plus restarting server without any warning,especially during crucial times (7 signs festival was about to end like the last time,even saw a thread about that) owh ppl at festival trying to make dusk win,it would be a shame restart server right before festival ends...not to mention all the bots farming all the big areas at free will,only a gm roaming these areas like 30 minutes a day could find and jail at least 30 bots per minute....I saw once at 700 mobs,the server of bot furios something like that a guy told me,guess what,server was fking empty . Only on servers managed by russians u`ll find such havoc,0 fixes,and greed for donations...btw your rates aren't working,played 5x gracia final and xped 2x faster than this server,spoiled hot srpings at flava,spiders and yeti from lvl 68 to 75 and all I spoiled was 130 dmp,400+ m ores and 200+ crafted fking 7 levels at 2x hp 70+ lvl monsters...just fwk logic.