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За інших обставин ви б могли разом випивати иа сміятися над зетними кланами. Конфлікт який так просто почався можна так само просто і закінчити, тим більше він нікому не потрібен.

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@CapMaT my friend, it's hard to translate everything correctly, so please correct me if I'm wrong. It seems that you're trying to tell people that our DKP system is wrong because Ledger took the epic from a clan member who left? Did you ask Ledger about the rules in the clan or any other person about it? How do you know how it works? It looks like you just came here and are trying to create a mess, the question is why? Why didn't you write what the real story was? The story that the 'evil' Ledger took something from someone when he left is untrue and everyone needs to know it.

Regarding DKP, you can write what you want, but in my opinion, it's the best system the clan can have. It's far better than the system where the clan leader decides who should receive something or not, because in many cases, they distribute equipment only to those who curry favor with them. Of course, you can have your own system and nobody should try to change or comment on it. This is your dominion, but respect it and let others have theirs.

As for the rest, I'll say it once again, I regret that things have turned out like this. People who were friends for some reason have begun to act like their worst enemies. Remember, this is great news for your actual enemies and history has shown us, you find your real friends, when you need them most.

Guys, this is only a game and a forum, everyone can write whatever they want, but don't show your worst face.

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 При розподілі дропу в клані всі пачки рівні, нема старих привілейованих пачок і новеньких, які ні на що не сподіваються. Все залежить від активності групи при участі  в кланових заходах . І щоб не говорили  суперники, НАША система ДКП це найкраща і найсправедливіша система розподілу дропу  💪

"І хто б там що кому не говорив, а згине зло і правда переможе!". (Ліна Костенко )


Sapiens dominabitur astris  💙💛🦉

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