Papanda 2513 Опубликовано: 18 января Рассказать Опубликовано: 18 января Рестарт: Понедельник, 20 Января, 2025 в 12:00 по серверному времени (GMT +2) Дорогие друзья, Мы рады представить вам первое 5-ом сезоне MasterWork обновление для объединенного сервера. Данное обновление не приносит каких-то существенных изменений в игровой процесс, однако пару приятных новинок мы все же приготовили. Эта неделя отведена на подготовку к качественным улучшениям и активной игре в следующем обновлении. Потребуется время, чтобы игроки с разных серверов притерлись друг к другу, сформировали новые союзы, подняли новые вары, и в целом ощутили расклад сил на сервере. Новый Инстанс, новые локации с возможностью добывать Dynasty, обновление Олимпийского оружия и бижутерии, а так же небольшие исправления и улучшения уже имеющегося функционала. Со всеми нововведениями очередного обновления 5-го сезона MasterWork вы можете ознакомиться в этом Патчноуте 🙃 Для тех, у кого нет времени читать все детали Патчноута, мы презентуем новую регулярную рубрику с видео презентацией основных изменений! Но рекомендуем все же ознакомиться с полной текстовой версией, чтобы иметь актуальную информацию о грядущей стадии. Приятного просмотра! Статистика ⚔️ Всего ПВП на Сезоне: 3 429 453 🔥 Fire PvP: 1 513 939; PK: 114 364; Персонажи: 63 695; Кланы: 336; Альянсы: 73. 🌊 Water PvP: 1 915 514; PK: 151 487; Персонажи: 65 348; Кланы: 304; Альянсы: 71. За более подробной статистикой рекомендуем заглянуть в раздел Рейтинг в Личном Кабинете. Там вы найдете много интересной и актуальной информации о жизни и развитии сервера, а также новый раздел Рейды, с информацией о времени респа Саб и Нубл РБ. Обратите внимание! Статистика отличается для разных серверов, поэтому не забудьте выбрать нужный вам сервер в личном кабинете: Скрытый текст Важные игровые события Технические работы по установке обновлений, респаун Эпических Боссов и все важные игровые события идут по расписанию. Мы стараемся давать игрокам максимум информации, чтобы Вы могли эффективно спланировать свою игровую сессию. Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота Воскресенье Понедельник, 20 Января: Технические работы по установке обновления и объединению серверов — 12:00 по Киеву/ 13:00 по Москве и Минску (Ориентировочное время проведения 360 минут/ 6 часов); Frintezza: 21:00 ~ 21:30 по Киеву/ 22:00 ~ 22:30 по Москве и Минску. Вторник, 21 Января: Среда, 22 Января: Zaken: 21:00 ~ 21:15 по Киеву/ 22:00 ~ 22:15 по Москве и Минску; Queen Ant: 21:15 ~ 21:30 по Киеву/ 22:15 ~ 22:30 по Москве и Минску; Valakas: 21:00 по Киеву/ 22:00 по Москве и Минску. Четверг, 23 Января: Baium: 21:00 ~ 21:15 по Киеву/ 22:00 ~ 22:15 по Москве и Минску. Пятница, 24 Января: Суббота, 25 Января: Zaken: 21:00 ~ 21:15 по Киеву/ 22:00 ~ 22:15 по Москве и Минску; Queen Ant: 21:15 ~ 21:30 по Киеву/ 22:15 ~ 22:30 по Москве и Минску; Территориальные Войны: 20:00 — 22:00 по Киеву/ 21:00 ~ 23:00 по Москве и Минску: Обратите внимание! В это раунде ТВ не будет возможности захватывать Флаги, но возможно получать Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. и Territory War BadgeBadge bearing the mark of Territory War., а так же отлично подраться с новыми противниками. Gludio; Dion; Schuttgart; Aden: Giran; Oren; Innadril; Goddard; Rune. Воскресенье, 26 Января: Осады замков, в том числе первые Mid-замки: Осады 16:00 — 18:00 по Киеву/ 17:00 ~ 19:00 по Москве и Минску: Gludio; Dion; Schuttgart; Aden; Elven; Dark Elven; Human. Осады 20:00 - 22:00 по Киеву/ 21:00 ~ 23:00 по Москве и Минску: Giran; Oren; Innadril; Goddard; Rune; Orc; Dwarf; Gludin. Объединение серверов Fire & Water. Присоединяйтесь к эпицентру событий MasterWork! Сейчас, спустя 100 дней после старта сезона, игра достигает своего пика активности: масштабные PvP-битвы, ожесточённая борьба за Споты, Боссов и Территории, динамичное взаимодействие игроков 24/7. Благодаря продуманным механикам новички легко вольются в процесс, а опытные игроки окажутся в центре уникального момента — объединения серверов 🔥 Fire и 🌊 Water. Это апогей последних 100 дней игры, который нельзя пропустить. Начинай сейчас или продолжай свой путь — лучшее время для MasterWork наступило! Объединения Серверов Fire & Water По уже сложившейся концепции, в 5 сезоне MasterWork было открыто сразу два параллельных сервера — 🔥Fire и 💧Water. Как и анонсировалось - в определенный момент эти два сервера объединяться в один и игра раскроется по новой: Битвы кланов, претензии на Замки и сражения за Эпических Боссов, ежедневные сражения за споты и многое другое! Все игроки, которые на момент мерджа были выше 10 уровня, и заходившие в игру хотя бы 1 раз, получат подарки: Игроки с 🔥Fire: Circlet of FlamesCirclet that has the power of Flame. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.; Butler's Legendary CostumeButler's Legendary Costume for Honorary representative of "Fire" server.; Butler's Legendary WeaponButler's Legendary Weapon for Honorary representative of "Fire" server.. Игроки с 💧Water: Circlet of IceCirclet that has the power of Freeze. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.; Butler's Legendary CostumeButler's Legendary Costume for Honorary representative of "Water" server.; Butler's Legendary WeaponButler's Legendary Weapon for Honorary representative of "Water" server.. С 20 Января по 03 Февраля будут действовать 50% скидки на вечные Легендарные Костюмы Батлера в Личном Кабинете: Butler's Legendary CostumeButler's Legendary Costume for Honorary representative of "Fire" server. — 🔥Fire; Butler's Legendary CostumeButler's Legendary Costume for Honorary representative of "Water" server. — 💧Water. В рамках объединения серверов будут произведены следующие действия со стороны сервера, а именно: Обратите внимание! Если на вашем игровом аккаунте на 2-х серверах создано БОЛЕЕ 7 персонажей суммарно - часть персонажей пропадет; При наличии двух одинаковых никнеймов на разных серверах, персонаж, который был создан позже получит префикс. Мы настоятельно просим проверить количество персонажей ПЕРЕД объединением серверов 20.01 и удалить лишних! Все Замки будут переданы NPC, которые будут готовы принять бой уже 26 Января; Все Флаги будут перемещены по своим замкам; Регистрация на Территориальные Войны будет доступна всем, а так-как владельцев Территорий не будет - каждому игроку\клан лидеру нужно будет зарегистрироваться вручную; Так как во время первых Территориальных Войн после Объединения серверов у замков еще не будет владельцев - битвы пройдут только за Territory War BadgeBadge bearing the mark of Territory War., но Флаги захватывать будет нельзя; Первые Территориальные Войны, на которых можно будет захватывать Флаги пройдут 8.02.2025, когда Замки будут захвачены игроками. Все Клан Холлы будут возвращены во владения NPC и принять участие в их захвате\аукционе можно будет: Аукцион пройдет: Среда, 22 Января, вечером; Осада пройдет: Пятница, 24 Января, 20:00 по серверному времени (20:00 по Киеву / 21:00 по Москве). Все Форты будут возвращены во владения NPC и один будут доступны к захвату сразу после рестарта (объединения серверов); Так-как неделя объединения - неделя Героев, то Героев в понедельник 20.01 будет по 2 в каждом классе: Следующий цикл боёв на Великой Олимпиаде состоится с 30 Января по 2 Февраля. Обратите внимание! Все статусы персонажей сохранятся, например: Список друзей; Банк; Статус квестов; Клан; и так далее. Рейты опыта и SP. Сервисы MW Club. Рейты опыта и SP: Упрощенная игра (1 - 76); Основная игра (76 - 80). Актуальные рейты Опыта: Уровень Опыт с мобов Опыт с РБ 1-20 x7 х5 20-30 x7 => x6 х5 => х4.5 30-40 х6 => х5 х4.5 => х4 40-50 х5 => х4 х4 => х3.5 50-60 х4 => х3 х3.5 => х3 60-70 х3 => х2 х3 => х2 70-76 х2 => х1 x2 76-79 х1 x2 80 х0.1 x0.2 81+ х0.02 x0.04 Рейты SP: Монстры, Рейт SP: Равняется Рейтам Опыта, но не может быть ниже, чем х1. РБ, Рейт SP: Рейт SP c РБ (включая Инстансы) все еще х2 от Рейта Опыта, но теперь не может быть ниже, чем х4.00! Рейты Выходного Дня: Теперь по Субботам и Воскресеньям, автоматически: + 50% Опыта с Монстров на 1-79 уровнях персонажей; + 100% SP с Монстров на 1-85 уровнях персонажей. Сервисы MW Club: Телепорты доступны без наличия Клубной Карты для 1-75 уровней; Бафф доступен без наличия Клубной Карты для 1-75 уровней; В перечень баффов добавлены новые Ритмы (доступны на любом уровне при наличии Клубной Карты): Club Rhythm of ClarityMP Regeneration Bonus +10% P. Skill Reuse Time -10% M. Skill Reuse Time -10% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -2.5% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -7.5% MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -2.5%. Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.: MP Recovery Bonus +10%; M. skills MP Consumption -7.5%; P. skills MP Consumption -2.5%; P./ M. skills reuse cooldown -10%. Club Rhythm of DominanceM. Skill Crit. Rate +50% P. Skill Reuse Time -5% Rhythm Reuse Time -5% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -10% MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -10%. Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.: M. Crit. Rate +50%; P. skills / Rhythms MP Consumption -10%; P. skills/ Rhythms reuse cooldown -5%. Изменения механики Клубного Баффера: Без Клубной Карты: На 1-75 уровнях — стандартный список эффектов: Скрытый текст При наличии Клубной Карты: На любом уровне — расширенный список эффектов максимального уровня и комбо-баффы: Скрытый текст Предметы. Магическая защита Эпической Бижутерии: По мере развития Сезона мы актуализируем показатель магической защиты Бижутерии; Актуальные параметры для Эпической Бижутерии текущего этапа: Бижутерия Маг. Защита Ring of Core Max MP +21 Poison Resistance +20.00% Poison Chance +20.00% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied. 48 Enchanted Ring of Core STR +1, INT +1 P. Critical Rate +15 Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Accuracy +2 Speed +2 Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Rings of Core are equipped and when Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Refined Ring of Core will be applied. 54 Refined Ring of Core STR +2, INT +2 P. Critical Rate +30 Resistance to Poison +40% Poison Chance +40% Accuracy +4 Speed +4 Only one effect is applied when two Refined Rings of Core are equipped. 60 Physical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +21 P. Atk. +2.00% P. Crit. Damage +15.00% Accuracy +2 Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Resistance to Hold +20.00% Hold Chance +20.00% Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Queen Ant are equipped and when Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. 54 Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +25 P. Atk. +3.00% P. Crit. Damage +20.00% Accuracy +3 Resistance to Poison +40% Poison Chance +40% Resistance to Hold +30% Hold Chance +30% Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth attributes +5. Self Cleanse: Removes all negative effects from your character. Skill Reuse Time: 30 minutes. Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant are equipped and when lower grade Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. 60 Magical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +21 M. Atk. +4.00% M. Crit. Damage +15.00% Resistance to Poison +30% Poison Chance +30% Resistance to Hold +20.00% Hold Chance +20.00% Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Queen Ant are equipped and when Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. 54 Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant Max MP +25 M. Atk. +6.00% M. Crit. Damage +20.00% Resistance to Poison +40% Poison Chance +40% Resistance to Hold +30% Hold Chance +30% Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth attributes +5. Self Cleanse: Removes all negative effects from your character. Skill Reuse Time: 30 minutes. Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant are equipped and when lower grade Ring of Queen Ant is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant will be applied. 60 Ring of Baium Max MP +21 Accuracy +2 P. Crit. Damage +15.00% Atk. Spd. +4.00% Cast. Spd. +4.00% Resistance to Poison +40% Poison Chance +40% Resistance to Hold +30% Hold Chance +30% Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Baium are equipped and when Enchanted Ring of Baium is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Baium will be applied. 60 Enchanted Ring of Baium Max MP +41 Resistance to Poison +50% Poison Chance +50% Resistance to Hold +40% Hold Chance +40% Accuracy +4 P. Crit. Damage +20.00% Atk. Spd./ Cast. Spd. +6.00%. Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Ring of Baium are equipped and when Ring of Baium is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Ring of Baium will be applied. Emperor's Rage: PvP Damage +10.00%, PvP Defense -10%. Duration: 30 sec. 65 Beleth's Ring Max HP +105 M. Def. +12.00% Resistance to Mental attacks +12.00% Mental attacks chance +12.00% Max MP +12.00% MP recovery +100% Resistance to Dark/ Holy attributes +20. Only one effect is applied when two Beleth's Ring are equipped. 65 Zaken's Earring Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed Chance +30% Resistance to Stun/ Mental attacks +20.00% Stun/ Mental Chance +20.00% Heal amount +10.00% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% Only one effect is applied when two Zaken's Earrings are equipped and when Enchanted Zaken's Earring is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Zaken's Earring will be applied. 79 Enchanted Zaken's Earring Max MP +37 Resistance to Bleed +40% Bleed Chance +40% Resistance to Stun/ Mental attacks +30% Stun/ Mental attacks chance +30% Heal amount +15.00% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% Resistance to Dark/ Holy attributes +10 Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Zaken's Earrings are equipped and when standart Zaken's Earring is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted Zaken's Earring will be applied. 86 Earring of Orfen Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20.00% Bleed Chance +20.00% Heal amount +6.00% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. 71 Enchanted Earring of Orfen CON +1, MEN +1 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed Chance +30% Heal amount +8.00% Skill MP Consumption -4% Only one effect is applied when two Enchanted Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied. 79 Refined Earring of Orfen CON +2, MEN +2 Resistance to Bleed +40% Bleed Chance +40% Heal amount +10.00% Skill MP Consumption -6% Only one effect is applied when two Refined Earring of Orfen are equipped. 86 Earring of Antharas Max MP +37 Resistance to Bleed +40% Bleed Chance +40% Resistance to Stun/ Mental attacks +30% Stun/ Mental Chance +30% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% MP consumption -5% Heal amount +10.00% Resistance to Earth attribute +15 Only one effect is applied when two of Earrings of Antharas are equipped. 94 Frintezza's Necklace Max MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/ Paralyze/ Stun +15.00% Sleep/ Paralyze/ Stun Chance +15.00% Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +25% Poison/ Bleed Chance +25% Skill reuse delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4.00% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 105 Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1 Max MP +47 Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20.00% Sleep/ Paralyze/ Stun Chance +20.00% Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +35% Poison/ Bleed Chance +35% Skill reuse delay -7% Reflect Damage +5.00% Resistance to Dark attribute +25 Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy attributes +5 For 10 sec. blocks all debuffs. Skill Reuse Time: 10 minutes. Cannot be used on Olympiad. 115 Supreme Frintezza's Necklace DEX +2 Max MP +52 Resistance to Sleep/ Paralyze/ Stun +25% Sleep/ Paralyze/ Stun Chance +25% Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +50% Poison/ Bleed Chance +50% Skill reuse delay -10% Reflect Damage +6.00% Resistance to Dark attribute +25 Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy attributes +10 For 15 sec. blocks all debuffs. Skill Reuse Time: 5 minutes. Cannot be used on Olympiad. 125 Necklace of Valakas Max MP +50 Max HP +445 P. Atk. +4.00% M. Atk. +8.00% Resistance to Sleep +40% Sleep Chance +40% Skill reuse delay -10% M. Crit. Chance +2 Damage Shield effect +5.00% Resistance to Fire attribute +15. 125 Доступна конвертация Оружия за Купоны ранга А в Оружие Камаэлей: Sirra's Blade<Soul Crystal Option> Max HP +25%. <=> Éclair Bijou<Soul Crystal Option> Max HP +25%. <Exclusive Kamael Weapons> Weapon Conversion: Sirra's Blade (Personal, Health) <Special Ability when modified to +4> With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P./ M. Skills -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%. <Equip Condition> For Kamael professions.; Sword of Ipos<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +62. <=> Bultgang<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +62. <Exclusive Kamael Weapons> Weapon Conversion: Sword of Ipos (Personal, Focus) <Equip Condition> For Kamael professions.; Shyeed's Bow<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +62. <=> Screaming Vengeance<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +62. <Exclusive Kamael Weapons> Weapon Conversion: Shyeed's Bow (Personal, Focus) <Equip Condition> For Kamael professions.. Расширен функционал Pushkin в Гиране: Создание Дуал-мечей/ блантов/ кинжалов Dynasty, а также S80 и S84; Вставка СА в Оружие Dynasty, а также S80 и S84; Распечатка Брони и Бижутерии Dynasty, а также S80 и S84. Снижена стоимость персональной руды Атрибута: Было: Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Attribute Masters in Aden, Rune or Ancient City Arcan and they will gladly give you Personal Attribute Ore. — 10; Adena — 950 000. Стало: Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Attribute Masters in Aden, Rune or Ancient City Arcan and they will gladly give you Personal Attribute Ore. — 10; Adena — 500 000. Актуально для: Personal Fire StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Fire attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Water attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.; Personal Water StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Water attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Fire attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.; Personal Earth StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Earth attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Wind attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.; Personal Wind StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Wind attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Earth attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.; Personal Dark StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Dark attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Holy attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.; Personal Divine StonePersonal Item. Stone will increase Holy attribute attack power by 5 after successful implementation to the Weapon. Stone will increase Dark attribute resistance by 6 after successful implementation to the Armor. Chance of successful implementation - 50%. Till 150 into B, A, S-grades Weapon and higher. Till 30 into A-grade Armor. Till 60 into S-grade Armor and higher. In addition, maximum 3 types of attribute can be enhanced into S-grade Armor and higher. Opposite attributes cannot be endowed together.. Хотим напомнить, что персональную руду можно получить за: Одноразовый квест; Полный Квест на 3 профессию; Ивенты; Миссии; Бонус-коды. Подробнее о способах получения и системе Атрибута в нашей Википедии. Руны Опыта и SP +30% и +50% для 1-64 уровней теперь для 1-75 уровней: Это доступные Руны, получаемые за низкоуровневые Миссии, а так же в L2Store и Личном Кабинете по 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins=1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.; Таким образом: Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for 1-75 LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 1-64 Levels for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. (на 60 минут) — 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins=1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products./ Миссии; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. (на 60 минут) — 3 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins=1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products./ 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide./ Миссии; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 5 hours: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. (на 5 часов) — 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins=1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products./ 850 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide./ Миссии. Обратите внимание! Уровень персонажа является ключевым параметром, влияющим на силу вашего персонажа. С ростом уровня, помимо новых умений и роста уровня уже имеющихся, вы получаете возможности для заточки умений, что так же существенно влияет на вашу эффективность в бою. Совокупность механик уровня и заточки умений существенно повышает силу умений, что в перспективе даёт больше выгоды чем оружие, доспехи и местами даже эпическая бижутерия; Небольшой гайд по механикам расчета получаемого опыта: Скрытый текст Основная информация: Руны опыта дают дополнительный бонус к получаемому опыту в инстанс-зонах и на рейд-боссах, даже если энергия (Vitality) не действует; Руны учитывают рейты опыта для вашего уроня, но не зависят от энергии (Vitality); Руны стакаются с бонусом от достижения Adventurers' Blessing (бонус за 1/4/12 часов онлайна); Руны не стакаются между собой, используется только одна (с наивысшим бонусом). Примеры расчётов: Пример 1: Из монстра по умолчанию получается 1.000 опыта, ваш рейт опыта: х2: Вы получаете: 1.000 х 2 = 2.000 опыта (+1.000). С рунным бонусом +50%: 2.000 х 1.5 = 3.000 опыта (+1.000). С бонусом Adventurers' Blessing (+30%): 2.000 х 1.3 = 2.600 опыта (+600). Совместное действие руны и ачивки: 2.000 (основа) + 1.000 (руна) + 600 (ачивка) = 3.600 опыта. Пример 2: Вы имеете: Руну опыта (+50%); Бонус Adventurers' Blessing (+30%); 200% энергии (Vitality); Рейты опыта: х1. Из монстра получается 1.000 опыта. Рейт: 1.000 х 2 = 2.000 опыта; Руна: 1.000 х 2 х 0.5 = +1.000 опыта; Adventurers' Blessing: 1.000 х 2 х 0.3 = +600 опыта; Энергия (200%): 1.000 х 2 х 1 = +2.000 опыта. Итог: 2.000 + 1.000 + 600 + 2.000 = 5.600 опыта. Особенности для РБ и Инстансов: Энергия (Vitality) не действует; Работают только руны и бонусы Adventurers' Blessing; Великая Олимпиада. Геройское Оружие: Физ. и Маг. Атк. увеличены и теперь аналогичны оружию Dynasty, заточенному на +5; Ранг Геройского оружия увеличен до S-grade; PvP Урон без изменений — +35%; PvE Урон без изменений — +50%: Infinity BladeBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Critical Rate +78 Max CP +50% Shield Defense +33% PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflect Damage +9%. Casts Decrease P. Def. on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 330 => 370; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity RapierBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Critical Rate +78 Max CP +50% With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -100%, MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10% PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflect Damage +9%. Casts Decrease P. Def. on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Special Ability when modified to +4> With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P./ M. Skills -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%. <Equip Condition> Race: Kamael. For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 300 => 340; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity CleaverBound Item. P. Crit. Damage +504 Max HP +25% Max CP +50% P. Critical Rate +78 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 400 => 450; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity SwordBound Item. P. Crit. Damage +504 P. Critical Rate +78 Max HP +25% Max CP +50% PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. <Equip Condition> Race: Kamael. For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 360 => 400; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity AxeBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Critical Rate +78 Max CP +50% Shield Defense Rate +39 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflect Damage +9%. Casts Discord on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 330 => 370; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity MaulBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% Max CP +50% P. Critical Rate +65 PvP Damage +35% PvE Damage +50% Reflects buff/de-buff with 10% probability. Casts Physical Skill Restraint on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For all professions, except Kamael. For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 430 => 490; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity RodBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% Cast. Spd. +15% MP Regeneration Bonus +0.51 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70%. Casts Full Recover on target with 3% chance. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 270 => 300; Маг. Атк. 210 => 230. Infinity CrusherBound Item. Max HP +25% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +7% P. Critical Rate +78 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Shock on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 400 => 450; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity ScepterBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% M. Atk. +29.67 M. Skill Crit. Rate +1 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -4% Magic Cancel Damage -106. Casts Full Recover on target with 3% chance. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 330 => 370; Маг. Атк. 230 => 250. Infinity StingerBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +3% P. Critical Rate +78 MP Regeneration Bonus +0.51 P. Critical Rate attacking from behind +22% PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Vampiric Rage Effect +2%. Casts Silence on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 290 => 330; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity ReaverBound Item. Max HP +15% Max MP +15% Max CP +50% P. Critical Rate +97 MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -15% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -15% MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -15% PvP Damage +35% PvE Damage +50%. Casts Cancel on target during attack. <Equip Condition> For all professions, except Kamael. For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 325 => 350; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity FangBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% P. Critical Rate +78 Max CP +50% Evasion +3.15 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Shock on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 400 => 450; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity BowBound Item. Max MP +30% Max CP +50% P. Critical Rate +78 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70%. Casts Slow on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 670 => 725; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity ShooterBound Item. Max MP +30% P. Critical Rate +78 Max CP +50% PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -12% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -12%. Casts Slow on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> Race: Kamael. For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 420 => 450; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity WingBound Item. Max HP +25% Max MP +30% Max CP +50% P. Critical Rate +78 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy. Casts Physical Skill Restraint on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 400 => 450; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Infinity SpearBound Item. Max HP +25% Max CP +50% Atk. Spd. +7% Accuracy +4.89 PvP Damage +50% PvE Damage +70% Reflects portion of damage back to the enemy Numbers of Targets +4. Casts Dispell on target during P. Crit. Atk. <Equip Condition> For Hero.: Физ. Атк. 325 => 370; Маг. Атк. 170 => 180. Параметры Олимпийской Бижутерии: По мере развития Сезона мы актуализируем показатель магической защиты Бижутерии: Предмет Было Стало В будущем Olympiad NecklaceLimited time item available for 28 days. Max MP + 42 Resistance to Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun attacks +15.00% Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Chance +15.00% Skill reuse delay -5% Damage shield effect +4.00% 85 95 106 Olympiad EarringLimited time item available for 28 days. Max MP +31 Resistance to Stun/ Mental Attacks +20.00% Stun/ Mental Chance +20.00% Vampiric rage effect +4.00% When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. 63 71 80 Olympiad RingLimited time item available for 28 days. Max MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15.00% Resistance to Hold +30.00% Hold Chance +30.00% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. 42 48 56 Эпические и Рейдовые Боссы. Эпические Боссы: Повышена выживаемость Эпических Боссов: Увеличено Максимальное HP, Регенерация HP, Физическая и Магическая Защита; Актуально для Боссов: Queen Ant; Zaken; Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Frintezza. Боевая зона: ПВП-зона (No-PK) у Босса Frintezza теперь работает по аналогии с осадной зоной вокруг Замков. Локации и Квесты. Hot Spot: Система "разгона" спотов появится в игре с рестартом 20 Января; Временно улучшает спот, увеличивая скорость респа и/или количество мобов, а так же накладывает на мобов дебафф, который ослабляет характеристики мобов в локации; Активируется автоматически каждые 2 часа на 1 час (1 час хот-спота, 2 часа перерыв); О системе Хот-Спота на MasterWork вы можете прочитать в нашей Википедии (статья находится в режиме доработки); Актуально для Локаций: Mimirs Forest: На время действия Хот-Спота в 2 раза увеличивается количество монстров во всей локации; Скорость респа мобов не изменяется. Fairy Settlement (top): Увеличивает количество монстров и скорость их респа. Darion’s Doom Halls: Теперь монстры в локации появляются весь день, а не только в ограниченные часы; Напоминаем вам, что данная локация является NoPK зоной. Скрытый текст Anomic Foundry: С рестартом сервера станет доступна новая часть Hellbound: Аномическая Литейная; Аномическая Литейная — крайне опасное место, лишь немногие смельчаки отваживаются сразиться с местными обитателями в поисках загадочного оружия; Локация сложная, подходит для фарма полной группой. В некоторых местах можно расположиться малой группой или соло, чтобы убивать пробегающую мимо нежить с помощью Turn UndeadStrikes fear into undead, causing them to flee and decreases Speed by $s1. Lethal Strike is possible. и аналогичных умений: В локации добывается большое количество Ancient Tome of the DemonA book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open., а так же Камней Атрибута и Gemstone S; Из мобов Спойлятся высокоуровневые ресурсы, а так же Кодексы и Благословленные Свитки Заточки S-grade! Обратите внимание! Квесты на получения Доспехов Moirai и Icarus Оружия временно отключены; В дроп монстрам добавлены Dynasty Оружие и Доспехи. Подробнее о локации и механиках вы можете узнать в нашей Википедии. Скрытый текст Instances. Orfen & Core (новый Инстанс): Вход: От 7 до 9 персонажей, 78-85 уровней; Длительность: до 60 минут; Перезарядка Зоны: Среда и Суббота; Изменены характеристики боссов: Orfen: Увеличены атакующие характеристики; Увеличен максимальный получаемый урон до 35 000; Монстры в инстансе стали сильнее; Увеличена защита монстров, в первую очередь физическая. Core: Увеличены защитные характеристики; Увеличен максимальный получаемый урон до 35 000; Монстры в инстансе стали сильнее; Увеличена защита монстров, в первую очередь физическая. Опыт — персональный (увеличивается Рунами опыта и Рунами за Онлайн): 7 000 000 базового опыта за победу над Боссом. Прокачка СА: 10 => 11 — 15%; 11 => 12 — 10%; 12 => 13 — 5%; 13 => 14 — 3%. Дроп: Эпическая бижутерия, зависящая от выбора Инстанс Босса (выпадает на пол, как в инстансе Zaken-a): Earring of Orfen Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20.00% Bleed Chance +20.00% Heal amount +6.00% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied.; Ring of Core Max MP +21 Poison Resistance +20.00% Poison Chance +20.00% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied.. Персональный сундук: Побеждая Босса (Orfen либо Core) каждый член группы получает Сундук с персональной наградой, зависящий от того, какой именно Босс был повержен: Core's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul.; Orfen's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul.. Сожержимое: От 1 до 3 Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. или Orfen's Soul Fragment (гарантированная награда): У Collectioner Pona (Люксор в Гиране) игрок может обменять Fragments + Immortal Бижутерию на Orfen или Core по следующему курсу: Earring of Orfen Max MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20.00% Bleed Chance +20.00% Heal amount +6.00% Skill MP Consumption -2% Only one effect is applied when two Earrings of Orfen are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Earring of Orfen will be applied.: Любая Immortal Серьга; Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. — 15; Adena — 5 000 000. Ring of Core Max MP +21 Poison Resistance +20.00% Poison Chance +20.00% Accuracy +1 Speed +1 Only one effect is applied when two Rings of Core are equipped and when Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core is equipped, only the effect of Enchanted/ Refined Ring of Core will be applied.: Любое Immortal Кольцо; Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. — 15; Adena — 5 000 000. Так же у Pona можно обменять Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. на Orfen's Soul Fragment и наоброт по курсу 1 к 3. Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50%; Gemstone S; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec.; Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting.; Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.; Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.; Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.; Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)When enchanted, P. Atk. of S-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.; Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.. Передаваемый Сундук (по аналогии с другими Инстансами): Dynasty Оружие и Доспехи, а так же их части; Камни Атрибута; Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents.; Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.; Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.; MasterWork Crystal: A-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres.; MasterWork Crystal: S-gradePlease refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres.; Forgotten Scroll: Fighter's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Fighter's Will'. Required: All classes - 55; Forgotten Scroll: Archer's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Archer's Will'. Required: All classes - 55; Forgotten Scroll: Magician's WillForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Magician's Will'. Required: All classes - 55; Forgotten Scroll: Protection of ElementalForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Protection of Elemental'. Required: All classes - 79; Forgotten Scroll: Protection of AlignmentForgotten Scroll needed to learn 'Protection of Alignment'. Required: All classes - 79; Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 40% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Ring Life Stone - 3.75% Earring Life Stone - 3.75% Life Stone - 5% Necklace Life Stone - 2.50%. Миссия (ежедневно): Победите Orfen либо Core: Передаваемый Сундук с добычей; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 100 шт.; Fame Point — 250; Exp — 7 000 000; SP — 3 500 000. Подробный гайд по инстансу вы можете найти в нашей Википедии — Гайд по Orfen/ Гайд по Core. Box with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul. Прокачка СА в Инстансах: В текущих актуальных инстансах — увеличен шанс прокачки СА; Для Twins и Kechi/ Tears/ Darnel — добавлен шанс прокачки СА 13 => 14; Актуальные шансы: Zaken (65 уровня): 10 => 11 — 5%; 11 => 12 — 3%. Zaken (78 уровня): 10 => 11 — 7%; 11 => 12 — 5%; 12 => 13 — 3%. Twins: 10 => 11 — по 5%; 11 => 12 — по 3%; 12 => 13 — по 2%; 13 => 14 — по 1%. Kechi/ Tears/ Darnel: 10 => 11 — 10%; 11 => 12 — 7%; 12 => 13 — 4%; 13 => 14 — 2%. Baylor: 10 => 11 — 15%; 11 => 12 — 10%; 12 => 13 — 7%; 13 => 14 — 4%. Orfen/ Core: 10 => 11 — 15%; 11 => 12 — 10%; 12 => 13 — 5%; 13 => 14 — 3%. Картия: Теперь вход в Картию любого уровня снимает с персонажа баффы, по аналогии с другими иснтансами; Исключения — клубные баффы второй профессии (только баффы, не ритмы). Легкий старт. Стартовать на MasterWork в середине сезона — проще, чем кажется! Вместе с мерджем серверов начнется новое перераспределение сил, и кланам как никогда понадобятся новые рекруты. Сейчас самое время начать играть, даже если вы пропустили старт сервера. Мы сделали всё, чтобы любой новичок мог легко ворваться в бой и догнать основную массу игроков, не тратя недели на прохождение ранних этапов. Перечисленные ниже нововведения позволят вам без труда прокачаться до актуального 76 уровня всего за пару вечеров: B-grade с 1-го уровня — идеальный стартовый набор; Увеличенные рейты опыта и SP — чтобы прокачка шла быстрее; Квестовые Цепочки Relic Exploration и Hidden Truth — пройдите сюжетные задания, и получите множество расходных предметов, бустов опыта, Премиум Аккаунт и Клубную Карту; Щедрые бонусы и бусты: заряды души, зелья, баффы, полезные свитки и многое другое — всё доступно с самого начала. Мы позаботились о том, чтобы вы не отвлекались на мелочи и могли сразу погрузиться в игру. Если вы только собираетесь начать или хотите создать нового персонажа, ознакомьтесь с этим разделом — он поможет вам сэкономить время и легко преодолеть стартовые этапы. Начните своё приключение прямо сейчас — подробнее далее в тексте: Ношение предметов ранга B без Штрафа с 1 уровня: Соответственно: D, C, B — с 1 уровня; A — 61; S / Dynasty — 76; S80 (Icarus / Moirai) — 80; S84 (Vesper / Vorpal / Elegia / Eternal) — 82. Из всех магазинов убраны Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters., а так же Elixir of CP (C-Grade)/ Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Regenerates 1100 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. и Elixir of Mental Strength (C-Grade)Regenerates 220 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes., т.к. теперь с 1 до 52 уровня можно использовать их аналоги ранга B. Стартовые Наборы: Подробнее о наборах в нашей Википедии; Из обоих Наборов удалены все предметы Ранга C — Купоны на Оружие, Комплекты Брони, Бижутерия, Заряды; Обратите внимание! Предметы Ранга А из наборов нужны для того, чтобы новые игроки могли легче прокачаться до максимального уровня и быстрее вступить в основную игру. Предметы А-ранга за купоны нельзя сделать редкими и вставить ПВП-вставку, что в совокупности с уходящей актуальностью Ранга А как такового, существенно снижает эффективность данных предметов в ПВП-контенте высокого уровня. В набор Starter SetPersonal Starter Pack with equipment and useful items to boost your character! добавлены: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт. Комплект персональной Бижутерии ранга B: MW Necklace of Black Ore — 1 шт.; MW Earring of Black Ore — 2 шт.; MW Ring of Black Ore — 1 шт. Увеличено количество зарядов ранга B: Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — теперь 20 000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — теперь 12 000 шт. А так же добавлены заряды ранга А: Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. — 20 000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. — 12 000 шт. Увеличено количество Зелий Энергии: Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. — теперь 3 шт.; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. — теперь 3 шт. Зелья CP и HP: Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — теперь 250 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — теперь 250 шт. Полное содержимое набора: Скрытый текст В набор Unique SetPersonal Unique Set with equipment and all useful items that boost you at the start and grant comfort to Your character! добавлены: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт. Комплект персональной Бижутерии ранга A: MW Majestic NecklaceThe effect is MP +33. — 1 шт.; MW Majestic EarringThe effect is MP +25. — 2 шт.; MW Majestic RingThe effect is MP +17. — 1 шт. Добавлены заряды ранга А: Soulshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons. — 20 000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (A-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on A-grade weapons. — 12 000 шт. Увеличено количество Зелий Энергии: Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. — теперь 5 шт.; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. — теперь 5 шт. Зелья CP и HP: Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — теперь 500 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — теперь 500 шт. Полное содержимое набора: Скрытый текст Rune of Item PenaltyDecreases 5 levels of penalty for all of your equipment grade for 24 hours. S-grade items will be available starting from 71 level, instead of 76. S80-grade items will be available starting from 75 level, instead of 80. S84-grade items will be available starting from 77 level, instead of 82. The remaining period decreases even when you exit the game. This Rune don't working on Olympiad.: Теперь работает для всех Рангов: При наличии Руны: A — c 56 уровня вместо 61; S / Dynasty — 71 вместо 76; S80 (Moirai, Icarus) — 75 вместо 80; S84 (Vesper, Vorpal, Elegia, Eternal) — 77 вместо 82. Обратите внимание! Руна не работает на Олимпиаде! Изменены награды за достижения за получение саб-класса: Get first subclass: Награды без изменений. Get second subclass: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.; Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. (5000); Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. (3000); Купон на Оружие ранга C и Заряды ранга С — убраны из наград. Get third subclass: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.; Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. (5000); Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. (3000); Купоны на Оружие и Доспехи ранга C и Заряды ранга С — убраны из наград. Итоговые награды: Обратите внимание! Награды не выдаются за достижения, полученные ранее. Первый саб-класс: Скрытый текст Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Soulshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 3 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 2 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 1 Второй саб-класс: Скрытый текст Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. If used, 5000 Soulshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 5 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 2 Третий саб-класс: Скрытый текст Предмет Количество Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. 1 Soulshot Pack (B-Grade) If used, 5000 Soulshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade) If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots C-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 1 Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. 7 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 3 Улучшены награды за окончание Академии: Подробнее о Академии в нашей Википедии; За получение 2-й Профессии — Академик получит 150 000 Adena; За окончание Академии (взятие 52 уровня) — Академик получит еще 350 000 Adena. Напоминаем вам, что на MasterWork: Уровень завершения Академии увеличен до 60; Вступить в академию можно до 59 уровня включительно; При выходе Академика, или при его исключении и Академик и Клан не получают штрафов на вступление и набор. Напоминаем вам о плюсах и бонусах Академии, подробнее о Академии вы можете прочитать в нашей Википедии: Каждый член Академии получает уникальный бафф Academy FavorBeing at the Academy, you get a constant effect that increases your parameters: Attack Speed +15% Cast Speed +30% Max HP +30% Speed +20 While you are under the Academy Favor effect: You are immune to the effects of: Rhythm of Rage Rhythm of Body.: Скорость Атаки +15%; Скорость Магии +30%; Максимум НР +30%; Скорость бега +20. Обратите внимание! Пока вы находитесь под действием эффекта, персонаж невосприимчив к эффектам от умений Rhythm of RageCast. Spd. +$s1 Magic Cancel Damage -$s2 Atk. Spd. +$s3. Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect. и Rhythm of BodyMax HP +$s1 Speed +$s2. Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.. Теперь академик получает 2 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. за окончание Академии: Обратите внимание! Пруфы это ценный предмет, нужный клан-лидерам для изучения клан скилов. Вы можете продать его другим игрокам на рынке. Итоговая награда за Академию: При получении второй профессии Академиком: Скрытый текст Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. — 1; Academy CircletCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%. <Equip Condition> For Academy. — 1; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 3; Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. — 2; Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 3; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 3; Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3; Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3; Box with Extra Entrance PassesPersonal wrapped pack containing Extra Entrance Passes: Near Kamaloka, Hall and Labyrinth of the Abyss. — 1; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 200; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 100; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 150; Adena — 150 000. При получении 60-го уровня Академиком: Скрытый текст Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. — 2; Academy CircletCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%. <Equip Condition> For Academy. — 1; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 5; Honey Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. — 3; Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 5; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 5; Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 5; Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 5; Box with Extra Entrance Passes - ZakenBox with Extra passes that removes entry restriction of Zaken's Instance zones. Double-click to get extra pass to Zaken for levels 60-72 and for levels 73-85 and higher. — 1; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 300; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 200; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 350; Adena — 350 000. На каждом этапе получения награды Академиком клан получит: Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. — 1 (т.е суммарно 2 предмета). Обратите внимание! Суммарное количество получаемых Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills., при завершении Академии — 5. 2 получает клан на склад, и ещё 3 остается у Академика, которые он может продать на игровом рынке. Продажа Зарядов Души и Духа рангов D и C за Adena в обычном NPC-магазине: Soulshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a D-grade weapon. — от 12 Adena; Soulshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a C-grade weapon. — от 18 Adena; Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with D-grade weapons. — от 56 Adena; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with C-grade weapons. — от 84 Adena; Цены указаны без учета налога Замка: Обратите внимание! В связи с возможностью носить B-grade с 1 уровня, данные заряды потеряли свою актуальность. Мы знаем что некоторые классы, например лекари в ПВЕ, до сих пор продолжают использовать оружие низких рангов, однако в целом объем рынка низкоуровневых зарядов крайне мал, и скорее создает неудобства для игроков, чем имеет практическую пользу. Если вы зарабатывали крафтом зарядов, то мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам сместить свой фокус внимания на заряды ранга S, т.к. не смотря на высокую конкуренцию на этом рынке, спрос на них не упадет никогда, т.к. заряды ранга S используются в огромных количествах всеми игроками, и подходят для всех видов оружия ранга S и выше (Vesper, Icarus и так далее). Рекомендуем вам наш гайд по заработку на зарядах. Стартовая экипировка: Руководство для тех, кто решил начать игру на MasterWork — в нашей Википедии; Из стартовой экипировки удалены: Оружие ранга D, бижутерия и комплект доспехов без ранга, заряды ранга D. Добавлено: Персональное Оружие ранга C; Персональный Комплект доспехов ранга С; Набор персональной Бижутерии ранга D. В зависимости от класса, все новые персонажи получают улучшенную стартовую экипировку: Оружие: MW Samurai Longsword<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +73.; MW Berserker Blade<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +73.; MW Great Pata<Soul Crystal Option> Atk. Spd. +11% when HP < 60%.; MW Club of Nature<Soul Crystal Option> Casting Spd. +15%.; MW Dwarven War Hammer*Dwarven War Hammer P. Skill Reuse Time +10.00%. <Soul Crystal Option> Max HP +25%.; MW Crystal Dagger*Cursed Dagger<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +77.; MW Saber Tooth<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +69. <Exclusive Kamael Weapons> Weapon Conversion: MW Berserker Blade (Focus) <Equip Condition> For Kamael professions.; MW Admiral's Estoc<Soul Crystal Option> P. Critical Rate +73. <Exclusive Kamael Weapons> Weapon Conversion: MW Samurai Longsword (Focus) <Special Ability when modified to +4> With 10% chance MP Consumption when using a P./ M. Skills -100%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%. <Equip Condition> For Kamael professions.; MW Sword of Whispering Death<Soul Crystal Option> Casting Spd. +15%.. Доспехи: Воины и Камаэли: MW Rind Leather Armor; MW Rind Leather Gaiters; MW Rind Leather Gloves; MW Rind Leather Boots. Маги: MW Robe of SealOne-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this. <Equip Condition> For all professions, except Kamael.; MW Gloves of Seal; MW Boots of Seal. Комплект бижутерии и рубашка: MW Elven Earring; MW Elven Necklace; MW Elven Ring; Linen Shirt - PvEPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvE protection by 3%. Увеличено количество расходных предметов для всех новых персонажей: Скрытый текст Winter CostumeFluffy costume, that will keep you warm during the cold winter nights. You can upgrade it to Real Winter Costume for 50 Master Coin. The improved suit will be worn with the armor instead of replacing it, which will save your combat parameters.; Adventurer's Scroll of EscapeMagic scroll that moves you to the nearest village. Item for beginner adventurers that — 10 шт.; Scroll of Escape: Town of GiranA magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Giran. — 5 шт.; Scroll of Escape: Ancient City ArcanMagically teleports you to the Ancient City Arcan. — 5 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 5 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 200 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 100 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons.; Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Body Wind Walk Haste Vampiric Rage Might Shield Death Whisper Focus Guidance. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 5 шт.; Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail. When used max. levels of effects can be felt for 60 minutes: Bless the Soul Berserker Spirit Magic Barrier Empower Greater Acumen Clarity Wild Magic. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 5 шт.; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +30% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +30% SP +30%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 10 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. — 3 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. — 2 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-76 characters. — 1 шт.; Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 5 шт.; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. — 5 шт.; Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. — 2 шт.; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. — 2 шт.; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Labyrinth of the Abyss / Cartia Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. — 2 шт.; Extra Entrance Pass - Zaken 66 LevelExtra pass that removes entry restriction of Zaken's (60-72) Instance zones. Can only be used once in a cooldown period outside the instance zone. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next timer reset. — 2 шт. Персонажи Камаэль дополнительно получают: Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. — 200 шт. Миссии за Уровни: Подробнее о системе Миссий в нашей Википедии; В наградах за Миссии Свитки и Эликсиры ранга C заменены на ранг B; Заряды ранга D заменены на C, ранга C — на ранг B. Количество Зарядов увеличено; Бижутерия ранга D заменена на ранг C; Купоны на Оружие и Броню ранга D улучшены до ранга C; В награды за 30 уровень добавлены: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. и Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.. В награды за 15, 30, 40 и 48 уровни добавлены: Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters.. В награды за 52 56 и 60 уровни доавблены: Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters.. В награды за 52 и 60 уровни добавлены: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.. В награды за 56 уровень добавлены: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.. В ежедневную Миссию за победу на Рейдовым Боссом добавлена дополнительная награда: 500.000 SP ScrollScroll that replenishes 500.000 SP.. Полный список наград за Миссии: Скрытый текст Уровень 3: Newbie Guide's Weapon Exchange CouponAn exchange coupon that is needed to borrow weapons for apprentice adventurers from the Adventurers' Guild. — 2 шт.; Smile - Smile — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 5 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 500 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 200 шт. Уровень 7: MW Ring of Seal — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 7 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 600 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 250 шт. Уровень 10: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; MW Earring of Seal — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 10 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 700 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 300 шт. Уровень 12: Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 12 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 800 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 350 шт. MW Earring of Seal — 1 шт. Уровень 15: Linen Shirt - PvPPersonal Item. Increases character's P. Def and M. Def. Also increases the character's PvP protection by 1%. — 1 шт.; MW Necklace of Seal — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 15 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 7 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 1000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 400 шт. Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. — 1 Уровень 17: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 17 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 10 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 1500 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 500 шт. Уровень 20: Nornil’s RecordsRare records of Nornil researches found by seekers from the Sky Library. Characters 20-39 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred. — 1 шт.; Smile - Heart — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 15 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 20 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 12 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 1800 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 750 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 30: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 20 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 30 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 15 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 2000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 850 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 40: Mitraell’s AtlasThe Lost Atlas of Mithraell is an excellent source of information about the unique places of the Elmoraden kingdom. Characters 40-51 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred. — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 25 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 25 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 15 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 2400 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 1000 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. — 1 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 1 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 48: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 30 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 30 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 20 шт.; Soulshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 3000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on C-grade weapons. — 1250 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-52 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. — 1 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 1 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 52: Einhovant’s VedasThe collection of the most ancient scriptures of Einhasad, described by Einhovant during his wanderings around the world. Characters 52-60 levels get extra expirience by reading this book. Book will not gain you experience if character offline or on offline trade. After picking up the book, make sure the first tick of EXP has occurred. — 1 шт.; Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 35 шт.; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 35 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 25 шт.; Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 2000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 1000 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes.Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. — 1 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 1 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 56: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 40 шт.; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 40 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 30 шт.; Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 2400 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 1200 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. — 1 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 1 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Уровень 60: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. — 1 шт.; Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. — 45 шт.; Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL LevelsWhen opened you will receive a personal Rune for 60 minutes: EXP +50% SP +50%. The remaining period of Rune decreases even during log-off state. — 1 шт.; Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. — 45 шт.; Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. — 35 шт.; Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 3000 шт.; Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons. — 1500 шт.; Lucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv.Personal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-64 characters. — 1 шт.; Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Regenerates 800 CP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Elixir of Life (B-Grade)Regenerates 1500 HP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 3 шт.; Elixir of Mental Strength (B-Grade)Regenerates 290 MP. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. Cooldown: 5 minutes. — 2 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of EscapeA magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. — 1 шт.; Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionPersonal magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Fixed Hit Time: 3 sec. Fixed Reuse Delay: 15 sec. — 1 шт.; Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. At this stage of the MasterWork, this item is useless. You can use A-grade Items from 1 Level. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters. — 1 шт. Разное. Осады Замков: Mаксимальное HP Флагов, которые ставит Лидер Клана увеличено в 5 раз: с 1 000 000 до 5 000 000: Build HeadquartersEstablishes a headquarters during a siege that aids in recovery and reinforcement of forces.; Build Advanced HeadquartersConstructs a high quality encampment that possesses double HP of a standard encampment and assist clan member recovery and battle additions during castle sieges.. Базовая прочность Ворот в Замках и Фортах увеличена в 3~5 раз; Базовую прочность ворот можно увеличить в Замке до начала осад. Штраф за выход из Клана/ исключение из Клана: С 20 по 27 Января, 2025: Штраф за исключение из Клана (на Клан и на Персонажа) и Штраф за выход из клана (на Персонажа) снижен в 6 раз: с 24 до 4 часов; Напоминаем что в Личном Кабинете и у НПЦ Butler доступны свитки моментального снятия штрафа с Клана и Персонажа: Clan Penalty removing scrollRemoves penalty from your Clan after expelling clan member. Price in Control Panel - 30 MA Balance. Price at Butler - 60 Master Coins.; Personal Penalty removing scrollRemoves penalty from you after leaving/expelling from Clan. Price in Control Panel - 10 MA Balance. Price at Butler - 20 Master Coins.. Assist Manager: Добавлена Атака Питомцем или Призванным Существом; Улучшена реакция на Магические умения (персонаж больше не бежит бить обычной атакой в промежутке между умениями); Assist Manager будет отключаться при смерти персонажа, как и зацикленные макросы; Корректно отключается, когда персонаж флагается об Боссов. Взгляд в будущее Как и обещали, мы держим вас в курсе планируемых событий и обновлений. Мы постоянно работаем над тем, чтобы вы получали максимум информации о нашей работе. Впереди вас ждёт ещё больше интересного контента ❤️ Немного конкретики: 20 Января: Система мид-вара. 22 Января: Аукцион Клан Холлов. 24 Января: Осады Клан Холлов. 25 Января: Территориальные Войны без Флагов (ради Баджей). 26 Января: Осады всех 15 замков (9 стандартных + 6 замков мид-вара). 27 Января: Повышение рейтов и Актуальная игра до 82 уровня. 28 Января: Первый Dent. 3 Февраля: Tiat — Только Icarus Оружие (без Vesper): От 18 до 45 персонажей 78+ уровней. Начало Февраля: Seed Of Destruction и Кристаллы Атрибута: Обменник Камней на Кристаллы появиться через 1-2 недели, согласно темпу развития сервера. Вторая половина Февраля: Moirai и Vesper: Обратите внимание, что Moirai и Vesper появятся одновременно в общем масштабном обновлении. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. c ❤️, E-Global & Averia Александр Власов 2, fabuLous, Galax и 2 других 2 1 2 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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