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Все публикации пользователя Puls0

  1. Puls0

    What you should

    it's the most stupid idea I ever heard,especially that are two different chronicles and such... it's a 25x server interlude in one week u pretty much have everything u have and server might be dead in 2 months as any interlude server that is super boring.
  2. Puls0

    Christmas event?

    to attrack new people? srsly I would rather work on keeping the current ones.
  3. Puls0

    Review video GF x7

    maybe u guys do some events,from 3 weeks haven't seen a gm doing something interesting ...no more invasion no more custom events.
  4. Puls0

    Happy weekend + 50% Bonus exp/sp

    hopefully :D
  5. Puls0

    Happy weekend + 50% Bonus exp/sp

    maybe they're bussy getting drunk on the money people donated on friday
  6. Puls0

    Happy weekend + 50% Bonus exp/sp

    the event that gives you full vitality
  7. Puls0

    Happy weekend + 50% Bonus exp/sp

    will there be the invasion events also during weekend?
  8. Puls0

    WTT for draco set element

  9. Puls0

    WTT for draco set element

    pm gatto ig (p.s elements must be fire/water/wind/earth) no dark/holly needed
  10. Puls0

    WTT for draco set element

    700kk+48 big squashes that u can crush with your mates and get crystals and ews/eas if u lucky.
  11. Puls0

    WTT for draco set with element

    up 700kk+48 big squashes
  12. Puls0

    WTT for draco set with element

    p.s (only element fire/water/earth/wind) on set,pm gatto ig.
  13. Puls0

    WTT for draco set with element

    600kk+48 big squashes and the nectars u need to crush them (big squash you need to break with 3-4 members,big chance for crystals 12-13 and eas/ews/codex)
  14. Puls0


    Can u put this weekend last time the cats to trade our last nectars? last days it was tradeable weren't on weekend and I missed it...ofc if other players would only agree...it's only a suggestions...saw plenty still got nectars left. Best regards.
  15. Puls0

    International CP LF

    never found u online...what gmt u guys play?
  16. Puls0

    International CP LF

    cat here,pm gatto ig sometimes...I'll try to contact u also,kinda innactive lately :P server got boring.
  17. Puls0

    Bot is allowed here?

    sorry i don't speak french to read those rules...anyways why would u don't allow post converstations with gms on forums?! lol? wtf is this communist rule xD where is the transperancy of this server...anyways #TCK8775
  18. Puls0

    Bot is allowed here?

    funny fact is that he kept botting for at least 2 more hours. He's pp was insta picking only adena,and he was insta targeting mobs on respawn...funny fact that now when I checked the ticket the auto reply was instant after post ...so def nobody checked him ever.
  19. Puls0

    Bot is allowed here?

    they even had as sponsors "maxcheaters.com" on their trailer what did u expect from a server like this lol.Most fun I ever had playing L2 was on any other server than russian servers. They are the most dumb gamers u`ll find on any platform. They cant treat the game as a game and take critics. A game for them is like their life,as u heard on media many even suicide for such things...wow...Also if u look on other platform,russian players are recognised as most toxic players and most annoying,for example on dota2 russian were more than 90% of ones hacking accounts for items (also ukranians were among them...but still same thing if u ask me).
  20. Puls0

    Bot is allowed here?

    P.S don't waste your time reporting bots,gms don't give a fwk,one guy proved me that gms are brainless,gm ported near of a friend of mine botting,and he was laughting in the face how gm was earasing he's buffs and bots kept rebuffing and healing etc,and then gm ported my guy somewhere else,then bot wrote automatically "omg gm wtf u doing" and then gm dissapeared...wish I could fraps that and show everybody how brainless gms are,but as I said the one botting was my mate and did it just to prove how gms are . Don't wanna get him in trouble. P.S reported some xside bots and I still saw them on map,nobody bother banning anybody...this what L2 became on europe platform,same as any MMORPG that come on west,they came with bots already premade just to make money from it...simple that how this game works...if u guys wanna continue funding this kind of ppl then keep playing their games...to be honest this is last time after so many years trying this game but I really realised now what became on it...so yeah.gl to all on making up your mind about mmorpg platforms on west.
  21. Puls0

    Bot is allowed here?

    funny how ppl post here the bots and gm keep sain "make a ticket" just go fking check the bot already wtf
  22. Puls0

    AL 80 nobless,all certificates LF CP

    Arcana Lord 80 nobless,bd,sk(i will cancel it someday and start a bishop if needed)spoiler Lf for CP. Got also Maestro 78 box and PP 78 also.
  23. Puls0


    done bought them all.topic closed
  24. Puls0


    80kk each pm gatto ig.
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