Papanda 2513 Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2024 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 февраля 2024 Рестарт: Понедельник, 26 Февраля, 2024 в 08:00 по серверному времени (09:00 Минск\Мск) Дорогие друзья, С 26 Февраля вводится следующий под-этап 4-го сезона сервера MasterWork. Это следующая ступень развития сервера, согласно заранее спланированному графику жизни сезона. Поэтапность - залог размеренной и комфортной игры. На этой стадии развития сезона мы сильно упростили развитие 60 - 80, чтобы позволить игрокам как можно быстрее влиться в игру и принимать самое непосредственное участие в жизни сервера. Увеличенные рейты Опыта и SP помогут за короткий срок поднять необходимый уровень, а упрощение добычи экипировки позволит иметь необходимый минимум для участия в битвах. О всех подробностях нововведений можно узнать в нашем Патчноуте 🙃 Статистика Количество PvP: 3 027 083 (+211 569); Количество PK: 292 865 (+12 667); Персонажи: 125 247 (+2 287); Кланы: 765 (+12) ; Альянсы: 141 (+5); Ивент: За первые 11 дней с момента ввода ивента: Lorade's Dark ChocolateThis is an item that drops from different mobs all over the Elmoraden lands during the MasterWork St. Valentine Day Event from 12 to 26 February, 2024. Bring it to NPC St. Valentine at Ancient Arcan City, Giran Castle Town or Heine to receive your reward! This item is also needed to use special Active Buff from enchanted Love Talisman. - на руках у игроков 139 878; Lorade's Dark Chocolate - потрачено у St. Valentine 356 790; Lorade's Chocolate Cake - было открыто 80 975; Love Talisman - было улучшено 1 117. Напоминаем, что выпадение Lorade's Dark Chocolate из монстров и покупка Love Talisman доступны до 8:00 утра 26 Февраля 2024, Не забудьте обновить свои талисманы до рестарта! Ивентовый NPC остается в игровом мире до 4 го марта, будет осуществляться: Заход в инстанс; Обмен Lorade's Dark Chocolate на Lorade's Chocolate Cake. Важные игровые события Технические работы по установке обновлений, респаун Эпических Боссов и все важные игровые события идут по расписанию. Мы стараемся давать игрокам максимум информации, чтобы Вы могли эффективно спланировать свою игровую сессию. Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота Воскресенье Понедельник, 26 Февраля: Номинация Героев - 00:00; Технические работы по установке обновления - 8:00 (Ориентировочное время проведения 90 минут); Установка новых рейтов - 18:00 (Без рестарта): Упрощенное развитие 1-80 уровни; Основная игра х1 80-82 уровни. Frintezza - 21:00 ~ 21:30. Вторник, 27 Февраля: Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:15; Обратите внимание! Из Bane также выпадают Dent's Coin, как и из Dent. Среда, 28 Февраля: Antharas - 21:00; Queen Ant - 21:00 ~ 21:30. Четверг, 29 Февраля: Baium - 21:00 ~ 21:30. Пятница, 1 Марта: Осады Клан-Холлов - 20:00-21:00. Суббота, 2 Марта: Территориальные Войны - 20:00 - 22:00: 9 основных флагов; 6 флагов MidCompany. Queen Ant - 21:00 ~ 21:30. Воскресенье, 3 Марта: Осады 16:00 - 18:00: Gludio; Dion; Schuttgart; Aden; Elven (Mid Company); Dark Elven (Mid Company); Human (Mid Company, Новый). Осады 20:00 - 22:00: Giran; Oren; Innadril; Goddard; Rune; Orc (Mid Company); Dwarf (Mid Company); Gludin (Mid Company, Новый). Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:15; Обратите внимание! Из Bane также выпадают Dent's Coin, как и из Dent. Текущие рейты сервера; Рейты выходного дня; Доступ к баффу Adventurers Guide; Актуальное развитие персонажа по уровню. Рейты - сервер развивается, и мы идем в ногу со временем. MasterWork - место, где тщательно подходят к поэтапной рейтовке, начинать игру становится все проще, а преодолеть порог вхождения можно за несколько дней, только сильно не разгоняйтесь 😉. Рейты будут установлены на сервера в 18:00 по серверному времени без рестарта! Обратите внимание! Начиная с этого обновления (согласно концепции) обновления сезона, в том числе и Рейтов, будут выходить раз в три недели (а не два раза в неделю, как это было ранее). Связано это с тем, что начиная с данного этапа концепция увеличивается в ширь, давая доступ к различному контенту, такому как: улучшения экипировки, улучшения бижутерии, заточки умений, установки камней атрибута и так далее. Актуальные Рейты с 26 Февраля, 18:00 по 18 Марта, 17:59: Упрощенное развитие до 80 уровня: Опыт увеличен с 60 по 70 уровни; Опыт значительно увеличен с 70 по 79 уровни. Основная игра 80 - 82. Уровень EXP с монстров EXP c РБ 1-30 х7.00 х5.00 30-40 х7.00 -> х6.00 х5.00 40-50 х6.00 -> х5.00 х5.00 -> х4.50 50-60 х5.00 -> х4.00 х4.50 -> х4.00 60-70 х4.00 -> х3.00 х4.00 -> х3.50 70-76 и 100.00% х3.00 -> х2.00 х3.50 -> х3.00 77-77 и 100.00% х1.85 х3.00 78-78 и 100.00% х1.70 х3.00 79-79 и 100.00% х1.50 х3.00 80-80 и 100.00% х1.00 х2.00 81-81 и 100.00% х1.00 х2.00 82-85 х0.10 х0.20 Рейт SP с Рейдовых Боссов (в том числе и с Боссов в Инстансах) х2 от рейта опыта и не опускается ниже, чем х4.00; Рейт SP с Монстров незначительно выше, чем рейт опыта вплоть до 80 уровня включительно, и не опускается ниже х1.00, даже на 82+; Опыт получаемый с книг соразмерно увеличен. Рейты выходного дня: +50% EXP, +100% SP из Монстров, активируются с 00:00 Субботы по 00:00 Понедельника: Уровень Опыт SP 1-30 х10.50 x14.00 30-40 х10.50 -> x9.00 x14.00 -> x12.00 40-50 x9.00 -> x7.50 x12.00 -> x10.00 50-60 x7.50 -> x6.00 x10.00 -> x8.00 60-70 x6.00 -> x4.50 x8.00 -> x6.00 70-76 x4.50 -> x3.00 x6.00 -> 4.00 77-77 и 100.00% x2.78 x3.70 78-78 и 100.00% x2.55 x3.40 79-79 и 100.00% x2.25 x3.00 80-80 и 100.00% x1.50 x2.50 81-81 и 100.00% x1.50 x2.00 82-85 и 100.00% x0.15 x2.00 The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. Детальные о том, как работают рейты, на примере х6.00->х5.00: Скрытый текст lvl_40 = 6.00 lvl_41 = 5.90 lvl_42 = 5.80 lvl_43 = 5.70 lvl_44 = 5.60 lvl_45 = 5.50 lvl_46 = 5.40 lvl_47 = 5.30 lvl_48 = 5.20 lvl_49 = 5.10 lvl_50 = 5.00 Напоминаем, что: Скрытый текст Опыт питомцев: Напоминаем о том, что: 52 уровни: Квест на саб-класс; 68 уровни: Комбо-баффы; 70 уровни: КоВ / ПоВ (1 уровней); 70 уровни: Статус Дворянина; 72 уровни: Квесты для добычи Ice Crystal (Hot Springs); Квесты для добычи Divine Stone of Wisdom (Varka / Ketra, 2 ур. альянса). 76 уровни: 3-е профессии, доступ к Великой Олимпиаде; 79 уровни: Практически у всех классов появляются важнейшие умения или умения получают новый уровень, выходя на 100% своих эффектов. Также напоминаем, что книги для изучения основных умений добываются с Близнецов (инстанс зона). Изучение важнейших пассивных умений - " Протекшенов", которые доступны не только с Эпических Боссов, но и с Байлора. В дальнейшем количество мест, в которых можно добыть этот предмет будет увеличиваться, согласно концепции. 80 уровни: Практически у всех классов появляются важные умения - Купола; Will'ы вторых уровней; Заточка умений с высоким шансом. Все уровни, начиная с 3й профессии: Заточка Умений. Мы хотим подчеркнуть, что это один из важнейших элементов игры и развития вашего персонажа! Мы настоятельно рекомендуем активно и уверенно улучшать-затачивать свои умения, начиная с основных, но не ограничиваясь лишь ими! Таблица шансов заточки умения, согласно уровню: Скрытый текст Умения 2-й профессии: +1..3 = 76 уровень умения; +4..8 = 77 уровень умения; +7..9 = 78 уровень умения; +10..12 = 79 уровень умения; +13..15 = 80 уровень умения; +16..18 = 81 уровень умения; +19..21 = 82 уровень умения; +22..24 = 83 уровень умения; +25..27 = 84 уровень умения; +28..30 = 85 уровень умения. Умения 3-й профессии: +1..3 = 81 уровень умения; +4..8 = 82 уровень умения; +7..9 = 83 уровень умения; +10..12 = 84 уровень умения; +13..15 = 85 уровень умения. Питомцы получают независящую часть опыта от уровня хозяина. Финальные цифры опыта рассчитываются от уровня питомца. Т.е это так же остаются 5% опыта хозяина, но конкретная цифра зависит от уровня питомца. Если персонаж 81+ с входящим рейтом опыта х0.10, имеет 80-го питомца и получает 1000 опыта с моба, 5% этого опыта уходит питомцу, для него это составит 500 опыта, т.к у питомца рейт х1. Клубный Менеджер Adventurers' Guide: Без клубной карты баф доступен до 70 уровня (для всех персонажей 1-69); При наличии клубной карты вам доступно: Комбо-баффы и эффекты максимальных уровней умений на любом уровне персонажа; Получение баффа на любом уровне. Добавление в дроп новых предметов; Увеличение шансов дропа; Увеличение получаемого опыта. Во время рейдов всегда можно интересно провести время и помериться силами с оппонентами. Tiat Эпические Боссы Подвалы Замка\Форта Queen Ant Добавлена новая инстанс зона; Условия захода: От 18 до 45 персонажей 78 - 85 уровней; Время на прохождение 130 минут; Если персонаж находится вне инстанса 5 минут, он исключается из инстанса (пропадает возможность зайти к группе); Откат инстанс зоны: Среда и Суббота 6:30 по серверному времени; Возможна прокачка SA, шанс персональный для каждого члена добивающей группы: 10 => 11: 10.00%; 11 => 12: 10.00%; 12 => 13: 7.50%; 13 => 14: 7.50%; 14 => 15: 5.00%; 15 => 16: 5.00%. Награда: Значительное количество Опыта и SP; Предмет Шанс Tiatenon - Landslide With 8% chance Stuns target With 2% chance Frightens the enemy into fleeing, . Focus: P. Crit. Rate +134, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Haste: Atk. Spd. +11%, PvP Damage +5%. 1% Случайное оружие S80 Icarus 100% Случайное оружие Vesper 25% Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune или Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental или Forgotten Scroll - Protection of AlignmentForgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Alignment. Can be acquired by level 79. 50% Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will или Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will или Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level.Forgotten Scroll to learn the Magician's Scroll Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. 50% MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. 7% MasterWork Crystal: S80-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Moirai for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S80-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S80-grade Spheres. 5% MasterWork Crystal: S84-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Vesper for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S84-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S84-grade Spheres. 3% Fire Stone или Water StoneStone will increase Water attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Fire attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 5 - 10 штStone will increase Fire attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Water attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 100% Earth Stone или Wind Stone 5 - 10 шт 100% Dark Stone или Divine Stone 5 - 10 штStone will increase Holy attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Dark attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher.Stone will increase Dark attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Holy attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 100% Uncommon Collectioner's CardUncommon Card, that you can gather to trade with Battle Pass Manager Rylai for real mount! 100% C 4 Марта по Вторникам и Пятницам с 19:30 по 21:30 будет доступен Seed of Destruction (Фарм 150+ Атрибута); Количество Фонтанов увеличено. С 11 Марта станет доступен обменник Камней Атрибута на Кристаллы Атрибута; С 11 Марта станет доступна вставка второго защитного Атрибута в броню ранга S и выше. Уровень увеличен до 82; Из наград удалены оружие и экипировка S ранга; В награду добавлено 2 случайных разных оружия S Dynasty; В награду добавлено 1 случайное оружие S80 Icarus; В награду добавлена экипировка S Dynasty; В награду добавлена бижутерия S Dynasty; В награду добавлена экипировка S80 Moirai; В награду добавлена бижутерия S80 Moirai; MasterWork Crystal: S84-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Vesper for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S84-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S84-grade Spheres. - добавлено в награду 1 - 2 шт. Характеристики Боссов и охраны увеличены: Получаемые Опыт и SP в награду за убийство Босса увеличены; Урон наносимый Боссами увеличен; Количество HP Боссов увеличено; Физическая и Магическая защита Боссов увеличена; Защита от Атрибутов у Боссов и Охраны увеличена с 20 до 75 единиц; Уровни Боссов и охраны подняты на +2: РБ в замках с 74-80 до 76-82; РБ в фортах с 72-76 до 74-78. Награда за победу над Боссом: В награду добавлена экипировка S ранга (Боссам, с которых ранее падал топ А); В награду добавлена экипировка топ А ранга (Боссам с которых ранее падал только лоу А ранг); - Шансы выпадения увеличены. Уровень увеличен до 82; Из наград удалены оружие и экипировка S ранг В награду добавлено 2 случайных разных оружия S Dynasty; В награду добавлено 1 случайное оружие S80 Icarus; В награду добавлена экипировка S Dynasty; В награду добавлена бижутерия S Dynasty; В награду добавлена экипировка S80 Moirai; В награду добавлена бижутерия S80 Moirai; MasterWork Crystal: S84-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Vesper for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S84-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S84-grade Spheres. - добавлено в награду 1 шт.; Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant - 25%. Изменения умений Holy WeaponIncreases the target's Holy Atk. Attribute by $s1. Can be used on party members. (Shilen Elder): Умение добавлено к изучению классу Shilen Elder; В случае, если у вас было изучено умение, оно удалится компенсируется потраченный Holy Pomander - Shillien Saint, после чего вы сможете изучить умение за SP. Expertise B: Изучается с 1го уровня автоматически: Таким образом можно носить предметы D, C и В ранга с 1го уровня без штрафа. Добавление нового Босса; Общее описание; Характеристики; Награды. Tiat: Добавлена новая инстанс зона: Заход осуществляется в городе Аркан. Условия захода: От 18 до 45 персонажей 78 - 85 уровней; Время на прохождение 130 минут; Если персонаж находится вне инстанса 5 минут, он исключается из инстанса (пропадает возможность зайти к группе); Был добавлен специальный NPC Телепортер, который будет появляться после того, как открывается доступ к Залу Босса и может переместить персонажей со входа непосредственно к Боссу; После убийства Босса - появится специальный NPC Телепортер, который выведет вашего персонажа из Зоны и закроет, как только её покинут все персонажи; Незначительно увеличил HP (~+15%), Физ/Маг. Защ. (~+5%); Были добавлены 2 пассивных умения: Частичная защита от Mana Burn. Вы все еще можете "выпалить" ману у Tiat, однако это не будет настолько просто; Была повешена сопротивляемость Rhythm of Medusa. Имеет 250 атакующего Атрибута Огня, а также достаточно сильную защиту (250 от Огня, 150 от Воды, по 200 от остальных стихий); Откат инстанс зоны: Среда и Суббота 6:30 по серверному времени; Возможна прокачка SA, шанс персональный для каждого члена добивающей группы: 10 => 11: 10.00%; 11 => 12: 10.00%; 12 => 13: 7.50%; 13 => 14: 7.50%; 14 => 15: 5.00%; 15 => 16: 5.00%. Награда: Значительное количество Опыта и SP; Предмет Шанс Tiatenon - Landslide With 8% chance Stuns target With 2% chance Frightens the enemy into fleeing, . Focus: P. Crit. Rate +134, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Haste: Atk. Spd. +11%, PvP Damage +5%. 1% Случайное оружие Icarus 100% Случайное оружие Vesper 25% Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune или Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental или Forgotten Scroll - Protection of AlignmentForgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Alignment. Can be acquired by level 79. 50% Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will или Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will или Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level.Forgotten Scroll to learn the Magician's Scroll Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. 50% MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. 7% MasterWork Crystal: S80-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Moirai for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S80-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S80-grade Spheres. 5% MasterWork Crystal: S84-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Vesper for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S84-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S84-grade Spheres. 3% Fire Stone или Water StoneStone will increase Water attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Fire attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 5 - 10 штStone will increase Fire attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Water attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 100% Earth Stone или Wind Stone 5 - 10 шт 100% Dark Stone или Divine Stone 5 - 10 штStone will increase Holy attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Dark attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher.Stone will increase Dark attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Holy attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 100% Uncommon Collectioner's CardUncommon Card, that you can gather to trade with Battle Pass Manager Rylai for real mount! 100% C 4 Марта по Вторникам и Пятницам с 19:30 по 21:30 будет доступен Seed of Destruction (Фарм 150+ Атрибута); Количество Фонтанов увеличено. С 11 Марта станет доступен обменник Камней Атрибута на Кристаллы Атрибута; С 11 Марта станет доступна вставка второго защитного Атрибута в броню ранга S и выше. Добавлена миссия за победу над Tiat: Тип: Ежедневный; Уровни: 78 - 85; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 35 Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Attribute Masters in Aden, Rune or Ancient City Arcan and they will gladly give you Personal Attribute Ore. 5 1.000.000 SP ScrollScroll that replenishes 1.000.000 SP. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. 10 000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 250 Тиата будет обновляться и улучшаться на протяжении сервера, аналогично другим Инстанс зонам, а именно: Шанс на выпадение Vesper Avenger of ChaosA rare Vesper Avenger that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith Pushkin in Town of Giran or by the Blacksmith of Mammon.Vesper сейчас меньше (по сравнению с предыдущими сезонами), что позволит оружию Icarus получить свое заслуженное место в руках, инвентарях и расскладках ваших персонажей; Со временем Инстанс Зона станет проходиться легче: 3 прохода к кристаллам из центрального зала будут упразднены, а вы сможете сразу пойти к Форту; Шанс и количество предметов (Протекшены, Вилы, Камни и тд), которые выпадают с Tiat, также будет улучшаться. Стартовые миссии; Улучшение стартовой экипировки; Упрощение развития. Стартовая Экипировка Миссии за начальные уровни Ачивки за саб-класс Все новые персонажи получают комплект экипировки и оружия в зависимости от класса: Human Fighter MW Samurai Longsword MW Crystal Dagger*Cursed Dagger MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Human Mystic MW Sword of Whispering DeathBound Item. Cast. Spd. +15%. MW Robe of Seal One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.SetPersonal Item. Elf Fighter MW Samurai Longsword MW Crystal Dagger*Cursed Dagger MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Elf Mystic MW Sword of Whispering DeathBound Item. Cast. Spd. +15%. MW Robe of SealOne-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this. SetPersonal Item. Dark Elf Fighter MW Samurai Longsword MW Crystal Dagger*Cursed Dagger MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Dark Elf Mystic MW Sword of Whispering Death MW Robe of SealOne-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this. SetPersonal Item. Orc Fighter MW Berserker Blade MW Great Pata MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Orc Shaman MW Club of Nature Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Personal Item. MW Robe of SealOne-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this. SetPersonal Item. Dwarf Fighter MW Dwarven War Hammer*Dwarven War HammerDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Skill Reuse Time +10%, Max HP +25%. MW Crystal Dagger*Cursed DaggerDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Crit. Rate +77. MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Dwarf Mystic MW Sword of Whispering Death MW Robe of SealOne-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this. SetPersonal Item. Kamael F Soldier MW Admiral's Estoc Steel Bolt х5 000 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 Souls x100 MW SharpshooterBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. MP Consumption -12%. MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Kamael M Soldier MW Admiral's EstocBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +69. During P. Crit. Atk. for all party members MP Consumption -100%, P./ M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%. MW Saber ToothBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +69. MW Rind Leather Armor SetPersonal Item. Вне зависимости от класса все новые персонажи получают комплект расходников: Предмет Количество Adventurer's Scroll of EscapeMagic scroll that moves you to the nearest village. Item for beginner adventurers that cannot be exchanged or dropped. 10 Scroll of Escape: Town of GiranA magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Giran. Cannot be sold in shops. 5 Scroll of Escape: Ancient City ArcanMagically teleports you to the Ancient City Arcan. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 150 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 100 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 5 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 2 500 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for 1-64 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item. 2 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 3 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Pioneers RingUnique Ring of Pioneers for those who took part in MasterWork Grand Opening. Exp loss from death -10% PvE Defense +2% Inventory Slots +10. Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 10 min. Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 MW Elven Necklace Set Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Linen Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 3% Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 Изменены награды за следующие стартовые миссии: 7 Уровень: Награда Количество MW Ring of SealPersonal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 7 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 600 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 250 10 Уровень: Награда Количество Love AgathionMake love, not war. Gives you Vitality Maintenance and Autoloot bonuses. 1 Personal Coupon Weapon 1 MW Earring of SealPersonal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 10 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 700 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 300 12 Уровень: Награда Количество MW Earring of Seal 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 12 Soulshot (C-Grade) 800 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) 350 15 Уровень: Награда Количество MW Necklace of SealPersonal Item.Personal Item. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Linen Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 1%. 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 7 Soulshot (C-Grade) 1 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) 400 17 Уровень: Награда Количество Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 17 Personal Greater CP Potion 10 Soulshot (C-Grade) 1 500 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) 500 Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 1 Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. Can be used by characters above level 52 and below level 60 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 20 Уровень: Награда Количество Nornil’s RecordsRare records of Nornil researches found by seekers from the Sky Library. Characters 20-39 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Smile - Heart 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 15 Personal Greater Healing Potion 20 Personal Greater CP Potion 12 Soulshot (C-Grade) 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) 750 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B) 1 30 Уровень: Награда Количество Personal Coupon WeaponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 30 Personal Greater CP Potion 15 Soulshot (C-Grade) 2 400 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade 1 000 Ivory Coin 20 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters.Double-click to see its contents. "Master's Property. For really brave people." 1 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B) 1 40 Уровень: Награда Количество Mitraell’s AtlasThe Lost Atlas of Mithraell is an excellent source of information about the unique places of the Elmoraden kingdom. Characters 40-51 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Ivory Coin 25 Personal Greater Healing Potion 25 Personal Greater CP Potion 15 Soulshot (C-Grade) 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade 750 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B) 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 48 Уровень: Награда Количество Ivory Coin 30 Personal Greater Healing Potion 30 Personal Greater CP Potion 20 Soulshot (C-Grade) 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade 850 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B) 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 52 Уровень: Награда Количество Einhovant’s VedasThe collection of the most ancient scriptures of Einhasad, described by Einhovant during his wanderings around the world. Characters 52-60 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Personal Coupon Weapon 1 Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Ivory Coin 35 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 35 Personal Greater CP Potion 25 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 750 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 1 500 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape 1 56 Уровень: Награда Количество Personal Coupon WeaponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Ivory Coin 40 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 1 Personal Greater Healing Potion 40 Personal Greater CP Potion 30 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) 1 800 Soulshot (B-Grade) 800 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 Elixir of CP (B-Grade) 2 Elixir of Life (B-Grade) 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade) 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 Первый Саб-класс: Награда Количество Personal Coupon WeaponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 3 000 Soulshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 5 000 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 3 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Второй Саб-класс: Награда Количество Personal Coupon Weapon 1 Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 3 000 Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 5 000 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 5 Sweet Fruit Cocktail 3 Fresh Fruit Cocktail 3 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Третий Саб-класс: Награда Количество Personal Coupon Weapon 1 Personal Coupon ArmorPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 3 000 Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 5 000 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 7 Sweet Fruit Cocktail 5 Fresh Fruit Cocktail 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 Добавление новых предметов; Изменение предметов; Изменение стоимости. Rune of Item Penalty: Теперь предмет работает без ограничений по уровню: Снижает штраф на 5 уровней для всех рангов вашей экипировки в течении 24 часов (время действия истекает даже в релоге): Предметы ранга А с 56 уровня вместо 61; Предметы ранга S с 71 уровня вместо 76; Предметы ранга S80 с 75 уровня вместо 80; Предметы ранга S84 с 77 уровня вместо 82. Не работает на Олимпиаде. Из продажи удалены следующие предметы С ранга за ненадобностью (Теперь можно использовать аналоги удаленных предметов В ранга с 1-го уровня) Актуализировано описание. Эликсиры СР, МР и СР ранга B и свитки снятия штрафа можно купить в любом магазине: Scroll: Recovery (Grade C); Эликсиры C Ранга. Personal Coupon Weapon/Armor: Теперь можно удалить. Personal Coupon Weapon/Armor: Теперь можно удалить. Personal Coupon Weapon/Armor: Нельзя удалить. Изменена стоимость персональных камней атрибута: Стихия Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Attribute Masters in Aden, Rune or Ancient City Arcan and they will gladly give you Personal Attribute Ore. Adena Personal Fire StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Fire attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Water attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Personal Water StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Water attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Fire attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Personal Earth StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Earth attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Wind attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Personal Wind StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Wind attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Earth attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Personal Dark StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Dark attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Holy attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Personal Divine StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Holy attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Dark attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. 7 150 000 Изменение ассортимента; Актуализация цен; Изменение диалогового окна. Предмет Количество Цена Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 1 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 2 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 3 Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 52 and 60. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 1 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 2 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. Can be used by characters above level 52 and below level 60 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 10 1 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 10 2 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 10 3 Soulshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 5 000 2 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 3 000 4 Full Bottle of Souls - 5 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. 50 1 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. 35 1 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. 1 1 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. 10 7 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. 50 25 1.000 CRP scrollThis scroll can be exchanged for 1000 CRP (clan reputation points) at NPC Butler (Premium Store) in the "Clan" section by any clan member. 1 2 5.000 CRP scrollThis scroll can be exchanged for 5000 CRP (clan reputation points) at NPC Butler (Premium Store) in the "Clan" section by any clan member. 1 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 3 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 1 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 3 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 3 12 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv. (Новое)Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 1 10 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv. (Новое)Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 3 25 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv. (Новое)Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 10 50 (Только в ЛК) SA 11 уровня 1 15 SA 12 уровня 1 35 SA 13 уровня 1 75 Изменение ассортимента; Актуализация цен. Предмет Цена SA 11 уровня 15 МС SA 12 уровня 35 МС SA 13 уровня 75 МС Soul Separator Guidance: Accuracy +4, PvP Damage +5%. Critical Damage: P. Crit. Damage +201, PvP Damage +5%. Rsk. Haste: Atk. Spd. when HP < 60% +11%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Sword of Miracles M. Atk.: M. Atk. +167.02, M. Skill MP Consumption +15%, PvP Damage +5%. Magic Silence: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Special Ability: Magic Silence on target with 10% chance. Acumen: Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Dark Legion's Edge Critical Damage: P. Crit. Damage +326, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Focus: P. Crit. Rate +67, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Dragon Slayer Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Critical Bleed: Casts Bleed on target during P. Crit. Atk, PvP Damage +5%. Focus: P. Crit. Rate +67, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Soul Bow Cheap Shot: Decreases MP consumption of bow attack to 1 with 38% chance, PvP Damage +5%. Quick Recovery: Bow Reuse Delay -15%, PvP Damage +5%. Focus: P. Crit. Rate +62, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Flaming Dragon Skull Magic Silence: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Special Ability: Magic Silence on target with 10% chance. M. Atk.: M. Atk. +167.02, M. Skill MP Consumption +15%, PvP Damage +5%. Acumen: Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Elysian Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Anger: P. Atk. +32.05, Max HP -15%, PvP Damage +5%. Critical Drain: Casts Drain on target during P. Crit. Atk. PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Doom Crusher Rsk. Focus: P. Crit. Rate when HP < 60% +130, PvP Damage +5%. Rsk. Haste: Atk. Spd. when HP < 60% +11%, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Branch of the Mother Tree Conversion: Max MP +60%, Max HP -40%, PvP Damage +5%. Magic Damage: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Special Ability: Magic Damage on target with 30% chance. Acumen: Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Tallum Glaive Guidance: Accuracy +4, PvP Damage +5%, Number of Targets +2. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%, Number of Targets +2. Wide Blow: PvP Damage +5%, Number of Targets +2. 17 500 000 Dragon Grinder Rsk. Evasion: Evasion when HP < 60% +6.8. Guidance: Accuracy +5, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. 17 500 000 Naga Storm Focus: P. Crit. Rate +67, PvP Damage +5%. Critical Damage: P. Crit. Damage +201, PvP Damage +5%. Back Blow: P. Crit. Rate attacking from behind +37, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Themis' Tongue Mana Up: Max MP +30%, PvP Damage +5%. Mental Shield: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. Acumen: Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Sword of Ipos Focus: P. Crit. Rate +62, PvP Damage +5%. Haste: Atk. Spd. +6%, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Shyeed's Bow Cheap Shot: Decreases MP consumption of bow attack to 1 with 30% chance, PvP Damage +5%. Focus: P. Crit. Rate +62, PvP Damage +5%. Quick Recovery: Bow Reuse Delay -22%, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Cabrio's Hand Conversion: Max MP +60%, Max HP -40%, PvP Damage +5%. Mana Up: Max MP +30%, PvP Damage +5%. Magic Silence: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Special Ability: Magic Silence on target with 10% chance. 25 000 000 Barakiel's Axe Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Haste: Atk. Spd. +6%, PvP Damage +5%. Focus: P. Crit. Rate +62, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Behemoth's Tuning Fork Focus: P. Crit. Rate +62, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. Anger: P. Atk. +32.05, Max HP -15%, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Daimon Crystal Mana Up: Max MP +30%, PvP Damage +5%. Acumen: Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +5%. Mental Shield: PvP Damage +5%, Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. 25 000 000 Tiphon's Spear Critical Stun: Casts Stun on target during P. Crit. Atk., PvP Damage +5%, Numbers of Targets +2. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%, Numbers of Targets +2. Wild Blow: Attack Radius +60, PvP Damage +5%, Numbers of Targets +2. 25 000 000 Sobekk's Hurricane Rsk. Haste: Atk. Spd. when HP < 60% +11%, PvP Damage +5%. Haste: Atk. Spd. +6%, PvP Damage +5%. Health: Max HP +25%, PvP Damage +5%. 25 000 000 Dark Crystal Heavy Set 19 500 000 Dark Crystal Light Set 19 500 000 Dark Crystal Robe SetFull body armor. 19 500 000 Tallum Heavy Set 19 500 000 Tallum Light SetFull body armor. 19 500 000 Tallum Robe Set 19 500 000 Majestic Heavy SetFull body armor. 25 000 000 Majestic Light Set 25 000 000 Majestic Robe SetFull body armor. 25 000 000 Nightmare Heavy SetFull body armor. 25 000 000 Nightmare Light SetFull body armor. 25 000 000 Nightmare Robe Set 25 000 000 Phoenix NecklacePhoenix Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +26. 870 000 Phoenix EarringPhoenix Earring. Produces the effect of M. Def. +3 and MP +20. 650 000 Phoenix RingPhoenix Ring. Produces the effect of MP +13. 450 000 Majestic NecklaceMajestic Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +33. 1 300 000 Majestic EarringMajestic Earring. Produces the effect of MP +25. 950 000 Majestic RingMajestic Ring. Produces the effect of MP +17. 750 000 Добавление новых предметов; Удаление неактуальных предметов; Увеличение количества расходников. Starter Set: Содержимое изменено: Удалены предметы С ранга, включая заряды души и духа; Добавлен купон на оружие А ранга (аналог +4 с СА); Добавлен купон на броню ранга В; Добавлена БО бижутерия; Добавлены заряды души (20 000) и духа (12 000) В ранга; Добавлены заряды души (20 000) и духа (12 000) А ранга; Актуальное содержимое набора: Предмет Количество Personal Coupon Weapon B 1 Personal Coupon Armor B 1 Personal Coupon Weapon APersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 MW Necklace of Black Ore Personal Item. 1 MW Earring of Black OrePersonal Item. 2 MW Ring of Black OrePersonal Item. 1 Greater MW RingGreater Ring from Starter Set. Exp loss from death -25% PvE Defense +3% Inventory Slots +15. Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 10 min. Blessed Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 1 hour. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 My Teleport SpellbookPersonal Item. When used increases /MyTeleport locations slots by 3, which can be used to save specific locations. My Teleport locations can be expanded up to 30 slots. 1 My Teleport ScrollPersonal Item. Item consumed to teleport you to previously saved /MyTeleport location spot. This scrolls disappears only upon completion of the teleportation, if the teleportation was interrupted - you will not spend the scroll. Upon completion of teleportation - Your character will become "flag" and will enter to combat mode. 5 My Teleport FlagItem that needed to save your current location in /MyTeleport. Private Item. 2 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item. 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 LevelExtra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (60-72) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 LevelExtra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (73-85) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 1 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 100 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 12 000 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 12 000 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 20 000 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 20 000 Box with Blessing of AdventurePersonal wrapped pack containing Blessing of Adventure Rune for 3 days that increases HP and MP regeneration by 30% while sitting. 1 Box with MW Summon BraceletPersonal wrapped pack containing MW Summon Bracelet for 7 days. This bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the MW Summon Bracelet. Activates all 6 talisman slots when equipped. 1 Box with Autoloot Agathion - Family MessengerPersonal wrapped pack containing Autoloot Agathion - Family Messenger for 7 days with autoloot effect. 1 Passive Talisman - AttackPersonal Item. P. Atk. +22 M. Atk. +30 Atk. Spd. +15 Cast. Spd. +12 P. Crit. Damage +30. 1 Passive Talisman - DefensePersonal item. P. Def. +35 M. Def. +30 Reduces P. Crit. Rate -3% Critical Damage received -100. 1 Passive Talisman - SpeedPersonal Item. Speed +5 Accuracy +2 Evasion +2. 1 Passive Talisman - RegenerationPersonal Item. Incoming Heal Power +40 MP Regeneration Bonus +10% HP Regeneration Bonus +10% CP Regeneration Bonus +10%. 1 Accessory Exchange CouponPersonal Item. Exchange this Coupon for Accessory at NPC Battle Pass Manager Rylai in Town of Giran. 1 Unique Set: Содержимое изменено: Удалены предметы С ранга включая заряды души и духа; Добавлен купон на оружие А ранга (аналог +4 с СА); Добавлен купон на броню А ранга; Добавлена бижутерия А ранга; Добавлены заряды души (20 000) и духа (12 000) А ранга; Актуальное содержимое набора: Предмет Количество Personal Coupon Weapon B 1 Personal Coupon Weapon APersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Coupon Armor BPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Coupon Armor A 1 MW Majestic Necklace The effect is MP +33. Personal Item. 1 MW Majestic EarringThe effect is MP +25. Personal Item. 2 MW Majestic RingThe effect is MP +17. Personal Item. 1 MW Necklace of Black OrePersonal Item. 1 MW Earring of Black OrePersonal Item. 2 MW Ring of Black OrePersonal Item. 1 Blessed MW RingBlessed Ring from Unique Set. Exp loss from death -50% PvE Defense +5% Inventory Slots +20. Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 10 min. Blessed Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 1 hour. Blessed Ring's Resurrection: Resurrects target. Reuse delay: 3 hours. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village.Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Black Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item - Level 1. The success rate is 100%. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 My Teleport SpellbookPersonal Item. When used increases /MyTeleport locations slots by 3, which can be used to save specific locations. My Teleport locations can be expanded up to 30 slots. 1 My Teleport ScrollPersonal Item. Item consumed to teleport you to previously saved /MyTeleport location spot. This scrolls disappears only upon completion of the teleportation, if the teleportation was interrupted - you will not spend the scroll. Upon completion of teleportation - Your character will become "flag" and will enter to combat mode. 10 My Teleport FlagItem that needed to save your current location in /MyTeleport. Private Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 LevelExtra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (60-72) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. Personal Item. 2 Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 78 LevelExtra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (73-85) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. Personal Item. 2 Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 3 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 250 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 5 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 4 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 12 000 Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 12 000 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 20 000 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 20 000 Cloak of the Stranger Max HP +150. Cloak that can worn by a stranger in a new world. It will cover you from the struggles during your new adventure. Cannot be traded or dropped. 1 Box with Blessing of AdventurePersonal wrapped pack containing Blessing of Adventure Rune for 7 days that increases HP and MP regeneration by 30% while sitting. 1 Box with MW Summon BraceletPersonal wrapped pack containing MW Summon Bracelet for 7 days. This bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the MW Summon Bracelet. Activates all 6 talisman slots when equipped. 1 Box with Autoloot Agathion - Family GuardianPersonal wrapped pack containing Autoloot Agathion - Family Guardian for 30 days with autoloot effect. 1 Passive Talisman - AttackPersonal Item. P. Atk. +22 M. Atk. +30 Atk. Spd. +15 Cast. Spd. +12 P. Crit. Damage +30. 1 Passive Talisman - DefensePersonal item. P. Def. +35 M. Def. +30 Reduces P. Crit. Rate -3% Critical Damage received -100. 1 Passive Talisman - SpeedPersonal Item. Speed +5 Accuracy +2 Evasion +2. 1 Passive Talisman - RegenerationPersonal Item. Incoming Heal Power +40 MP Regeneration Bonus +10% HP Regeneration Bonus +10% CP Regeneration Bonus +10%. 1 Active Talisman - Life ForcePersonal Item. Active Skill: Regenerate 100% HP and 100% MP. Cost: 30 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 30 min. 1 Active Talisman - MeditationPersonal Item. Active Skill: Decreases P. Def. by 90% and recovers 27 MP every second for 30 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 15 min. 1 Active Talisman of Maximum ClarityPersonal Item. Active Skill: Decreases MP consumption for skills by 100% for 90 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 15 min. 1 Accessory Exchange CouponPersonal Item. Exchange this Coupon for Accessory at NPC Battle Pass Manager Rylai in Town of Giran. 1 Добавлен обмен купонов: Оружие выдается улучшенным на +4; Оружие обладает эффектом SA; Оружие персональное; Нельзя улучшить до PvP или Rare; Нельзя использовать для спайки; Нельзя сменить SA. Personal Coupon Weapon Можно обменять на: Sirra's BladePersonal Weapon for Coupon. Max HP increases by 25% and damage inflicted during PvP. Sword of IposPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. Barakiel's AxePersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. Behemoth Tuning ForkPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. Naga StormPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. Tiphon's SpearPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Casts Stun with 25% chance on target during P. Crit. Atk. Damage inflicted during PvP. Shyeed's BowPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 62 and damage inflicted during PvP. Sobekk's HurricanePersonal Weapon for Coupon. Attack speed increases by about 6% and damage inflicted during PvP. Themis' TonguePersonal Weapon for Coupon. Casting Spd. increases by 15% and damage inflicted during PvP. Cabrio's HandPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Max MP by 60% additionally, decreases Max HP by 40% and increases damage inflicted during PvP. Daimon CrystalPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Casting Spd. increases by 15% and damage inflicted during PvP. Tallum Blade*DamascusPersonal Weapon for Coupon. Increase attack speed by 8% and damage inflicted during PvP. Éclair BijouKamael exclusive weapon. Personal Weapon for Coupon. Max HP increases by 25% and damage inflicted during PvP. During a critical attack, party members including yourself will receive at a fixed rate increased attack power, magic power, and healing capacity, as well as decreased MP consumption per skill. DurendalKamael exclusive weapon. Personal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 61 and damage inflicted during PvP. Screaming VengeanceKamael exclusive weapon. Personal Weapon for Coupon. Increases Critical by 61 and damage inflicted during PvP. Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal Coupon Armor Можно обменять на комплекты брони: Tallum Heavy Set Tallum Light SetFull body armor. Tallum Robe Set Dark Crystal Heavy Set Dark Crystal Light Set Dark Crystal Robe Set Nightmare Heavy SetFull body armor. Nightmare Light SetFull body armor. Nightmare Robe SetFull body armor. Majestic Heavy SetFull body armor. Majestic Light SetFull body armor. Majestic Robe SetFull body armor. Актуализация Миссий; Изменение наград. Giant`s Cave Fairy Settlement - North Fairy Settlement - South Fairy Settlement - East Пещера Гигантов I: Уровни: 79-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 5 00 монстров в Пещере Гигантов. Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 100 Personal Greater Healing Potion 35 Personal Greater CP Potion 30 Fame Point 350 Exp 5 000 000 SP 1 500 000 Пещера Гигантов II: Уровни: 79-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 800 монстров в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов I. Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 150 Personal Greater Healing Potion 40 Personal Greater CP Potion 40 Fame Point 500 Exp 7 500 000 SP 2 500 000 Пещера Гигантов III: Уровни: 79-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 1 000 монстров в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов II. Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 200 Personal Greater Healing Potion 45 Personal Greater CP Potion 50 Fame Point 750 Exp 10 000 000 SP 3 500 000 Пещера Гигантов IV: Уровни: 79-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 1 500 монстров в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов III. Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 250 Personal Greater Healing Potion 50 Personal Greater CP Potion 75 Fame Point 1 000 Exp 15 000 000 SP 5 000 000 Пещера Гигантов V: Уровни: 80-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 2 000 монстров в Пещере Гигантов. Выполненная миссия Пещера Гигантов IV. Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 350 Personal Greater Healing Potion 75 Personal Greater CP Potion 100 Fame Point 1 500 Exp 25 000 000 SP 10 000 000 Колония Фей Север I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 500 Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 100 Personal Greater Healing Potion 35 Personal Greater CP Potion 25 Fame Point 250 Exp 3 500 000 SP 1 000 000 Колония Фей Север II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 500 Созревших Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Север I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 125 Personal Greater Healing Potion 50 Personal Greater CP Potion 35 Fame Point 350 Exp 5 000 000 SP 1 000 000 Колония Фей Север III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 300 Порочных Фей в Северных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Север II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 150 Personal Greater Healing Potion 75 Personal Greater CP Potion 50 Fame Point 500 Exp 7 500 000 SP 2 500 000 Колония Фей Юг I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 400 Жестоких Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 150 Personal Greater Healing Potion 50 Personal Greater CP Potion 35 Fame Point 350 Exp 5 000 000 SP 1 500 000 Колония Фей Юг II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 500 Яростных Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Юг I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 175 Personal Greater Healing Potion 75 Personal Greater CP Potion 50 Fame Point 500 Exp 7 500 000 SP 2 500 000 Колония Фей Юг III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 500 Беспощадных Фей в Южных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Юг II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 200 Personal Greater Healing Potion 100 Personal Greater CP Potion 75 Fame Point 750 Exp 10 000 000 SP 3 500 000 Колония Фей Восток I: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 500 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 150 Personal Greater Healing Potion 75 Personal Greater CP Potion 50 Fame Point 500 Exp 7 500 000 SP 2 500 000 Колония Фей Восток II: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 750 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Восток I; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 175 Personal Greater Healing Potion 100 Personal Greater CP Potion 75 Fame Point 750 Exp 10 000 000 SP 3 500 000 Колония Фей Восток III: Уровни: 78-85; Тип: Еженедельный (Обновление по Средам в 6:30); Условие: Победите 1 000 Кентавров из Клана Железной Гривы в Восточных Долинах Колонии Фей. Выполненная миссия Колония Фей Восток II; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory Coin 200 Personal Greater Healing Potion 150 Personal Greater CP Potion 100 Fame Point 1 000 Exp 15 000 000 SP 5 000 000 Расширенная статистика КК; Добавление новых сообщений в редактор. Доступные умения в Командном Канале Теперь Лидеры Командного Канала (непосредственный Лидер и все Лидеры Кланов, которые присутствуют в Командном Канале) будут видеть умения из предложенного списка, которые: Есть в наличии во всем Командном Канале (рядом с Лидером); Те, которые доступны к использованию, а также имена этих персонажей (рядом с Лидером). Список умений (Добавлено новые умения): Mass ResurrectionResurrect a dead party/clan/alliance members, also restores $s1 of Exp.; Purification FieldCancel all the de-buffs of nearby Party members.; Alliance Flames of InvincibilityCalls down a blessing of flames on nearby Party/ Clan/ Alliance members to make them invincible for 10 sec. Shares cooldown with the skill: Party Flames of Invincibility.; Sublime Self-SacrificeSacrifices oneself to allow all other party members (excluding oneself), clan and alliance members to fully recover their HP by 50%, recover MP by 15% + 250 and to become invincible.; Symbol of Noise (Новое); Day of Doom (Новое). Общая логика: Для того, чтобы посмотреть список имен персонажей с доступными умениями - вам будет необходимо нажать на кнопку напротив соответствующего умения. Обратите внимание! Вы можете открыть несколько окон со списками имен персонажей, чтобы контролировать несколько умений одновременно. Список будет обновляться динамически, детальнее об этом в пункте ниже. Подсчет количества умений осуществляется только рядом с Лидером Командного Канала, по примеру подсчета игроков рядом. Обратите внимание! Лидеры Кланов, который НЕ являются Лидерами Командного Канала будут видеть список умений, которые доступны у игроков рядом с Лидером Командного Канала, а не рядом с ними. Список умений и имен персонажей обновляются раз в 25 секунд. Обратите внимание! Кнопка "обновить" не обновит информация раньше, чем произойдет "рефреш" на сервере, который, происходит раз в 25 секунд и отправляет статус доступности умений автоматически. Из чего делаем вывод, что нажатие кнопки "обновить" не приведет к ожидаемому обновлению статуса умения, а значит, что использовать ее для умений - не актуально. Редактор Сообщений Были добавлены новые сообщения, которые вы можете отредактировать\отключить (путем удаления сообщения): id=612 - Активация Спойла; id=298 - Вы выронили "Предмет"; id=299 - Член Группы Поднял "Предмет" + "Улучшение"; id=300 - Член Группы Поднял "Предмет". Напоминаем, что детальнее ознакомиться с инструментом Редактирования Сообщений можно в этой теме. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. c ❤️, E-Global & Averia Ephas, Bar23, 960 и 4 других 2 4 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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