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Patchnote 01.04.24 - "Pokemon"

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Restart: Monday, April 1, 2024 at 08:00 server time (07:00 CEST)




Dear friends!

It's already the 2nd month of spring, and stunning updates for the 4th season of MasterWork continue to come out and delight our players! Having gathered the entire board of Game Designers, we were able... For some reason, I believe that for the second time we will not be able to fool you around our finger and, with the learned air of a sage, submit an April Fool's Patch Note  
  🙃 for the real one. That's why we took a different route!
In this topic you can get acquainted with the updates, but which of them are comic, which are real, and which are not as you see them - you can only guess.

We congratulate everyone on such an important professional holiday not only for Linegers, but also for the entire gaming industry!
Enjoy the Patch Note and don't forget to make fun of your loved ones   😉

Hidden text





image.png Statistics

  • PvP Amount: 3,467,427;
  • PK Quantity: 332,397;
  • Characters: 132,796;
  • Clans: 807;
  • Alliance: 146;
  • Heroes: 168 (were heroes at least once).





image.png Important game events

  • Monday, April 1:
    • image.png Technical work to install the update - 8:00 (Estimated time 90 minutes);
    • image.png Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:00, once every 5 days;
      • Note! Dent appears in the world on MONDAY!
    • image.png Beleth - 20:45 ~ 21:00, every Monday;
    • image.png Frintezza - 21:15 ~ 21:30, every Monday.
  • Tuesday, April 2:
    • etc_fire_crystal_i00.pngSeed of Destruction (collection of 150+ Attribute) - Every Tuesday from 19:30 to 21:30.
  • Wednesday, April 3:
    • image.png Valakas - 21:00, through Wednesday, alternately with  image.png Antharas.
  • Thursday, April 4:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The first day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • image.png Baium - 21:00 ~ 21:15, every Thursday;
  • Friday, April 5:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The second day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • etc_fire_crystal_i00.pngSeed of Destruction (collection of 150+ Attribute) - Every Friday from 19:30 to 21:30;


  • Saturday, April 6:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The third day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • image.png Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:00;
      • Note! Bane image.png also drops bm_elmoaden_token.png Dent's Coins, just like image.png Dent.    
  • Sunday, April 7:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The final day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;





  • More Epic to God of Epic!

Starting this week, monsters in all locations will drop:

  • accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.pngEarring of Antharas;
  • accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00.pngNecklace of Valakas;
  • accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.pngRing of Baium;
  • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.pngZaken's Earring;
  • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.pngRing of Queen Ant;
  • accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.pngEarring of Orfen;
  • accessory_ring_of_core_i00.pngRing of Core;
  • accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.pngFrintezza's Necklace;
  • beleth_ring.pngBeleth's Ring;
  • accessary_queen_of_ice_necklace_i00.pngFreya Necklace.

This way we solve the problem that not all players saw such items in their inventory.



  • New axes;
  • Sharp and dangerous.
  • After the restart, a new weapon will appear in the game:  weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Twin Clown Axes (Broken),  which can be improved by enchantingup to + 30. 
  • Every player who upgrades their weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Dual Clown Axes to +30 will be able to obtain a full-fledged version of this weapon. It can be improved using the usual method: inserting etc_fire_stone_i00.png Attribute Stones and Crystals, Soul Crystal (level 16), Life Stones.     
    • To improve weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png the Clown's Twin Axes,  you will need special weapon_shadow_ench_wp.png Scrolls, which can be aquired from monsters of 40+ levels, and also purchased from a special NPC Money Changer for etc_adena_i00.png Adena. It is with the help of this item that you can improve weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Twin Axes;       
    • weapon_shadow_ench_wp.png Scrolls will drop and be sold until April 14th, inclusive.  
  • Dual Axes work as both blunt weapons and dual swords at the same time.
    • All skills that reduced or increased resistance to blunt weapons reduce or increase protection from dual axes.
    • All skills that gave an increase to blunt weapons also give an increase to dual axes, including all passive ones.
      • skill0430.png The Master of Combat skill, when modified, gives an increase when choosing a branch for dual swords.  
    • All skills that could be used with blunt weapons and dual swords can be used with dual axes.
    • Dual axes deal damage twice per attack, like dual swords.


  • Description of class;
  • Description of skills.

The Archer is one of the most popular classes, which nevertheless needed meaningful improvements. It cannot be said that he has already been brought to his standard state, however, his gameplay and role in the group has become much more balanced than it was before.
In this regard, we decided to expand the number of available archer classes by adding 2 new classes to the Orc race! Meet the Fire Lord and Lord of the Tribe!

Fire Lord:

Created by Pa'agrio from the power of fire, this element has always been subjugated by the Orcs. However, they were only strong in close combat and mysterious rituals. Over time, the High Shamans discovered the ability to combine rituals, the power of Fire and Archery.
Due to his frenetic strength, he can use fire arrows, dealing increased and periodic damage to enemies, while burning his hands and taking damage from each shot. Having realized the pain, he can focus on the target, causing more and more damage with each shot.

  • Fire Arrows (toggle): Deals increased damage to the opponent, while also dealing ignite damage over time. Each shot takes away the character's health.
  • Berserker Trance (active skill): Increases attack speed and damage, reducing the effect of incoming healing.
  • Painful Focus (passive skill): When dealing damage to the same target, increases the damage of each subsequent shot.


Lord of the Tribe:

One of the many clans of the Orc race practiced forbidden rituals of darkness, which aroused the wrath of their fellows. After the next ritual, the tribal leaders decided to exclude this clan, making them outcasts. However, this did not stop the orc warlocks. As a result, they managed to conquer the dark rituals of the spirits, which allowed them to use their strength, dexterity and stealth.

  • Shadow of the Ancestors (active skill): Allows the character to completely disappear into the area, leaving only the character's name. Increases damage after leaving "invisibility".
  • Ritual of Focus (active skill): Causes all party members to highlight the character's target.
  • Deadly Ritual (passive skill): If a target that was previously attacked by the Tribal Lord dies under the effect of the “Deadly Ritual”, then the character who dealt the killing blow will regain health.

This is a brief description of the skills and characteristics of the two new classes. All other mechanics you can learn while playing for them.


  • As it is...

Looking around, we realized that it is not necessary to invent something new. You can... borrow!
And since you need to borrow from the best, we present to your attention - Location Guardian Ragul!

The monster will randomly appear in the location, creating a complex PvE scenario for the players located there. In addition to a useful reward, he will lure you out of 18 funds, which will be used for the development of the project. So to say, “Let’s give a LU4 of light to this world”!



  • New and improved Agathions

Tired of playing in boxes? Is it difficult to find a motivated top ten who would play for a long time and help your group? We have a solution!
Now NPC Butler, in the Agathions section, will have 2 new agathions with personal buffs available:

  • Item:  image.png Autoloot Agathion - Feline Queen;
  • Item validity period: 3 days;
  • Active effect of the item:
    • skill1331.pngPersonal Blessing of Queen (Increases P. Crit. Rate by 30% and P. Crit. Damage by 25%);
    • skill11846.pngPersonal Gift of Queen (Increases P. Atk. by 10% and Accuracy by 3).
  • Cannot be used at the Grand Olympiad;
  • Active skill duration: 5 minutes;
  • Active skill cooldown time: 10 seconds;
  • Passive effect from the item: Autoloot;
  • Price: 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin .
  • Item:  image.png Autoloot Agathion - Seraphim;
  • Item validity period: 3 days;
  • Active effect of the item:
    • skill1332.pngPersonal Blessing of Seraphim (MP regeneration bonus temporarily increased by 35%);
    • skill11372.pngPersonal Gift of Seraphim (Reduces magic skill cooldown by 35%).
  • Cannot be used at the Grand Olympiad;
  • Active skill duration: 5 minutes;
  • Active skill cooldown time: 10 seconds;
  • Passive effect from the item: Autoloot;
  • Price: 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin .





image.png PS: Some additional information: 

  • On April 8th, a new update "Seed of Destruction" awaits you:
    • image.png From 18:00 April 8th to 18:00 April 25th development up to level 85 inclusive:
      • Development has been simplified from levels 1 to 82;
      • Main game: Exp x1 from level 82 to 85.
    • armor_t95_u_i03.pngpvp_tab.png Vorpal equipment:
      • Farming of Rare items is available;
      • Attack or Defense upgrade available.
    • image.png New Frintezza instance;
    • Locations update:
      • Lair of Antharas - introduction of "Kariks" with our author's modifications (similar to MW3);
      • Seed of Annihilation - opening a location with our modifications (similar to MW3).
    • Adding to the passage of parts 8-12 of the Seven Signs quest:
      • Even more easy experience and SP;
      • Opportunity to collect 12  accessory_heaven_talisman.pngShard of Majesty and receive personalized Epic jewelry.
    • Improved rewards for completing Missions for completing current instances.
  • From April 29th:
    • Introduction of Eternal content;
    • And something else interesting...
  • May 20:
    • Merging with Masterwork Eternal;
    • After the merge, patch notes will be released for the merged server.







You will need to use our image.png Updater  to ensure that the update is displayed correctly. We highly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature as we regularly release various minor and major updates. 



with ❤️, E-Global & Averia


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Dear friends!

The update dedicated to the First of April has already been released, you were able to familiarize yourself with it and, we hope, enjoy its changes, jokes and events.
There were many guesses about what was true and what was a joke, and most were able to solve our comic riddles.
In this Patch Note 🙃 we will remove everything that was fiction and leave only the changes introduced.
We also want to note that some of the described blocks, although they were introduced, are a definite spoiler for our subsequent updates 😉




image.png Statistics

  • PvP Amount: 3,529,395;
  • PK quantity: 335,131;
  • Characters: 133,241;
  • Clans: 809;
  • Alliance: 145;
  • Heroes: 168 (were heroes at least once).





image.png Important game events

image.png Dent, the Epic Boss for Mid Company, and the location he inhabits is uncharted territory for Big War players. In turn, such an open world Epic Boss like image.png Beleth does not often welcome players from Mid Company.
As part of the April Fool's Joke, we gave access to image.png Dent to Big War players, and Mid Company, at this time, will visit image.png Beleth.
The drops of the corresponding unique items have been swapped, i.e. This change is purely visual in nature of the battle location.


  • Monday, April 1:
    • image.png Technical work to install the update - 8:00 (Estimated time 90 minutes);
    • image.png Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:00, once every 5 days;
      • Note! Dent appears in the world on MONDAY!
    • image.png Beleth - 20:45 ~ 21:00, every Monday;
    • image.png Frintezza - 21:15 ~ 21:30, every Monday.
  • Tuesday, April 2:
    • etc_fire_crystal_i00.pngSeed of Destruction (collection of 150+ Attribute) - Every Tuesday from 19:30 to 21:30.
  • Wednesday, April 3:
    • image.png Valakas - 21:00, through Wednesday, alternately with  image.png Antharas.
  • Thursday, April 4:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The first day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • image.png Baium - 21:00 ~ 21:15, every Thursday;
  • Friday, April 5:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The second day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • etc_fire_crystal_i00.pngSeed of Destruction (collection of 150+ Attribute) - Every Friday from 19:30 to 21:30;


  • Saturday, April 6:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The third day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;
    • image.png Dent - 20:30 ~ 21:00;
      • Note! Bane image.png also drops bm_elmoaden_token.png Dent's Coins, just like image.png Dent.    
  • Sunday, April 7:
    • accessory_hero_cap_i00.png The final day of the Grand Olympiad - from 18:30 to 23:10;




  • Current server rates;
  • Weekend rates;
  • Access to Adventurers Guide functionality has been revised;
  • Current character development by level.

Rates - the server is developing, and we keep up with the times. MasterWork is a place where they carefully approach step-by-step ratings, starting the game becomes easier and easier, and you can overcome the entry threshold in a few days, just don’t go too fast😉.

Rates will be installed on the server at 18:00 server time without restart!
Note! Starting with this update (according to the concept), season updates, including Rates, will be released once every three weeks (instead of twice a week, as was previously the case).

This is due to the fact that starting from this stage the concept increases in breadth, giving access to various content, such as: equipment improvements, jewelry improvements, enchanting skills, installing attribute stones, and so on.


Current Rates from March 18, 18:00 to April 8, 17:59:

  • Simplified development up to level 81:
    • 1-70 - experience gain does not change compared to the previous stage;
    • 70-75 - experience gain increased;
    • 76-80 - experience increased significantly.
  • Main game 81 - 83 (EXP x1).
Level EXP from monsters EXP from RB
1-30 x7.00 x5.00
30-40 x7.00 -> x6.00 x5.00
40-50 x6.00 -> x5.00 x5.00 -> x4.50
50-60 x5.00 -> x4.00 x4.50 -> x4.00
60-70 x4.00 -> x3.00 x4.00 -> x3.50 
70 x3.00 x3.50 -> x3.00 
71 x2.90 (+1.75%) x3.00 
72 x2.80 (+5.66%) x3.00 
73 x2.70 (+8.00%) x3.00 
74 x2.60 (+13.04%) x3.00  
75 x2.50 (+16.27%) x3.00 
76 x2.40 (+20.00%) x3.00 
77 x2.30 (+24.32%) x3.00 
78 x2.20 (+29.41%) x3.00 
79 x2.00 (+33.33%) x3.00 
80 x1.50 (+50.00%) x3.00 
81 x1.00 (+0.00%) x2.50 
82 x1.00 (+1000.00%) x2.00 
83-85 x0.10 x0.20 


  • The SP rate from Raid Bosses (including from Bosses in Instances) is x2 of the experience rate and does not fall lower than x4.00;
  • The SP rate from Monsters is slightly higher than the experience rate up to level 80 inclusive, and does not fall below x1.00, even at 82+;
  • exp_book_s.pngpanel_2.pngThe experience gained from books has been commensurately increased.


image.png Weekend rates:

+50% EXP, +100% SP from Monsters, activated from 00:00 Saturday to 00:00 Monday:

Level Experience SP
1-30 x10.50 x14.00
30-40 х10.50 -> x9.00 x14.00 -> x12.00
40-50 x9.00 -> x7.50 x12.00 -> x10.00
50-60 x7.50 -> x6.00 x10.00 -> x8.00
60-70 x6.00 -> x4.50 x8.00 -> x6.00
70 x4.50 x7.00
71 x4.35 x6.90
72 x4.20 x6.80
73 x4.05 x6.70
74 x3.90 x6.60
75 x3.75 x6.50
76 x3.60 x6.40
77 x3.45 x6.30
78 x3.30 x6.20
79 x3.00 x6.10
80 x2.25 x6.00
81 x1.50 x5.00
82 x1.50 x4.00
83-85 x0.15 x4.00

More details about how rates work, using the example of x6.00->x5.00:

Hidden text

 lvl_40 = 6.00
  lvl_41 = 5.90
  lvl_42 = 5.80
  lvl_43 = 5.70
  lvl_44 = 5.60
  lvl_45 = 5.50
  lvl_46 = 5.40
  lvl_47 = 5.30
  lvl_48 = 5.20
  lvl_49 = 5.10
  lvl_50 = 5.00


  • We remind you that:
    Hidden text

    Pet Experience:

    We remind you that:

    • 52 levels: Sub-class quest;
    • 68 levels:skill1536.png  Combo buffs;
    • 70 levels:skill1355.png  CoV / PoV (1 levels);
    • 70 levels:skill1323.png  Noblesse status;
    • 72 levels:
      • Quests for obtaining  etc_crystal_blue_i00.png Ice Crystal (Hot Springs);
      • Quests for obtaining  etc_stone_gray_i00.png Divine Stone of Wisdom (Varka / Ketra, 2nd level of alliance).
    • 76 levels: 3rd class transfer, access to the Grand Olympiad;
    • 79 levels:
      • Almost all classes gain the most important skills or skills gain a new level, reaching 100% of their effects.
        • We also remind you that books for learning basic skills are obtained from image.png Twins (instance zone). 
      • Studying the most important passive skills - “ protection_of_rune.png Protections”, which are available not only from Epic Bosses, but also from image.png Baylor.
        • In the future, the number of places where this item can be obtained will increase, according to the concept.
    • 80 levels:
      • Almost all classes acquire important skills - skill1421.png Fields;
      • Wills of the second levels;
      • Enchanting skills with a high chance.
    • All levels, starting from the 3rd class transfer: image.png Enchanting Skills.
      • We want to emphasize that this is one of the most important elements of the game and the development of your character! We strongly recommend that you actively and confidently improve and enchantyour skills, starting with the basic ones, but not limited to them!
      • Table of chances of enchanting a skill, according to level:
        Hidden text






        • 2nd class skills:
          • +1..3 = 76 skill level;
          • +4..8 = 77 skill level;
          • +7..9 = 78 skill level;
          • +10..12 = 79 skill level;
          • +13..15 = 80 skill level;
          • +16..18 = 81 skill level;
          • +19..21 = 82 skill level;
          • +22..24 = 83 skill level;
          • +25..27 = 84 skill level;
          • +28..30 = 85 skill level.
        • 3rd class transfer skills:
          • +1..3 = 81 skill level;
          • +4..8 = 82 skill level;
          • +7..9 = 83 skill level;
          • +10..12 = 84 skill level;
          • +13..15 = 85 skill level.

    Pets receive an independent portion of experience from the owner's level. The final experience numbers are calculated based on the pet's level. That is, this still remains 5% of the owner’s experience, but the specific figure depends on the pet’s level. If a character is 81+ with an incoming experience rate of x0.10, has an 80th pet and receives 1000 experience from a mob, 5% of this experience goes to the pet, for him it will be 500 experience, since the pet has a rate of x1.



  • etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Manager Adventurers' Guide - access to functionality and the functionality itself have been significantly changed:
    • Without a club card:
      • The buff is available up to level 76 (for all characters 1-75), the list of possible buffs is supplemented by six rhythms with 50% of their effectiveness:
        • body_32.pngRhythm of Body;
        • rage_32.pngRhythm of Rage;
        • defence_32.pngRhythm of Defence;
        • power_32.pngRhythm of Power;
        • critical_32.pngRhythm of Critical;
        • benefit_32.pngRhythm of Benefit.
      • Club teleports are available up to level 76 (for all characters 1-75).
    • If you have a club card, you have access to:
      • Combo buffs and effects of maximum skill levels at any character level, the list of possible buffs is supplemented by nine rhythms with 50% of their effectiveness:
        • body_32.pngRhythm of Body;
        • rage_32.pngRhythm of Rage;
        • defence_32.pngRhythm of Defence;
        • power_32.pngRhythm of Power;
        • critical_32.pngRhythm of Critical;
        • benefit_32.pngRhythm of Benefit;
        • dominance_32.pngRhythm of Dominance;
        • clarity_32.pngRhythm of Clarity;
        • reflect_32.pngRhythm of Reflection.
      • Receiving a buff and access to teleports at any level.
    • Added club teleports to popular places and Instance Zones, which are also available without a club card up to level 76:
      We are trying in every possible way to facilitate the development of novice players and those who made a mistake with their choice and decided to pump out a new character. Now, up to level 76, you can enjoy all the delights  of the Adventurers' Guide  without having a club card. And in the future, a club card is the best investment in terms of price/utility ratio; over time, the list of teleports will be expanded.
    • Buff Profiles:
      • The profile size has been increased, now you can add up to 25 buffs;
      • Allowed to add Half Rhythms to your profile.



  • More Epic to God of Epic!

An event during which from 01.04 to 08.04 special items will drop from monsters in all locations:

  • accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.pngEarring of Antharas;
  • accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00.pngNecklace of Valakas;
  • accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.pngRing of Baium;
  • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.pngZaken's Earring;
  • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.pngRing of Queen Ant;
  • accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.pngEarring of Orfen;
  • accessory_ring_of_core_i00.pngRing of Core;
  • accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.pngFrintezza's Necklace;
  • beleth_ring.pngBeleth's Ring;
  • accessary_queen_of_ice_necklace_i00.pngFreya Necklace.

These items, as you may have already guessed or tried, are not Epic Jewelry.
These are unique elixirs, using which you will receive a buff with the following bonuses:

  • Для accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.pngZaken's Earring, accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.pngRing of Queen Ant, accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.pngEarring of Orfen, accessory_ring_of_core_i00.pngRing of Core, accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.pngFrintezza's Necklace, accessary_queen_of_ice_necklace_i00.pngFreya Necklace.  
    • Action time: 1 hour;
    • Buff slot: does not occupy;
    • Does not fall off upon death;
    • EXP/SP +25%;
    • PvE Dmg +10%;
    • MP Consumption -10%.
  • Для accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.pngEarring of Antharas, accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00.pngNecklace of Valakas, accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.pngRing of Baium, beleth_ring.pngBeleth's Ring
    • Action time: 1 hour;
    • Buff slot: does not occupy;
    • Does not fall off upon death;
    • EXP/SP +35%;
    • PvE Dmg +15%;
    • MP Consumption -15%.

Please note that these items will automatically disappear from your inventories with the morning restart of 04/08, so you should not accumulate them.


  • New axes;
  • Sharp and dangerous.

An event that may be familiar to players of Season 2 of MasterWork.
These Twin Axes are a good alternative to the existing ones, they look great and will take their place in the server economy. However, getting them is not as easy as it might seem 😉
weapon_shadow_ench_wp.png Scrolls drop until 15.04. 

  • After the restart, a new weapon will appear in the game: weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Twin Clown Axes (Broken), which can be improved by enchantingup to + 30. 
  • Every player who upgrades their weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Dual Clown Axes to +30 will be able to obtain a full-fledged version of this weapon. It can be improved using the usual method: inserting Attribute etc_fire_stone_i00.png Stones and Crystals, Soul Crystal (level 16), Life Stones.     
    • To improve weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png the Clown's Twin Axes, you will need special weapon_shadow_ench_wp.png Scrolls, which can be knocked out from monsters of 40+ levels, and also purchased from a special NPC Money Changer for etc_adena_i00.png  Adena. It is with the help of this item that you can improve  weapon_tauti_dual_axe_i01.png Twin Axes;       
    • weapon_shadow_ench_wp.png Scrolls  will drop and be sold until April 14th, inclusive.  
  • Dual Axes work as both blunt weapons and dual swords at the same time.
    • All skills that reduced or increased resistance to blunt weapons reduce or increase protection from dual axes.
    • All skills that gave an increase to blunt weapons also give an increase to dual axes, including all passive ones.
      • skill0430.png The Master of Combat skill, when modified, gives an increase when choosing a branch for dual swords.  
    • All skills that could be used with blunt weapons and dual swords can be used with dual axes.
    • Dual axes deal damage twice per attack, like dual swords.



  • New and improved Agathions

An event that will last until 04/08.
We are closely following your discussions and comments and we know that some players are waiting for such a change on a permanent basis, while others do not like it.
As part of the Event on April 1st, we decided to introduce it as a joke, where the discussion of such a change will move from a theoretical plane to a practical one. As always, we will be closely monitoring your feedback.

Tired of playing in windows? Is it difficult to find a motivated top ten who would play for a long time and help your group? We have a solution!
Now NPC Butler, in the Agathions section, will have 2 new agathions with personal buffs available:

  • Item:  image.png Autoloot Agathion - Feline Queen;
  • Item validity period: 3 days;
  • Active effect of the item:
    • skill1331.pngPersonal Blessing of Queen (Increases Critical Damage amount Rate by 30% and Power by 25%);
    • skill11846.pngPersonal Gift of Queen (Increases P. Atk. by 10% and Accuracy by 3).
  • Cannot be used at the Grand Olympiad;
  • Active skill duration: 5 minutes;
  • Active skill cooldown time: 10 seconds;
  • Passive effect from the item: Autoloot;
  • Price: 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin .
  • Item:  image.png Autoloot Agathion - Seraphim;
  • Item validity period: 3 days;
  • Active effect of the item:
    • skill1332.pngPersonal Blessing of Seraphim (MP regeneration bonus temporarily increased by 35%);
    • skill11372.pngPersonal Gift of Seraphim (Reduces magic skill recovery time by 35%).
  • Cannot be used at the Grand Olympiad;
  • Active skill duration: 5 minutes;
  • Active skill cooldown time: 10 seconds;
  • Passive effect from the item: Autoloot;
  • Price: 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.





image.png PS: Some additional information: 

  • On April 8th, a new update "Seed of Anihilation" awaits you: 
    • image.png From 18:00 April 8th to 18:00 April 25th development up to level 85 inclusive:
      • Development has been simplified from levels 1 to 82;
      • Main game: Exp x1 from level 82 to 85.
    • armor_t95_u_i03.png Vorpal equipment:
      • Mining of Rare items is available;
      • Attack or Defense upgrade available.
    • image.png New Frintezza instance;
    • Locations update:
      • Lair of Antharas - introduction of "Kariks" with our author's modifications (similar to MW3);
      • Seed of Annihilation - entering a location with our modifications (similar to MW3).
    • Adding to the passage of parts 8-12 of the Seven Signs quest:
      • Even more easy experience and SP;
      • Opportunity to collect 12  accessory_heaven_talisman.png Shard of Majesty  and receive personal Epic jewelry.
    • Improved rewards for completing Missions for completing current instances.
  • From April 29th:
    • Input of Eternal content;
    • And something else interesting...
  • ???:
    • Merging with Masterwork Eternal;
      • One of the fundamental concepts of the MasterWork project is the subsequent merger of the seasonal server with the eternal Eternal server. In any case, the merger of these servers will take place.
        However, this point was an April Fool's joke, like many things in the previous Patch Note. We have not intended and will not take any action that degrades your gaming experience. 😉







You will need to use our image.png Updater  to ensure that the update is displayed correctly.  We highly recommend that you use the  Fast Check feature as we regularly release various minor and major updates. 



with ❤️, E-Global & Averia


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