева, Синий Дрейк в Запретных Вратах; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Запретные Врата II: Уровни: 57-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 350 монстров в Запретных Вратах. Выполненная миссия Запретные Врата I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Запретные Врата III: Уровни: 59-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров Змей Кочевник, Фалибати, Рыцарь Судьбы в Запретных Вратах. Выполненная миссия Запретные Врата II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Запретные Врата IV: Уровни: 60-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 600 монстров Змей Кочевник, Фалибати, Рыцарь Судьбы в Запретных Вратах. Выполненная миссия Запретные Врата III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 I II III IV Древняя Лаборатория I: Уровни: 54-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в Древней Лаборатории; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Древняя Лаборатория II: Уровни: 57-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 монстров в Древней Лаборатории. Выполненная миссия Древняя Лаборатория I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Древняя Лаборатория III: Уровни: 59-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 400 монстров в Древней Лаборатории. Выполненная миссия Древняя Лаборатория II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Древняя Лаборатория IV: Уровни: 60-64; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Древней Лаборатории. Выполненная миссия Древняя Лаборатория III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 I II III IV Пещера Гигантов I: Уровни: 52-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 200 монстров расы Животные, Насекомые, Чудовища, Магические Создания в Пещере Гигантов; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Пещера Гигантов II: Уровни: 59-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 монстров расы Животные, Насекомые, Чудовища, Магические Создания в Пещера Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Пещера Гигантов III: Уровни: 60-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 350 монстров расы Гиганты в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Пещера Гигантов IV: Уровни: 60-66; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров расы Гиганты в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Логово Антараса Ущелье Дьявола Башня Дерзости Раскаленные Топи Поселение Хатум I II III IV Логово Антараса I: Уровни: 60-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в Логове Антараса; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 75 Логово Антараса II: Уровни: 62-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 250 монстров в Логове Антараса. Выполненная миссия Логово Антараса I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 125 Логово Антараса III: Уровни: 64-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Логове Антараса. Выполненная миссия Логово Антараса II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 Логово Антараса IV: Уровни: 66-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 1 000 монстров в Логове Антараса. Выполненная миссия Логово Антараса III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 Ущелье Дьявола: Уровни: 60-70; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 100 монстров в ночное время в Ущелье Дьявола; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. When opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 150 I II III IV Башня Дерзости I: Уровни: 60-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в Башне Дерзости; Награда: Предмет Награда Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Reagent BoxA small box containing an alchemic reagent. 3 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 75 Башня Дерзости II: Уровни: 62-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 250 монстров в Башне Дерзости. Выполненная миссия Башня Дерзости I; Награда: Предмет Награда Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Reagent BoxA small box containing an alchemic reagent. 5 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 125 Башня Дерзости III: Уровни: 64-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Башне Дерзости. Выполненная миссия Башня Дерзости II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Reagent BoxA small box containing an alchemic reagent. 7 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 Башня Дерзости IV: Уровни: 66-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 1 000 монстров в Башне Дерзости. Выполненная миссия Башня Дерзости III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Reagent BoxA small box containing an alchemic reagent. 10 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 I II III IV V Раскаленные Топи I: Уровни: 60-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 150 монстров в Раскаленных Топях; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Reagent PouchA pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents. 10 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 75 Раскаленные Топи II: Уровни: 62-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 250 монстров в Раскаленных Топях. Выполненная миссия Раскаленные Топи I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Reagent PouchA pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents. 15 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 125 Раскаленные Топи III: Уровни: 64-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров в Раскаленных Топях. Выполненная миссия Раскаленные Топи II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Reagent PouchA pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents. 20 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 Раскаленные Топи IV: Уровни: 66-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 750 монстров в Раскаленных Топях. Выполненная миссия Раскаленные Топи III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Reagent PouchA pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 375 Раскаленные Топи V: Уровни: 68-75; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 1 000 монстров в Раскаленных Топях. Выполненная миссия Раскаленные Топи IV; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Reagent PouchA pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents. 30 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 Поселение Хатум: Уровни: 62-76; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 350 монстров в Поселении Хатум; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 300 Кристальный Остров Цветное Нагорье Колония Фей I II III IV V Кристальный Остров I: Уровни: 76-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 монстров на Кристальном Острове или в Цветном Нагорье; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 100 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 100 000 Кристальный Остров II: Уровни: 76-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 монстров на Кристальном Острове или в Цветном Нагорье. Выполненная миссия Кристальный Остров I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 125 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 750 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 150 000 Кристальный Остров III: Уровни: 77-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 700 монстров на Кристальном Острове или в Цветном Нагорье. Выполненная миссия Кристальный Остров II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 150 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 1 000 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 200 000 Кристальный Остров IV: Уровни: 77-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 900 монстров на Кристальном Острове или в Цветном Нагорье. Выполненная миссия Кристальный Остров III; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 125 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 200 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 1 250 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 250 000 Кристальный Остров V: Уровни: 77-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 1 000 монстров на Кристальном Острове или в Цветном Нагорье. Выполненная миссия Кристальный Остров IV; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 1 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 300 000 Цветное Нагорье: Уровни: 77-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 600 монстров Мгла и Водяной Дракон Очернитель в Цветном Нагорье; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 400 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 2 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 500 000 Север Юг Восток Колония Фей Север I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 2 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 500 000 Колония Фей Север II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 Созревших Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Север I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 125 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 350 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 3 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 750 000 Колония Фей Север III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 300 Порочных Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Север II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 5 000 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 1 000 000 Колония Фей Юг I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 400 Жестоких Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 2 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 500 000 Колония Фей Юг II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 Яростных Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Юг I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 125 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 350 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 3 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 750 000 Колония Фей Юг III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 Беспощадных Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Юг II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 5 000 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 1 000 000 Колония Фей Восток I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 500 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 500 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 5 000 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 1 000 000 Колония Фей Восток II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 750 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Восток I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 175 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 75 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 750 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 7 500 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 1 500 000 Колония Фей Восток III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный; Условие: Победите 1 000 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Восток II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 200 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 150 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 100 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 1 000 ExpYou acquire expirience points as a reward. 10 000 000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. 2 500 000 Проповедник Храма Палач Храма Воитель Храма Сумрачный Лис Падший Ангел Проповедник Храма: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Проповедник Храма; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 Палач Храма: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Палач Храма; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 3 I II Воитель Храма I: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Воитель Храма I; Награда: Предмет Количество Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Воитель Храма II: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Воитель Храма II; Награда: Предмет Количество Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 I II III Сумрачный Лис I: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Сумрачный Лис I; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal Iron BraceletUses 3 talismans slot when equipped. 1 Passive Talisman - SpeedPersonal Item. Speed +5 Accuracy +2 Evasion +2. 1 Passive Talisman - RegenerationPersonal Item. Incoming Heal Power +40 MP Regeneration Bonus +10% HP Regeneration Bonus +10% CP Regeneration Bonus +10%. 1 Сумрачный Лис II: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Сумрачный Лис II; Награда: Предмет Количество Active Talisman - Life ForcePersonal Item. Active Skill: Regenerate 100% HP and 100% MP. Cost: 30 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 30 min.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Active Talisman of Maximum ClarityPersonal Item. Active Skill: Decreases MP consumption for skills by 100% for 90 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 15 min.Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Сумрачный Лис III: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Сумрачный Лис III; Награда: Предмет Количество My Teleport SpellbookPersonal Item. When used increases /MyTeleport locations slots by 3, which can be used to save specific locations. My Teleport locations can be expanded up to 30 slots.Uses 3 talismans slot when equipped. 1 My Teleport FlagItem that needed to save your current location in /MyTeleport. Private Item.Personal Item. Speed +5 Accuracy +2 Evasion +2. 3 My Teleport ScrollItem consumed to teleport you to previously saved /MyTeleport location spot. This scrolls disappears only upon completion of the teleportation, if the teleportation was interrupted - you will not spend the scroll. Upon completion of teleportation - Your character will become "flag" and will enter to combat mode. Personal Item. Incoming Heal Power +40 MP Regeneration Bonus +10% HP Regeneration Bonus +10% CP Regeneration Bonus +10%. 10 Падший Ангел: Уровни: 32+; Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Выполните квест Падший Ангел Поручение Рассвета или Падший Ангел Поручение Заката; Награда: Предмет Количество Coupon for PA or Club CardYou can exchange this coupon for Premium Account (7 days) or Club Card (7 days). To exchange this coupon talk to Newbie Guide that can be found in any of following towns: All Starter Villages, Gludin, Gludio, Dion. Item you get is bound.Uses 3 talismans slot when equipped. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. Personal Item. Speed +5 Accuracy +2 Evasion +2. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. Personal Item. Incoming Heal Power +40 MP Regeneration Bonus +10% HP Regeneration Bonus +10% CP Regeneration Bonus +10%. 50 1 - 40 48 - 72 74 - 85 3 7 10 12 15 17 20 30 40 3 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 3 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Newbie Guide's Weapon Exchange CouponAn exchange coupon that is needed to borrow weapons for apprentice adventurers from the Adventurers' Guild. 1 Smile - Smile 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 5 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 500 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 200 7 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 7 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество MW Elven RingPersonal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 7 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 600 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 250 10 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 10 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 MW Elven EarringPersonal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 10 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 700 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 300 12 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 12 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество MW Elven EarringPersonal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 12 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 800 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 350 15 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 15 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество MW Elven NecklacePersonal Item. 1 Linen Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 1%. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 7 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 1 000 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 400 17 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 17 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 17 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 10 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 1 500 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 500 20 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 20 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 15 Nornil’s RecordsRare records of Nornil researches found by seekers from the Sky Library. Characters 20-39 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Smile - Heart 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 12 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 1 and 51. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 30 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 30 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Soulshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 1 and 51. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 40 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 40 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Mitraell’s AtlasThe Lost Atlas of Mithraell is an excellent source of information about the unique places of the Elmoraden kingdom. Characters 40-51 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 750 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 1 and 51. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 48 52 56 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 48 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 48 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 30 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 20 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 1 and 51. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 52 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 52 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Einhovant’s VedasThe collection of the most ancient scriptures of Einhasad, described by Einhovant during his wanderings around the world. Characters 52-60 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 25 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 1 500 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. Can be used by characters above level 52 and below level 60 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 56 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 56 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 40 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 40 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 30 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 800 Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. Can be used by characters above level 52 and below level 60 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 60 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 60 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 45 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 45 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. Can be used by characters above level 52 and below level 60 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 62 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 62 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Arkenia's GrimoireThe book describing magical procedures and spells to summon evil creatures, abandoned by Arkenia on a sacrificial altar. Characters 61-75 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 40 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 500 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 64 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 64 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 55 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 55 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 45 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 800 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 4 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 66 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 66 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 60 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 60 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 50 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 4 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 5 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 4 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 68 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 68 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 65 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 65 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 55 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 400 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 900 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 5 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 6 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 70 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 70 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 70 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 70 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 60 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 800 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 000 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 6 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 6 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 72 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 72 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 65 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 3 500 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 200 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 8 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 74 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 74 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 74 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 80 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 80 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 70 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 5 000 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 000 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 8 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes.Regenerates 60 MP. Can only be used by characters below level 19 upon themselves. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 8 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 76 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 76 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Beora's FolioThe book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 85 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 75 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 1 200 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 78 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 78 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 90 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 80 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 4 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 1 600 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 12 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 79 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 79 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 200 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 2 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 3 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 2 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 95 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 85 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 5 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 12 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 80 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 80 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 3 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 4 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 90 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 400 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 12 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 2 81 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 81 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 300 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 3 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 110 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 95 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 7 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 800 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 82 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 82 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 350 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 4 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 6 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 120 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 100 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 8 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 200 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 17 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 4 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 4 83 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 83 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 400 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 4 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 7 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 130 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 105 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 9 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 600 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 84 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 84 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 450 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 5 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 8 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 140 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 110 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 10 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 4 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 22 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 7 85 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 85 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 500 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 5 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 10 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 150 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 120 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 15 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 30 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 Rercury и НечтоХрустящее 1 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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