Papanda 2513 Опубликовано: 28 мая 2024 Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 мая 2024 Рестарт: Пятница, 31 Мая, 2024 в 08:00 по серверному времени (ориентировочное время проведения работ - 12 часов) Дорогие друзья, С 31 Мая наступает заключительный этап в развитии сезонного сервера - объединение с сервером Eternal. Надеемся, что вы по заслугам оцените наши наработки и получите удовольствие от игры. О всех подробностях объединения и нововведений можно узнать в нашем Патчноуте 🙃 Рады сообщить вам, доступен новый Бонус-Код: WELCOME-TO-ETERNAL: Активировать можно в Личном Кабинете; Бонус-Код действителен до 1го Сентября; Содержимое: Скрытый текст Предмет Количество Premium Account CouponYou can exchange this coupon for 7 days of Premium. Talk to Butler. 1 Box with Club CardPersonal item. Contains a Club Card for 7 days! The Club Card opens: - Access to Support Magic from the Adventurers' Guide from level 76. - Extended Buffs Assortment with Combo-Buffs and Half-Bonused Rhythms. - Access to recording Buff profiles. - Exclusive free teleports from the Adventurers' Guide from level 76. - Using Global Chat every 120 seconds (symbol >). ——— Attention! This is a time-limited item with personal timer which starts it's count right after open this Box. 1 Box with Vitality RunePersonal Item. When using - You will get the Vitality Rune for 7 days. This Rune increases your Speed by 15 in peace zone and increases the Experience you get when killing monsters. Premium includes: Vitality can't be reduced below 2-nd level and provide: +50% bonus to Experience for killing mobs.Without premium: Vitality can't be reduced below 1-st level and provide: +25% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. 1 Box with Blessing of AdventurePersonal wrapped pack containing Blessing of Adventure Rune for 7 days that increases HP and MP regeneration by 30% while sitting. 1 Musical InstrumentNow you can play live music! How about a concert in Giran square? :) 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 1 500 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 1 000 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 Box with MW Summon BraceletPersonal wrapped pack containing MW Summon Bracelet for 7 days. This bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the MW Summon Bracelet. Activates all 6 talisman slots when equipped. 1 Active Talisman of Maximum ClarityPersonal Item. Active Skill: Decreases MP consumption for skills by 100% for 90 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 15 min. 2 Active Talisman - Divine ProtectionPersonal Item. Active Skill: Increases P. Def. by 3600 and M. Def. by 2700 for 10 sec. Cost: 15 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 15 min. 2 Active Talisman - Life ForcePersonal Item. Active Skill: Regenerate 100% HP and 100% MP. Cost: 30 Talisman's MP. Reuse time: 30 min. 2 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 10 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 5 Важные игровые события Технические работы по установке обновлений, респаун Эпических Боссов и все важные игровые события идут по расписанию. Мы стараемся давать игрокам максимум информации, чтобы Вы могли эффективно спланировать свою игровую сессию. Система Мид-Вара упразднена, Dent является мировым Боссом. Воскресенье Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота Воскресенье Воскресенье, 2 Июня: Осады 16:00 - 18:00 по Серверному времени: Dion; Aden; Dark Elven; Human. Осады 20:00 - 22:00 по Серверному времени: Giran; Goddard; Rune; Orc; Dwarf; Остальные замки переходят во владение NPC и не подлежат регистрации. Понедельник, 3 Июня: Открытие регистрации 7 Печатей (период борьбы) - 18:00; Beleth - 20:45 ~ 21:00, каждый Понедельник; Freya - 21:15 ~ 21:30, каждый Понедельник. Вторник, 4 Июня: Seed of Destruction (сбор 150+ Атрибута) - Каждый вторник и Пятницу с 19:30 по 21:30; Dent - 21:30 ~ 22:00, один раз в 5 дней; Время респауна изменено: Bane - 21:30; Dent - 21:45 ~ 22:00. Среда, 5 Июня: Valakas- 21:00, через Среду, поочередно с Antharas. Четверг, 6 Июня: Первый день Великой Олимпиады - с 18:30 по 23:10; Baium - 21:00 ~ 21:15, каждый Четверг. Пятница, 7 Июня: Второй день Великой Олимпиады - с 18:30 по 23:10; Seed of Destruction (сбор 150+ Атрибута) - Каждый вторник и Пятницу с 19:30 по 21:30; Суббота, 8 Июня: Третий день Великой Олимпиады - с 18:30 по 23:10. Воскресенье, 9 Июня: Финальный день Великой Олимпиады - с 18:30 по 23:10 Политика префиксов; Игровые события. По умолчанию установлен Лимит Окон 3+3: По умолчанию можно завести до 3-х окон единовременно; Можно завести Четвертое окно, если на (минимум) одном из уже заведенных трех окон (параллельных персонажей) есть Премиум; Можно завести Пятое окно, если на (минимум) двух из уже заведенных четырёх окнах (параллельных персонажей) есть Премиум; Можно завести Шестое окно, если на (минимум) трёх из уже заведенных пяти окон (параллельных персонажей) есть Премиум. При совпадении никнеймов сохраняется никнейм сервера Eternal: Персонажу с сезонного сервера добавляется префикс d_: Например у вас был персонаж с ником player на сезонном сервере, если такой же персонаж был на сервере Eternal, то при мерже ваш персонаж переименуется в d_player. При совпадении аккаунтов сохраняется аккаунт сервера Eternal: Аккаунту с сезонного сервера добавляется префикс d_: Например у вас был аккаунт nagibator123 на сезонном сервере, если такой же аккаунт был на сервере Eternal, то при мерже ваш аккаунт переименуется в d_nagibator123. Замки, Клан-Холлы, Флаги и крепости сбрасываются; Вход в катакомбы открыт для всех как и на старте сервера с момента объединения серверов: Неделя борьбы (Регистрация): с 18:00 Понедельника 3 Июня; Неделя победы (Маммоны): с 18:00 Понедельника 10 Июня. Олимпиада, количество боев 1х1 увеличено до 100: Первый период Великой Олимпиады пройдет с 6 по 9 Июня; Период Героев с 10 по 17 Июня. Первые осады: Пройдут Воскресенье 2 Июня в 16:00 и 20:00; Для захвата доступно 9 замков. Первые Территориальные Войны: Пройдут в Субботу 15 Июня. Первые осады Клан-Холлов: Пройдут в Пятницу 14 Июня. Текущие рейты сервера; Рейты выходного дня; Доступ к функционалу Adventurers Guide пересмотрен; Актуальное развитие персонажа по уровню. Рейты - сезонный сервер подходит к окончательному этапу развития - объединению с сервером Eternal, а это значит, что рейты больше не будут изменяться. Согласно концепции, мы устанавливаем сбалансированные рейты, которые позволяют ускорить развитие низкоуровневых персонажей и как можно скорее влиться в игровое русло. Актуальные Рейты с 31 Мая, 20:00: Упрощенное развитие до 84 уровня: 1-84 - получение опыта увеличено; Основная игра 84 - 85 (ЕХР х1). Опыт с Монстров: Уровень Рейт опыта 1-40 x10.00 40-48 x10.00 -> x9.00 48-52 x9.00 -> x8.00 52-56 x8.00 -> x7.00 56-60 x7.00 -> x6.00 60-64 x6.00 -> x5.00 64-74 x5.00 -> x4.00 74 x4.00 75 x3.80 76 x3.60 77 x3.40 78 x3.20 79 x3.00 80 x2.50 81 x2.00 82 x1.50 83 x1.30 84 x1.00 85 x1.00 Опыт с РБ: Уровень Рейт опыта 1-40 x7.00 40-52 x7.00 -> x6.00 52-64 x6.00 -> x5.00 64-79 x5.00 -> x4.00 79 x4.00 80 x3.75 81 x3.50 82 x3.25 83 x3.00 84 x2.50 85 x2.00 Рейт SP с Рейдовых Боссов (в том числе и с Боссов в Инстансах) х2 от рейта опыта и не опускается ниже, чем х4.00; Рейт SP с Монстров х2 от рейта Опыта. Рейты выходного дня: +50% EXP, +100% SP из Монстров, активируются с 00:00 Субботы по 00:00 Понедельника: Уровень Опыт SP 1-40 х15.00 x30.00 40-56 x15.00 -> x10.00 x30.00 -> x20.00 56-65 x10.00 -> x7.00 x20.00 -> x14.00 65-74 x7.50 -> x6.00 x15.00 -> x12.00 74 x6.00 x12.00 75 x5.70 x11.40 76 x5.40 x10.80 77 x5.10 x10.20 78 x4.80 x9.60 79 x4.50 x9.00 80 x3.75 x7.50 81 x3.00 x6.00 82 x2.25 x4.50 83 x1.95 x3.90 84 x1.50 x3.00 85 x1.50 x3.00 The book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. Детальные о том, как работают рейты, на примере х6.00->х5.00: Скрытый текст lvl_40 = 6.00 lvl_41 = 5.90 lvl_42 = 5.80 lvl_43 = 5.70 lvl_44 = 5.60 lvl_45 = 5.50 lvl_46 = 5.40 lvl_47 = 5.30 lvl_48 = 5.20 lvl_49 = 5.10 lvl_50 = 5.00 Напоминаем, что: Скрытый текст Опыт питомцев: Напоминаем о том, что: 52 уровни: Квест на саб-класс; 68 уровни: Комбо-баффы; 70 уровни: КоВ / ПоВ (1 уровней); 70 уровни: Статус Дворянина; 72 уровни: Квесты для добычи Ice Crystal (Hot Springs); Квесты для добычи Divine Stone of Wisdom (Varka / Ketra, 2 ур. альянса). 76 уровни: 3-е профессии, доступ к Великой Олимпиаде; 79 уровни: Практически у всех классов появляются важнейшие умения или умения получают новый уровень, выходя на 100% своих эффектов. Также напоминаем, что книги для изучения основных умений добываются с Близнецов (инстанс зона). Изучение важнейших пассивных умений - " Протекшенов", которые доступны не только с Эпических Боссов, но и с Байлора. В дальнейшем количество мест, в которых можно добыть этот предмет будет увеличиваться, согласно концепции. 80 уровни: Практически у всех классов появляются важные умения - Купола; Will'ы вторых уровней; Заточка умений с высоким шансом. Все уровни, начиная с 3й профессии: Заточка Умений. Мы хотим подчеркнуть, что это один из важнейших элементов игры и развития вашего персонажа! Мы настоятельно рекомендуем активно и уверенно улучшать-затачивать свои умения, начиная с основных, но не ограничиваясь лишь ими! Таблица шансов заточки умения, согласно уровню: Скрытый текст Умения 2-й профессии: +1..3 = 76 уровень умения; +4..8 = 77 уровень умения; +7..9 = 78 уровень умения; +10..12 = 79 уровень умения; +13..15 = 80 уровень умения; +16..18 = 81 уровень умения; +19..21 = 82 уровень умения; +22..24 = 83 уровень умения; +25..27 = 84 уровень умения; +28..30 = 85 уровень умения. Умения 3-й профессии: +1..3 = 81 уровень умения; +4..8 = 82 уровень умения; +7..9 = 83 уровень умения; +10..12 = 84 уровень умения; +13..15 = 85 уровень умения. Питомцы получают независящую часть опыта от уровня хозяина. Финальные цифры опыта рассчитываются от уровня питомца. Т.е это так же остаются 5% опыта хозяина, но конкретная цифра зависит от уровня питомца. Если персонаж 81+ с входящим рейтом опыта х0.10, имеет 80-го питомца и получает 1000 опыта с моба, 5% этого опыта уходит питомцу, для него это составит 500 опыта, т.к у питомца рейт х1. Клубный Менеджер Adventurers' Guide - доступ к функционалу и сам функционал значительно изменен: Без клубной карты: Бафф доступен до 83 уровня (для всех персонажей 1-82), список возможных баффов дополнен шестью ритмами, обладающими 50% своей эффективности: Rhythm of Body; Rhythm of Rage; Rhythm of Defence; Rhythm of Power; Rhythm of Critical; Rhythm of Benefit. Клубные телепорты доступны до 83 уровня (для всех персонажей 1-82). При наличии клубной карты вам доступно: Комбо-баффы и эффекты максимальных уровней умений на любом уровне персонажа, список возможных баффов дополнен девятью ритмами, обладающими 50% своей эффективности: Rhythm of Body; Rhythm of Rage; Rhythm of Defence; Rhythm of Power; Rhythm of Critical; Rhythm of Benefit; Rhythm of Dominance; Rhythm of Clarity; Rhythm of Reflection. Получение баффа и доступ к телепортам на любом уровне. Добавлены клуб телепорты к популярным местам и Инстанс Зонам, которые так же доступны без клубной карты до 83 уровня: Мы всячески стараемся облегчить развитие начинающим игрокам и тем, кто ошибся с выбором и решил выкачать нового персонажа. Теперь до 83 уровня можно пользоваться всеми прелестями Adventurers' Guide не имея клубной карты. А в дальнейшем, клубная карта - лучшая инвестиция по соотношения цена/полезность, со временем список телепортов будет расширен. Профили баффов: Увеличен размер профиля, теперь можно добавить до 25 баффов; Разрешено добавлять Половинчатые Ритмы в профиль. Доступ к мировому чату. Изменение наград; Обновленные шансы прокачки SA. Eternal Chest - содержит в себе случайное Eternal Оружие, можно получить со следующих Эпических Боссов: Beleth; World Freya; Antharas; Valakas; Baium; Dent. Респаун мировых Боссов: От 23 до 25 часов с момента сметри, с 19:00 по 06:00 по серверному времени и по ночам по игровому времени: Shilen Hight Priestess. 1 либо 2 дня (случайным образом), с 19:00 по 23:00 по серверному времени: Andreas Van Halter; Epidos; Anais; Vidar Odinson. Установлены шансы прокачки SA на Эпических Боссах и в Инстансах: Уровень Beleth, World Freya, Valakas, Antharas, Baium, Dent Bane Frintezza, Freya, Trasken B. Freya Tiat AQ, Core, Orfen. Baylor 10 -> 11 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 11 -> 12 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 50.00% 12 -> 13 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 35.00% 35.00% 13 -> 14 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 100.00% 25.00% 25.00% 14 -> 15 100.00% 100.00% 35.00% 100.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15 -> 16 100.00% 100.00% 25.00% 100.00% 10.00% 10.00% 16 -> 17 100.00% 100.00% 15.00% 50.00% 7.50% 7.50% 17 -> 18 100.00% - 7.50% 25.00% 5.00% 5.00% Установлены шансы прокачки SA на Мировых Боссах: Shilen Hight Priestess; Anais; Fire Overlord Epidos: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 100% 11 -> 12 100% 12 -> 13 100% 13 -> 14 100% 14 -> 15 50% 15 -> 16 35% 16 -> 17 25% 17 -> 18 15% Andreas Van Halter; Vidar Odinson: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 100% 11 -> 12 100% 12 -> 13 100% 13 -> 14 50% 14 -> 15 35% 15 -> 16 25% 16 -> 17 15% 17 -> 18 10% Ankou 80-82: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 35% 11 -> 12 25% 12 -> 13 15% 13 -> 14 10% 14 -> 15 7.5% 15 -> 16 5% 16 -> 17 3.5% 17 -> 18 2.5% Ankou 85; Beleth Kerberos: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 50% 11 -> 12 35% 12 -> 13 25% 13 -> 14 15% 14 -> 15 10% 15 -> 16 7.5% 16 -> 17 5% 17 -> 18 3.5% Giant Marphanak; Gorgolos; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 35% 11 -> 12 25% 12 -> 13 15% 13 -> 14 10% 14 -> 15 7.5% 15 -> 16 5% 16 -> 17 3.5% 17 -> 18 2.5% Ember: Уровень Шанс 10 -> 11 35% 11 -> 12 25% 12 -> 13 15% 13 -> 14 10% 14 -> 15 7.5% 15 -> 16 5% 16 -> 17 3.5% 17 -> 18 2.5% Сherub Galaxia; Gordon Death Lord Ipos; Ketra Chief Brakki; Last Lesser Olkuth; Ocean Flame Ashakiel; Death Lord Ipos; Storm Winged Naga; Varka Chief Horus: Уровень Шанс 12 -> 13 5% 13 -> 14 5% 14 -> 15 5% Изменения времени работы макросов; Изменения бонусов. Изменено время работы зацикленных макросов: Условия Бонус Итоговое время Без бонусов 0 720 (12 часов) Премиум аккаунт 360 (6 часов) 1080 (18 часов) Vip 1 120 (2 часа) 1200 (20 часов) Vip 2 240 (4 часа) 1320 (22 часа) Vip 3 360 (6 часов) 1440 (24 часа) Vip 4 480 (8 часов) 1440 (24 часа) Напоминаем, что флагание во время использования циклического макроса останавливает его работу и не дает включить повторно, макрос с командой /target нельзя зациклить. Изменения ассортимента; Актуализация цен. Цены в личном кабинете приведены в соответствие к NPC Butler; Добавлена услуга бесплатной смены ника для всех персонажей: Действует до 8:00 10 Июня. Добавлены 50% скидки на товары категорий: Уникальные наборы; Расходники; Прокачка. Актуализированы цены на товары: Предмет Цена Fame Point х1You acquire fame points as a reward. 1 Fame Point х100You acquire fame points as a reward. 1 CP Potion х100Restores CP by 50. Cooldown: 1 sec. 1 Greater CP Potion х100Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 2 Personal Greater CP Potion х100Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 3 CP Potion х200 Greater CP Potion х200 Personal Greater CP Potion х200 10 Box with Extra Entrance Passes - ZakenBox with Extra passes that removes entry restriction of Zaken's Instance zones. Double-click to get extra pass to Zaken for levels 60-72 and for levels 73-85 and higher. Personal Item. 1 Box with Extra Entrance PassesPersonal wrapped pack containing Extra Entrance Passes: Near Kamaloka, Hall and Labyrinth of the Abyss. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item. 2 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 1 Dualsword Craft StampCertificate obtained from a shop or quest. Essential component for making dualswords of B-Grade and higher. 7 A Bottle of SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle that holds 5 Souls. Double-click to fill the bottle. For Kamael use only. 675 Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls х150Personal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. 1 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 Souls х100Personal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. 1 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Sweet Fruit Cocktail х10Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 7 Sweet Fruit Cocktail х2Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Empty Glass of Fruit Cocktail х2You can refill the glass with Fresh Fruit Cocktail at MW Premium Store Butler. Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Fresh Fruit Cocktail х10 7 Fresh Fruit Cocktail х2 1 Empty Glass of Fruit Cocktail х2You can refill the glass with Fresh Fruit Cocktail at MW Premium Store Butler. Elixir of CP (A-Grade) х25 1 Elixir of CP (S-Grade) х25Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade) х15Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Elixir of Life (S-Grade) х15Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade) х10Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) х10Regenerates 420 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 LunargentHigh-Grade Reagent 3 250 000 Ice CrystalBizarre entity that constantly emits cold air 1 100 000 Divine Stone of WisdomRock fragment emanating a mysterious energy 2 150 000 Bone QuiverIf used, 10000 personal D-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. 40 000 Steel QuiverIf used, 10000 personal C-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. 60 000 Silver QuiverIf used, 10000 personal B-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. 90 000 Mithril QuiverIf used, 10000 personal A-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. 100 000 Quiver of LightIf used, 10000 personal S-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. 1 Bone BoltPersonal Item with zero weight. A bolt made of bone that was sharpened at the tip. Can be used with a D-grade crossbow. 40 000 Steel BoltPersonal Item with zero weight. A powerful bolt made of steel. Can used with a C-grade crossbow. 60 000 Silver BoltPersonal Item with zero weight. A steel bolt plated with silver. Can be used with a B-grade crossbow. 90 000 Mithril BoltPersonal Item with zero weight. A steel bolt plated with mithril. Can be used with an A-grade crossbow. 100 000 Bolt of LightPersonal Item with zero weight. Bolt made of unknown materials. Can be used with a S-grade crossbow. 1 Beast Soulshot PackIf used, 10000 Beast Soulshots are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 270 000 Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х5000A Soulshot: No Grade for use by newbies. 45 000 Soulshot Pack (D-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots D-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 65 000 Soulshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 100 000 Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 165 000 Soulshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 200 000 Soulshot Pack (S-Grade) х3If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Blessed Beast Spiritshot PackIf used, 5000 Blessed Beast Spiritshots are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 675 000 Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х3000A Spiritshot: No Grade for use by newbies. 49 000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (D-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots D-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 54 000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 84 000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 504 000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 546 000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade) х2If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Box with Extra passes that removes entry restriction of Zaken's Instance zones. Double-click to get extra pass to Zaken for levels 60-72 and for levels 73-85 and higher. Personal Item. Добавлено в продажу: Предмет Цена Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 3 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels 1h 5 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels 5hWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 5 hours: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 15 Пересмотрены цены на услуги: Услуга Цена Первая профессия 1 Вторая профессия 1 Третья профессия 35 Саб-квест 15 Очистка кармы 5 Обнуление счетчика ПК 12 Питомец 75 уровня 15 Условия проведения; Магазин Олимпиады. Первый период Великой Олимпиады пройдет: с 6 по 9 Июня; Выдача первых Героев: 10 Июня; Время проведение боев: Четверг, Пятница, Суббота, Воскресенье с 18:30 до 23:10; Доступные виды боев: 1х1 (Классовые бои и бои 3х3 недоступны); Условия вылета: от 10 участников; Периодичность вылетов: один раз в 60 секунд если набрано достаточное количество участников; Очки: 50 стартовых очков и по +10 по окончанию боев каждый день; Лимит боев 1х1: увеличено с 50 до 100; Доступные награды: Ачивки; Геройские умения; Геройское оружие: Оружие Физ. Атк. Маг. Атк Infinity BladeBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Crit. Rate +78 Max CP +50% Shield Defense +33% PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflect Damage +9%. Casts Decrease P. Def. on target during P. Crit. Atk. 480 240 Infinity CleaverBound Item. P. Crit. Damage +504 Max HP +25% Max CP +50% P. Crit. Rate +78 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. 580 240 Infinity RodBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% Cast. Spd. +15% MP Regeneration Bonus +0.51 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55%. Casts Full Recover on target with 3% chance. 380 285 Infinity ScepterBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% M. Atk. +29.67 M. Skill Crit. Rate +1 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -4% Magic Cancel Damage -106. Casts Full Recover on target with 3% chance. 460 300 Infinity AxeBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Crit. Rate +78 Max CP +50% Shield Defense Rate +39 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflect Damage +9%. Casts Discord on target during P. Crit. Atk. 480 240 Infinity CrusherBound Item. Max HP +25% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +7% P. Crit. Rate +78 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Shock on target during P. Crit. Atk. 580 240 Infinity StingerBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +3% P. Crit. Rate +78 MP Regeneration Bonus +0.51 P. Crit. Rate attacking from behind +22% PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Vampiric Rage Effect +2%. Casts Silence on target during P. Crit. Atk. 430 240 Infinity FangBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Crit. Rate +78 Max CP +50% Evasion +3.15 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Shock on target during P. Crit. Atk. 580 240 Infinity SpearBound Item. Max HP +25% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +7% Accuracy +4.89 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy Numbers of Targets +4. Casts Dispell on target during P. Crit. Atk. 480 240 Infinity WingBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% Max CP +50% P. Crit. Rate +78 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Physical Skill Restraint on target during P. Crit. Atk. 580 240 Infinity BowBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% P. Crit. Rate +78 PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55%. Casts Slow on target during P. Crit. Atk. 890 240 Infinity RapierBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Crit. Rate +78 Max CP +50% With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -100%, MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10% PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflect Damage +9%. With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -100%, MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%. Casts Decrease P. Def. on target during P. Crit. Atk. 440 240 Infinity SwordBound Item. P. Crit. Damage +504 P. Crit. Rate +78 Max HP +25% Max CP +50% PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. 535 240 Infinity ShooterBound Item. Max MP +30% P. Crit. Rate +78 Max CP +50% PvP Damage +40% PvE Damage +55% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -12% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -12%. Casts Slow on target during P. Crit. Atk. 560 240 Олимпиадный магазин, в котором можно преобрести: Броня ранга Веспер: Броня Olympiad Token Adena Vesper Helmet Vesper Leather Helmet Vesper Circlet 105 000 11 200 000 Vesper Breastplate Vesper Leather Breastplate Vesper Tunic 210 000 22 400 000 Vesper Gaiters Vesper Leather Leggings Vesper Stockings 135 000 14 400 000 Vesper Gauntlet Vesper Leather Gloves Vesper Gloves 75 000 8 000 000 Vesper Boots Vesper Leather Boots Vesper Shoes 75 000 8 000 000 Vesper Sigil Vesper ShieldSealed Vesper Shield. Seal can be removed by the Master Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, Blacksmith of Mammon, Hude on Hellbound or Maestro Ishuma. 56 000 6 000 000 Броня ранга Ворпал: Броня Olympiad Token Adena Vorpal Helmet Vorpal Leather Helmet Vorpal Circlet 140 000 14 000 000 Vorpal Breastplate Vorpal Leather Breastplate Vorpal Tunic 280 000 28 000 000 Vorpal Gaiter Vorpal Stockings Vorpal Leather Legging 180 000 18 000 000 Vorpal Gauntlet Vorpal Leather Gloves Vorpal Gloves 100 000 10 000 000 Vorpal Boots Vorpal Leather Boots Vorpal Shoes 100 000 10 000 000 Vorpal Sigil Vorpal Shield 75 000 7 500 000 Полезные предметы: Предмет Цена Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. 20 Olympiad NecklaceLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP + 42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attacks +15.00% Sleep/Paralysis/Shock Chance +15.00% Skill reuse delay -5% Damage shield effect +4.00% 44 000 5 000 000 Olympiad EarringLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP +31 Resistance to Shock/ Mental Attacks +20.00% Shock/Mental Chance +20.00% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. 33 000 5 000 000 Olympiad RingLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15.00% Resistance to Hold +30.00% Hold Chance +30.00% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. 22 000 5 000 000 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 500 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. 13 750 2 500 000 Giant's Codex - DisciplineAn item required to change an enchantment path. 5 500 2 500 000 Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original Version)Awakens a forgotten ability. Those who lack the requisite knowledge cannot understand its contents. (Can only be used by characters level 76 or higher.) 150 000 Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% 5 000 Chest with Life Stone х10If used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50% 40 000 Scale Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 6%. 50 000 2 950 Mithril Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 7%. 70 000 5 400 Scale Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 4%. 50 000 3 550 Mithril Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 5%. 70 000 7 500 Orichalcum Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 6.50%. 100 000 10 000 Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a C-Grade armor by 27%. This can only be used on armor that have been enchanted more than 3 times but less than 9 times. For one-piece armor this item can only be used on armor that has been enchanted more than 4 times but less than 9 times. 3 000 10 Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a B-Grade armor by 23%. This can only be used on armor that have been enchanted more than 3 times but less than 9 times. For one-piece armor this item can only be used on armor that has been enchanted more than 4 times but less than 9 times. 5 000 25 Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a A-Grade armor by 18%. This can only be used on armor that have been enchanted more than 3 times but less than 9 times. For one-piece armor this item can only be used on armor that has been enchanted more than 4 times but less than 9 times. 12 500 75 Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (S-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a S-Grade armor by 15%. This can only be used on armor that have been enchanted more than 3 times but less than 9 times. For one-piece armor this item can only be used on armor that has been enchanted more than 4 times but less than 9 times. 25 000 150 Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a C-Grade weapon by 18%. This can only be used on weapons that have been enchanted more than 3 times, but less than 9 times. 5 000 15 Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a B-Grade weapon by 15%. This can only be used on weapons that have been enchanted more than 3 times, but less than 9 times. 12 000 50 Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a A-Grade weapon by 12%. This can only be used on weapons that have been enchanted more than 3 times, but less than 9 times. 35 000 150 Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (S-Grade)The Agathion Auxiliary Stone raises the ability to enchant a S-Grade weapon by 10%. This can only be used on weapons that have been enchanted more than 3 times, but less than 9 times. 75 000 350 Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)Increases P. Def. of C-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 380 Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade)Increases P. Def. of B-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 1 240 Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)Increases P. Def. of A-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 2 800 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 6 400 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)Increases P. Def. of C-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 3 000 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade)Increases P. Def. of B-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 7 200 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)Increases P. Def. of A-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 21 000 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 56 000 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)When enchanted, P. Atk. of C-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 6. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 1 200 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade)When enchanted, P. Atk. of B-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 6. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 3. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 4 680 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)When enchanted, increases P. Atk. of A-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt weapon/one-handed, dagger, spear, etc. by 4. Increases P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt weapon/two-handed, dualsword, and fist-fighting weapon/two-handed by 5. Increases P. Atk. of bow weapons by 8. Increaes M. Atk. of all weapons by 3. From +4, doulbes P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 14 000 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)When enchanted, P. Atk. of S-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 36 800 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a C-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 16 800 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a B-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 39 000 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of an A-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 4. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 5 and bow type by 8. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 84 000 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 190 000 Изменения академии; Изменения клановых штрафов. Условия приема в Академию изменены, а награды увеличены: Уровень приема персонажа в Академию увеличен до 60 включительно (можно принять персонажа 60 уровня); Наличие профессии не обязательно. Уровень окончания Академии увеличен до 61: По достижению 61 уровня персонаж автоматически заканчивает Академию. Награды за прохождение Академии выдаются как и ранее по достижению 2х ключевых этапов: Получение 2 профессии; Достижение 61 уровня. Награды за прохождение Академии увеличены: Награждаемый Получение 2 профессии Завершение Академии Суммарно Клан Proof of Loyalty х2A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. Proof of Loyalty х3 Proof of Loyalty х5A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. Академик Proof of Loyalty х1A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. Proof of Loyalty х2A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. Proof of Loyalty х3A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. 350 000 650 000 1 000 000 Ivory Coin х200Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Ivory Coin х300 Ivory Coin х500Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Personal Greater Healing Potion х150Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. Personal Greater Healing Potion х250Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. Personal Greater Healing Potion х400Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. Personal Greater CP Potion х100Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Personal Greater CP Potion х150Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Personal Greater CP Potion х250Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. Sweet Fruit Cocktail х3Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Sweet Fruit Cocktail х5Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Sweet Fruit Cocktail х8Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Fresh Fruit Cocktail х3Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Fresh Fruit Cocktail х5Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Fresh Fruit Cocktail х8Personal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Vitality Maintaining Potion х3Personal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Maintaining Potion х5Personal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Maintaining Potion х8Personal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing Potion х3Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing Potion х5Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Vitality Replenishing Potion х8Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels х3When opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels х5When opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels х8When opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. Honey Vitality Pie х2Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Honey Vitality Pie х3Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Honey Vitality Pie х5Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) х1Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth) х1Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) х1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth) х1Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item.Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. Academy CircletCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%. Legacy of AcademyCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%. Academy Circlet х1 Legacy of Academy х1 Clan Unity: Снижено количество необходимых членов онлайн для достижения следующего уровня умения: Clan Unity: от 9 до 17 членов онлайн (было 18-26); Бонус Exp/ SP +3%, бонус восстановления HP/ MP +7%, Защита/ Урон в PvE +1%. Clan Unity: от 18 до 26 членов онлайн (было 27-35); Бонус Exp/ SP +5%, бонус восстановления HP/ MP +10%, Защита/ Урон в PvE +2%. Clan Unity: от 27 членов онлайн и более (было 36+). Бонус Exp/ SP +7%, бонус восстановления HP/ MP +15%, Защита/ Урон в PvE +3%. Изменена длительность штрафов для кланов и членов клана, изменения действуют с 31 Мая по 10 Июня: Штраф для игрока за выход из клана уменьшен с 24 до 2 часов; Штраф для игрока и для клана за исключение из клана уменьшен с 24 до 2 часов. Напоминаем: Если по каким то причинам время штрафа для вас является существенным и вы не хотите ждать, в Личном Кабинете можно приобрести свитки моментального снятия штрафа, как для клана Clan Penalty removing scroll, так и для персонажа Personal Penalty removing scroll.Removes penalty from you after leaving/expelling from Clan. Price in Control Panel - 10 MA Balance. Price at Butler - 20 Master Coins.Removes penalty from your Clan after expelling clan member. Price in Control Panel - 30 MA Balance. Price at Butler - 60 Master Coins. Пересмотр ассортимента; Актуализация цен. Пересмотрен ассортимент и актуализированы цены, например: Предмет Adena Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 1 500 3 - Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels 1h - 150 - Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels 5hWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 5 hours: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. - 500 - Mithril Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 7%. - 2 500 2 450 Mithril Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 5%. - 3 500 3 450 Изменение цен; Актуализация магазинов. Шансы заточки экипировки (Броня, Оружие, Бижутерия): Шансы заточки приведены к стандартным значениям: Предмержевая акция введенная для сезонного сервера длится до объединения серверов и подходит к концу; Для сервера Eternal - остается неизменным. Доступен обмен купонов S грейда: Все оружие по умолчанию заточено +7; К оружию выдаются заряды души 10 000 и заряды духа 5 000; К обмену доступны: Draconic Leather Armor Major Arcana Robe Imperial Crusader Breastplate Gram Max. HP +25%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Demon Splinter Max. HP +25%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Draconic Bow Critical +88. PvP Damage +5.00%. Dragon Hunter Axe Critical +164 if HP < 60%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Laevateinn Max. HP +25%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Basalt Battlehammer Max. HP +25%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Sarunga Critical +88. PvP Damage +5.00%. Saint Spear Atk. Spd. +7.00%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Arcana Mace Casting Spd. +15.00%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Angel Slayer P. Atk. +265 during critical attack. PvP Damage +5.00%. Imperial Staff Casting Spd. +15.00%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's EdgeWhen enchanted, P. Atk. of a dualsword, two-handed sword, two-handed blunt weapon and fist weapon will increase more significantly than that of a one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or more, Max. HP +15.00% and Max MP increases by 20% and Max CP increases by 30%. PvP Damage +5.00%. Forgotten Blade Critical +84. PvP Damage +5.00%. Heaven's Divider Critical +84. PvP Damage +5.00%. Минимальные и максимальные цены продажи некоторых предметов во избежание "развода" игроками друг друга: Предмет Мин. Цена Макс. Цена Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. 1 500 000 25 000 000 Gemstone A 30 000 90 000 Gemstone S 100 000 300 000 Изменение ассортимента торговых лавок, добавлены в продажу новые предметы следующим NPC: Puskin - Giran - раздел ресурсов; Pushpaw - Ancient City Arcan - раздел ресурсов; Alexandria - Giran - раздел SA. Предмет Цена 1 Цена 2 Gemstone A 90 000 30 000 Gemstone S 300 000 100 000 Цена указана без учета налогообложения замка (Обычно +15%, налогом облагаются оба варианта цены) В различные магазины добавлены в продажу по стандартизированным ценам (во всех городах одинаковая цена + настраиваемый налог замка) различные предметы: Soulshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a D-grade weapon. Soulshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a C-grade weapon. Soulshot (B-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a B-grade weapon. Soulshot (A-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with an A-grade weapon. Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with D-grade weapons. Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with C-grade weapons. Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with B-grade weapons. Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with a-grade weapons. Bone ArrowAn arrow made from a piece of sharpened bone. It is used as an arrow for a D-Grade bow. Steel ArrowA powerful arrow made of steel. It is used as an arrow for a C-Grade bow. Silver ArrowA steel arrow plated with silver. Mithril ArrowA steel arrow plated with mithril. Bone BoltCan be used as a bolt for a D-grade crossbow. Steel BoltCan be used as a bolt for a C-grade crossbow. Silver BoltThis silver-plated steel bolt can be used with a B-grade crossbow. Mithril BoltThis mithril-plated steel bolt can be used with a A-grade crossbow. Reward Chest: Rough Stone of EternityRaw stone containing strong magic. Bring it to the Blacksmith Bronk. в наградах заменен на Lambent Stone of Eternity.Shining stone, containing strong magic. Blacksmith Bronk need it to develop the drawings of the Legendary weapon.A chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. За ненадобностью удалены из продажи следующие предметы: Elixir of Life (No Grade)Regenerates 250 HP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Life (D-Grade)Regenerates 650 HP At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 1 and 60. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Mental Strength (No Grade)Regenerates 60 MP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Mental Strength (D-Grade)Regenerates 140 MP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 1 and 60. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of CP (No Grade)Regenerates 150 CP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of CP (D-Grade)Regenerates 350 CP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Regenerates 600 CP. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 1 and 60. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Scroll: Recovery (No Grade)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. Scroll: Recovery (Grade D)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the season, this item is useless. You can use B-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 1 and 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. Изменение уровня изучения умений; Автоизучение. Expertise A: Изучается с 1го уровня: Это позволяет носить ранги D, C, B, A без штрафа с 1го уровня, а так же обязует использовать эликсиры и свитки снятия штрафа А грейда. Включено автоизучение большинства умений на 1-75 уровнях; Умения (которые не изучаются автоматически) - более не требуют Адены для изучения (к примеру: комбо-баффы), только Книги (к примеру: Виллы, Бафф-слоты). Обновление наград. Для всех персонажей сервера Eternal миссии за уровни будут доступны для выполнения (т.е можно будет получить награды). Для тех, кто на сезонном сервере уже получал награды, миссии будут со статусом "Выполнена". 3 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 3 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество Smile - Smile 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 5 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 500 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 200 7 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 7 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество MW Ring of SealPersonal Item.Personal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 7 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 600 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 250 10 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 10 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество Love AgathionMake love, not war. Gives you Vitality Maintenance and Autoloot bonuses. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 MW Earring of SealPersonal Item.Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 10 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 10 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 700 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 300 12 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 12 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество MW Earring of SealPersonal Item.Personal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 12 Soulshot (C-Grade) 800 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 350 15 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 15 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество MW Necklace of SealPersonal Item.Personal Item. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters.Personal Item.Personal Item. 1 Linen Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 1%.Personal Item.Personal Item. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 15 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 7 Soulshot (C-Grade) 1 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) 400 17 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 17 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 17 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 10 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 1 500 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 500 20 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 20 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Smile - Heart 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 15 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 12 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes.Regenerates 600 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 40 and 51. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons.Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) 750 30 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 30 уровня; Награда: Награда Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 20 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 15 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade) 850 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters.Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 1 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes.Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes.Regenerates 220 MP. Can be used by characters above level 40 and below level 51 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 40 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 40 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Mitraell’s AtlasThe Lost Atlas of Mithraell is an excellent source of information about the unique places of the Elmoraden kingdom. Characters 40-51 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 25 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 25 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 15 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 1 800 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 48 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 48 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 30 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 30 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 20 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. 2 000 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 52 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 52 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Einhovant’s VedasThe collection of the most ancient scriptures of Einhasad, described by Einhovant during his wanderings around the world. Characters 52-60 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 35 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 25 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 500 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 56 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 56 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 40 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 40 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 30 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 800 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 800 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 60 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 60 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters.Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 45 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 45 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 35 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 000 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 8 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 8 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 62 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 62 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Arkenia's GrimoireThe book describing magical procedures and spells to summon evil creatures, abandoned by Arkenia on a sacrificial altar. Characters 61-75 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 1 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 50 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 40 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 500 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 750 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 64 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 64 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 55 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 55 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 45 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 800 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 800 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 4 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 66 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 66 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 60 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 60 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 50 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 000 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 850 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 4 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 4 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 68 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 68 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 65 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 65 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 55 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 400 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 900 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 6 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 70 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 70 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 70 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 70 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 60 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 800 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 000 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 6 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 6 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 72 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 72 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 75 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 75 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 65 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 3 500 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 1 200 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 8 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 74 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 74 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 80 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 80 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 70 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 5 000 Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. 2 000 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 8 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 8 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade A)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 1 76 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 76 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 100 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Beora's FolioThe book found in the lost temple of the Elven Queen Beora. Keeps the knowledge of the first magic spells bestowed to people. Characters 76-85 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade.Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 85 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 75 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 1 200 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 7 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 78 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 78 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 150 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 2 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 1 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 1 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 90 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 80 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 4 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 1 600 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 12 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 79 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 79 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 200 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 3 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 2 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 2 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 95 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 85 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 5 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 12 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 80 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 80 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 250 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 4 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 100 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 90 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 400 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 15 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 12 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 2 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 2 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 2 81 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 81 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 300 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 3 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 3 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 110 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 95 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 7 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 2 800 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 17 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 3 82 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 82 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 350 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 6 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 120 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 100 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 8 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 200 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 20 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 17 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 4 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 4 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 4 83 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 83 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 400 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 7 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 4 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 4 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 130 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 105 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 9 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 3 600 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 22 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 20 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 5 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 84 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 84 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 450 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 8 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 140 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 110 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 10 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 4 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 25 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 22 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 7 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 7 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. 7 85 Уровень: Тип: Одноразовый; Условие: Достигнуть 85 уровня; Награда: Предмет Количество Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. 500 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 10 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 5 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.An item required for blessed skill enchanting. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 150 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 2 sec. 120 Soulshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 15 000 Blessed Spiritshot (S-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on S-grade weapons. 6 000 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 30 Elixir of Life (S-Grade)Regenerates 2300 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. 27 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 Scroll: Recovery (Grade S)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 10 Изменение стартовой экипировки. Изменена стартовая Экипировка персонажей, новосозданые персонажи получают: Предмет Количество Комплект Экипировки (по классу) 1 MW Eternal Ring Exp loss from death -50% PvE Defense +7.00% Inventory Slots +20. MW Ring's Escape: Teleports caster to the nearest village. Reuse delay: 10 min. 1 Adventurer's Scroll of EscapeMagic scroll that moves you to the nearest village. Item for beginner adventurers that cannot be exchanged or dropped. 10 Scroll of Escape: Town of GiranA magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Giran. Cannot be sold in shops. 10 Scroll of Escape: Ancient City ArcanMagically teleports you to the Ancient City Arcan. 10 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 5 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 1 000 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 500 Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 7 000 Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. 3 500 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 10 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 10 Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 10 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. 5 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-81 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. 3 Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-85 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-85 characters.Hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 2 Box with Extra Entrance Passes - ZakenBox with Extra passes that removes entry restriction of Zaken's Instance zones. Double-click to get extra pass to Zaken for levels 60-72 and for levels 73-85 and higher. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item. 3 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item. 3 Silk Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 4% 1 Steam Sledge Mount BraceletDimensional item Can ride a Steam Sledge Mount. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse. 1 Costume Exchange CouponYou can exchange this coupon for any costume. Talk to Rylai to exchange it. 2 Accessory Exchange CouponPersonal Item. Exchange this Coupon for Accessory at NPC Battle Pass Manager Rylai in Town of Giran. 1 Cloak of the Stranger Max. HP +150. Cloak that can worn by a stranger in a new world. It will cover you from the struggles during your new adventure. Cannot be traded or dropped. 1 Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel GiftPersonal item for 7 days. Active Skill: Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes. Reuse time: 3 hours. Passive Skill: Autoloot. 1 MW Summon BraceletBracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the MW Summon Bracelet. Activates all 6 talisman slots when equipped. Personal Item. 1 Box with TalismansPersonal item. Package with a lot of useful Talismans that will simplify your game time! 1 Изменение лимитов захода. Изменены лимиты для входа в инстанс зоны: Инстанс Мин. Макс Tiat 11 45 Frintezza 11 45 Freya 11 45 Blessed Freya 11 45 Стоимость обмена предметов для захода к Baylor изменена: Предмет Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 Blue CrystalA Crystal attained by killing Darnel. It may be used to save Parme. Red Crystal х2 Clear Crysta х2 Red Crystal + Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Clear Crystal + Master Coin Red CrystalA Crystal attained by killing Kechi. It may be used to save Parme. Blue Crystal х2 Clear Crysta х2 Clear Crystal + Master Coin Blue Crystal + Master Coin Clear CrystalA Crystal attained by killing Tears. It may be used to save Parme. Red Crystal х2 Blue Crystal х2 Red Crystal + Master Coin Blue Crystal + Master Coin Изменения Updater; Увеличение общей производительности. При объединении серверов с Updater-ом произойдут следующие изменения: Базы сохраненных Аккаунтов будут объединены: Первыми в списке будут сохраненные аккаунты с сервера Eternal; Вторыми в списке будут сохраненные аккаунты с 4-го сезона; Для всех сохраненных аккаунтов 4-го сезона к названию добавилась приписка [S4] (Season 4); Пример: Если у вас на сезоне был сохраненн аккаунт ABCpapanda с названием "Public Relations" - его название изменится на "[S4]Public Relations"; Логин изменен не будет, кроме как в ситуации описаном в следующем пункте; Аккаунты с сервера Eternal изменены не будут. Если у вас были добавлены одинаковые аккаунты (log-in) для сезонного и для вечного сервера - у сезонного автоматически появится приписка d_; Пример: У вас есть аккаунт ABCpapanda на сервере Eternal и вы занесли его в Updater; У вас есть аккаунт ABCpapanda на 4-м сезоне и вы занесли его в Updater; Оба этих аккаунта сохранятся в общем списке аккаунтов, однако у сезонного появится приписка d_ABCpapanda. Обратите внимание! Такая приписка появится автоматически только в случае, если эти 2 аккаунта записаны у вас в Updater! Приложение не проверяет совпадения по общей базе сервера, а только в сохраненных вами списке аккаунтов. Если вы попытались зайти и получили оповещение, что неправильно указан логин или пароль - попробуйте добавить к своему логину d_ вручную. Если это не помогло - обратитесь в службу поддержки. Общие доработки производительности и удобства пользования приложением. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. 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