Papanda 2513 Опубликовано: 13 января 2024 Рассказать Опубликовано: 13 января 2024 Нажмите на картинку для увеличения изображения Дорогие друзья, Как мы уже писали в предыдущем посте - теперь Патчноуты 🙃 будут выходить раз в две недели (вместо одной, как это было ранее). Однако, это не значит, что развитие как продукта, так и сервера, останавливается на это время. Мы будем продолжать обновлять и улучшать сервер регулярно и предлагаем вашему вниманию обновление под 15.01.24! Рейты Выходного Дня Начиная с этих выходных на сервере начинают действовать Рейты Выходного Дня! Каждую последующую Субботу и Воскресенье Опыт с Монстров будет увеличен +50%, а SP с Монстров: +100% Увеличение рейтов распространяется только на монстров. Рейты Рейдовых Боссов, в т.ч. инстансовых, остаются неизменными; Рейты выходного дня активируются с 00:00 Субботы по 00:00 Понедельника. Уровень Опыт SP 1-30 х9.00 x12.00 30-40 х9.00 -> x7.50 x12.00 -> x10.00 40-50 x7.50 -> x6.00 x10.00 -> x8.00 50-60 x6.00 -> x4.50 x8.00 -> x6.00 60-65 x4.50 -> x3.75 x6.00 -> x5.00 65-72 x3.75 -> x1.50 x5.00 -> 2.00 72-78 x1.50 x2.00 79 и 00.00% - 100.00% x0.15 x2.00 Также обратите внимание: Получаемое SP с Боссов было увеличено в 2 раза перманентно (а не только на выходные); На SP, получаемое и с Монстров и с РБ - больше не работает ограничитель по "максимально-доступному" уровню. Объяснение: теперь достигая "максимального" уровня на этапе (к примеру сейчас это 80-й уровень) - получение опыта будет значительно уменьшено, но SP будет накапливаться без уменьшение рейтов. SP - очень важный параметр персонажа как на текущем, так и на грядущих патчах, так как оно необходимо как для изучения Новых и Важных умений, так и для заточки Умений. Отключения штрафа на максимальном уровне, а также добавление Свиткой SP за Миссии - очень важный инструмент развития ваших персонажей. Не упускайте свою выгоду! Эпические и Рейдовые Боссы Общее: Zaken, Queen Ant, Antharas, Baium, Dent, Bane: Уровень увеличен до 79; Параметры соразмерно увеличены. Frintezza: Добавлен новый Эпический Босс; Уровень 79; Респаун по Понедельникам с 21:00 по 21:30, первый респ 15 Января; Доступна прокачка SA: 10 => 11 = 100%; 11 => 12 = 100%; 12 => 13 = 100%; Ассортимент наград за убийство Эпического Босса аналогичен остальным, шансы и количество выше. В 2 раза увеличено количество получаемого SP при убийстве Рейдовых, Эпических и инстовых Боссов. Расписание: Понедельник, 15 Января: 18:00 - Смена периода Семи Печатей, появление Босса Lilith (предположительно); 21:00 ~ 21:30 - Первая Frintezza. Среда, 17 Января: 20:30 ~ 21:00 - Zaken; 21:00 ~ 21:30 - Queen Ant; 21:00 ~ 21:30 - Antharas. Четверг, 18 Января: 20:30 ~ 21:15 - Bane & Dent (Mid Company); 21:00 ~ 21:30 - Baium. Суббота, 20 Января: 00:00 - Рейты Выходного Дня; 20:00 - 22:00 - Территориальные Войны Обратите внимание! В Понедельник, при объединении серверов, все Замки будут переданы на NPC, а Флаги, соответственно, возвращены родные замки. Однако последние обладатели Замков и Флагов навсегда останутся в истории своих серверов и получает уникальную награду, а именно: Все персонажи, которые обладали замком до Объединения Серверов получат уникальную знаковую награду в виде Диадема Последнего Владельца Замка <тут_название_замка> [Fire/Water]. Параметры: Можно экипировать вне зависимости от того, владеете ли вы замком или нет; Активное Умение: Временно дает полное сопротивление шоковым атакам. Откат: 600 сек; Ограничение: нельзя использовать на Великой Олимпиаде. 20:30 ~ 21:00 - Zaken; 21:00 ~ 21:30 - Queen Ant. Воскресенье, 21 Января: 16:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 22:00 Последние осады до Мерджа. Обратите внимание! В Понедельник, при объединении серверов, все Замки будут переданы на NPC. Однако последние обладатели Замков и Флагов навсегда останутся в истории своих серверов и получает уникальную награду, а именно: Все персонажи, которые обладали замком до Объединения Серверов получат уникальную знаковую награду в виде Диадема Последнего Владельца Замка <тут_название_замка> [Fire/Water]. Параметры: Можно экипировать вне зависимости от того, владеете ли вы замком или нет; Активное Умение: Временно дает полное сопротивление шоковым атакам. Откат: 600 сек; Ограничение: нельзя использовать на Великой Олимпиаде. Понедельник, 22 Января: 06:30 утра Объединение Серверов 🔥Fire и 💧Water! Календарь Подарков Добавлен обновленный список наград в календарь подарков на последующие 14 дней: День Награда Количество 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 2 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 3 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 4 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 3 6 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 3 7 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.Wrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 3 Всем Только с ПА и Vip 1+ lvl 8 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 9 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 70 10 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 11 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 12 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 13 Box with Extra Entrance Passes - ZakenBox with Extra passes that removes entry restriction of Zaken's Instance zones. Double-click to get extra pass to Zaken for levels 60-72 and for levels 73-85 and higher. Personal Item. 1 14 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.Wrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% (5 hours). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Всем Только с ПА и Vip 1+ lvl Инстанс Зоны Four Sepultures Общая логика зоны осталась без изменений; Двери, которые были открыты, теперь не закрываются, так что потерять сопартийца или пета будет невозможно; Теперь в зоне можно делать релоги - вашего персонажа больше не выкинет; Обратите внимание! Вашего персонажа АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИ будет телепортировано из зоны каждые 50 минут каждого часа (XX:50), вне зависимости, в релоге или на локации персонаж. Теперь вероятность, что монстры застрянут, была доведена практически до нуля. Core & Orfen: Добавлены новые инстанс зоны; Доступен для групп 7-9 персонажей; Необходимые уровни 78-85; Время на прохождение: 60 минут; Откат зоны: Среда, Суббота 6:30; Доступна прокачка SA, у каждого члена группы свой шанс: 10 => 11 = 10.00%; 11 => 12 = 7.50%; 12 => 13 = 5.00%. Награда с Главного Босса: Предмет Кол-во Earring of Orfen или Ring of Core Max. MP +21 Poison Resistance +20% Poison Chance +20% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied. Max. MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20% Bleed Chance +20% Heal amount +6% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. Шансово Оружие S Ранга Шансово Куски оружия S Ранга 3-7 Броня S Ранга Шансово Куски брони S Ранга 4-10 Камни Атрибута 2-3 Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. Шансово Forgotten Scroll - Archer's WillForgotten Scroll to learn the Archer's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. Шансово Forgotten Scroll - Magician's WillForgotten Scroll to learn the Magician's Scroll Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. Шансово Forgotten Scroll - Protection of ElementalForgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Elemental. Can be acquired by level 79. Шансово Forgotten Scroll - Protection of AlignmentForgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Alignment. Can be acquired by level 79. Шансово Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. 2-8 Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.5% 3-15 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. Шансово Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. Шансово MasterWork Crystal - A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. Шансово MasterWork Crystal - S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. Шансово Гарантированная награда каждому участнику успешного Рейда: Core's Box или Orfen's Box в которых содержаться: Предмет Количество Гарантировано Core's Soul Fragment или Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item.Shard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item. 1-3 С определенным шансом Gemstone S 1-2 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)When enchanted, P. Atk. of S-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 1 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Giant's Codex - Mastery An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 1 Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.5%An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 1 Pona в Люксоре предоставляет обмен осколков Core's Soul Fragment и Orfen's Soul Fragment на Эпическую Бижутерию: Эпическая Бижутерия Иммортал бижутерия Осколки Адена Earring of Orfen Max. MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20% Bleed Chance +20% Heal amount +6% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. Immortal Earring Orfen's Soul Fragment x15 5 000 000 Ring of Core Max. MP +21 Poison Resistance +20% Poison Chance +20% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied. Immortal Ring Core's Soul Fragment x15 5 000 000 Так же можно улучшить Эпическую Бижутерию: Награда Бижутерия Кристаллы Гемы Адена Enchanted Ring of Core STR +1, INT +1 P. Crit. Rate +15 Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Accuracy +2 Speed +2 Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Rings of Core are equipped and when Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Refined Ring of Core will be applied. Ring of Core х2 (A-Grade) 1 500A crystal of A-Grade. Gemstone A 250 15 000 000 Refined Ring of Core STR +2, INT +2 P. Crit. Rate +30 Resistance to Poison +40% Poison Chance +40% Accuracy +4 Speed +4 Only one effect is applied when two Refined Rings of Core are equipped. Ring of Core х2 (S-Grade) 1 750A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone S 150 25 000 000 Enchanted Earring of Orfen CON +1, MEN +1 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed Chance +30% Heal amount +8% Skill MP Consumption -4% Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. Earring of Orfen х2 (A-Grade) 1 500 Gemstone A 250 15 000 000 Refined Earring of Orfen CON +2, MEN +2 Resistance to Bleed +40% Bleed Chance +40% Heal amount +10% Skill MP Consumption -6% Only one effect is applied when two Refined Earring of Orfen are equipped. Earring of Orfen х2 Max. MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20% Bleed Chance +20% Heal amount +6% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. (S-Grade) 1 750A crystal of S-Grade. Gemstone S 150 25 000 000 Умения Было проведено работа по общему улучшению описанию умений и веток заточек. Теперь стало еще более понятней и прозрачней; Теперь на сервере установлено Автоизучение умений до 60-го уровня, включительно (Было до 40, включительно). За исключением тех, которые не должны изучаться автоматически, например Восстановление Здоровья, Бафф Слотов и тд). PrayerIncreases the power of HP recovery magic received by all party members by $s1.: Теперь активное умение стает Аурой и не занимает Бафф-слот! Логика работает по тому-же принципу, что и ранее, а именно: Уровень персонажа 66 - 1 ур: Сила входящего Лечения +8%; Уровень персонажа 70 - 2 ур: Сила входящего Лечения +10%; Уровень персонажа 74 - 3 ур: Сила входящего Лечения +12%. Теперь умение НЕЛЬЗЯ взять как линк-умение смежными классами (Жрец Евы, Жрец Шилен) Теперь умение можно точить на Мощность: +1..3: +13.00%; +4..6: +13.50%; +7..9: +14.00%; +10..12: +14.50%; +13..15: +15.00%; +16..18: +15.50%; +19..21: +16.00%; +22..24: +16.50%; +25..27: +17.00%; +28, 29: +17.50%; +30: +18%. Empowering Echo: Теперь на всех уровнях умения повышает потребление МР магическими умениями на 25% (Было 25\30\35); Добавлена новая ветка заточки умения: Cost + Power: Увеличивает бонус к магической атаке с +25%(+0) до +35%(+15); Снижает увеличение потребление МР магическими умениями с 25%(+0) до 10%(+15). Подробнее: Скрытый текст +1: Маг. Атк. +25.60%, Стоимость MP +24.00%; +2: Маг. Атк. +26.30%, Стоимость MP +23.00%; +3: Маг. Атк. +27.00%, Стоимость MP +22.00%; +4: Маг. Атк. +27.60%, Стоимость MP +21.00%; +5: Маг. Атк. +28.30%, Стоимость MP +20.00%; +6: Маг. Атк. +29.00%, Стоимость MP +19.00%; +7: Маг. Атк. +29.60%, Стоимость MP +18.00%; +8: Маг. Атк. +30.30%, Стоимость MP +17.00%; +9: Маг. Атк. +31.00%, Стоимость MP +16.00%; +10: Маг. Атк. +31.60%, Стоимость MP +15.00%; +11: Маг. Атк. +32.30%, Стоимость MP +14.00%; +12: Маг. Атк. +33.00%, Стоимость MP +13.00%; +13: Маг. Атк. +33.60%, Стоимость MP +12.00%; +14: Маг. Атк. +34.30%, Стоимость MP +11.00%; +15: Маг. Атк. +35.00%, Стоимость MP +10.00%. Магазины Olympiad Store Доступна Олимпийская Бижутерия за Olympiad Token: Бижутерия Olympiad Token Adena Olympiad Necklace 44 000 5 000 000 Olympiad Earring 33 000 5 000 000 Olympiad Ring 22 000 5 000 000 За первое место в рейтинге профессии скидка 15%; За 2-3 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 10%; За 4-6 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 7%; За 7-10 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 5%; Ivory Coin Store Рубашки: Рубашки ранга D - убраны из продажи. Теперь их смогут получить новосозданные персонажи. В дальнейшем, по ходу развития сервера, ранг Рубашек будет улучшаться. Стоимость Рубашек рангов С и B - снижена: Silk Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 4%: 750 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. + 700 Fame Point. Silk Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 2%.: 1000 Ivory Coin + 950 Fame Point. Thin Leather Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 5%.: 1500 Ivory Coin + 1450 Fame Point. Leather Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 3%.: 2000 Ivory Coin + 1950 Fame Point. Добавлены в продажу Рубашки ранга A: Scale Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 6%.: 2500 Ivory Coin + 2450 Fame Point. Scale Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 4%.: 3500 Ivory Coin + 3450 Fame Point. Оружие: Напоминаем, что это персональное временное оружие с SA, заточенное на +4. Стоимость всего Ivory оружия ранга B - снижена: 250 Ivory Coin + 295.000 Adena за любое оружие из списка: Скрытый текст MW Ivory Wizard's TearShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Casting Spd. increases by 15%. MW Ivory Damascus SwordShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 64. MW Ivory Deadman's GloryShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Attack speed increases by about 6%. MW Ivory Art of Battle AxeShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max HP increases by 25%. MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's BonesShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max MP increases by 30%. MW Ivory Star BusterShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Attack speed increases by about 6%. MW Ivory Guardian's SwordShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max HP increases by 25%. MW Ivory LanceShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Upon additional Critical, about 25% of Stun effect is activated. MW Ivory Demons's DaggerShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Critical Damage increases by 160 during additional critical attack. MW Ivory Bow of PerilShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. P. Crit. Rate +54. MW Ivory Bellion CestusShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Atk. Spd. increases by 9% when HP is below 60%. MW Ivory Staff of Evil SpiritsShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Casts a Bless the Body with a 28% of chance when using additional magic skills to a target. MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai LongswordShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Upon enchanted over 4, the function to increase attack speed by 4% is given. MW Ivory ColichemardeKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 64. During a critical attack, party members including yourself will receive at a fixed rate increased attack power, magic power, and healing capacity, as well as decreased MP consumption per skill. MW Ivory DismantlerKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max HP increases by 25%. MW Ivory Hell HoundKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. P. Crit. Rate +54. В продажу добавлено Ivory Оружие ранга А: Стоимость: 375 Ivory Coin + 395.000 Adenaза любое оружие из списка: Скрытый текст MW Ivory Themis' TongueShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Casting Spd. increases by 15% and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Sirra's BladeShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max HP increases by 25% and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Barakiel's AxeShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Cabrio's HandShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Max MP by 60% additionally, decreases Max HP by 40% and increases damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning ForkShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Sword of IposShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Tiphon's SpearShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Upon additional Critical, about 25% of Stun effect is activated. Damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Naga StormShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Shyeed's BowShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Sobekk's HurricaneShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Attack speed increases by about 6% and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Daimon CrystalShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Casting Spd. increases by 15% and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Tallum Blade*DamascusShadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increase attack speed by 8% and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Éclair BijouKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Max HP increases by 25% and damage inflicted during PvP. During a critical attack, party members including yourself will receive at a fixed rate increased attack power, magic power, and healing capacity, as well as decreased MP consumption per skill. MW Ivory DurendalKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 61 and damage inflicted during PvP. MW Ivory Screaming VengeanceKamael exclusive weapon. Shadow Personal Weapon for Ivory Coins. Increases Critical by 61 and damage inflicted during PvP. Lucky Enchant Stones: Стоимость Lucky Enchant Stone рангов D и С - снижена: Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade): 10 Ivory Coin + 1.500 Adena. Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade): 25 Ivory Coin + 5.000 Adena. Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade): 50 Ivory Coin + 7.500 Adena. Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade): 100 Ivory Coin + 17.500 Adena. Добавлены в продажу Lucky Enchant Stone рангов B и A: Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade): 250 Ivory Coin + 150.000 Adena + 100 Fame Point. Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade): 350 Ivory Coin + 250.000 Adena + 150 Fame Point. Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade): 750 Ivory Coin + 750.000 Adena + 350 Fame Point. Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade): 950 Ivory Coin + 950.000 Adena + 500 Fame Point. Миссии Уровни: Скрытый текст 80 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 80 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 4 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 90 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 400 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 12 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 2 81 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 81 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 300 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 110 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 95 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 7 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 800 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 82 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 82 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 350 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 6 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 120 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 100 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 8 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 200 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 17 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 4 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 4 83 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 83 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 400 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 7 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 130 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 105 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 9 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 600 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 84 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 84 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 450 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 8 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 140 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 110 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 10 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 4 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 22 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 7 85 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 85 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 500 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 10 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 150 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 120 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 15 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 30 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 Боссы, монстры и Временные Зоны: Core & Orfen: Тип: Повторяемая; Условие: Убить Коре или Орфен; Награда: Награда Кол-во Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Очки Энергии 5 000 Fame 150 SP 500 000 Убийство рейдового босса: 500,000 SP scroll - добавлено в награду, передаваемый предмет. Убить 5 000 любых монстров: 1,000,000 SP scroll - добавлено в награду, передаваемый предмет. Убить 10 000 любых монстров: 1,000,000 SP scroll х3 - добавлено в награду, передаваемый предмет. Обратите внимание! SP - очень важный параметр персонажа как на текущем, так и на грядущих патчах, так как оно необходимо как для изучения Новых и Важных умений, так и для заточки Умений. Возможность накапливать, передавать, продавать и обмениваться свитками SP - очень важный инструмент развития ваших персонажей. Не упускайте свою выгоду! Олимпиада (напоминание) Великая Олимпиада - важное социальное событие для серверов MasterWork. Помимо того, что вы можете померяться силами и стать лучшими представителями своего Класса, вы также можете получить важные предметы, усиливающие вашего персонажа. Напоминаем, что вы будете гарантировано получать Olympiad Token просто за участие и этого хватит для получения полезных предметов. Теперь 2 "если": Если ты считаешь, что ты не готов, что сила твоего персонажа не достаточна, чтобы получить заветный статус Героя - это не страшно! Просто принимая участие и наслаждаясь сражениями - ты сможешь получить достаточное количество токенов, чтобы получить крайне полезные предметы из магазина. Мы уверены, к этому ты точно готов! Если, читая это сообщение, ты все еще не участвовали в Олимпиаде - мы настоятельно рекомендуем исправить это! Не упустить свой шанс! Если вы не получили расчет до 8 Января, очки обнулятся и вы не сможете получить расчет. Успейте обменять очки на НГП до рестарта; Получение Noblesse Gate Pass за участие в Олимпиаде заменено на получение Olympiad Token. Регистрация доступна с 75+ уровня; Героям нового периода Олимпиады доступны все геройские умения, работают в полную силу, напоминаем, что "Хиро Дебафы" имеют общий откат (при использовании одного умения, оба уходят в откат) и переработаны: Переработанные: Heroic Grandeur; Heroic Dread. Существующие умения: Heroic Miracle - Физ. Защ. +5400, Маг. Защ. +4050, сопротивление отмене положительных эффектов +80%, Скорость +5. Геройское Оружие незначительно усилено; Физ. и Маг. Атк. Оружия без изменений; PvP Урон увеличен с 20 до 35%; PvE Урон увеличен с 20 до 50%. Период Олимпиады проводится с 11 по 14 Января: Время проведения боев с 18:30 по 23:10. Напоминаем, что получение Olympiad Token доступно уже с 11 Января (первого дня Олимпиады) как за Ачивки, так и за: Вылет на Олимпиаду: 400 ОТ; Победу: 600 ОТ (суммарно 1000); Поражение: 100 ОТ (суммарно 500). Доступна Олимпийская Бижутерия за Olympiad Token: Бижутерия Olympiad Token Adena Olympiad Necklace 44 000 5 000 000 Olympiad Earring 33 000 5 000 000 Olympiad Ring 22 000 5 000 000 За первое место в рейтинге профессии скидка 15%; За 2-3 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 10%; За 4-6 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 7%; За 7-10 место в рейтинге профессии скидка 5%; Разное Было проведено работа по общему улучшению описанию предметов, умений и веток заточек. Теперь стало еще более понятней и прозрачней; Orichalcum Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 6.5%.: Добавлена для покупки в Олимпийском магазине, стоимость: Olympiad Token x100 000 + Fame 10 000. Linen Shirt - PvE: Добавлено получение предмета при создании новых персонажей. Linen Shirt - PvP: Добавлено в награду за миссию "Получить 15-й уровень". Увеличено количество SP получаемое при убийстве монстров в локациях Isle of Prayer и в Chromatic Highlands в 1.35 - 2 раза. Как уже описывалось выше: SP - очень важный параметр персонажа как на текущем, так и на грядущих патчах, так как оно необходимо как для изучения Новых и Важных умений, так и для заточки Умений. Используйте ваши ресурсы по максимуму! Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. c ❤️, E-Global & Averia Stalwart, Rylai, Dmicom и 4 других 1 2 1 1 2 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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