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Все публикации пользователя Papanda

  1. Где вы прочитали, что "народ не тот"? :) Я регулярно пишу, и еще раз напишу: мы НЕВЕРОЯТНО благодарны вам за то, что вы просто есть. За ваши отзыва, горение (к сожалению мы не идеальны и понимаем, что, от части, это наша вина), за небезразличие, за поддержку, за доверие. Это бесценное. Если бы не вы - мы бы не могли заниматься любимым делом. Поверьте, это дорогого стоит. И именно по этому мы прислуживаемся к вашим комментариям. По поводу "поконструктивней" - ну так а где я не прав? :) Действительно, если бы было меньше гари и больше конструктива - тема бы шла немного в другом ключе. Я очень надеюсь, что вы не думаете, что если вы не добавите "кринж, пиздец, доколе, блядь" - мы будем игнорировать сообщения. Как я и сказал выше - ваше небезразличие и доверие и сделало возможным MasterWork. Мы лишь запаковали это в код.
  2. Расширить локации можно и другим образом. Например возьмем MoS. Мы такие берем и... Надстраиваем еще 4 этажа. Профит! На самом деле можно: Добавлять споты на существующих Менять тирейн (убирая горы) и добавлять новые споты Уменьшать время спавна монстров Создавать новые подземные локации (что не будет влиять на существующие, так как они под землей). Вариантов действительно много и мы ими пользуемся и продолжим работать в этом направлении. Но есть проблемы, которые при большом глобальном онлайне нам не только сложно решить, но, иногда, и предусмотреть. Приведу пример: На прошлом сезоне сервер (где-то через месяц-два) начал падать без явных причин. Сколько жопной боли было у вас и у нас... Оказалось, что есть физическое ограничение на сервере в количестве предметов, которые могут быть в игре (у игроков). Как об этом можно было узнать, только если не уперевшись в этот лимит? Никак, к сожалению. В результате мы отреверсили большую часть кода и решили эту проблему. Но сколько таких лимитов-потолков может еще быть? Мы не хотим рисковать вашими жопами нервами и восприятием игры, чтобы это проверить. PS: по традиции пишу, что решение НЕ ПРИНЯТО и я отвечаю так, только для того, чтобы показать другую сторону.
  3. Это один из важных вопросов, которые также требуют разбора перед принятием решения. Я полностью согласен. Отсылка к рекламе - топ, орнул немного :) По поводу героев - миграция может быть доступна только в дни межсезонья, т.е. когда уже нет героев, но олимп не начался. Это как один из вариантов. По поводу примера с эпиком и переносом - тут тоже есть много вариантов (ограничить количество вещей на перенос и так далее, но я подчеркну: это мы гипотетически рассуждаем). В целом весь пример считаю нерелевантным, так как у игроков уровня Сармата эпик будет на любом из серверов 😄 В целом все подобные вещи - вопросы, с которыми нам нужно разобраться ДО принятия решения. Мы действительно не на пох*й подходим к этой задаче. Данную задачу было поставлено мною еще 2 года назад. Возможно даже смогу найти скрин, но обещать не буду, так как много времени утекло. Однако ответ прост: технически, на данный момент, это невозможно реализовать. По этому "увы". PS: речь идет о полноценных кластерах (слоях), а не примере с "соседних" проектах. Сделать "инст-ДВ" - можно, но нагрузка на сервер от этого меньше не станет. А расширить споты можно более элегантными решениями, что мы и продолжим делать :) Как было в основной теме написано - даже одно окно не решает проблему нагрузки, увы. Повторюсь: пока мы рассматриваем этот вариант, как тот, что может решить ряд проблем\задач. Но спасибо за доверие. Без иронии. Нам бы вашу уверенности, тогда все было бы легче. Отвечал уже выше. Победить лаги полностью можно только на пустом сервере. Разделение на 2 сервера + проделанная работа даст нам и вам возможность получить лучше результат глобально. По поводу кластеров (слоев) ответил в этом сообщении выше. Пока, к сожалению, это невозможно. В будущем - мы стремимся к этому. Там не слои. Они слои только для вашего восприятия. По факту они обрабатываются одним сервером. Таким образом вопрос нагрузки никуда не девается. Вов и его кластеры - это, по сути, автоматическая миграция персонажа между серверами с единой базой данных. Этого мы, пока что, не можем, но как и написал выше, стремимся к этому. Спасибо за доверие. Безусловно при принятии такого решения - мы распишем все правила. Они необходимы как игрокам, так и администрации (включая и техническую реализацию). Вопрос таймингов - открыт. Мы создаем скелет событий и от него будем отталкиваться, но также будем смотреть и по обстоятельствам. Спасибо за ваши комментарии, за то, что вы делитесь опасениями. Если бы убрать еще скептицизм - вообще было бы очень конструктивно, однако мы, за столько лет, научились отделять идеи\предложения от "мамку админа в кино водил". Еще раз подчеркну! Решение НЕ БЫЛО ПРИНЯТО. Мы рассматриваем варианты, возможности, слушаем выше отзывы и далее будем сопоставлять все это. В любом случае вы напрямую влияете на это решение.
  4. Совершенно нет. Я подробнее написал в посте выше, однако еще раз хочу заверить: решение НЕ принято. В принятии этого решения мы полагаемся как на технические аспекты, так и на ваше восприятие. Было бы нам все равно или если бы решение было уже принято - этой теме не было бы. Подход "нате, хавайте" - это не про нас.
  5. На самом деле - вариантов очень много. Если говорить в теории, то имеем следующие возможности: PvP турниры; GvG турниры; Кросс-Серверный Олимп; Кросс-Серверные Осады; Различные ивенты и состязания; Локация в разломе измерений (лока для PvP+фарма на 2 сервера). Я подчеркну (и подчеркнул). Не все (а возможно и ничего из вышеперечисленного) будет использоваться. Мы говорим лишь о том, что дает возможность использования 2-х серверов. Также мы открыты к предложениям: если у вас есть интересные идеи или референсы на существующие кросс-серверные события - поделитесь ими. Мы обязательно их рассмотрим и, возможно, используем.
  6. По теме в целом. Основной посыл данной темы - показать, что мы понимаем и разделяем ваши страхи и опасения касаемо 2-х серверов. Для нас это тоже сложная и не очевидная задача (не очевидная в том смысле, что есть много подводных камней, которые мы разбираем и пытаемся решить). Поэтому мы поделились своими мыслями и продолжим работать в сторону устранения острых углов. Если у нас это получится и вы сами сможете это подтвердить - тогда мы воспользуемся данной возможностью и откроем 2 сервера. Если по каким-либо причинам мы поймем, что, к сожалению, не можем справиться с масштабами задачи и это подвергает риску проект в целом - мы откажемся от нее и запустим один сервер, можете быть в этом уверены. По поводу лагов. Стоит разделять 2 типа нагрузок: локальные (на одной локации) и глобальные (на сервер в целом). 2 сервера позволят решить проблему глобальных нагрузок, что обеспечит его более стабильную работу, уменьшит количество глобальных лагов и дропов. Что касается лагов в замесе - да, действительно. Большое количество людей в одной локации (900-1200) - это все также проблема и определенных лагов не избежать. Однако мы работаем над этим каждый сервер. "Но меня все также лагает", скажете вы. Действительно, лаги есть, но если бы мы не работали над улучшением этого момента, а количество игроков возрастало каждый сервер (как это было с каждым сезоном), то велик шанс, что FPS ушел бы в минус и вы смогли бы заглянуть в завтрашний день (а, как известно, мало кто может это делать 🤪). 2 сервера - это не блажь умалишенных. Это реальная вынужденная альтернатива, которую мы рассматриваем только с целью улучшения вашего восприятия игры. Спасибо за вашу небезразличность и доверие!
  7. Забираю свои слова адресованные Сармату назад. Ты токсик! 😁
  8. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья! Большая половина лета уже позади. На дворе Август и, как принято шутить на эту тему: "Больше половины лета уже про..теряна" (Гусары! молчать!) Для нас же ситуация совсем иная, - две трети лета были счастливо проработаны! И результат этой работы не заставил себя ждать. С гордостью и со всем уважением к вам, мы готовы представить очередное обновление для сервера MasterWork Eternal! (Оно же и для Нового Сезона в Октябре!.. упс.. спойлер на 27-е число.. ) Мировой Босс Фрея Немного лора для любителей историй! Общая информация: Доступ по уровню не ограничен; Может войти неограниченное количество людей; Вход в зону Эпического Босса для каждого игрока индивидуален; После первого захода в Зону Эпического Босса, у игроков есть 20 минут до начала боя. По истечении 20 минут заход невозможен; Респаун один раз в 7 дней, во Вторник 21:00 - 21:30 Краткий гайд: Наше увлекательное путешествие начинается в землях Шутгарта, поэтому сначала топаем в этот город, а следом телепортируемся в Ice Merchant Cabin. По прилету в локацию нас будут ждать столь привычные за много лет три коридора: один ведет к зловещим мобам Ледяного Лабиринта, второй - к замку Ледяной Королевы, а третий как раз в нужное нам место. Как найти правильный ориентир и не промахнуться? Легко! Напротив него стоят Ледяные Статуи, которые как бы намекают о возможном будущем случайных путников, ненароком забредших туда, куда не следует. Не в наших интересах отступать назад, поэтому продвигаемся вперед - по коридору со статуями. Дорога сложная, извилистая, но прямая. Так что постарайтесь не потеряться в двух стенах. Ну, и желательно не поскользнитесь на льду, в противном случае биш будет ругаться. В конце пути расположена большая площадь, загадочная статуя и... палатка с костром. Да, если вы видите именно такой пейзаж - вы успешно добрались! Если вы пришли раньше времени респа, то стоит расположиться удобнее, зажарить шашлычок повоевать с варами за место во льдах и ждать Кегора и Джинию, ведь именно их появление будет сулить респаун эпического босса. Разговаривать с ними не обязательно, можно просто проигнорировать. Спустя 5 минут времени после появления этих двоих, на шум снаружи отзовется Капитан Стражи Клакиес. Не щадя забиваем бедолагу насмерть и только после этого появится Портал, позволяющий ворваться во владения Королевы Фреи. Портал-приглашение расположится прямо перед статуей. Не мешкаем, бежим к Порталу. Каждый самостоятельно (нет, лидер Командного Канала и пати лидер вас за собой не утащат, вы тяжелые) тыркается в него и попадает в помещение без окон и дверей. Но здесь приключения не заканчиваются! В течение 20 минут то и дело придется отбиваться от варов уже внутри Замка, отправлять их в город или же регрупаться в нем своим кланом, бежать обратно к Порталу и выбивать варов по новой. Да, на мессилово вам дано ровно 20 минут. Кто останется внутри - того и тапки. Основных отличий от обычной Фреи не будет, тактика все та же: 1-я стадия: появилась Фрея, колотим по максимуму. 2-я стадия: Клакиес вновь почтил нас своим присутствием и мы его снова убиваем. 3-я стадия: появляется снова Фрея, добиваем и радуемся жизни. Умения Эпического Босса частично идентичны стандартной инстанс Фрее. Исключение - заморозка, ее больше не будет. Замораживать вас будут только Ледяные Глыбы. Вместо оков льда, дама с холодным сердцем теперь окутывает игроков сильным замедлением (до 70%). Этот дебаф можно или склинсить, или подойти к кострам внутри логова чтобы "согреться". Дроп: 1 шт. Blessed Freya Necklace: 100%Resistance to Water +15, resistance to Bleed+25%, Resistance to Paralysis/Shock/Sleep +20%, magic skill reuse delay -5%. Reflect 4% short-range attack damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to mental attack +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, magic MP consumption -5%. 1 шт. Bottle of Freya's Soul: 100% 1 шт. Ice Queen's Tiara: 100% 1 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune: 100% 1-2 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental: 100%Forgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Elemental. Can be acquired by level 79. 1-2 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment: 100% 2 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will: 100%Forgotten Scroll to learn the Magician's Scroll Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. 2 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will: 100% 2 шт. Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will: 100%Forgotten Scroll to learn the Archer's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. 50-100 шт. Attributes Supplies: 100%Double-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. 25-50 шт. Enchanted MW Box: 100%Open the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. 10-25 шт. Eternal Enchant Supplies: 100%Double-click to obtain one of the random S-grade Enchant Scrolls 25-50 шт. Chest with Life Stone: 100%If used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 50% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Life Stone - 5% 5-10 шт. Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript): 100%Restores forgotten abilities. This book is a hand-written copy of the original. It is almost the same as the original version. (Can only be used by characters level 72 or higher.) 2-5 шт. MasterWork Crystal - A: 100% 3-6 шт. MasterWork Crystal - S: 100%Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of S-grade and Dynasty for a rare item. S-Grade: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Helmet, Upper Armor and Lower Armor piece, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 2 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 1 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. Dynasty: To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 4 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, and Boots, you need: 3 S-grade Spheres. To exchange Shields, Sigils, Accessory, you need: 2 S. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S-grade Spheres. 2-4 шт. MasterWork Crystal - S80: 100%Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Moirai for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S80-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S80-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S80-grade Spheres. 1-3 шт. MasterWork Crystal - S84: 100%Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Vesper for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S84-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S84-grade Sphere. To exchange Weapons, you need: 5 S84-grade Spheres. 1-2 шт. MasterWork Crystal - S85: 100%Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Verpes for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S85-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S85-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S85-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S85-grade Sphere. 1 шт. MasterWork Crystal - S86: 100%Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Elegia for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S86-grade Sphere. 1 шт. Сhest with Eternal Weapon: 15% 3-7 шт. Part of Lind Rider, Part of Witch Broom, Part of Princess Ant: 100% рандомно одна из перечисленных. Неопознанная Элегия: 25% Неопознанная Бижутерия Элегии: 80% Неопознанный Веспер, включая Бижутерию: 100% Неопознанный Дестино, включая Бижутерию: 100% Неопознанное Icarus S80 Оружие: 100% Неопознанное Vesper S84 Оружие: 100% Mid S84 Оружие: 100% Top S84 Оружие: 100%Double-click to obtain 1 random Eternal Weapon.Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of A-grade for a rare item. To exchange a Full Armor piece, you need: 4 A-grade Spheres. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres. To exchange other parts of the Armor, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange shield and aseccory, you need: 1 A-grade Sphere. To exchange Low/Mid weapon, you need: 2 A-grade Spheres. To exchange Top weapon, you need: 3 A-grade Spheres.Forgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Can be acquired by all classes from 55 level. Прокачка СА: 10 => 18: 100% Улучшение описания умений Мы продолжаем работу над улучшением описания умений. Это без преувеличения колоссальная по объему работа. На первый взгляд может показаться, что она не так важна как, например, ввод нового контента, будь то Эпический Босс или Инстанс, но поверьте нам - это важный технический процесс, призванный сделать игру более проработанной, удобной и информативной. Дьявол кроется в мелочах, а подобные мелочи создают атмосферу "законченности" и комфорта от продукта. Для нас на первом месте стоит комфорт Вашего времяпрепровождения. Чтобы вы меньше задавались вопросами о том, как работают умения, мы вывели детальную информацию: Items consumption - показывает информацию о том, какие предметы требуются для использования умения. Conditions - показывает условие использования умения. Например, использование возможно если HP ниже 30% или при зарядке силы указанного уровня. Magic level - показ магического уровня умения. Уровень умения влияет на шанс нанести урон, шанс успешного срабатывания умения/прохождения дебафа. Type - показывает тип умения. Например: Оглушение, Усыпление или Ментальная Атака. Casting Time - показ базового времени, в течение которого будет кастоваться умение. Reuse Time - показ базового времени до повторного использования умения. Если откат фиксированный, то это дополнительно указано в скобках. Duration - длительность действия баффа на персонаже или дебаффа на противнике. Target - указывает цель, на которую может быть использовано умение. Scope - показ информации о том, какие цели могут быть поражены умением. Например, только одиночная цель или цель вокруг себя. Equipment - показ требуемого экипированного снаряжения для использования умения. Отображение и отсутствие отображения АТТ - показ информации происходит в случае, если умение привязано к определенной стихии АТТ. Для лучшего понимания мы сравнили описание умений стандартных хроник High Five с MasterWork: Elegia Update Общие изменения: В игровой мир добавлены <RARE> Элегия сеты. Весь дроп Элегии изменен на Неопознанную Элегию. Неопознанную Элегию можно распознать в <RARE> с шансом 3% для сетов и 5% для бижутерии. Добавлена MasterWork Сфера для Элегии в дроп: Высший шанс дропа: Antharas, Valakas, Baium, Beleth, Dent, World Boss Freya. Средний шанс дропа: Anais, Themis, Epidos, Bein, Blessed Freya. Низкий шанс дропа: Frintezza, Freya, Trasken, Tiat, 3 РБ в СОА. Для превращения обычной Элегии в <RARE> у Пушкона в Гиране или в городе Аркан потребуется: Для Верха Брони: 4 шт. MasterWork Сфера - S86 (Элегия)Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Elegia for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S86-grade Sphere. Для Шлема и Низа Брони: 3 шт. MasterWork Сфера - S86 (Элегия) Для Перчаток, Ботинок, Щита и Сигиля: 2 шт. MasterWork Сфера - S86 (Элегия)Please refer to Blacksmith Pushkin in the Town of Giran to exchange a common item of Elegia for a rare item. To exchange an Upper Armor piece, you need: 4 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange a Helmet and Lower Armor, you need: 3 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Gloves, Boots, Shields, and Sigils, you need: 2 S86-grade Spheres. To exchange Accessory, you need: 1 S86-grade Sphere. Для Бижутерии: 1 шт. MasterWork Сфера - S86 (Элегия) Улучшение {PvP} в <RARE> верхах: Heavy: 16 700 Fame + 3 347 650 Adena Light/Robe: 12 500 Fame + 2 510 750 Adena Снятие {PvP} вставки бесплатно Бонусы <RARE> предметов: Heavy Предмет Бонус Elegia Helmet Макс. HP +210 Физ. Атк. +1.15% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +7 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +7.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +2.20% P. Crit. Rate +14 Max HP +420 Resistance Sleep +14.00% Resistance Hold +14.00% Resistance Bleed +14.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Макс. HP +420 Физ. Атк. +2.20% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +14 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +14.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia GaiterMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.45% P. Crit. Rate +9 Max HP +270 Resistance Sleep +6.75% Resistance Hold +6.75% Resistance Bleed +6.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Макс. HP +270 Физ. Атк. +1.45% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +9 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +9.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia GauntletMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.80% P. Crit. Rate +5 Max HP +150 Resistance Sleep +5.00% Resistance Hold +5.00% Resistance Bleed +5.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Макс. HP +150 Физ. Атк. +0.80% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +5 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +5.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.80% P. Crit. Rate +5 Max HP +150 Resistance Sleep +5.00% Resistance Hold +5.00% Resistance Bleed +5.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Макс. HP +150 Физ. Атк. +0.80% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +5 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +5.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia SigilMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +5. +5 ед. Блок. Магии Общие бонусы <RARE> сета (без щита) Макс. HP +1200 Физ. Атк. +6.40% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +40 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +40.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +30 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Light Предмет Бонус Elegia Leather HelmetMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.05% Atk. Spd. +0.98% P. Crit. Rate +7 Resistance Paralyze +5.25% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Физ. Атк. +1.05% Скор. Атк. +0.98% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +7 Сопротивление Параличу +5.25% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia Leather BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +2.10% Atk. Spd. +1.96% P. Crit. Rate +14 Resistance Paralyze +10.5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Физ. Атк. +2.10% Скор. Атк. +1.96% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +14 Сопротивление Параличу +10.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia Leather LeggingMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.35% Atk. Spd. +0.1.26% P. Crit. Rate +9 Resistance Paralyze +5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Физ. Атк. +1.35% Скор. Атк. +1.26% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +9 Сопротивление Параличу +6.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia Leather GlovesMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.75% Atk. Spd. +0.70% P. Crit. Rate +5 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Физ. Атк. +0.75% Скор. Атк. +0.70% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +5 Сопротивление Параличу +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia Leather BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.75% Atk. Spd. +0.70% P. Crit. Rate +5 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Физ. Атк. +0.75% Скор. Атк. +0.70% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +5 Сопротивление Параличу +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Общие бонусы <RARE> сета Физ. Атк. +6.00% Скор. Атк. +5.60% Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +40 Сопротивление Параличу +30.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +30 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Robe Предмет Бонус Elegia Circlet Маг. Атк. +1.75% Реген. MP +3.50% Сопротивление Оглушению +5.25% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia TunicMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +3.50% Cast. Spd. +2.50% MP Regeneration Bonus +7.00% Resistance Stun +10.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Маг. Атк. +3.50% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Реген. MP +7.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +10.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia StockingsMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +2.25% MP Regeneration Bonus +4.50% Resistance Stun +6.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Маг. Атк. +2.25% Реген. MP +4.50% Сопротивление Оглушению +6.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia GlovesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.25% MP Regeneration Bonus +2.50% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Маг. Атк. +1.25% Реген. MP +2.50% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia ShoesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.25% MP Regeneration Bonus +2.50% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +6 PvP Defense +1%. Маг. Атк. +1.25% Реген. MP +2.50% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +6 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Elegia ShieldMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +5. +5 ед. Блок. Магии Общие бонусы <RARE> сета (без сигиля) Маг. Атк. +10.00% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Реген. MP +20.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +30.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +30 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Бижутерия Предмет Бонус Elegia Necklace Masterwork Item. Max MP +50 Resistance Paralyze +20% Resistance Sleep +20% Resistance from Holy +15 Resistance from Unholy +15 Resistance from Water +15 Resistance from Fire +15 Resistance from Wind +15 Resistance from Earth +15. Макс. MP +40 Сопротивление Параличу +20.00% Сопротивление Усыплению +20.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +15 Elegia EarringMasterwork Item. Resistance Stun +20% Resistance Mental attacks +20%. Сопротивление Оглушению +20.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +20.00% Elegia Ring Masterwork Item. Resistance Hold +20% P. Crit. Damage +12%. Сила Физ. Крит. +12.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +20.00% Изменения умений: Enuma Elish (Doombringer) Добавлена привязка к АТТ святости +20 единиц. Surrender To FireEnemy's Resistance to Fire -30. (Sorcerer) Добавлена привязка к АТТ огня +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Surrender To WaterEnemy's Resistance to Water -30. (Spellsinger) Добавлена привязка к АТТ воды +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Surrender To WindEnemy's Resistance to Wind -30. (Spellhowler, Sorcerer) Добавлена привязка к АТТ ветра +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Surrender To EarthEnemy's Resistance to Earth -30. (Terramancer, Spellsinger) Добавлена привязка к АТТ земли +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Surrender to the Divine (Bishop, Prophet, Shillien Elder, Elven Elder) Добавлена привязка к АТТ святости +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии.Enemy's Resistance to Holy -30. Surrender to DarkEnemy's Resistance to Dark -30. (Trooper, Warder) Добавлена привязка к АТТ тьмы +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Mass Surrender to FireAffects enemies near the servitor. Enemy's Resistance to Fire -20. (Warlock) Добавлена привязка к АТТ огня +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Mass Surrender to WaterAffects enemies near the servitor. Enemy's Resistance to Water -20. (Elemental Summoner) Добавлена привязка к АТТ воды +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Mass Surrender to WindAffects enemies near the servitor. Enemy's Resistance to Wind -20. (Phantom Summoner) Добавлена привязка к АТТ ветра +20 единиц, что увеличивает шанс прохождения. Теперь умение не увеличивает защиту от АТТ противоположной стихии. Frenzy (Destroyer) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой эффект, работающий при 30% HP, работал на 60% HP. Эпические и Обычные Боссы Дроп с эпических боссов: Доработана механика поднятия дропа: Для стандартных рейдовых и эпических боссов - дроп поднимает группа лидера того Командного Канала, который нанес наибольший урон. Для инстантовых рейдовых и эпических боссов - дроп поднимает группа, которая нанесла наибольший урон, вне зависимости от наличия Командного Канала. Нельзя захватить приоритет подъема дропа по Командному Каналу путем первого удара. Расчет приоритета подъема дропа идет сравнением суммарного урона групп в Командном Канале / отдельных групп без Командного Канала. Саб и нобл боссы: Изменен уровень боссов до 80 и скорректированы статы согласно их уровню. Время жизни сундуков увеличено с 5 минут до 30 минут. Разное NPC Фонтан «Исполнитель желаний» останется в игре до 11.08.2023 23:59. Неиспользованные баночки баффа будут удалены предварительно через 7 дней после исчезновения фонтана. Ивент монеты, которые игроки не обменяют, останутся на руках. Купоны полученные за покупку Стартовых Наборов, ачивки или же иным путем, теперь можно будет удалить (актуально для сервера Eternal) В Новом Сезоне MW вы сможете удалить купоны "прошлого грейда", например если на Втором Этапе актуальный грейд (который выдается в наборе) - это C Grade, то вы сможете удалить все купоны ранга ниже (D-Grade). На Третьем Этапе, когда в наборе будут выдаваться B купоны, вы сможете удалить все предыдущие (D и C-Grade), и так далее. В люксоре города Гиран, Collectioner Pona может обменивать Eternal оружие с сохранением заточки и {PvP} вставки. Обмен физического оружия доступен только на физическое. Обмен магического оружия доступен только на магическое. Обмен физического оружия на магическое и наоборот, - недоступен. Стоимость обмена: Low Оружие 600 Master Coin + 100 000 000 Adena Top Оружие 900 Master Coin + 130 000 000 AdenaOfficial server's currency.10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Магазин Butler Значительно снижена стоимость на предметы: Proof of Loyalty - 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Proof of Loyalty х10 - 7 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Proof of Loyalty х50 - 25 Master Coin CRP scroll - 2 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. CRP scroll - 5 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Alliance Manifesto - 5 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Seal of Aspiration - 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Big White Fat Fish - 150 000 Adena Big White Nimble Fish - 150 000 Adena Reiria's Soul Orb - 3 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Barion's Infernium Scepter - 3 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Karte's Infernium Scepter - 3 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Verfa's Infernium Scepter - 3 Master Coin Ice Crystal - 1 Master Coin + 100 000 AdenaOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.Bizarre entity that constantly emits cold airOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Divine Stone of Wisdom - 2 Master Coin + 250 000 AdenaRock fragment emanating a mysterious energyA scepter made of infernium that was recovered from the Verfa. Take it to Maestro Reorin.A scepter made of infernium that was recovered from Karte. Take it to Maestro Reorin.A scepter made of infernium that was recovered from the demon Barion. Take it to Maestro Reorin.A sphere containing Reiria's Soul. Take it to Maestro Reorin.Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy.Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.A transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy.Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills. В продажу добавлено: Lunargent - 3 Master Coin + 250 000 Adena Изменена стоимость покупки третьей профессии с 35 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. до 5 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления.
  9. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Server merge Date: July 14 Time: 15:00 server time Duration: 3 hours (extension possible) Bonus Code: FATTY-ETERNAL-CODE Dear friends! This day came! We are merging MasterWork Season 3 and MasterWork Eternal servers ! As part of the server merge, we've done some work to help new players get started more easily, standardized rewards from different in-game events, we're introducing an Event, and much more. Read more about this in our Merge Patchnote. 🙃 Starting quest for new players and gifts for current ones A special chain of quests will help new players get into the thick of things faster, and old players - to upgrade their character if necessary. The quest is a chain in which your character will be led through locations, specify monsters for hunting and kill special Raid Bosses. Everything is prepared so that every player with any knowledge of game mechanics, both the base game and our server, can be trained and quickly raise the required level. Also, absolutely all players will receive a chest with useful items as a token of our gratitude! For all newly created characters, the inventory has been added: Premium Account for 7 days; Club Card for 7 days; Agathion Autoloot for 7 days; MW Summon Bracelet for 7 days; The set comes with the whole set of Talismans. Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-81 lvlpersonal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. - 5 items; Greater Healing PotionA magical, liquid medicine that greatly restores HP for 15 seconds. - 500 items; Greater CP PotionRestores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 500 items; CP PotionRestores CP by 50. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 500 items; Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsAncient characters which endow mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired Experience Points by 50% for 60 minutes. The remaining period decreases even during the log-off state. Personal Item. 1 hour - 10 items; Vitality Rune - for 7 daysThis personal Rune increases the Experience you get when killing monsters. Premium includes: Vitality can’t be reduced below 2-nd level and provide: +50% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. Without Premium: Vitality can’t be reduced below 1-st level and provide: +25% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. ——— Please note! This is a time-limited item with personal timer which starts it's count right after purchase. If you will purchase 2 or more item - they will not stack! ; Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 30 minutes. - 10 items; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 60 minutes. - 10 items; MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes - 5 items; Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. - 10 items; Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. - 10 items; Box with "My Teleport" ItemsPersonal wrapped pack containing: - 1 My Teleport Spellbook; - 3 My Teleport Flags; - 20 My Teleport Scrolls. ; MW Eternal Ring; Cloak of the Stranger; Coupon for a suit - 2 items; Accessory Exchange Coupon - 2 items ; MW Mounting BraceletPersonal Item. Can ride a gold maned Lion when equipped. timeless. All existing characters get (also don't forget to activate the Bonus-Code FATTY-ETERNAL-CODE , it also has a lot of nice things). Conditions: Character above level 40; The character entered the game in 2023 (regardless of the server). Reward: 1 Premium Account Coupon for 7 days 1 Box with Club Card for 7 days 1 Box with Marks of Giants & Titans for 30 days 1 Box with Vitality Rune for 7 days 5 Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-85 Lv. 500 Personal Greater CP Potion 1000 Personal Greater Healing Potion New Event Before we go directly to the mechanics of the Event, we want to talk about another nice innovation, namely... Summer Legendary Costume ! Summer Legendary Costume + Set of Summer Legendary Weapons , following the example of the previous ones, can be purchased in the Personal Account for 50 MA balance , and with a discount until August 1 - only 40 MA balance! This is the Cool Shark , which will add an indescribable charm to this creature. Be "crazy" or be a real predator - it's up to you. Shark reveals both of these sides 🤪 Appearance: We've also added new skins for Improved Pets (not wolves)! Visit NPC Rylai or NPC Harrina (located next to the Event Fountain) and choose a worthy pet 😉 Price - 15 Master CoinsOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank you for supporting our team and our products. Visual: Important information about the event: For the correct display of event items and gifts, you need to update the client through the updater. Event time: from 14 to 31 July. The "Wishmaster" NPC Fountain will remain in the game until 11.08.2023 23:59 at server time. Unused buff vials will be removed 7 days after the fountain disappears. Event coins that players do not exchange will remain in their possession. Briefly about what to do: We collect at least 120 event coins. from mobs of level 40+; We go to Arcan Ancient City; We hand over the coins to the Wishmaster fountain in the city center; We receive a gift and enjoy life. A bit of a long story about being careful what you wish for... 😉 How it all works From all level 40+ monsters, you can knock out Coin of Wishes . As soon as you collect 120 Coin of Wishes , go to the city of Arkan. It was there in the very center that the NPC Wishmaker Fountain was located . Each time you turn in 120 Coin of Wishes, the spirits of the Fountain will give you a bag with a random reward. Also, when the Coin of Wishes are handed over by the entire server, you will see the filling level of the Fountain level. As soon as the scale is filled to 100%, the level of the Fountain will increase. The total levels of the Fountain are Three Levels. Each level up of the Fountain will change its appearance, as well as allow you to get an improved buff and increase the chances of a better reward. Buffs to make life easier At each level of the Fountain, you will be able to get a buff for 2 hours , which will greatly simplify your task of killing mobs, as well as increase the experience gained: Fountain level 1 - Power of Desire: Bonus Exp & SP +15%; Drop chance of items & spoil +10%; Max. CP & MP +7%; Speed +2; Defense against all Attributes +5; PvE Damage +3%; MP Consumption -5%. Fountain Level 2 - Improved Wish Power: Bonus Exp & SP +25%; Item & Spoil Drop Chance +15%; Max. CP & MP +10%; Speed +3; Defense against all Attributes +7; PvE Damage +4%; MP Consumption -7%. Fountain Level 3 - Ultimate Desire Power: Bonus Exp & SP +50%; Item & Spoil Drop Chance +25%; Max. CP & MP +15%; Speed +5; Defense against all Attributes +10; PvE Damage +5%; MP Consumption -10%. The cost of the buff is 50 Coin of Wishes ; You can return to the Fountain and take the buff at any time during the entire event; If you do not want to constantly return to the city from a distant location, you can purchase a buff in the form of jars for Master Coin + Coin of Wishes / Adena and use it at any time convenient for you; The life of a jar in your inventory is 7 days , so do not rush to buy items in quantities that you will not have time to spend! Please note that as the level of the Fountain increases, the jars in your inventory will remain at the same level at which you bought them. List of awards The list of rewards does not change, but the chance of getting the best rewards from those listed increases with the level of the Fountain. Merging Servers General Character names and accounts: If you have two identical accounts, the account from the Eternal server will have the prefix c_ If you have two identical nicknames, the nickname from the Eternal server will be prefixed with c_ All players whose nicknames will have a prefix after the merger will be able to rename their character for free through the Personal Account in the Services section. (In order for all accounts and charms to be displayed after the merger, be sure to re-login to the personal account). Updater: Eternal server players need to remove the old Updater and install new Updater (Click) from the seasonal server and perform the Full Check function. In-game Market: The in-game Market will be unavailable for a week (which means that it may appear either tomorrow or in 7 days). It will be possible to return things from the Market or rearrange the goods only after the Market is turned on. Box limit: 3 + 3 with Premium Account. Attribute Stone Exchange: 5 Fire Stone + 1 Master Coin or 2.500.000 Adena (was 5 Master Coins); The Attribute Coin exchange cost has been reduced to 15,000 Adena (was 250,000). Soul Crystal in Luxury Shop: Purchase: 11th - 1.500.000 Adena; 12th - 2.300.000 Adena; 13th - 3.500.000 Adena; 14th - 1 Master Coin + 5.000.000 Adena; 15th - 5 Master Coins + 7.500.000 Adena; 16th - 15 Master Coins + 10.000.000 Adena; 17th - 30 Master Coins + 15.000.000 Adena; 18th - 50 Master Coin + 25.000.000 Adena. Color exchange: 11th - free; 12th - free; 13th - free; 14th - free; 15th - 1 Master Coin; 16th - 3 Master Coins; 17th - 5 Master Coins; 18th - 10 Master Coins. Gemstone A/S gr: Gemstone A - 30.000 Ancient Adena Money that is circulated only within the Lords of Dawn and Revolutionaries of Dusk. It is also used when trading with the Blacksmith of Mammon. or 90.000 Adena + Castle tax; Gemstone S - 100.000 Ancient Adena Money that is circulated only within the Lords of Dawn and Revolutionaries of Dusk. It is also used when trading with the Blacksmith of Mammon. or 300.000 Adena + Castle tax. Epic Bosses : Epic Bosses will drop Eternal weapons and Elegia equipment; Rewards (drop/experience) have been standardized. This means that neither the MW3 Season nor the Eternal server will be taken as a basis. We took into account the existing awards and created new ones based on them, which will best suit the current association. Bosses : Rewards (drop/experience) have been standardized. This means that neither the MW3 Season nor the Eternal server will be taken as a basis. We took into account the existing awards and created new ones based on them, which will best suit the current association. Instance Zone : The following changes have been made to the Core & Orfen Instance Zone: Core's Soul Fragment and Orfen's Soul Fragment can now be packed into ___ at the rate: 1 Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Can exchange. = 1 Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item. + Master Coin; 1 Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Can exchange. = 1 Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item. + Master Coin. From Core's Box and Orfen's Box (which you get when killing Bosses) are now Box with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul. Personal Item.Box with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul. Personal Item.Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank you for supporting our team and our products. Rewards (drop/experience) have been standardized. This means that neither the MW3 Season nor the Eternal server will be taken as a basis. We took into account the existing awards and created new ones based on them, which will best suit the current association. Drop\Spoil : Awards have been standardized. This means that neither the MW3 Season nor the Eternal server will be taken as a basis. We took into account the existing rewards and created new ones based on them, which will best suit the current association. Quests : Rewards (drop/experience) have been standardized. This means that neither the MW3 Season nor the Eternal server will be taken as a basis. We took into account the existing awards and created new ones based on them, which will best suit the current association. We didn't repeat it several times for nothing . We want to emphasize that everything will be "recognizable", but you should not expect (and complain to support) that everything will be as on one or another server. We put everything in order 😎 Cycle of 7 seals July 10-17 = Victory / Mammon; July 17-24 = Wrestling / Registration. Hero, Castles and Clan Halls General: All Heroes will be reset ; All Castles will lose their owners; All Clan Halls (captured and rented) will lose their owners. Information: The first Clan Hall Auction will take place on July 21st ; The first Clan Hold Sieges will take place on July 14 ; The first Castle Sieges will take place on July 16 ; The first Territory Wars will take place on July 29 ; The Grand Olympiad will begin on July 20 . Changes: Locks: Part of the Castles will be inaccessible for capture; Available Castless: Dion; Aden; Giran; Goddard; Rune; Orc Castle; Dwarven Castle; Human Castle; Dark Elven Castle. Now any Clan will be able to take part in the siege of any of the castles, regardless of whether they belong to the MidCompany system , which will be unavailable on the Eternal server (perhaps temporarily). Territory Wars: Castle flags that are not available for Siege will also participate in Territory Wars; Territory Wars have no restrictions on visiting territories for clans - Any clan can fight in any zone. Important limitation! If a clan owns the "old" Castle, it cannot own the Flag of the "new" Castle (which were previously available only to MidCompany ); If a clan owns the "new" Castle (which was previously only available to MidCompany ) - it cannot own the Flag of the "old" Castle. Great Olympiad: Now you can buy Vesper and Vorpal equipment for Olympiad Token . For this you need: The price depends on the place you took in your Class, namely: Olympiad Ranking: 1stCongratulations! You are an honorable hero of the Lineage 2 MasterWork server! As a reward for your flawless victory, you receive: - Max. HP, CP, MP +10% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 5% - 15% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: С'mon! Give other players a chance! place Olympiad Ranking: 2 / 3 placeYou have come a long way and stopped, literally, one step away from victory! Don't worry, next time you will definitely succeed! As a reward, you get: - Max. HP, CP, MP +7% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 5% - 10% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: Most likely your opponent was just get reloged. Everyone can win with relogs... ; Olympiad Ranking: 4-6 placeCongratulations! You are one of the best fighters on the server! By taking the honorable 4th-6th place, you sat a stage for the next breakthrough! - Max. HP, CP, MP +5% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 4% - 7% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: We hope there are names after yours in the list of applicants, otherwise... Yeah, it could not have been convenient... ; Olympiad Ranking: 7-10 placeCongratulations! You are in the top 10 of your class! Further - only up!As a reward, you get: - Max. HP, CP, MP +3% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 3% - 5% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: Well, the truth is, this is just a beginning of the way. You will succeed! . Note! An additional bonus of buying unidentified equipment Vesper and Vorpal is available for "prizing places". As a reminder, the chance to get Rare from unidentified equipment has been raised to 5%. Olympiad Ranking: 1st place - unidentified Vesper and Vorpal ; Olympiad Ranking: 2 / 3 place - unidentified Vesper and normal Vorpal . Epic Bosses Available Epic Bosses: Beleth - 21:00~21:30, on Mondays (starting from July 17); Dent (available to all) - from 20:30 ~ 21:00, on Tuesdays (starting from July 18); Antharas or Valakas (depending on the week) - on Wednesdays; Antharas - from 21:00 ~ 21:30, July 19; Valakas - at 21:00, July 26. Baium - 21:00 ~ 21:30, Thursday (July 20); Dent (available to all) - from 21:00-21:30, on Saturdays (July 22); World Freya - will be announced before the end of July, after the merger. Additionally Now using Soul / Spirit shots does not "knock" the character out of Hide. Pay attention #1! In order to enter the new merged, you will need to use the Full Check function in our Updater . Pay attention #2! Eternal server players need to remove the old Updater and install new Updater from the seasonal server, then follow step # 1 . With ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  10. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Объединение серверов Дата: 14 Июля Время: 15:00 по серверному времени Продолжительность: 3 часа (возможно продление) Bonus Code: FATTY-ETERNAL-CODE Дорогие друзья! Этот день настал! Мы объединяем сервера MasterWork 3-й Сезон и MasterWork Eternal! В рамках слияния серверов мы провели работу, которая поможет новым игрокам легче стартовать, стандартизировали награду с разных игровых событий, вводим Ивент и еще многое другое. Детальней об этом в нашем Мердж-Патчноуте 🙃 Стартовый квест для новых игроков и подарки нынешним Специальная цепочка квестов поможет новым игрокам быстрее попасть во всю гущу событий, а старым игрокам - перекачать своего персонажа при необходимости. Квест представляет из себя цепочку, в которой вашего персонажа будут вести по локациям, указывать монстров для охоты и убивать специальных Рейд Боссов. Все подготовлено для того, что бы каждый игрок с любым знанием игровых механик, как базовой игры, так и нашего сервера, смогли пройти обучение и быстро поднять необходимый уровень. Также абсолютно все игроки получат сундук с полезными предметами в знак нашей признательности! Для всех новосозданных персонажей в инвентарь было добавлено: Premium Account на 7 дней; Club Card на 7 дней; Агатион Автолута на 7 дней; MW Summon Bracelet на 7 дней; В комплекте идет весь набор Талисманов. Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-81 lvlPersonal item. When used, You get one of three Hats that restore your Vitality. For level 1-81 characters. - 5 шт; Greater Healing PotionA magical, liquid medicine that greatly restores HP for 15 seconds. - 500 шт; Greater CP PotionRestores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 500 шт; CP PotionRestores CP by 50. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 500 шт; Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsAncient characters which endow mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired Experience Points by 50% for 60 minutes. The remaining period decreases even during log-off state. Personal Item. 1 час - 10 штук; Vitality Rune - на 7 днейThis personal Rune increases the Experience you get when killing monsters. Premium includes: Vitality can’t be reduced below 2-nd level and provide: +50% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. Without Premium: Vitality can’t be reduced below 1-st level and provide: +25% bonus to Experience for killing mobs. ——— Please note! This is a time-limited item with personal timer which starts it's count right after purchase. If you will purchase 2 or more item - they will not stack!; Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 30 minutes. - 10 шт; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 60 minutes. - 10 шт; MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. - 5 шт; Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. - 10 шт; Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. - 10 шт; Box with "My Teleport" ItemsPersonal wrapped pack containing: - 1 My Teleport Spellbook; - 3 My Teleport Flags; - 20 My Teleport Scrolls.; MW Eternal Ring; Cloak of the Stranger; Купон на костюм - 2 шт; Accessory Exchange Coupon - 2 шт; MW Mounting BraceletPersonal Item. Can ride a gold maned Lion when equiped. вечный. Все существующие персонажи получают (также не забудьте активировать Bonus-Code FATTY-ETERNAL-CODE, в нем тоже много приятных вещей). Условия: Персонаж выше 40-го уровня; Персонаж заходил в игру в 2023 году (вне зависимости от сервера). Награда: 1 Premium Account Coupon на 7 дней 1 Box with Club Card на 7 дней 1 Box with Marks of Giants & Titans на 30 дней 1 Box with Vitality Rune на 7 дней 5 Lucky Four-leaf Clover 1-85 Lv. 500 Personal Greater CP Potion 1000 Personal Greater Healing Potion Новый Ивент Перед тем, как перейти непосредственно к механике Ивента, мы хотим рассказать о еще одном приятном нововведении, а именно... Летний Легендарный Костюм! Летний Легендарный Костюм + Набор Летнего Легендарного Оружия, по примеру предыдущих, можно приобрести в Личном Кабинете за 50 баланса МА, а со скидкой до 1 августа - всего 40 баланса МА! Это Крутая Акула, которая добавит непередаваемый шарм этого существа. Быть "crazy" или быть настоящим хищником - решать только вам. Акула раскрывает обе эти стороны 🤪 Внешний вид: Также мы добавили новые скины для Улучшенных Петов (не волков)! Посетите NPC Rylai или NPC Harrina (находится рядом с ивентовым Фонтаном) и выберите себе достойного питомца 😉 Цена - 15Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Визуал: Важная информация о ивенте: Для корректного отображения ивентовых предметов и подарков необходимо обновить клиент через апдейтер. Время проведения ивента: с 14 по 31 Июля. NPC Фонтан «Исполнитель желаний» останется в игре до 11.08.2023 23:59. Баночки баффа будут удалены через 7 дней после исчезания фонтана. Ивент монеты остаются на руках игроков. Кратко о том, что делать: Набиваем ивентовые монеты не менее, чем 120 шт. с мобов 40+ уровня; Идем в Arcan Ancient City; Сдаем монеты Фонтану в центре города; Получаем подарок и радуемся жизни. Немного длинной истории о том, что нужно быть осторожнее со своими желаниями... 😉 Как все работает Со всех монстров 40+ уровня можно выбить Монетка Желаний. Как только соберете 120 Монеток Желаний, отправляйтесь в город Аркан. Именно там в самом центре расположился NPC Фонтан «Исполнитель желаний». При каждой сдаче 120 Монеток Желаний, духи Фонтана будут одаривать вас мешочком с рандомной наградой. Также при сдаче Монеток Желаний всем сервером, вы будете видеть шкалу заполнения уровня Фонтана. Как только шкала заполнится на 100%, уровень Фонтана повысится. Всего уровней Фонтана - Три Уровня. Каждое повышение уровня Фонтана изменит его внешний вид, а также позволит вам получить улучшенный бафф и поднять шансы лучшей награды. Баффы, упрощающие жизнь На каждом уровне Фонтана вам будет доступна возможность получить бафф на 2 часа, который значительно упростит вам задачу по убийству мобов, а также увеличит получаемый опыт: 1 уровень Фонтана - Сила Желания: Бонус Exp & SP +15%; Шанс выпадения предметов & спойла +10%; Макс. CP & MP +7%; Скорость +2; Защита от всех Атрибутов +5; PvE Урон +3%; Расход MP -5%. 2 уровень Фонтана - Улучшенная Сила Желания: Бонус Exp & SP +25%; Шанс выпадения предметов & спойла +15%; Макс. CP & MP +10%; Скорость +3; Защита от всех Атрибутов +7; PvE Урон +4%; Расход MP -7%. 3 уровень Фонтана - Предельная Сила Желания: Бонус Exp & SP +50%; Шанс выпадения предметов & спойла +25%; Макс. CP & MP +15%; Скорость +5; Защита от всех Атрибутов +10; PvE Урон +5%; Расход MP -10%. Стоимость баффа - 50 Монеток Желаний; Возвращаться к Фонтану и брать бафф можно в любое время на протяжении всего ивента; Если у вас нет желания постоянно возвращаться в город из далекой локации, можно приобрести бафф в виде баночек за Master Coin + Монетки Желаний / Адены и юзать его в любое удобное для вас время; Время жизни банки в инвентаре — 7 дней, так что не спешите закупаться предметами в количестве, которое не успеете истратить! Обратите внимание на то, что с повышением уровня Фонтана банки в вашем инвентаре останутся того же уровня, на котором вы их покупали. Список наград Список наград не меняется, но шанс получения лучших наград из перечисленных увеличивается с уровнем Фонтана. Объединение Серверов Общее Имена и аккаунты персонажей: Если у вас два одинаковых аккаунта, аккаунт с сервера Eternal будет иметь префикс c_ Если у вас два одинаковых никнейма, никнейм с сервера Eternal будет иметь префикс c_ Все игроки, никнеймы которых будут иметь префикс после слияния - смогут бесплатно переименовать своего персонажа через Личный Кабинет в разделе Услуги. (Для того, чтобы после слияния все аккаунты и чары отобразились, обязательно перезайдите в ЛК). Updater: Игрокам сервера Eternal необходимо удалить старый Updater и поставить Updater с сезонного сервера и выполнить функцию Full Check. Внутриигровая биржа: Внутриигровая биржа будет недоступна на протяжении недели (это означает, что она может появиться как завтра, так и через 7 дней). Вернуть вещи с биржи или переставить товар можно будет только после включения биржи. Лимит окон: 3 + 3 с Премиум Аккаунтом. Обмен Камней Атрибута: 5 Fire Stone + 1 Master Coin либо 2.500.000 Adena (было 5 Master Coin); Стоимость обмена Attribute Coin была снижена до 15.000 Adena (было 250.000). Soul Crystal в Luxury Shop: Покупка: 11-й - 1.500.000 Adena; 12-й - 2.300.000 Adena; 13-й - 3.500.000 Adena; 14-й - 1 Master Coin + 5.000.000 Adena; 15-й - 5 Master Coin + 7.500.000 Adena; 16-й - 15 Master Coin + 10.000.000 Adena; 17-й - 30 Master Coin + 15.000.000 Adena; 18-й - 50 Master Coin + 25.000.000 Adena. Обмен цветов: 11-й - бесплатно; 12-й - бесплатно; 13-й - бесплатно; 14-й - бесплатно; 15-й - 1 Master Coin; 16-й - 3 Master Coin; 17-й - 5 Master Coin; 18-й - 10 Master Coin. Gemstone A\S-gr: Gemstone A - 30.000 Ancient Adena Money that is circulated only within the Lords of Dawn and Revolutionaries of Dusk. It is also used when trading with the Blacksmith of Mammon.либо 90.000 Adena + налог Замка; Gemstone S - 100.000 Ancient Adena Money that is circulated only within the Lords of Dawn and Revolutionaries of Dusk. It is also used when trading with the Blacksmith of Mammon.либо 300.000 Adena + налог Замка. Эпические Боссы: С Эпических Боссов будет выпадать Eternal оружие и Elegia экипировка; Награды (дроп\опыт) были стандартизированы. Это означает, что за основу не будет браться ни Третий Сезон, ни Eternal сервер. Мы учли существующие награды и их основе создали новые, которые максимально подойдут текущему объединению. Боссы: Награды (дроп\опыт) были стандартизированы. Это означает, что за основу не будет браться ни Третий Сезон, ни Eternal сервер. Мы учли существующие награды и их основе создали новые, которые максимально подойдут текущему объединению. Инстанс Зоны: В Инстанс Зоне Core & Orfen были введены следующие изменения: Теперь Core's Soul Fragment и Orfen's Soul Fragment можно упаковать по курсу: 1 Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Can exchange. = 1 Core's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Core's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item. + Master Coin; 1 Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Can exchange. = 1 Orfen's Soul FragmentShard of the Epic Boss Orfen's soul. Collect 15 of them to receive original Epic Jewelry. Personal Item. + Master Coin. Из Core's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul. Personal Item. и Orfen's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Epic Bosses Soul. Personal Item. (которые вы получаете при убийстве Боссов) теперь "от 2 до 3" осколков, а не "от 1 до 3".Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Награды (дроп\опыт) были стандартизированы. Это означает, что за основу не будет браться ни Третий Сезон, ни Eternal сервер. Мы учли существующие награды и их основе создали новые, которые максимально подойдут текущему объединению. Дроп\Споил: Награды были стандартизированы. Это означает, что за основу не будет браться ни Третий Сезон, ни Eternal сервер. Мы учли существующие награды и их основе создали новые, которые максимально подойдут текущему объединению. Квесты: Награды (дроп\опыт) были стандартизированы. Это означает, что за основу не будет браться ни Третий Сезон, ни Eternal сервер. Мы учли существующие награды и их основе создали новые, которые максимально подойдут текущему объединению. Мы не зря повторили это несколько раз. Мы хотим подчеркнуть, что все будет "узнаваемо", однако не стоит ожидать (и жаловаться в саппорт), что все будет по одному или другому серверу. Мы приводим все в порядок 😎 Цикл 7 печатей 10-17 Июля = Победа / Маммоны; 17-24 Июля = Борьба / Регистрация. Геройство, Замки и Клан Холы Общее: Все Герои будут сброшены; Все Замки потеряют своих владельцев; Все Клан Холы (захватываемые и арендуемые) потеряют своих владельцев. Информация: Первый Аукцион Клан Холов пройдет 21 Июля; Первые Осады Клан Холдов пройдут 14 Июля; Первые Осады Замков пройдут 16 Июля; Первые Территориальные Войны пройдут 29 Июля; Великая Олимпиада начнется 20 Июля. Изменения: Замки: Часть Замков будет недоступна для захвата; Доступные Замки: Dion; Aden; Giran; Goddard; Rune; Orc Castle; Dwarven Castle; Human Castle; Dark Elven Castle. Теперь любой Клан сможет принять участие в осаде любого из замков, вне зависимости от принадлежности к системе MidCompany, которая будет недоступна на сервере Eternal (возможно временно). Территориальные Войны: Флаги Замков, которые не доступны для Осады также будут участвовать в Территориальных Войнах; Территориальные Войны не имеют ограничения на посещение территорий для кланов - Любой клан может драться в любой зоне. Важное ограничение! Если клан владеет "старым" Замком - он не может завладеть Флагом "нового" Замка (которые ранее были доступны только для MidCompany); Если клан владеет "новым" Замком (который ранее был доступен только для MidCompany) - он не может завладеть Флагом "старого" Замка. Великая Олимпиада: Теперь за Olympiad Token вы можете приобрести Vesper и Vorpal экипировку. Для этого вам нужно: Цена зависит от места, которое вы заняли в своем Классе, а именно: Olympiad Ranking: 1st placeCongratulations! You are an honorable hero of the Lineage 2 MasterWork server! As a reward for your flawless victory, you receive: - Max. HP, CP, MP +10% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 5% - 15% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: С'mon! Give other players a chance!; Olympiad Ranking: 2 / 3 placeYou have come a long way and stopped, literally, one step away from victory! Don't worry, next time you will definitely succeed! As a reward, you get: - Max. HP, CP, MP +7% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 5% - 10% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: Most likely your opponent was just get reloged. Everyone can win with relogs...; Olympiad Ranking: 4-6 placeCongratulations! You are one of the best fighters on the server! By taking the honorable 4th-6th place, you sat a stage for the next breakthrough! - Max. HP, CP, MP +5% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 4% - 7% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: We hope there are names after yours in the list of applicants, otherwise... Yeah, it could not have been convenient...; Olympiad Ranking: 7-10 placeCongratulations! You are in the top 10 of your class! Further - only up!As a reward, you get: - Max. HP, CP, MP +3% - Decreases all skills MP Consumption by 3% - 5% Discount on all Olympiad Manager's products PS: Well, the truth is, this is just a beginning of the way. You will succeed!. Обратите внимание! Для "призовых мест" доступне дополнительный бонус в виде неопознанной экипировки Vesper и Vorpal. Напоминаем, что шанс получить Rare из неопознанной экипировки был поднят и составляет 5%. Olympiad Ranking: 1st place - неопознанный Vesper и Vorpal; Olympiad Ranking: 2 / 3 place - неопознанный Vesper и обычный Vorpal. Эпические Боссы Доступные Эпические Боссы: Beleth - с 21:00~21:30, по Понедельникам (начиная с 17 Июля); Dent (доступен всем) - с 20:30 ~ 21:00, раз в 5 дней (начиная с 18 Июля); Antharas или Valakas (в зависимости от недели) - по Средам; Antharas - c 21:00 ~ 21:30, 19 Июля; Valakas - в 21:00, 26 Июля. Baium - с 21:00 ~ 21:30, по Четвергам (20 Июля); World Freya - будет анонсирована до конца Июля, после объединения. Дополнительно Теперь использования зарядов Души / Духа не выбивают персонажа из Hide. Обратите внимание №1! Для того, чтобы зайти на новый объединенный, вам будет необходимо воспользоваться функцией Full Check в нашем Updater. Обратите внимание №2! Игрокам сервера Eternal необходимо удалить старый Updater и поставить Updater с сезонного сервера, далее выполнить пункт №1. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  11. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Dear friends! We are glad to present you the last update for the 3rd season of MasterWork , which makes the final adjustments before the merger of the season server and Eternal! We confidently and with all our strength press F to those who waited for the unification and read this PatchNote 🙃 and we hope you enjoy playing on our eternal server. We, as usual, are waiting for everyone else in the fall at the start of the next season (by the way, at the end of this post you will find a spoiler about the new opening😉) Rates Due to the fact that the Third Season of the MasterWork server is preparing to merge with Eternal , we have prepared an increase in all rates exactly three times ! EXP and SP - 3 times; Adena - 3 times; Drop - 3 times; Spoil - 3 times. Bosses Epic Bosses Drop from Epic Bosses has been updated. Baium : Appearance time: Thursday, 21:00 ~ 21:30 (previously Friday); Dent & Bane : Appearance time: Once every 5 days NPC Hunter now allows entry to the location from 20:30 (previously from 20:15). Bane appears at 20:30 instead of 20:15. On Bane, you can upgrade SA to level 16 with a 100% chance. Dent now spawns from 20:40 to 21:00 (20 minutes) Results: Earlier : 20:15 - went inside, killed Bane, 20:30 - 21:00 - Dent appeared. Now : 20:30 - went inside, killed Bane, 20:40 - 21:00 - Dent appeared. Changes: Now the Boss is available to everyone Until the start of the next season, he will be untied from the MidCompany system and everyone can visit his location (even players without a clan). Instance Zone Drop from Instance Zones has been updated; Earth Wyrm Rollback time: 2 times a week, Wednesday and Saturday, 06:30 (as Tiat / Frintezza / Freya). Description: Instance for groups of 7-9 characters 83+ levels. Time allocated to the Instance: 120 minutes (2 hours / 7200 seconds), which will be displayed on the timer when entering the instance. Drop and Experience is similar to "Frintezza / Freya", SA leveling, personal reward is similar to "Orfen/Core/Queen Ant/Baylor/...". Important: From 0 (!!!) to 2 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! from the box with Personal Rewards. It is necessary to collect 12 pcs. Drop: Low and Mid S84 crystals; Moirai, Vesper, Vorpal armor and accessories with a dubious chance; Boxes with Enchanting, Boxes with Ls's; Orbs MW S/Moirai/Vesper/Vorpal; Runes, Wills SA exping : 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50%; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 15%; 17 => 18: 7.5%. Personal Rewards for completing Instances Personal reward for each player participating in the raid for killing Trasken ( Trasken's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Majesty. ): Guaranteed: 1 Attribute Supplies;Double-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of Resurrection;A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 - 3 Gemstone S; 10-25 Personal Greater CP Potion;Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15-30 Personal Greater Healing Potion;Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20-35 Ivory Coin.Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Chance: 1 - 2 Shard of Majesty. You can get 0 or 1 or 2 pieces for Epic Jewelry with an equal chance. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 75%; 1 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. 50%; 1 Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 50% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Life Stone - 5% 50%, PM box; 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade);When enchanted, P. Atk. of S-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 1 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade);Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade);Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade).Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. Shared Chests: An Enchant Chest including Eternal Enchant SuppliesDouble-click to obtain one of the random Enchant Scrolls: Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor of Destruction (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade). has been added to Boss Chests with a 35% chance; The drop rate of Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. and Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. has also been increased . Soul Crystal General: Theexping distance for all of the following Bosses has been increased from 1500 (base value) to 2500 from the Boss (less often there will be a situation when "SA has not swung"). Leveling chances: Dent 10 => 18: 100%. Bane 10 => 16: 100%. Tiat 10 => 12: 100%; 12 => 13: 75%; 13 => 14: 50%; 14 => 15: 25%; 15 => 16: 15%; 16 => 17: 10%; 16 => 18: 5%. Significantly increased chance from 10 to 17, added chance from 17 to 18. Frintezza and Freya 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50%; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 15%; 17 => 18: 7.5%. The chance has been raised one and a half times from 16 to 17, from 17 to 18. Blessed Freya 10 => 16: 100% 16 => 17: 50% 17 => 18: 25% from 15 to 16 is now 100%, from 16 to 17 and from 17 to 18 the chance is significantly increased. Queen Ant, Orfen, Core, Baylor 10 => 11: 75% 11 => 12: 50% 12 => 13: 35% 13 => 14: 25% 14 => 15: 15% 15 => 16: 10% 16 => 17: 5% 17 => 18: 3% Significantly increased chance from 10 to 17, added chance from 17 to 18. Missions Missions! Just one word, but it opens up a new horizon of possibilities for you - our beloved players. Forget about the old NPC -only daily quests , just like you forgot to take them or get a reward for them. Each Mission is a task that the player can start at any time. You can learn about missions, their status and rewards through a convenient interface window located on a special sidebar on the right side of the screen. A detailed description of each Mission is always at hand, and progress is tracked in real time. We have taken into account your needs and saved you from endless searches for places to complete tasks. Just click on the button Location and find out the exact location on the map , where the mission is being performed or there is an NPC who will move you to the right place. Missions also serve as an excellent introductory tool for beginners, helping them quickly get used to our game world. Missions introduce players to new locations, reveal interesting aspects of game mechanics and suggest where to look for valuable resources and unique opportunities for their characters. We hope that you will like the Missions and become a useful and indispensable tool for you, and we, in turn, will continue to develop them and fill them with new content! Hunt Bosses Trasken Eternal Fighting Evil 20~85 (8 quests) - Daily Quest Description: To complete this mission, defeat 50-200 monsters in specific locations of the task level. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 50~250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 10~50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 5~25 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Giant's CodeAn item required for skill enchanting. - 1 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. - 1 The Great Hunt - Weekly Quest Description: Kill 20000 any monsters around the world to complete this mission. Reward: EXP - 350.000.000 SP - 75.000.000 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 350 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 250 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 150 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 3 Giant's Code - DisciplineAn item required to change an enchantment path. - 1 Challenge The Rim Kamaloka - Daily Quest Description: To complete this mission, defeat 100 monsters in the Hall of Nightmare. Reward Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 100 (instead of 50) Personal Greater Healing Potion Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 50 Personal Greater CP Potion - 35 Personal Blessed Scroll of Resurrection - A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 20.000 (full, never existed before) Challenge the Hall of the Abyss - Daily Quest Description: Defeat the boss in the Halls of the Abyss to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 20 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 15 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 10.000 (half, previously was 5.000) Challenge the Labyrinth of the Abyss - Daily Quest Description: Kill the Chief of the Labyrinth Guard in the Labyrinth of the Abyss to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing Potion Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 20 Personal Greater CP Potion - Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 10.000 (half, previously was 5.000) Successful Raid - Daily Quest Description: Defeat any Raid Boss in the open world to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 25 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 20.000 (Full) Defeat Beleth - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Cerberus Beleth to complete this mission. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Tiada - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Tiada to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Zaken - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Zaken to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Zaken's Secret ChestReward for defeating Zaken. Contains Damaged Zakens' Earring. Additionally can be obtained enchantment items randomly: Scroll of Vanisher, Blessed Scroll of Vanisher, Crystal Scroll of Vanisher.- 1 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Johan Klodekus/Klanikus - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Johan Klodekus/Klanikus to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat the Core and Orfen - Daily Quest Description: Defeat the Core or Orphen to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat the Ant Queen - Daily Quest Description: Defeat the Ant Queen to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced area is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Kechi / Darnel / Tears - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Kechi, Darnel or Tears to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Overcome Epidos - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat the Lord of Water and Fire Epidos to complete this mission. Reward: EXP - 50000000 SP - 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Themis - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Themis to complete this mission. Reward: EXP - 50000000 SP You acquire skill points as a reward.- 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Baylor - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Baylor to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: EXP - 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Reward Chest A chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Frintessa - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Scarlet Van Halish to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Tomb of the Emperors. Reward: EXP - 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward.- 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Defeat Freya - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Freya in the Snow Queen's Castle to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Freya Gardens. Reward: EXP You acquire experience points as a reward.- 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Overcome Bless Freya - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Freya in the Snow Queen's Extreme Castle to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Freya Gardens. Reward: EXP - 150000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward.- 35000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 5000 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Conquer the High Lords - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Marpanak the Giant, Gorgolos, Utenus the Last Giant, Hekaton Prime, Gwindorr, Lian the Water Spirit, or Anais the Flind Ruler 8 times to complete this mission. Reward: 35329 -35000000 35330 -10000000 35331-1500 35321 - 1 Devastating the Seed of Annihilation - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat Takrahkan, Dopagen, or Torumba 5 times to complete this mission. Reward: EXP - 50000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward.- 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Conquer Trasken - Daily Quest Description: Defeat Earthworm Trasken to complete this mission. The entrance to the instanced zone is located in the Ancient City of Arkan. Reward: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Exterminade Tentacles - Weekly Quest Description: Destroy 400 Tentacles in Earthworm Cave to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory Coin - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 20 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Exterminate Evolved Larvae - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 120 Grub Grubs in Earthworm Cave to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 20 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Exterminate Larvae Cubs - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 600 Baby Larvae in Earthworm Cave to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 20 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Liberate Earthworm Victims - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 90 Earthworm Victims in Earthworm Cave to complete this mission. Reward: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 20 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Stop Trasken's Heartbeat - Weekly Quest Description: Destroy two Earthworm Hearts to complete this mission. Awards: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 35 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 3 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 2500 Fiery Inner World - Weekly Quest Description: Survive inside the Earthworm and destroy the 25 Digestions to complete this mission. Awards: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 20 Giant's Code - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.- 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.- 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward.- 1500 Liberation of the Mithril Mines - Daily Quest Description: Defeat 1000 monsters in the Mithril Mine to complete this mission. Awards: Earth RunestoneStrange rune stones gathered from the creatures corrupted by Shillen's magic. Maybe Geomancer Etelvid will be interested - 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Liberation the Pavel Ruins - Daily Quest Description: Defeat 500 monsters in the Abandoned Workshop to complete this mission. Awards: Giant's BreathEmitting magic crystal. Take it to Geomancer Etelvid for the future research. - 75 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Archaic Laboratory Research - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 1500 Chaos Golems and the Laboratory Hall in the Ancient Laboratory to complete this mission. Reward: golem heartStrange mechanism, it seems like it's working. Bring it to Geomancer Etelvid. - 200 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 500 Seal of Shilen: Undead Scourge - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 1000 Animated Flesh, Graveyard Devourer and Graveyard Keeper in Shilen Seal Graveyard to complete this mission. Awards: Goddess Blood DropTake 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood. - 500 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Seal of Shilen I: Servants - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 1000 Goddess Asp, Goddess's Gulp and Goddess' Executioner to complete this mission. Reward: Goddess Blood VesselA mysterious vessel with the blood of the Goddess Shilen. Emits dark magic. Used on monsters Goddes Crucifier, Goddes Asp and Goddes Slaughterer - 100 Ivory Coin Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 175 Seal of Shilen II:Angry Servants - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 600 Vicious Goddess Throat, Goddess Asp and Goddess Executioner to complete this mission. Reward: Goddess Blood Drop Take 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood.- 700 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 200 Seal of Shilen III: Furious Servants - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 500 Enraged Goddess Throat, Goddess Asp and Goddess Executioner to complete this mission. Reward: Goddess Blood VesselA mysterious vessel with the blood of the Goddess Shilen. Emits dark magic. Used on monsters Goddes Crucifier, Goddes Asp and Goddes Slaughterer- 150 Ivory Coin Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 225 Seal of Shilen IV: Empowered Servants - Weekly Quest Description: Defeat 400 Empowered Goddess Throat, Goddess Asp and Goddess Executioner to complete this mission. Reward: Goddess Blood DropTake 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood.- 1000 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.- 250 Ivory Coin Store Basic information: Personal; rank D; 0 crystals per scrap; The cost of selling to the store - 0; Basic P. Def. 150 units; The cost is 5 Master CoinsOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank you for supporting our team and our products. + 250 Ivory CoinsPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. . Item descriptions have been corrected. Each of the shields available in the Ivory Coin Store now has a passive skill: Increases the character's HP by +50 and adds +1. Chance to Block Magic (for Rare shields B/A/S it is +2 units, for S+ - 3 units). The range of Personal Shields has been expanded Total complete list: Sage's Shield new Guardian's Shield new Shield of Solar EclipsePersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Elven Vagian ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Shield of BlessingPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Shield of SilencePersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Masterpiece ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Dark Dragon ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Skills Skill Changes: Spoil , Imbues a monster with magic that renders it susceptible to the Sweeper skill. Spoil Festival , Spoil BombPuts enemies near the target into a spoil state, exploding and inflicting damage after a set time.Causes Spoil around an enemy. Now has 20 basic Earth attributes. The chance of successfully passing this skill depends solely on the ratio of skill level to the level of monsters. The passage of the debuff to reduce attack speed (with the appropriate enchanting) does not depend on the passage of the main effect of the skill, but now depends on the attribute. By inserting an Earth Attribute into a weapon, you increase the chance of getting the enchant debuff, but do not increase the chance of getting the main Spoil effect (which never depends on the Attribute, unlike the chance of getting Effects. According to NCSoft - Spoil is a Spoil, not a debuff effect) . Curse FearFrightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. (Sorcerer Lv. 40, Necromancer Lv. 40, Spellsinger Lv. 40, Spellhowler Lv. 40) The base cooldown of the skill has been increased to 6 seconds. The duration of the effect when enchanted at Time + Cost is now increased by 1 second. instead of 2 seconds as it was before. Thus, the duration of the action earlier when sharpening at +30: 70 sec., Now: 40 sec. +1 = 11 sec, +2 = 12 sec, +3 = 13 sec and so on. PurifyCancels Paralysis, Fear, Sleep, Hold, Slow and cures minor poison/bleed condition. (Bishop Lv. 44, Shillien Elder Lv. 44, Eva's Saint Lv. 76) Added the ability to improve the skill by Range, similar to Resurrection, Recharge and so on (what we did in the spring on MW3): Base cast range: 600. Cast range increase when enchanting: +10 by +300, up to +300 by +30. +0 = 600, +1 = 610, +2 = 620, ..., +29 = 890, +30 = 900 CleanseCancels the target's de-buffs. Consumes 1 Einhasad's Divine Water. (Bishop Lv. 56) By analogy with Purify, Added the ability to improve the skill for the Distance (Range). Base cast range: 600. Cast range increase when enchanting: +20 by +15, up to +300. +0 = 600, +1 = 620, +2 = 640, ..., +14 = 880, +15 = 900 DisarmDisarms an enemy and prevents him from equipping a weapon for 5 seconds. and analogues (Trooper Lv. 36) Now, at the end of the effect from the Disarm effect, the Weapon removed by him is automatically put back on. Improved-standardized-adjusted description of skills and skill enchanting Pets You can now buy Level 75 Pets from NPC Butler for 15 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank you for supporting our team and our products. each. Instead of Great Wolf, you will now receive Fenrir . Items Additional bonus to Max. HP when enchanting armor items of different ranks Bonus from "top + bottom with one item" = 150% (for example, from Body Composite +6 now = 71x1.5= 106 HP) Set 5/5 rank D was: +6 = 52 x 5 = 260 HP +8 = 130 x 5 = 650 HP +10 = 242 x 5 = 1,210 HP Set 5/5 rank C was: +6 = 71 x 5 = 355 HP +8 = 178 x 5 = 890 HP +10 = 332 x 5 = 1,660 HP Set 5/5 rank B was: +6 = 84 x 5 = 420 HP +8 = 209 x 5 = 1.045 HP +10 = 390 x 5 = 1,950 HP Set 5/5 rank A was: +6 = 94 x 5 = 470 HP +8 = 235 x 5 = 1.175 HP +10 = 439 x 5 = 2.195 HP Set 5/5 ranks S/S80/S84 were: +6 = 104 x 5 = 520 HP +8 = 259 x 5 = 1.295 HP +10 = 484 x 5 = 2,420 HP Changes : Bonus to Max. HP when upgrading armor ranks D, C, B, A - reduced: Rank D ~ 50%: Rank C ~ 50%: Rank B ~ by 35%: Rank A ~ by 20%: S rank - slightly adjusted: Eg: Glance into the future Already on 14.07 at 15:00 , the server will be restarted, where you are expected: Merging MasterWork - Season 3 and MasterWork Eternal servers ; New social event; Summer Legendary Costume; New Epic Boss - World Freya (in the open world). Took a vacation from L2? Then we are happy to share the information that the 4th season of MasterWork will be waiting for you in the second half of October 2023 ! As part of the opening of the new season, we will focus on: On improving the stability of the server and client to ensure maximum enjoyment of the events and the game in general. To refine and improve the existing core mechanics that you have already seen throughout the 3rd season. Development of new mechanics that will not change the mechanics of the game, but will be able to diversify the routine. We are not talking about new systems that would affect the gameplay, but those that help on a daily basis, such as filling missions, improving the interface for your convenience, Easter eggs, small quests, and so on. This does't mean that there will be no global innovations at all, but the focus of this season is shifted towards stability and usability. Work on the balance of classes, items, skills, rewards, and so on. For most players, Summer is the time to relax. But not for us! We have to implement a huge number of tasks, so not kebabs, but crunches, sprints, conferences, phone calls, rallies, brainstorms and other sweets 🤪 All for you! You will need to use our Updater in order for the update to display correctly. We highly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature as we regularly release various minor and major updates. With ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  12. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья! Рады представить вам крайнее для 3-го сезона MasterWork обновление, которое вносит последние коррективы перед объединением сезонного сервера и Eternal! Мы уверенно и со всей силы нажимаем F тем, кто дождался объединения и читает данный Патчноут 🙃 и надеемся, что вам понравится игра на нашем вечном сервере. Всех остальных мы, как и обычно, ждем осенью на запуске следующего сезона (кстати, в конце данного поста вы найдете спойлер о новом открытии 😉) Рейты В связи с тем, что Третий Сезон сервера MasterWork готовится к объединению с Eternal - мы подготовили повышение всех рейтов ровно в Три раза! EXP и SP - 3 раза; Adena - 3 раза; Drop - 3 раза; Spoil - 3 раза. Боссы Эпические Боссы Дроп из Эпических Боссов был актуализирован. Baium: Время появления: Четверг, с 21:00 ~ 21:30 (ранее в Пятница); Dent & Bane: Время появления: Раз в 5 дней NPC Hunter теперь пускает на локацию с 20:30 (ранее с 20:15). Bane появляется в 20:30 а не 20:15. На Bane можно улучшить SA до 16-го уровня со 100%-м шансом. Dent теперь появляется с 20:40 до 21:00 (20 минут) Итоги: Ранее: 20:15 - зашли внутрь, убили Bane, 20:30 - 21:00 - появление Dent. Теперь: 20:30 - зашли внутрь, убили Bane, 20:40 - 21:00 - появление Dent. Изменения: Теперь Босс доступен для всех желающих До старта следующего сезона он будет отвязан от системы MidCompany и его локацию могут посещать все желающие (даже игроки без клана). Инстанс Зоны Дроп из Временных Зоны был актуализирован; Earth Wyrm Время отката: 2 раза в неделю, Среда и Суббота, 06:30 (как Tiat / Frintezza / Freya). Описание: Инстанс для групп из 7-9 персонажей 83+ уровней. Время, которое отводится на Инстанс: 120 минут (2 часа / 7200 секунд), что будет отображено на таймере при заходе в инстанс. Дроп и Опыт схож с "Frintezza / Freya", прокачка SА, персональная награда схожая с "Orfen/Core/Queen Ant/Baylor/...". Важное: От 0 (!!!) до 2 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! из бокса с Персональными Наградами. Необходимо собрать 12 шт. Дроп: Лоу и Мид S84 кристаллы; Мойрай, Веспер, Ворпал броня и бижутерия с сомнительным шансом; Боксы с Заточками, Боксы с ЛСами; Сферы MW S/Moirai/Vesper/Vorpal; Руны, Виллы Прокачка SА: 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50% ; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 15%; 17 => 18: 7.5%. Персональные Награды за прохождение Инстансов Персональная награда каждому игроку-участнику рейда за убийство Trasken-а (Trasken's BoxBox with useful items, including Shard of Majesty.): Гарантированные: 1 Attributes Supplies;Double-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of Resurrection;A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. 1 - 3 Gemstone S; 10-25 Personal Greater CP Potion;Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15-30 Personal Greater Healing Potion;Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. 20-35 Ivory Coin.Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. Шансовые: 1 - 2 Shard of Majesty. Вы можете получить 0 либо 1 либо 2 куска на Эпическую Бижутерию с равным шансом. 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. 75%; 1 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. 50%; 1 Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 50% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Life Stone - 5% 50%, бокс с ЛСами; 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade);When enchanted, P. Atk. of S-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 5. P. Atk. of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 6. P. Atk. of bow weapons increases by 10. M. Atk. of all weapons increases by 4. From +4, P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. 1 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade);Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade);Increases P. Atk. of a S-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0. 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade).Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4. Общие сундуки: Сундук к Заточками, включая улучшенные заточки (Eternal Enchant SuppliesDouble-click to obtain one of the random Enchant Scrolls: Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Armor of Destruction (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Special Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Forbidden Shillien Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade).) был добавлен в Сундуки Боссов с 35% шансом; Также был увеличен шанс выпадения Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. и Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.. Soul Crystal Общее: Дистанция прокачки у всех нижеуказанных Боссов увеличена с 1500 (базовое значение) до 2500 от Босса (реже будет ситуация, когда "СА не качнулось"). Шансы прокачки: Dent 10 => 18: 100%. Bane 10 => 16: 100%. Tiat 10 => 12: 100%; 12 => 13: 75%; 13 => 14: 50%; 14 => 15: 25%; 15 => 16: 15%; 16 => 17: 10%; 16 => 18: 5%. Значительно поднят шанс с 10 до 17, добавлен шанс с 17 на 18. Frintezza и Freya 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50%; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 15%; 17 => 18: 7.5%. В полтора раза поднят шанс с 16 на 17, с 17 на 18. Blessed Freya 10 => 16: 100% 16 => 17: 50% 17 => 18: 25% с 15 на 16 теперь 100%, с 16 на 17 и с 17 на 18 шанс значительно увеличен. Queen Ant, Orfen, Core, Baylor 10 => 11: 75% 11 => 12: 50% 12 => 13: 35% 13 => 14: 25% 14 => 15: 15% 15 => 16: 10% 16 => 17: 5% 17 => 18: 3% Значительно поднят шанс с 10 до 17, добавлен шанс с 17 на 18. Миссии Миссии! Всего одно слово, но оно открывает новый горизонт возможностей для вас - наших любимых игроков. Забудьте о старых дейли-квестах, получаемых только от NPC, точно так же, как вы забывали их взять или получить за них награду. Каждая Миссия – это задание, которое игрок может начать выполнять в любой момент. Узнать о миссиях, их статусе и наградах можно через удобное окно интерфейса, находящееся на специальной боковой панели в правой части экрана. Подробное описание каждой Миссии всегда под рукой, а прогресс выполнения отслеживается в режиме реального времени. Мы учли ваши потребности и избавили вас от бесконечных поисков мест выполнения заданий. Просто нажмите на кнопку Локация (Location) и узнайте точное расположение на карте, где выполняется миссия или находится NPC, который переместит вас в нужное место. Также Миссии служат прекрасным вводным инструментом для новичков, помогая им быстро освоиться в нашем с вами игровом мире. Миссии знакомят игроков с новыми локациями, раскрывают интересные аспекты игровых механик и подсказывают где искать ценные ресурсы и уникальные возможности для их персонажей. Надеемся, Миссии придутся вам по вкусу и станут для вас полезным и незаменимым инструментом, а мы, в свою очередь, продолжим развивать их и наполнять новым контентом! Hunt Bosses Trasken Eternal Сражение со Злом 20~85 (8 заданий) - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Для завершения этой миссии победите 50-200 монстров в конкретных уровню задания локациях. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 50~250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 10~50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 5~25 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. - 1 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. - 1 Великая Охота - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Убейте 20000 любых монстров по всему миру для завершения этой миссии. Награда: EXP - 350.000.000 SP - 75.000.000 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 350 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 250 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 150 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 3 Giant's Codex - DisciplineAn item required to change an enchantment path. - 1 Захват Окрестностей Камалоки - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Для завершения этой миссии победите 100 монстров в Зале Кошмаров. Награда Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 100 (вместо 50) Personal Greater Healing Potion Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 50 Personal Greater CP Potion - 35 Personal Blessed Scroll of Resurrection - A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec.1 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 20.000 (полное, ранее не было) Захват Зала Бездны - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите босса в Залах Бездны для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 20 Personal Greater CP Potion Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.- 15 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 10.000 (половина, ранее было 5.000) Захват Лабиринта Бездны - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Убейте Начальника Стражи Лабиринта в Лабиринте Бездны для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing Potion Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.- 20 Personal Greater CP Potion - Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.15 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 10.000 (половина, ранее было 5.000) Успешный Рейд - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите любого Рейдового Босса в открытом мире для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 25 Vitality PointYou acquire vitality points as a reward. - 20.000 (Полная) Схватка с Кербером Белефа - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Кербера Белефа для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Тиадой - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Тиаду для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Закеном - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Закена для завершения этой миссии.Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Zaken's Secret ChestReward for defeating Zaken. Contains Damaged Zakens' Earring. Additionally can be obtained enchantment items randomly: Scroll of Vanisher, Blessed Scroll of Vanisher, Crystal Scroll of Vanisher. - 1 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Близнецами - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Йохана Клодекуса или Йохана Кланикуса для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Ядром и Орфен - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Ядро или Орфен для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Королевой Муравьев - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Королеву Мураьев для завершения этой миссии.Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Кечи / Дарнель / Слезой - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Кечи, Дарнель или Слезу для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Покорение Владыки Эпидоса - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Владыку Воды и Огня Эпидоса для завершения этой миссии. Награда: EXP - 50000000 SP - 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Темис - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Темис для завершения этой миссии. Награда: EXP - 50000000 SP You acquire skill points as a reward.- 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Схватка с Байлором - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Байлора для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: EXP - 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Reward Chest A chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.- 1 Битва с Последним Императором - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Скарлет Ван Халиша для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Гробнице Императоров. Награда: EXP - 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Битва с Снежной Королевой - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Фрею в Замке Снежной Королевы для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Садах Фреи. Награда: EXP You acquire expirience points as a reward. - 35000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 10000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Битва с Экстремальной Снежной Королевой - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Фрею в Экстремальном Замке Снежной королевы для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Садах Фреи. Награда: EXP - 150000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 35000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 5000 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Победить Высших Лордов - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Гиганта Марпанака, Горголоса, Последнего Гиганта Утенуса, Хекатон Прайма, Гвиндорр, Духа Воды Лиан или Правителя Флиндов Анаиса 8 раз для завершения этой миссии. Награда: 35329 -35000000 35330 -10000000 35331- 1500 35321 - 1 Опустошение Семени Уничтожения - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите Такрахкана, Допагена или Торумбу 5 раз для завершения этой миссии. Награда: EXP - 50000000 SPYou acquire skill points as a reward. - 15000000 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Завоевание Пещеры Земляного Червя - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите Земляного Червя Траскена для завершения этой миссии. Вход в инстанс-зону находится в Древнем Городе Аркан. Награда: Reward ChestA chest with a reward received for completing missions. Double-click for a chance to receive an item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. - 1 Истребление Щупалец - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Уничтожьте 400 Щупалец В Пещере Земляного Червя для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory Coin - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 20 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Истребление Подросших Личинок - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 120 Подросших Личинок В Пещере Земляного Червя для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 20 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Истребление Детенышей Личинок - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 600 Личинок Детенышей В Пещере Земляного Червя для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 20 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Освобождение Жертв Земляного Червя - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 90 Жертв Земляного Червя В Пещере Земляного Червя для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 20 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Остановить Сердцебиение Траскена - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Уничтожьте два Сердца Земляного Червя для завершения этой миссии. Награды: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 50 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 50 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 35 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 3 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 3 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 2500 Жгучий Внутренний Мир - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Выживите внутри Земляного Червя и уничтожьте 25 Пищеварительных Отростков для завершения этой миссии. Награды: Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 35 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item. - 35 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - 20 Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting. - 1 Personal Blessed Scroll of ResurrectionA magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. - 1 Fame PointYou acquire fame points as a reward. - 1500 Освобождение Мифрилового Рудника - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите 1000 монстров в Мифриловом Руднике для завершения этой миссии. Награды: Earth RunestoneStrange rune stones gathered from the creatures corrupted by Shillen's magic. Maybe Geomancer Etelvid will be interested - 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Освобождение Заброшенной Мастерской - Ежедневное Задание Описание: Победите 500 монстров в Заброшенной Мастерской для завершения этой миссии. Награды: Giant's BreathEmmiting magic crystal. Take it to Geomancer Etelvid for the futher research. - 75 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Исследование Древней Лаборатории - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 1500 Големов Хаоса и Оплот Лаборатории в Древней Лаборатории для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Golem HeartStrange mechanism, it seems like it's working. Bring it to Geomancer Etelvid. - 200 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 500 Печать Шилен: Гнев Нежити - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 1000 Ожившая Плоть, Кладбищенский Пожиратель и Кладбищенский Cмотритель на Кладбище Печати Шилен для завершения этой миссии. Награды: Goddess Blood DropTake 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood. - 500 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 150 Печать Шилен I: Слуга - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 1000 Аспид Богини, Глот Богини и Палач Богини для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Goddess Blood VesselA mysterious vessel with the blood of the Goddess Shilen. Emits dark magic. Used on monsters Goddes Сrucifier, Goddes Asp and Goddes Slaughterer - 100 Ivory Coin Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 175 Печать Шилен II: Озлобленный Слуга - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 600 Озлобленный Глот Богини, Аспид Богини и Палач Богини для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Goddess Blood Drop Take 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood. - 700 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 200 Печать Шилен III: Разъяренный Слуга - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 500 Разъяренный Глот Богини, Аспид Богини и Палач Богини для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Goddess Blood VesselA mysterious vessel with the blood of the Goddess Shilen. Emits dark magic. Used on monsters Goddes Сrucifier, Goddes Asp and Goddes Slaughterer - 150 Ivory Coin Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 225 Печать Шилен IV: Получивший Силу Слуга - Еженедельное Задание Описание: Победите 400 Получивший Силу Глот Богини, Аспид Богини и Палач Богини для завершения этой миссии. Награда: Goddess Blood DropTake 10 Goddes Blood Drops to Servant Maara to receive a vessel filled with the goddess's blood. - 1000 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. - 250 Ivory Coin Store Общая информация: Персональные; Ранга D; 0 кристаллов за слом; Стоимость продажи в магазин - 0; Базовая Физ. Защ. 150 ед; Стоимость 5 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. + 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.. Описание предметов скорректировано. Каждый из доступных в Ivory Coin Store щитов теперь имеет пассивное умение: Повышающее HP персонажа на +50 и добавляющее +1 ед. шанса Блока Магии (для Rare щитов B/A/S это +2 ед., для S+ - 3 ед.). Был расширен ассортимент Персональных Щитов Итого полный список: Sage's Shield новое Guardian's Shield новое Shield of Solar EclipsePersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Elven Vagian ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Shield of BlessingPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Shield of SilencePersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Masterpiece ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Dark Dragon ShieldPersonal Item. Cannot be crystallized. Умения Изменения умений: Spoil,Imbues a monster with magic that renders it susceptible to the Sweeper skill. Spoil Festival, Spoil BombPuts enemies near the target into a spoil state, exploding and inflicting damage after a set time.Causes Spoil around an enemy. Теперь имеет 20 базовых атрибута Земли. Шанс успешного прохождения этого умения зависит исключительно от соотношения уровня умения к уровню монстров. Прохождения дебаффа на понижение скорости атаки (при соответствующей заточке) не зависит и не зависел от прохождения основного эффекта умения, но теперь зависит от атрибута. Вставляя Атрибут Земли в оружие вы увеличиваете шанс прохождения дебаффа от заточки, но не увеличиваете шанс прохождения основного эффекта Spoil (который никогда не зависит от Атрибута, в отличии от шанса прохождения Эффектов. По мнению NCSoft - Spoil это Spoil, а не эффект-дебаф). Curse FearFrightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds. (Sorcerer Lv. 40, Necromancer Lv. 40, Spellsinger Lv. 40, Spellhowler Lv. 40) Базовая перезарядка умения увеличена, до 6 секунд. Время действия эффекта при заточке на Time + Cost теперь увеличивается на 1 сек. вместо 2 сек, как это было ранее. Таким образом время действия ранее при заточке на +30: 70 сек., теперь: 40 сек. +1 = 11 сек, +2 = 12 сек, +3 = 13 сек и так далее. PurifyCancels Paralysis, Fear, Sleep, Hold, Slow and cures minor poison/bleed condition. (Bishop Lv. 44, Shillien Elder Lv. 44, Eva's Saint Lv. 76) Добавлена возможность улучшать умение на Дистанцию (Range), по аналогии с Resurrection, Recharge и так далее (то, что мы делали весной на MW3): Базовая дальность применения: 600. Увеличение дальности применения при заточке: по +10, вплоть до +300 на +30. +0 = 600, +1 = 610, +2 = 620, ..., +29 = 890, +30 = 900 CleanseCancels the target's de-buffs. Consumes 1 Einhasad's Divine Water. (Bishop Lv. 56) По аналогии с Purify, Добавлена возможность улучшать умение на Дистанцию (Range). Базовая дальность применения: 600. Увеличение дальности применения при заточке: по +20, вплоть до +300 на +15. +0 = 600, +1 = 620, +2 = 640, ..., +14 = 880, +15 = 900 DisarmDisarms an enemy and prevents him from equipping a weapon for 5 seconds. и аналоги (Trooper Lv. 36) Теперь по окончанию действия от эффекта Disarm Оружие, снятое им, автоматическим надевается обратно. Улучшено-стандартизировано-скорректировано описание умений и заточки умений Питомцы Теперь у NPC Butler можно купить Питомцев 75 уровней, стоимостью 15 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. за каждого. Вместо Great Wolf вы теперь будете получать Fenrir. Предметы Дополнительный бонус к Макс. HP при заточке предметов брони разных рангов Бонус от "верх+низ одним предметом" = 150% (к примеру, от Композит Тела +6 сейчас = 71х1.5= 106 HP) Комплект 5/5 ранга D было: +6 = 52 х 5 = 260 HP +8 = 130 х 5 = 650 HP +10 = 242 х 5 = 1,210 HP Комплект 5/5 ранга C было: +6 = 71 х 5 = 355 HP +8 = 178 х 5 = 890 HP +10 = 332 х 5 = 1,660 HP Комплект 5/5 ранга B было: +6 = 84 х 5 = 420 HP +8 = 209 х 5 = 1,045 HP +10 = 390 х 5 = 1,950 HP Комплект 5/5 ранга A было: +6 = 94 х 5 = 470 HP +8 = 235 х 5 = 1,175 HP +10 = 439 х 5 = 2,195 HP Комплект 5/5 рангов S/S80/S84 было: +6 = 104 х 5 = 520 HP +8 = 259 х 5 = 1,295 HP +10 = 484 х 5 = 2,420 HP Изменения: Бонус к Макс. HP при улучшении брони рангов D, C, B, А — снижен: Ранг D ~ на 50%: Ранг С ~ на 50%: Ранг B ~ на 35%: Ранг А ~ на 20%: Ранг S - немного скорректирован: К примеру: Взгляд в будущее Уже 14.07 в 15:00 пройдет рестарт сервера, на котором вас ожидают: Объединение серверов MasterWork - сезон 3 и MasterWork Eternal; Новый социальный Ивент; Летний Легендарный Костюм; Новый Эпический Босс - World Freya (в открытом мире). Взяли отпуск от Л2? Тогда мы рады поделиться информацией о том, что 4-й сезон MasterWork будет ждать вас во второй половине Октября 2023! В рамках открытия нового сезона мы сделаем акцент: На улучшении стабильности работы сервера и клиента, чтобы обеспечить максимальное удовольствие от событий и игры в целом. На доработку и улучшение уже существующих основных механик, которые вы уже видели на протяжении 3-го сезона. Разработка новых механик, которые не будут менять механику игры, но смогут разнообразить рутину. Речь не идет про новые системы, которые бы влияли на геймплей, а те, которые помогают ежедневно, такие как: наполнение миссий, доработки интерфейса для вашего удобства, пасхалки, маленькие квесты и так далее. Это не значит, что глобальных новшеств совсем не будет, однако акцент данного сезона смещен в сторону стабильности и юзабилити. Работа над балансом классов, предметов, умений, наград и так далее. Для большинства игроков Лето - время для отдыха. Но не для нас! Нам предстоит реализовать огромное количество задач, так что не шашлыки, а кранчи, спринты, конференции, созвоны, митинги, брейнштормы и прочие сладости 🤪 Все ради вас! Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater, для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  13. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья! Мы рады анонсировать новый Патчноут 🙃, в котором мы приближаем сервер к инновациям, что были реализованы на MasterWork Eternal. Новые локации, квест, оружие и система улучшения. Обо всем этом и еще немного разного вы можете узнать прочитав данное обновление! Новые Локации Seal of Shilen (New) Немножечко лора, для таких же извращенцев любителей почитать, как и я 😅 Описание локации: Классическая локация Seal of Shilen ночью (по игровому времени, т.е. раз в 4 часа) превращается в высокоуровневую локацию с сильными монстрами; Уровни монстров на локации 83-85; Сложность локации: от легкой до очень сложной. С большинства монстров с определенным шансом выпадает Goddes Blood Drop. Из 10 капель и Адены, NPC Мааrа может сделать Goddes Blood Vessel. Найти её можно недалеко от могилы RB Decabria. 35 000 Adena + 10шт. Goddes Blood Drop = Goddes Blood Vessel. Goddes Blood Vessel нужен для того, чтобы монстры у врат эволюционировали в более могучих. От этого зависит их Дроп, базовые характеристики (здоровье, атака, защита и т.д.) и его также можно отличить визуально; Из эволюционировавших монстров можно выбить как сундуки с заточками, так и отдельные их виды; На локации присутствуют мини Боссы с высокими показателями здоровья и защиты. Из них можно выбить Goddes Blood Vessel 10-20 штук и приятный дроп; Всем знакомый Рейд Босс Palibati Queen Themis. В ночное время вместо него появляется крайне сильный босс Shillien Hight Priestess Themis, с которого выпадают сундуки с заточками, сосуд с кровью богини 30-60 штук, куски на Этернал Оружие (о котором вы сможете прочитать далее), прокачивается SA 16-18 уровней. Рейд Боссы Palibati Queen Themis и Shillien Hight Priestess Themis имеют разный респ. Например, если время респа Palibati Queen Themis припадает на ночное время, она появится сразу же как наступит день, если время респа наступит на дневное время у РБ Shillien Hight Priestess Themis, он появится ночью. Рейд Босс Shillien Hight Priestess Themis имеет respawn time 16 +- 4 часа. На локации можно получить: Дроп: Броня: Vesper, Vorpal. Оружие: Icarus, Vesper, Mid-84. Куски на Eternal оружие; Сундуки: Enchanted MW Box; Shillien Supplies Box (Att); Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 50% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Life Stone - 5%. Споил: Высокоуровневые ресурсы; Заточки S-gr; Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. и Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.; Gemstone S. Archaic Laboratory + Pavel Ruins (New) Еще немного лора 🙃 Описание локации: Монстры на локации изменили свой внешний вид. Теперь вы нейдете там Гигантов; Уровни монстров на локации 83-85; Сложность локации: Pavel Ruins - средняя; Archaic Laboratory - тяжелая и очень тяжелая. На локации можно получить: Дроп: Броня: Vesper, Vorpal. Оружие: Icarus, Vesper, Mid-84. Куски на Eternal оружие; Сундуки: Eternal Enchant Supplies (Заточки); Shillien Supplies Box (Att); Chest with Life StoneIf used, You will get one of Life Stones: Life Stone - 50% Mid-Grade Life Stone - 30% High-Grade Life Stone - 15% Top-Grade Life Stone - 5%. Споил: Высокоуровневые ресурсы; Заточки S-gr; Giant's CodexAn item required for skill enchanting. и Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.; Gemstone S. В этой локации доступен новый квест для добычи рецептов на уникальное оружие - Eternal Weapon. Для того, чтобы его получить, вам необходимо пообщаться с рядом NPC и набивать определенные предметы в этой локации. Детальнее с квестом вы можете ознакомиться в разделе "Новый Квест" в данном Патчноуте. Mithril Mines (New) И еще немного лора 🙃 Описание локации: Визуально монстры не изменились, однако количество здоровья, защитные характеристики и получаемый опыт были увеличены; Уровни монстров: 81-83; Сложность локации: легкая. Дроп: Goddes Blood Drop; Eternal Enchant Supplies (Заточки); Куски на Eternal оружие; Giant's Codex - MasteryAn item required for blessed skill enchanting.; Shillien SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Vesper Weapon. (Vesper Оружие и Броня);Double-click to obtain 1 random Vesper Armor. Остальной дроп без изменений. В этой локации доступен новый квест для добычи рецептов на уникальное оружие - Eternal Weapon. Для того, чтобы его получить, вам необходимо пообщаться с рядом NPC и набивать определенные предметы в этой локации. Детальнее с квестом вы можете ознакомиться в разделе "Новый Квест" в данном Патчноуте. 🚨 Постоянный ивент - Hot Spot Еще одним нововведением как для MWE, так и для сезонных серверов станет система 🚨 Hot Spot. В рамках данной системы на определенных локациях, с предварительным анонсом, будет увеличиваться количество монстров, а их основные характеристики будут незначительно снижены. Также в ближайшем будущем будут созданы специальные инстанс зоны с аналогом Hot Spot локаций, попасть в которые можно только получив определенные предметы, убивая монстров во время ивента. Кроме этого, на локациях будут 2 особенности: Тотемы - на локации будут появляться специальные тотемы, убив которые вы получите специальный бафф. Также обратите внимание: Если ты или твоя группа нанесли последний удар по тотему - вы получите бафф на 20 минут; После убийства тотема - он будет давать бафф в определенной области, но его действие будет значительно меньше; Все тотемы дают положительные эффекты; Тотемы будут случайно появляться 2 раза за время действия Hot Spot. Скрытые награды - на локации будут появляться специальные "сундуки", открыв которые вы получите полезные награды. Для каждой локации подобные "сундуки" будут иметь свой эксклюзивный вид; Награды различаются для каждой локации; Сундуки будут появляться 2 раза за время действия Hot Spot. Детали Время действия: 1 час; Одна локация за раз становится Hot Spot; Список локаций, которые в данный момент принимают участие: Seal of Shilen; Mithril Mines; Archaic Laboratory. Новый Квест С помощью этого квеста вы сможете добить уникальное оружие Eternal. Помимо лучших характеристик, в нем также присутствуют комбинирований SA. Детальнее о новом оружии вы можете прочитать в разделе "Eternal Оружие" в этом Патчноуте. Описание квеста "Bring flugegeheimen!" Говорим с NPC Collector Legnar в Pavel Ruins; Отправляемся в Eastern Mining Zone и убиваем Gem Golem, пока не получим 30 Red Shining Shard; При получении 30 Red Shining Shard они превращаются в Corrupted Ruddy Gem; Возвращаемся с Corrupted Ruddy Gem к NPC Collector Legnar; Отправляемся в Dwarven Village в Bronze Key Guild к Collector Gouph; Говорим с NPC Collector Gouph; Получаем Eternity Ore; Отправляемся в Dwarven Village в Blacksmith к NPC Blacksmith Bronk; Говорим с NPC Blacksmith Bronk; Получаем Bronk’s Message; Отправляемся в Palve Ruins к NPC Geomancer Etelvid; Говорим с NPC Geomancer Etelvid, получаем Geomancer's Medallion; Отправляемся в Mithril Mines и охотимся на монстров, пока не получим 5000+ Earth Runestone, Отправляемся в Pavel Ruins и охотимся на монстров, пока не получим 1000+ Giant's Breath, Отправляемся в Archaic Laboratory и охотимся на монстров, пока не получим 600+ Golem Heart; Также мы можем обменивать друг на друга предметы Earth Runestone, Giant's Breath, Golem Heart у NPC Geomancer Etelvid в разделе Trade Special Items. Возвращаемся к NPC Geomancer Etelvid c 5000+ Earth Runestone, 1000+ Giant's Breath, 600+ Golem Heart; Говорим с NPC Geomancer Etelvid, получаем Rough Stone of Eternity; Отправляемся в Dwarven Village в Blacksmith к NPC Blacksmith Bronk; Говорим с NPC Blacksmith Bronk, получаем Ratatouille; Отправляемся в Mithrill Mines, ищем NPC Grave Robber Leader Kanemika; Говорим с NPC Grave Robber Leader Kanemika, получаем Ancient tools; Отправляемся в Dwarven Village в Blacksmith к NPC Blacksmith Bronk; Говорим с NPC Blacksmith Bronk, получаем Lambent Stone of Eternity и Strange Fossil; Теперь мы можем покупать Рецепты оружия вечность у NPC Blacksmith Bronk; Дополнительная информация: Стоимость рецепта 150 000 000 Adena + Lambent Stone of Eternity; Для того, чтобы получить еще один Lambent Stone of Eternity, вам необходимо купить Rough Stone of Eternity у NPC Geomancer Etelvid за предметы Earth Runestone, Giant's Breath, Golem Heart и обработав его у NPC Blacksmith Bronk за Adena. Проходить квест повторно не нужно; Также у NPC Geomancer Etelvid вы можете купить части оружия вечности за Adena + Earth Runestone, Giant's Breath, Golem Heart; Если в пати несколько человек с активным квестом - падать будет случайно одному из них. Eternal Оружие Мы создали новое оружие, которое по своим характеристикам является венцом развития персонажа. Оно комбинирует бонусы от SA, имеет внушительные характеристики и прекрасно выглядит 😎 Описание нового оружия: Для того, чтобы вставить улучшенные SA в Eternal оружие - вам необходимо: Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18Red Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. This level crystal is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you need to use it directly on the monsters. + Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18Blue Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. This level crystal is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you need to use it directly on the monsters. + Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18Green Crystal that absorbs souls, stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. This level crystal is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you need to use it directly on the monsters. + 50.000.000 Adena и посетить NPC Pona Giran Castle Town. Крафт: Recipe на желаемое оружие; Piece of the Eternal weapon - 21; Gemstone S - 511; Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. - 1402; EnriaCrystal representing revenge and destruction. Used for making items of B-Grade and above and can also be sold at ordinary shops. - 390; Mithril AlloyA material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. - 1099; Synthetic CokesA material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. - 1172; Durable Metal PlateMaterial used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. - 739; AdamantineMaterial used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store. - 211; OrichalcumMaterial used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store. - 144; LeonardMaterial used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store. - 153; Warsmith's HolderMaterial used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. - 15. Система Заточек Мы разработали изменения для того, чтобы добавить в привычную механику зачарования (заточки) больше вариативности и эмоций. Также мы расширили систему бонусов за заточки оружия и брони. Общее: На сервере базовый шанс успешного улучшения оружия и брони/бижутерии был увеличен. Благодаря данному изменению вы можете значительно и более эффективней улучшить свою экипировку. Это поможет вам не просто стать сильнее сейчас, но и подготовиться к объединению с MasterWork Eternal! Обратите внимание! Акция действует до объединения. После - шанс будет стандартным (согласно концепции MasterWork). Описание заточек: Обычные свитки - без изменений; Благословенные свитки - без изменений; Destruction свитки - при неудачной попытке уровень заточки остается без изменения, вместо кристаллизации; Для брони: до +7 (вместо +5); Для оружия: до +15. Shillien свитки - может добавить +2 к уровню заточки, либо кристаллизировать при неудаче; Для брони и оружия: от +3 до +7 (включительно). Special Shillien свитки - с вероятностью 100% добавляет +1 к уровню заточки; Для брони и оружия: от +3 до +7 (включительно). Forbidden Shillien свитки - при успешном улучшении увеличивает уровень заточки на +1, а при неудачной уменьшит на -1. Способ добычи: Новые виды заточек можно выбить в локации Seal of Shillien с эволюционировавших монстров; Также они могут быть получены с некоторым шансом из Eternal Enchant Supplies. Оружие: Ознакомиться с новыми Бонусами от Заточки оружия вы можете на нашей странице Wiki, перейдя по этой ссылке. Магия поддержки Магия Поддержки от Adventurers' Guide БЕЗ Клубной Карты теперь доступна с 1 по 80 уровни включительно (было на 1-75); Расширенный Список (комбо-баффы) Магии Поддержки от Adventurers' Guide С Клубной Картой теперь с 1-го уровня (без ограничения по уровням). В соответствии с концепцией предыдущих серверов MasterWork - NPC Adventurers' Guide были добавлены Ритмы. Параметры ритмов Помощника отличаются от оригинальных: они слабее в два раза; При наложении на вас Ритмов от Барда - они заменят Ритмы Помощника; Напоминаем! У Академиков есть пассивное умение Academy Favor, которое уже имеет в себе: Скорость Маг. Атаки +30%. Скорость Физ. Атаки +15% (аналог Rhythm of Rage) Скорость бега +20. Макс. HP +30% (аналог Rhythm of Body). Вы находитесь под эффектом Academy Favor - Вы невосприимчивы к эффектам от Rhythm of Rage и Rhythm of Body. Wiki Мы активно обновляем нашу Wiki, добавляя все актуальные предметы, статьи и многое другое, например: Вы можете искать интересующие предметы ТУТ, пользуясь различными Фильтрами. Узнать бонусы от заточки сетов - вы можете перейдя по этой ссылке. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater, для того, чтобы обновление отображалось корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам регулярно пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как регулярно выпускаются различные минорные и мажорные обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  14. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Dear friends, As promised - Patchnote 🙃 on Monday, 05.06. As part of the update, we are improving existing mechanics, adding new content and systematically preparing the server for the merging. This is not the last update and we still have something to please you 😉 Easier Start for New Players We are always working on attracting players to our server, no matter what day/month comes after the start. We are happy to welcome all newcomers! Elimination of wearing Equipment Ranks: B grade items from level 1 (was from 52); A grade items from level 1 (was from 61); S grade items from level 61 (was from level 76). Starting Equipment of Characters: List of only changed / added Starting Equipment (Tickets to Instances, Shirts, etc. have not gone away) Weapons by class: MW Sword of DamascusBound Item. P. Crit. Rate +65.; MW Wizard's TearBound Item. Cast. Spd. +15%.; MW Spell Breaker Increases Casting Spd by 15%. Personal Item.; MW Demon's Dagger*Dark ScreamerDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Crit. Rate +81.; MW Yaksa Woman*Yaksa WomanDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Skill Reuse Time +10%, Max HP +25%. ; MW Ice Storm Hammer Increases critical Chance by 68. Personal Item.; MW Bellion CestusBound Item. Atk. Spd. when HP < 60% +9%. ; MW DismantlerBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +73. ; MW ColichemardeBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +73. During P. Crit. Atk. for all party members MP Consumption -100%, P./ M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%.. Armor by class: MW Blue Wolf Heavy Kit ; Kit MW Blue Wolf Light ; MW Blue Wolf Robe Set . Jewelry: 1 MW Necklace of Black OrePersonal Item.; 2 MW Earring of Black OrePersonal Item.; 1 MW Ring of Black OrePersonal Item.; 1 Pioneers RingUnique Ring of Pioneers for those who took part in MasterWork - 2022 Grand Opening. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 10%, + 2% PvE Defence, +10 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -SoE with 10 minutes cooldown.. Charges and other useful consumables: 10000 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons.; 5000 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons.; 500 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 350 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.; 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 5 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 10 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 10 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.. Kamaels also receive: 250 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races.. Academy General provisions Academy is now up to level 61 (when reaching level 61 - automatic ending). A character can enter the Academy up to level 60, inclusive, without checking for a profession. As before, there is no penalty for leaving / exclusion from the Academy, both for the character and the clan. Clan Unity works with 9/18/27 characters online (described earlier). Academy Favor is a system that works similar to Clan Unity. All academy members receive a buff that increases their attack speed, cast speed, and run speed. Academy Favor (Passive) : Speed M. Attack +30%. P. Speed Attack +15% (similar to Rhythm of Rage ) Run Speed +20. Max. HP +30% (similar to Rhythm of Body) Note! While under the effects of Academy Favor, you are immune to the effects of Rhythm of Rage and Rhythm of Body. Clan Rewards: The clan now receives 2 units. Oath Blood for getting a profession as an Academician and for graduating from the Academy. In total - 4 units. The Clan receives blood in CB and 3 more - gets a successful Academician in inventory. Character Rewards: For obtaining a Second Profession: 1 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.; 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 150 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.; 3 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse.; 1 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes.; 2 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 3 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 3 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.; Academy CircletCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%.; 150,000 Adena . For getting level 61 (passing the Academy): 2 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.; 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.; 5 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse.; 3 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes.; 3 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 5 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 5 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.; 1 Legacy of AcademyCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%.; 500,000 Adena . Achievements (Achievs) New Added new Achievement for level 85: A portion of personal GHP and GCP, Ivory Coins, S grade charges, Elixirs of CP, HP and MP and Codes, including Masters are provided. Rewards for current Achievements that are outstanding for Character Levels - changed / improved: General: More personal GHP and Soul/Spirit charges at ALL levels For the 5th level: Added Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. B-grade Soulshots and Spiritshots. For level 20: Added Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. B-grade Soulshots and Spiritshots. For level 40: Added Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. A-grade Soulshots and Spiritshots. For level 52: Added Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. A-grade Soulshots and Spiritshots. Olympic Achievements: Now, for participation, victories and a series of victories, the character will also have a chance to receive: Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. - A chest with Upgrade Scrolls and Runes to increase the chance of upgrading Weapons and Equipment; The chance of getting MW Fame CouponThis coupon can be change for 100 Fame in Olympiad Store. Fame can be purchased after your 2nd class transfer. has been increased. Sub-class Achievements: For 1st Sub: Weapons and Full Set rank B, packs with personal charges rank B: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. For the 2nd and 3rd subs: Weapons and Full Set rank A, packs with personal charges rank A: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Soulshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Epic Quest The Epic Quest has become available on the server. As usual, we won't tell you how it goes (more on this later on our Wiki). We will tell you only about the changes that we have made to the usual quest. Rewards have been improved: 4.200.724.166 ; ; Certificate of DawnA certificate received from the Witness of Dawn Franz. It says that if you show this certificate to Priest Wood, he will exchange it for an occupation specific Forgotten Scroll that can be learned at level 81. is an item for which you can get one book to learn a skill at level 79 of your choice: Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic ArmorForgotten Scroll to learn Anti-magic Armor. Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, and Shillien Templar use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - WizardThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Archmages, Soul Takers, Mystic Muses, Storm Screamers and Soul Hounds level 79 and above to learn Enlightenment.; Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - HealerThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Cardinals, Hierophants, Eva's Saints, Shillien Saints, Dominators, Doom Cryers and Judicators level 79 and above to learn Enlightenment.; Forgotten Scroll - Excessive LoyaltyForgotten Scroll to learn Excessive Loyalty. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Deflect MagicThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Phoenix Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars, Shillien Templars, Sword Muses and Spectral Dancers level 79 and above to learn Deflect Magic.; Forgotten Scroll - Final SecretThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Duelists, Grand Khavataris, Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers, Maestros, Doombringers, Soul Hounds and Judicators level 79 and above to learn Final Secret.; Forgotten Scroll - HideThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters and Fortune Seekers level 79 and above to learn Hide.; Forgotten Scroll - Silent MindThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 79 and above to learn Silent Mind.; Forgotten Scroll - Seven ArrowThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 79 and above to learn Seven Arrow.; Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger MasteryThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, and Ghost Hunters level 79 and above to learn Dual Dagger Mastery.; Spellbook - MeteorSpellbook needed to learn Meteor. Can be learned at Level 79.; Spellbook - Star FallSpellbook needed to learn Star Fall. Can be learned at Level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Servitor BarrierForgotten Scroll to learn Servitor Barrier. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! This allows you to take from NPC Pona ( in the Luxury Shop) one personal Epic of your choice: Business's Earring (Personal) ; Ring of Queen Ant (Personal); Frintezza's Necklace (Personal) Cost of each option: 12 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! + 5.000.000 Adena. Instance Zones, Bosses and Epic Bosses The Reward (Drop, Experience, leveling of SA) has been changed, and we also remind you of how the actual (new) instance zones for this stage work. Also, Bosses and Epic Bosses received an improved Drop. Common to Tiat, Frintezza, Freya, Blessed Freya: 120 minutes duration. Up to 5 minutes dead inside the instance / out of the instance. Rollback to Wednesday and Saturday, 06:30 am server time. Difference: Tiat and Frintezza - From 11 to 45 characters, Freya and Blessed Freya - From 11 to 27 characters Tiat - starting at level 78 Frintezza - starting at level 80 Freya - starting at level 81 Blessed Freya - starting at level 82 Drop in Instance Zones: Drop chance mid. S84 weapons: Tiat The instance is partially simplified (about this in a separate paragraph); Added to the drop, 15% (similar to Frintezza's Instance); Vesper Weapon Drop increased from 60% to 100%. Knorr Up to 1%. Anais Up to 25%. Epidos 25%. Dropping of Moirai and Vesper Equipment Pieces : The main problem with crafting Moirai and Vesper equipment is the pieces, not the recipes. Therefore, from the Bosses described below, pieces are guaranteed to fall on the Armor. Zone Instance: Queen Ant (Pieces on Moirai have already been dropped, pieces on Vesper have been added); Orfen; Core; Baylor. Bosses: Giant Cave: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos ; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime . Fields of Whispers / Silence: Windorr ; Water Spirit Lian Drop Unidentified Jewelry: Moirai, Vesper and Vorpal Instances: Tiat; Crispness. Bosses: Epidos? Anais. Moirai and Vesper (+ pieces): Zone Instance: Queen Ant; Orfen; Core; Baylor. Bosses: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos ; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime ; Windorr ; Water Spirit Lian Drop Vorpal and Epic Bosses: World Bosses: Removed the chance of Dynasty items dropping; Increased the drop rate of Moirai and Vesper items; Added drop rate for Vorpal Armor and Accessories; Increased the drop chance of Mid and Top S84 weapons to 100% (except for Dent, which does not drop them): Dent; Baium? Antharas? Valakas? Beleth. Zone Instance: Slightly increased the drop rate of Moirai and Vesper items; Added drop rate for Vorpal armor and accessories: sparkle; Freya. The drop from Freya is the same as the drop from Frintezza, with the exception of the Epic Accessories. Soul Crystal leveling chance : Epic Bosses: Baium? Antharas? Valakas? Beleth; 10 => 18: 100%. Dent; 10 => 17: 100%; 17 => 18: 50%. Bane; 10 => 15: 100%. Zone Instance: Tiat; 10 => 11: 50%; 11 => 12: 35%; 12 => 13: 25%; 13 => 14: 20%; 14 => 15: 15%; 15 => 16: 10%; 16 => 17: 5%. sparkle; Freya; 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50%; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 10%; 17 => 18: 5%. Blessed Freya; 10 => 15: 100%; 15 => 16: 50%; 16 => 17: 25%; 17 => 18: 10%. Queen Ant; Orfen; Core; Baylor; 10 => 11: 50%; 11 => 12: 35%; 12 => 13: 25%; 13 => 14: 15%; 14 => 15: 10%; 15 => 16: 5%; 16 => 17: 3. Bosses: Epidos? Anais; 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 60%; 15 => 16: 35%; 16 => 17: 15%. Again; Kerberos. 10 => 11: 100%; 11 => 12: 100%; 12 => 13: 50%; 13 => 14: 35%; 14 => 15: 25%; 15 => 16: 10%; 16 => 17: 5%. Blessed Freya Regular Freya is similar in its parameters to Frintezza. And Blessed Freya might surprise you. Be carefull. General information: From 11 to 45 characters; Access from level 82; Up to 20 simultaneous CC inside; 120 minutes duration; Up to 5 minutes dead inside the instance / outside the instance; Rollback to Wednesday and Saturday, 06:30 am server time. Drop: 1 Blessed Freya NecklaceResistance to Water +15, resistance to Bleed+25%, Resistance to Paralysis/Shock/Sleep +20%, magic skill reuse delay -5%. Reflect 4% short-range attack damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to mental attack +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, magic MP consumption -5%. 1 Bottle of Freya's SoulA bottle containing a little bit of Freya's Soul. Find and speak to Rafforty to find out the purpose behind this little item. Mid S84 weapon - 100%; Top S84 weapons - 60%; Helmet Elegy: 50%; Top Elegy: 40%; Niz Elegy: 50%; Elegy Gloves: 60%; Boots Elegy: 60%; Shield/ Sigil Elegy: 70%; Necklace / Earring / Ring Elegy: 80%; Moirai, Vesper, Vorpal Armor and Jewelry, with 2x the chance of Frintezza / normal Freya; Useful Consumables: Scrolls of Enhancement, Bless. upgrade scrolls, upgrade chance increase runes; Stones of Life; Attribute Stones and Crystals; Sphere MW: S; S80; S84-Vesper; S84-Vorpal. Soul Crystals 10 => 15: 100%; 15 => 16: 50%; 16 => 17: 25%; 17 => 18: 10%. Tiat Update Although the Instance Boss Tiat was introduced a long time ago, one still retains its relevance, but takes enough time to complete. Since the passage of the corridors themselves is actually not a problem at the current stage - we have abolished some of them so that you can save time. Facilitate passages: Now, after killing the Obelisk in the central hall, you do not need to go through 3 passages with crystals to get to the Fort. The passage will open automatically after the Obelisk is destroyed. Visual improvements: Now, after killing the Obelisk, "banners" with arrows will appear, which will direct you to the desired passage. They look terrible, but they will be hard to miss. 🤪 Now, after killing the Obelisk, the soldiers of Gracia will appear about 3 passages (which now do not open, since they do not need to be passed) and will report that they will deal with the crystals on their own and they do not need your help. The crystals that are on both sides of the Fort are now visually in the right place (instead of being suspended in the air). Drop: Mid-S84 weapon was added to the drop with a 15% chance (similar to Frintezza's Instance); Now Vesper Weapon drop has been increased from 60% to 100%. Shop Butler, L2Store, Personal Account Starter Kits : Starter Set (95 Personal Starter Pack with equipment and useful items to boost your character!Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. set ): When buying through the Personal Account, you will also receive: +350 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. as a gift (only through personal account) General: Weapons + charges, Armor and Jewelry rank A (was B). More consumables. Box with "My Teleport" Items (1 Book, 3 Flags, 20 Scrolls); The following are only changes from what was before the update: Removed B-gr; +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr);Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. +2 Personal Coupon (A-gr); + A set of Majestic jewelry; Greater MW RingGreater Ring from Rare MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 25%, + 3% PvE Defence, +15 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown. - 48 M. Def. Protect; 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 10 Fresh Fruit Cocktail;Personal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 MW Vitality Pie;Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 5 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 5 Vitality Replenishing Potion;Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 20.000 Soulshot Pack (A-Grade);If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 12.000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade); 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 250 Personal Greater CP Potion;Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape;A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. Unique SetPersonal Unique Set with equipment and all useful items that boost you at the start and grant comfort to Your character! (set for 125 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. ) -❗The best option❗: When you purchase through your Personal Account, you will also receive: (2. ) +500 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. as a gift (only through personal account) General: Weapons + charges, Armor and Jewelry ranks A and S (there were B and A). Significantly more Consumables. Box with "My Teleport" Items (1 Book, 3 Flags, 25 Scrolls); The following are only changes from what was before the update Removed B-gr; +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr) и Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr) и Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. + A set of Tateossian jewelry; Can be worn from level 1. Blessed MW RingBlessed Ring from Unique MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 50%, + 5% PvE Defence, +20 Inventory Slots. Active Skills: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown; -BSoR with 3 hours cooldown. 56 M. Def. Def. 15 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 15 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 5 MW Vitality Pie; 10 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 10 Vitality Replenishing Potion; 20.000 Soulshot Pack (A-Grade) и Soulshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item.;If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 12.000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade) и Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item.; 500 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 500 Personal Greater CP Potion; 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape;A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 15 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Fame: MW Fame CouponThis coupon can be change for 100 Fame in Olympiad Store. Fame can be purchased after your 2nd class transfer. - now 100 for 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. (twice as much) Consumption: Personal Greater Healing Potion - now 100 for 3 Master Coins / 500 (!) for 10 Master Coins (twice as much); CP PotionRestores CP by 50. Cooldown: 1 sec. - now 100 for 1 Master Coin (twice as much); Greater CP PotionRestores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - now 100 for 2 Master Coins (twice as much); Personal Greater CP Potion - now 100 for 3 Master Coins (twice as much); 200 cans of 3 types: 10 Master Coins (twice as much). Charge Quantity: 5000 physical. / 3000 mag. Removed from the shop: NG/D/C, they can be bought for Adena from regular NPC vendors in cities. A and S cost reduced: Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin;Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Soulshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin; Soulshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 3 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 2 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 6 Master Coin. Tickets: Re-entry into low-level Instance Zones has become half the price: Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka - 2 Master Coin. Cocktails: Became twice as accessible: 1 Sweet Fruit Cocktail / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 1 Master Coin; 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktaill / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 7 Master Coin; 1 Sweet Fruit Cocktail / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 5 Empty GlassYou can refill the glass with Fresh Fruit Cocktail at MW Premium Store Butler. 2 Sweet Fruit Cocktaill / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 2 Empty Glass + 1 Master Coin. Elixirs: Removed Elixirs ranks C, B; A and S - became more accessible: 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. - 2 Master Coin; 15 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 15 Elixir of Life (S-Grade) - 2 Master Coin; 25 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 25 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 2 Master Coin. Soul Bottles: 75 Full Bottle of Souls - 5 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - 1 Master Coin (twice as much); 50 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - 1 Master Coin (twice as much). Quivers of Arrows and Bolts (10.000 Arrows / Bolts each): D, C, B - по 1 Master Coin; Mithril QuiverIf used, 10000 personal A-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. / Mithril Bolt ContainerIf used, 10000 personal A-grade Bolts with zero weight are acquired. - 2 Master Coin; Quiver of LightIf used, 10000 personal S-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. / Bolt of LightPersonal Item with zero weight. Bolt made of unknown materials. Can be used with a S-grade crossbow. - 3 Master Coin. System of Attribute An insert into S/Dynasty/Moirai/Vesper/Vorpal/Elegia armor of the third defensive Attribute has become available. Note! Available listed but not B / A ; Thus, all items of armor S/S80/S84 rank can be improved with three different elemental defenses, except for antipodal elements. 900 = stones 3x5x60; 1800 = crystals 3x5x120. Seed of Annihilation (SoA) locations and spot with Karik-ami. General : The basis of the location works according to the concept, in other words, it works the way you are used to; Below are the changes that were made on top of the base. SoA: SoA will change rooms once a day at 6:30 am. The rooms will change without random clockwise. Reduced damage penalty in non-class-specific SoA rooms by 50%. Previously, without a profile buff of a location (mage, physical, archer buff), damage to mobs was cut off almost to zero. We take into account that many groups on our server play with combined setups, so the main buff of the room gives full damage to mobs as it should (we have it increased from the first launch, according to the concept), and characters without a buff receive damage reduction not 100, and 50 %. Now in SOA you can knock out all Vorpal equipment. The base item drop was also upgraded (resources, enchants, S gems, Mastery, etc.) Spoiler remained unchanged: Vesper recipes and pieces (as in the original, in other words - Adena) New Quest: By hunting monsters in the location you will receive quest items - Scalding Tear; Items can be transferred.Tears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. Quest items can be exchanged for chests with Vorpal equipment from NPC Nemo . Also, for quest items and the Nth amount of resources and adena, you can improve your Vorpal equipment for Attack or Defense . You can read more about this below. Three Raid Bosses in SoA - Taklacan , Torumba , Dopagen . Previously, almost no one ever killed these Bosses, since they were broken on all or almost all servers. We managed to manually restore their logic and mechanics. They now work correctly, except for the following changes: We've made some boss farming phases easier and significantly improved and updated the drops from bosses. Bosses will spawn in the evening, similar to how it works with Epidos and Anais. General information for Taklacan and Dopagen : The longer the Boss farm goes on, the stronger the buff is on him , and the debuff is on the players . If you take the Boss away from his spawn point, he disappears for 2-5 minutes and all of his buff and debuff mechanics are reset. Bosses have 30.000 P.Def and 15.000 M.Def While farming the Boss, pillars appear that you need to bring him to, so that the pillar will impose a debuff that reduces P.Def and M.Def by 95%. A pillar that can inflict a debuff is marked with a huge bright lightning bolt . Torumba: The boss, during his appearance, gives a notification to the whole world. However, it is impossible to beat him in the first 3 minutes after the appearance. The boss can only be killed in werewolf transforms . NPC Bomona turns into a werewolf , which is located in a cave, not far from the place of his appearance. Outside of the transform, all characters get paralyzed by the Boss Transformed characters cannot be healed by normal methods. However, whoever seeks will always find 😉 To kill the Boss, you need to inflict several hundred hits with the skill (Treykan Claw), which is in the transform The boss cannot be taken far from the spawn point. Bloody Karik (LoA) : As mentioned above - the location works classically and has undergone only minor improvements New Quest: By hunting monsters in the location you will receive quest items - Bloody Tear; Items can be transferred.Tears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. Quest items can be exchanged for chests with Vorpal equipment from NPC Theodric ; Also, for quest items and the Nth amount of resources and adena, you can improve your Vorpal equipment for Attack or Defense . You can read more about this below. Drop: At the location, you can now knock out all Vorpal equipment; The base drop has also been improved. Vorpal Vorpal now has the following options: Seth New bonuses General bonuses Vorpal Heavy Set Max. HP +209 (750 instead of 341) M. Def. +8.47% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Resistance +5, Holy/Darkness +10 CON +2, STR -2 Max. HP +750 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +8.47% M. Def. +8.47% +2 pts Block. Magic Accuracy +4 Speed +7 Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +70.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 Vorpal Leather Set Max. MP +140 (500 instead of 360) P. Crit. Atk.. +6.50% (+6.50% instead of +182) Speed +7 (+7 instead of 3%) Spell Break Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind Attribute Defense +5, Darkness/Holy +10 Max. MP +500 STR+1, DEX+2, CON-3 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +5.57% Speed Atk. +5.00% P. Crit. Atk. +6.50% Speed +7 Stun Resistance +50.00% Spell Cancel Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 Vorpal Robe Set Max. MP +258 (350 instead of 92) MP Recovery Bonus +10.00% (15% instead of 5%) Psychic Resistance +30.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Resistance +5, Holy/Darkness +10 WIT +2, INT -1, MEN -1 M. Def. +8.70% Speed Mag. +15.00% Max. MP +350 MP Recovery Bonus +15% Speed +7 Stun Resistance +50.00% Mental Attack Resistance +30.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 <RARE> item bonuses : Heavy Subject Bonus Vorpal HelmetMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +1.05% M. Def. +1.05% Max HP +175 Resistance Paralyze +5.25% Resistance Medusa +5.25% Resistance Sleep +7% Resistance Hold +7% Resistance Bleed +7% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +175 P. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +1.05% M. Def. +1.05% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +7.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +5.25% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +2.10% M. Def. +2.10% Max HP +350 Resistance Paralyze +10.5% Resistance Medusa +10.5% Resistance Sleep +14% Resistance Hold +14% Resistance Bleed +14% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Breastplate {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +2.10% M. Def. +2.10% Max HP +350 Resistance Paralyze +10.5% Resistance Medusa +10.5% Resistance Sleep +14% Resistance Hold +14% Resistance Bleed +14% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases: - Resistance to sleep/hold attacks by 25%; - Max HP by 350; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - P. Def. by 2.5%. Max. HP +350 P. Atk. +1.70% P. Def. +2.10% M. Def. +2.10% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +14.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +10.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal Piper Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.1% P. Def. +1.35% M. Def. +1.35% Max HP +225 Resistance Paralyze +5% Resistance Medusa +5% Resistance Sleep +6.75% Resistance Hold +6.75% Resistance Bleed +6.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +225 P. Atk. +1.10% P. Def. +1.35% M. Def. +1.35% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +9.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +6.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal GauntletMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Max HP +125 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance Medusa +3.75% Resistance Sleep +5% Resistance Hold +5% Resistance Bleed +5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +125 P. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +5.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +3.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Max HP +125 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance Medusa +3.75% Resistance Sleep +5% Resistance Hold +5% Resistance Bleed +5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +125 P. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +5.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +3.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal ShieldMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +4.Masterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. Block. Magic +4 pts. General bonuses for <RARE> set (no shield) Max. HP +1000 P. Atk. +4.85% P. Def. +6.00% M. Def. +6.00% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +40.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +30.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +25 PvP Damage Defense +5.00% Light Subject Bonus Vorpal Leather HelmetMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +0.85% P. Crit. Damage +0.91% Atk. Spd. +0.7% Speed +1.4 Max MP +105 Resistance Stun +5.25% Magic Cancel Damage -5.25 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +0.85% Speed Atk. +0.70% P. Crit. Atk. +0.91% Max. MP +105 Speed +1.4 Stun Resistance +5.25% Spell Interruption Resistance +5.25% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal Leather BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +1.7% P. Crit. Damage +1.82% Atk. Spd. +1.4% Speed +2.8 Max MP +210 Resistance Stun +10.5% Magic Cancel Damage -10.5 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Leather Breastplate {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +1.7% P. Crit. Damage +1.82% Atk. Spd. +1.4% Speed +2.8 Max MP +210 Resistance Stun +10.5% Magic Cancel Damage -10.5 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases: - Max MP by 225; - Atk. Spd. by 2%; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 7%. Phys. Atk. +1.70% P. Def. +1.70% Speed Atk. +1.40% P. Crit. Atk +1.82% Max. MP +210 Speed +2.8 Stun Resistance +10.50% Spell Cancel Resistance +10.50% Protection against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Protection +1.00% Vorpal Leather LeggingMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.1% P. Def. +1.1% P. Crit. Damage +1.17% Atk. Spd. +0.9% Speed +1.8 Max MP +135 Resistance Stun +6.75% Magic Cancel Damage -6.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +1.10% P. Def. +1.10% Speed Atk. +0.90% P. Crit. Atk +1.17% Max. MP +135 Speed +1.8 Stun Resistance +6.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +6.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal Leather GlovesMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.6% P. Crit. Damage +0.65% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Speed +1 Max MP +75 Resistance Stun +3.75% Magic Cancel Damage -3.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. +0.60% Speed Atk. +0.50% P. Crit. Atk. +0.65% Max. MP +75 Speed +1 Stun Resistance +3.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +3.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal Leather BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.6% P. Crit. Damage +0.65% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Speed +1 Max MP +75 Resistance Stun +3.75% Magic Cancel Damage -3.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. +0.60% Speed Atk. +0.50% P. Crit. Atk. +0.65% Max. MP +75 Speed +1 Stun Resistance +3.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +3.75% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% General bonuses for <RARE> set Phys. Atk. +4.85% P. Def. +4.85% Spd. Atk. +4.00% P. Crit. Atk. +5.20% Max. MP +600 Speed +8 Stun Resistance +30.00% Spell Cancel Resistance +30.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +25 PvP Damage Defense +5.00% Robe Subject Bonus Vorpal CircletMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.4% Max MP +75 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.8% Resistance Stun +5.25% Resistance Mental attacks +3.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.40% Max. MP +75 Regen. MP +2.80% Stun Resistance +5.25% Mental Attack Resistance +3.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal TunicMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +2.8% Cast. Spd. +2.5% Max MP +150 MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6% Resistance Stun +10.5% Resistance Mental attacks +7.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Tunic {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. M. Atk. +2.8% Cast. Spd. +2.5% Max MP +150 MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6% Resistance Stun +10.5% Resistance Mental attacks +7.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Mag. Atk. +2.80% Speed Mag. +2.50% Max. MP +150 Regen. MP +5.60% Stun Resistance +10.50% Mental Attack Resistance +7.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal StockingsMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.8% Max MP +95 MP Regeneration Bonus +3.6% Resistance Stun +6.75% Resistance Mental attacks +4.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.80% Max. MP +95 Regen. MP +3.60% Stun Resistance +6.75% Mental Attack Resistance +4.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal GlovesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.0% Max MP +50 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.0% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance Mental attacks +2.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.00% Max. MP +50 Regen. MP +2.00% Stun Resistance +3.75% Mental Attack Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal ShoesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.0% Max MP +50 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.0% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance Mental attacks +2.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.00% Max. MP +50 Regen. MP +2.00% Stun Resistance +3.75% Mental Attack Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +5 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vorpal SigilMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +4.Masterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. Block. Magic +4 pts. General bonuses for <RARE> set (no sigil) Mag. Atk. +8.00% Spd. Mag. +2.50% Max. MP +420 Regen. MP +16.00% Stun Resistance +30.00% Mental Attack Resistance +20.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +25 PvP Damage Defense +5.00% Jewelry Subject Bonus Vorpal NecklaceMasterwork Item. Max MP +40 Resistance Paralyze +15% Resistance Sleep +15% Resistance from Holy +10 Resistance from Unholy +10 Resistance from Water +10 Resistance from Fire +10 Resistance from Wind +10 Resistance from Earth +10.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Max. MP +40 Paralysis Resistance +15.00% Sleep Resistance +15.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +10 Vorpal EarringMasterwork Item. Resistance Stun +15% Resistance Mental attacks +15%.Masterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Stun Resistance +15.00% Psychic Resistance +15.00% Vorpal RingMasterwork Item. Resistance Hold +15% P. Crit. Damage +10%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. P. Crit. Atk. +10.00% Hold Resistance +15.00% On the MasterWork server , you can upgrade your set to Attack or Defense : Heavy Set New bonuses General bonuses Vorpal Heavy Attack Set STR +1 P. Crit. Atk. +38 Recharge P. Def. skills, Rhythms -7.00% Chance of Mental Attacks +12.00% Chance of Bleeding/ Poison +20.00% Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Darkness Resistance +10 CON +2, STR -1 Max. HP +750 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +8.47% M. Def. +8.47% +2 pts Block. Magic Accuracy +4 Speed +7 P. Crit. Atk. +38 Recharge P. Def. skills, Rhythms -7.00% Mental Attack Chance +12.00% Bleed/Poison Chance +20.00% Bleed/Sleep /Hold Resistance +70.00% Paralysis /Petrification Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 Vorpal Heavy Defence Set DEX +1, CON +1 Block Magic +1. Shield Defense +25.00% Incoming Healing Power +7% P./ M. Crit. damage -10.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 PvP Damage Resistance +5.00% DEX +1, CON +3, STR -2 Max. HP +750 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +8.47% M. Def. +8.47% Block. Magic +3 points. Accuracy +4 Speed +7 Shield Defense +25.00% Incoming Healing Power +7% P./ M. Crit. damage -10.00% Bleed/Sleep/Hold Resistance +70.00% Paralysis/Petrification Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 PvP Damage Resistance +5.00% Light Set New bonuses General bonuses Vorpal Light Attack Set STR +1 Accuracy +4 Power P. Def. Skills +7.00% Recharge P./ M. Def. Skills, Rhythms -7.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 STR +2, DEX +2, CON -3 Max. MP +500 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +5.57% Speed Atk. +5.00% P. Strength Crete. Atk. +6.50% Accuracy +4 Speed +7 Power P. Def. Skills +7.00% Recharge P./ M. Def. Skills, Rhythms -7.00% Stun Resistance +50.00% Spell Cancel Resistance +50.00% NEW Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 Vorpal Light Defence Set DEX +1, MEN +1 Evasion +4 P./ M. Evasion Skills +5.00% P./ M. Def. skills, Rhythms -10.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 PvP Damage Resistance +5.00% STR +1, DEX +3, MEN +1, CON -3 Max. MP +500 P. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. +5.57% Speed Atk. +5.00% P. Crit. Atk. +6.50% Speed +7 Evasion +4 P./ M. Evasion Skills +5.00% P./ M. Def. Skills, Rhythms -10.00% Stun Resistance +50.00% Spell Cancel Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 PvP Damage Resistance +5.00% Robe Set New bonuses General bonuses Vorpal Robe Attack Set INT +1 M. Crit. Atk. +15.00% Recharge M. Def. skills -7.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +10 WIT +2, MEN -1 M. Atk. +8.70% Speed Mag. +15.00% Max. MP +350 MP Recovery Bonus +15.00% Speed +7 Recharge M. Def. Skills -7.00% Stun Resistance +50.00% Mental Attack Resistance +30.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 Vorpal Robe Defence Set CON +1, MEN +1 Cost M. Def. skills -10.00% Incoming healing power +10.00% MP Burn resistance +12.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness resistance +10 PvP Damage resistance +5.00% WIT +2, INT -1, CON +1 M. Atk. +8.70% Speed Mag. +15.00% Max. MP +350 MP Recovery Bonus +15.00% Speed +7 Cost M. Def. -10.00% Healing Power +10.00% MP Burn Protection +12.00% Mental Attack Resistance +30.00% Stun Resistance +50.00% Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy/Darkness Resistance +20 PvP Damage Resistance +5.00% Upgrade Vorpal to Attack / Defense (trade): The exchange of Vorpal armor bodies of any variations (regular, rare, regular PVP, rare PVP) for Attack or Defense is carried out with the same new NPCs (LoA - NPC Theodric, SoA - NPC Nemo , from whom the Chest with a random Vorpal part is purchased: Shillien SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Vorpal Armor. за: 2100 Bloody TearTears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. +5kk (LoA, Karik); 4200 Scalding TearTears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. + 5кк (SoA). Attack/Defense Upgrade Cost: 840 Bloody TearTears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. ИЛИ 1680 Scalding Tear;Tears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. 15,000,000 Adena; 7 Arcsmith's Anvil;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 5 Warsmith's Mold;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 5 Leolin's Mold;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 775 Mithril Alloy;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 1350 Crafted Leather;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 850 Synthetic Cokes;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 365 Asofe;Crystal representing life and protection. Used for making items of B-Grade and above and can also be sold at ordinary shops. 185 Orichalcum.Material used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store. Cost of Exchange Attack for Defense / Defense for Attack: 15.000.000 Adena , similar to Vesper. Items (others) Insert cost {PvP} : Any option Heavy. Upper Armor: 14.000 Fame; 2,792,000 Adena Any Light/Robe Top Armor variant: 10.500 Fame; 2,094,000 Adena Remove {PvP} insert: As usual, it's free. Methods for mining Vorpal Orbs MasterWork Crystal - S85 : Epic bosses: Baium? Antharas? Valakas? Beleth; Dent. Instances: Tiat; sparkle; Freya; Blessed Freya. Bosses: Epidos? Anais; Again; Kerberos. Unidentified Items: Chance of obtaining Rare Items when printing Unidentified Items: Default: 99% - Common item, 1% - Rare item. All items of Armor and Weapon grade B: 25% Rare Item. All items of Armor and Weapons grade A: 20% Rare Item. All items of Armor and Weapons grade S: 15% Rare Item. All items of Dynasty Armor and Weapons: 10% Rare Item. All items of Armor and Weapons Moirai: 5% Rare Item. 10% Rare Jewelry. All items of Vesper Armor and Weapons: 5% Rare Item. 7% Rare Jewelry. All items of Vorpal Armor: 5% Rare Item. 5% Rare Jewelry. Exchange Personal Epic. Jewelry (from NPC Pona in the Luxury Shop): Business's Earring (Personal) ; Ring of Queen Ant (Personal); Frintezza's Necklace (Personal) Cost of each option: 12 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! + 5.000.000 Adena. Swapping a regular Vorpal for a <RARE> Vorpal using the new MasterWork Crystal Orbs - S85 The exchange cost is similar to S/S80/Vesper: Verh-4 MasterWork Crystal-S85If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange an ordinary Vorpal item for a Masterwork Item. ; String and Helmet - 3 MasterWork Crystal - S85 ; Boots and Gloves - 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S85 ; Shield, Sigil and Jewelry - 1 each MasterWork Crystal - S85 . Other Offline Trade duration increased to 72 hours (3 days). All S80 / S84 jewelry has been replaced in Monster Drops ( Monastery of Silence , Dragon Valley , Lair of Antharas , etc.) with Unidentified . You will need to use our Updater in order for the update to be displayed correctly. We highly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature regularly , as we regularly release various minor and major updates. with ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  15. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья, Как и обещали - Патчноут 🙃 на понедельник, 05.06. В рамках обновления мы улучшаем существующие механики, добавляем новый контент и планомерно готовим сервер к слиянию. Это не последнее обновление и нам еще есть чем вас порадовать 😉 Облегчение Старта Новым Игрокам Мы всегда работаем над привлечением игроков на наш сервер, вне зависимости от того, какой день\месяц после старта идет. Мы рады приветствовать всех новоприбывших! Упразднение ношения Рангов Экипировки: Предметы ранга B с 1 уровня (был с 52); Предметы ранга A c 1 уровня (был с 61); Предметы ранга S с 61 уровня (был с 76). Стартовая Экипировка Персонажей: Список только изменённой / добавленной Стартовой Экипировки (Билеты в Инстансы, Рубашки и так далее никуда не делись) Оружие в зависимости от класса: MW Sword of DamascusBound Item. P. Crit. Rate +65.; MW Wizard's TearBound Item. Cast. Spd. +15%.; MW Spell Breaker Increases Casting Spd by 15%. Personal Item.; MW Demon's Dagger*Dark ScreamerDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Crit. Rate +81.; MW Yaksa Mace*Yaksa MaceDual-weapon type. P. Atk. will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Bound Item. P. Skill Reuse Time +10%, Max HP +25%.; MW Ice Storm Hammer Increases critical Chance by 68. Personal Item.; MW Bellion CestusBound Item. Atk. Spd. when HP < 60% +9%.; MW DismantlerBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +73.; MW ColichemardeBound Item. Kamael-exclusive Item. P. Crit. Rate +73. During P. Crit. Atk. for all party members MP Consumption -100%, P./ M. Atk. +10%, Incoming Heal Power +10%.. Броня в зависимости от класса: Комплект MW Blue Wolf Heavy; Комплект MW Blue Wolf Light; Комплект MW Blue Wolf Robe. Бижутерия: 1 MW Necklace of Black OrePersonal Item.; 2 MW Earring of Black OrePersonal Item.; 1 MW Ring of Black OrePersonal Item.; 1 Pioneers RingUnique Ring of Pioneers for those who took part in MasterWork - 2022 Grand Opening. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 10%, + 2% PvE Defence, +10 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -SoE with 10 minutes cooldown.. Заряды и прочая полезная расходка: 10000 Soulshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. Spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons.; 5000 Blessed Spiritshot (B-Grade)Personal Item with zero weight. High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its magic power. Can be used on B-grade weapons.; 500 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 350 Personal Greater CP PotionPersonal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec.; 5 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 5 Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 10 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 10 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.. Камаэли также получают: 250 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races.. Академия Общие положения Академия теперь до 61-го уровня (при достижении 61-го уровня — автоматическое окончание). Вступить в Академию персонаж может вплоть до 60-го уровня включительно, без проверки на профессию. Как и ранее, за выход / исключение из Академии — отсутствует штраф, как у персонажа, так и у клана. Clan Unity работает с 9/18/27 персонажей онлайн (описывалось ранее). Academy Favor - это система, которая работает по аналогии с Clan Unity. Все члены академии получают бафф, который увеличивает их характеристики скорости атаки, каста и бега. Academy Favor (пассивный эффект) : Скорость Маг. Атаки +30%. Скорость Физ. Атаки +15% (аналог Rhythm of Rage) Скорость бега +20. Макс. HP +30% (аналог Rhythm of Body) Обратите внимание! Пока Вы находитесь под эффектом Academy Favor - Вы невосприимчивы к эффектам от Rhythm of Rage и Rhythm of Body. Награды для Клана: Клан теперь получает по 2 ед. Клятвенной Крови за получение профессии Академиком и за окончание Академии. Суммарно - 4 ед. Крови получает Клан в КБ и еще 3 - получает успешный Академик в инвентарь. Награды для Персонажа: За получение Второй Профессии: 1 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.; 150 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 150 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.; 3 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse.; 1 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes.; 2 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 3 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 3 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.; Academy CircletCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%.; 150.000 Adena. За получение 61-го уровня (сдачу Академии): 2 Proof of LoyaltyA transferable item that is issued for completing the Academy. Necessary for learning and using new Clan Skills.; 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 250 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide.; 5 Box with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL LevelsWrapped pack containing a Rune of Experience Points 50% for 60-minutes. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse.; 3 MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes.; 3 Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes.; 5 Sweet Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Focus, Guidance and Bless the Body can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 5 Fresh Fruit CocktailPersonal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily timer reset. Personal Item.; 1 Extra Entrance Pass - Near KamalokaExtra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disappears at the corresponding instant dungeon's reset time. Personal Item.; 1 Legacy of AcademyCirclet awarded to graduates of the Academy. When equipped by a level 40~75 character, upon death, the Exp. penalty decreases by 50%.; 500.000 Adena. Достижения (Ачивки) Новые Добавлена новая Ачивка за 85-й уровень: Порция персональных GHP и GCP, Ivory Coin'ов, зарядов ранга S, Эликсиров CP, HP и MP а также Кодексы, включая Мастери — обеспечены. Награды за текущие Ачивки, выдающиеся за Уровни Персонажа — изменена / улучшена: Общее: Больше персональных GHP и зарядов Души / Духа на ВСЕХ уровнях За 5-й уровень: Добавлен Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Заряды Души и Духа ранга B. За 20-й уровень: Добавлен Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Заряды Души и Духа ранга B. За 40-й уровень: Добавлен Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Заряды Души и Духа ранга A. За 52-й уровень: Добавлен Personal Coupon;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Заряды Души и Духа ранга A. Олимпийские Ачивки: Теперь за участие, победы и череду побед персонаж также будет иметь шанс получить: Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. - Сундук со Свитками улучшения и Рунами увеличения шанса улучшения Оружия и Экипировки; Шанс на получение MW Fame CouponThis coupon can be change for 100 Fame in Olympiad Store. Fame can be purchased after your 2nd class transfer. был увеличен. Саб-класс Ачивки: За 1-й Саб: Оружие и Полный Сет ранга B, пакеты с персональными зарядами ранга B: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. За 2-й и 3-й Сабы: Оружие и Полный Сет ранга А, пакеты с персональными зарядами ранга А: Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. Soulshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. Эпический Квест На сервере стал доступен Эпический Квест. Как и обычно, мы не будет рассказывать вам, как он проходится (об этом появится позже статься на нашей Wiki). Расскажем вам только о изменениях, которые мы внесли в привычный квест. Награды были улучшены: 4.200.724.166 ; ; Certificate of DawnA certificate received from the Witness of Dawn Franz. It says that if you show this certificate to Priest Wood, he will exchange it for an occupation specific Forgotten Scroll that can be learned at level 81. - предмет, за который вы можете получить одну книгу для изучения умения на 79-м уровне по вашему выбору: Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic ArmorForgotten Scroll to learn Anti-magic Armor. Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, and Shillien Templar use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - WizardThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Archmages, Soul Takers, Mystic Muses, Storm Screamers and Soul Hounds level 79 and above to learn Enlightenment.; Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - HealerThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Cardinals, Hierophants, Eva's Saints, Shillien Saints, Dominators, Doom Cryers and Judicators level 79 and above to learn Enlightenment.; Forgotten Scroll - Excessive LoyaltyForgotten Scroll to learn Excessive Loyalty. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Deflect MagicThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Phoenix Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars, Shillien Templars, Sword Muses and Spectral Dancers level 79 and above to learn Deflect Magic.; Forgotten Scroll - Final SecretThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Duelists, Grand Khavataris, Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers, Maestros, Doombringers, Soul Hounds and Judicators level 79 and above to learn Final Secret.; Forgotten Scroll - HideThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters and Fortune Seekers level 79 and above to learn Hide.; Forgotten Scroll - Silent MindThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 79 and above to learn Silent Mind.; Forgotten Scroll - Seven ArrowThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 79 and above to learn Seven Arrow.; Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger MasteryThis Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, and Ghost Hunters level 79 and above to learn Dual Dagger Mastery.; Spellbook - MeteorSpellbook needed to learn Meteor. Can be learned at Level 79.; Spellbook - Star FallSpellbook needed to learn Star Fall. Can be learned at Level 79.; Forgotten Scroll - Servitor BarrierForgotten Scroll to learn Servitor Barrier. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by level 79.; Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! Это позволяет вам взять у NPC Pona (в Luxury Shop) один персональный Эпик на выбор: Zaken's Earring (Personal); Ring of Queen Ant (Personal); Frintezza's Necklace (Personal) Стоимость каждого варианта: 12 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! + 5.000.000 Adena. Инстанс Зоны, Боссы и Эпические Боссы Была изменена Награда (Дропа, Опыта, прокачки СА), а также напоминаем о том, как работают актуальные (новые) для данного этапа инстанс зоны. Также Боссы и Эпические Боссы получили улучшенный Дроп. Общее для Tiat, Frintezza, Freya, Blessed Freya: 120 минут длительность. До 5 минут мёртвый внутри инстанса / нахождение вне инстанса. Откат в Среду и Субботу, 06:30 утра по серверному времени. Отличия: Frintezza и Tiat— от 11 до 45 человек, Freya и Blessed Freya - от 11 до 27 человек внутри инстанса Tiat - начиная с 78-го уровня Frintezza - начиная с 80-го уровня Freya - начиная с 81-го уровня Blessed Freya - начиная 82-го уровня Дроп в Инстанс Зонах: Шанс дропа мид. S84 оружия: Tiat Инстанс частично упрощен (про это в отдельном пункте); Добавлено в дроп, 15% (по аналогии с Инстансом Фринтезы); Дроп Веспер Оружия увеличен с 60 до 100%. Knoriks До 1%. Anais До 25%. Epidos 25%. Дроп Кусков Moirai и Vesper экипировки: Основная проблема при крафте Moirai и Vesper экипировки - это куски, а не рецепты. По этому из нижеописанных Боссов гарантировано будут выпадать куски на Броню. Инстанс Зоны: Queen Ant (Куски на Moirai уже выпадали ранее, добавлены куски на Vesper); Orfen; Core; Baylor. Боссы: Giant Cave: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime. Fields of Whispers / Silence: Gwindorr; Water Spirit Lian Дроп Неопознанная бижутерия: Moirai, Vesper и Vorpal Инстансы: Tiat; Frintezza. Боссы: Epidos; Anais. Moirai и Vesper (+ куски): Инстанс Зоны: Queen Ant; Orfen; Core; Baylor. Боссы: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime; Gwindorr; Water Spirit Lian Дроп Vorpal и Эпические Боссы: Мировые Боссы: Убран шанс выпадения Dynasty предметов; Увеличен шанс выпадения Moirai и Vesper предметов; Добавлен шанс выпадения Vorpal Брони и Бижутерии; Увеличен шанс выпадения Мид и Топ S84 оружия до 100% (кроме Дента, из которого оно не выпадает): Dent; Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Beleth. Инстанс Зоны: Незначительно увеличен шанс выпадения Moirai и Vesper предметов; Добавлен шанс выпадения Vorpal брони и бижутерии: Frintezza; Freya. Дроп в с Freya соответствует дропу у Frintezza, за исключением Эпической Бижутерии. Шанс прокачки Soul Crystal: Эпические Боссы: Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Beleth; 10 => 18: 100%. Dent; 10 => 17: 100%; 17 => 18: 50%. Bane; 10 => 15: 100%. Инстанс Зоны: Tiat; 10 => 11: 50%; 11 => 12: 35%; 12 => 13: 25%; 13 => 14: 20%; 14 => 15: 15%; 15 => 16: 10%; 16 => 17: 5%. Frintezza; Freya; 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 50%; 15 => 16: 25%; 16 => 17: 10%; 17 => 18: 5%. Blessed Freya; 10 => 15: 100%; 15 => 16: 50%; 16 => 17: 25%; 17 => 18: 10%. Queen Ant; Orfen; Core; Baylor; 10 => 11: 50%; 11 => 12: 35%; 12 => 13: 25%; 13 => 14: 15%; 14 => 15: 10%; 15 => 16: 5%; 16 => 17: 3. Боссы: Epidos; Anais; 10 => 14: 100%; 14 => 15: 60%; 15 => 16: 35%; 16 => 17: 15%. Ankou; Kerberos. 10 => 11: 100%; 11 => 12: 100%; 12 => 13: 50%; 13 => 14: 35%; 14 => 15: 25%; 15 => 16: 10%; 16 => 17: 5%. Благословенная Фрея Обычная Freya похожа по своих параметрам на Frintezza. А Blessed Freya может вас удивить. Будьте бдительны. Общая информация: От 11 до 45 персонажей; Доступ начиная с 82-го уровня; До 20 одновременных ЦЦ внутри; 120 минут длительность; До 5 минут мёртвый внутри инстанса / нахождение вне инстанса; Откат в Среду и Субботу, 06:30 утра по серверному времени. Дроп: 1 Blessed Freya NecklaceResistance to Water +15, resistance to Bleed+25%, Resistance to Paralysis/Shock/Sleep +20%, magic skill reuse delay -5%. Reflect 4% short-range attack damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to mental attack +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, magic MP consumption -5%. 1 Bottle of Freya's SoulA bottle containing a little bit of Freya's Soul. Find and speak to Rafforty to find out the purpose behind this little item. Mid S84 оружие - 100%; Top S84 оружие - 60%; Шлем Элегия: 50%; Верх Элегия: 40%; Низ Элегия: 50%; Перчатки Элегия: 60%; Ботинки Элегия: 60%; Щит / Сигиль Элегия: 70%; Ожерелье / Серьга / Кольцо Элегия: 80%; Moirai, Vesper, Vorpal Броня и Бижутерия, с Вдвое большим шансом, чем на Frintezza / обычной Freya; Полезные расходуемые предметы: Свитки улучшения, Благ. свитки улучшения, Руны увеличения шанса улучшения; Камни Жизни; Камни и Кристаллы Атрибута; Сферы MW: S; S80; S84-Vesper; S84-Vorpal. Soul Crystals 10 => 15: 100%; 15 => 16: 50%; 16 => 17: 25%; 17 => 18: 10%. Tiat Update Пусть Инстанс Босс Tiat и была введена достаточно давно, одна все еще сохраняет свою актуальность, но забирает достаточно времени на прохождение. Так как прохождение самих коридоров фактически не является проблемой на текущем этапе - мы упразднили некоторые из них для того, что бы вы могли сэкономить время. Облегчение проходов: Теперь после убийства Обелиска в центральном зале вам не нужно проходить 3 прохода с кристаллами, что бы попасть к Форту. Проход откроется автоматически, после того, как Обелиск будет уничтожен. Визуальные улучшения: Теперь после убийства Обелиска будут появляться "баннера" со стрелочками, которые будут направлять на нужный проход. Они выглядят ужасно, зато их будет сложно не заметить 🤪 Теперь после убийства Обелиска будут появляться солдаты Грации около 3-х проходов (которые теперь не открываются, так-как проходить их не нужно) и будут сообщать, что самостоятельно разберутся с кристаллами и ваша помощь им не нужна. Кристаллы, что находятся по обоих сторонах Форта, теперь визуально находятся на нужно месте (вместо того, что бы быть подвешенными в воздухе). Дроп: Mid-S84 оружие было добавлено в дроп с шансом в 15% (по аналогии с Инстансом Фринтезы); Теперь дроп Vesper Оружия увеличен с 60 до 100%. Магазин Butler, L2Store, Личный Кабинет Стартовые Наборы: Starter SetPersonal Starter Pack with equipment and useful items to boost your character! (набор за 95 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.): При покупке через Личный Кабинет вы также получите: +350 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. в подарок (только через ЛК) Общее: Оружие + заряды, Броня и Бижутерия ранга А (был B). Больше Расходников. Box with "My Teleport" Items (1 Book, 3 Flags, 20 Scrolls); Далее указаны только изменения относительно того, что было до обновления: Удален B-gr; +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr);Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. +2 Personal Coupon (A-gr); + Набор Majestic бижутерии; Greater MW RingGreater Ring from Rare MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 25%, + 3% PvE Defence, +15 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown. - 48 Маг. Защ; 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 10 Fresh Fruit Cocktail;Personal Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When used max. levels of effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Bless the Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Bless the Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour. Cooldown: 5 minutes. 3 MW Vitality Pie;Personal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. 5 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 5 Vitality Replenishing Potion;Personal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. 20.000 Soulshot Pack (A-Grade);If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 12.000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade); 250 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 250 Personal Greater CP Potion;Personal Item. Restores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. 15 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape;A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 10 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely. Reuse Delay: 10 sec. Unique SetPersonal Unique Set with equipment and all useful items that boost you at the start and grant comfort to Your character! (набор за 125 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products.) - ❗Лучший Вариант❗: При покупке через Личный Кабинет вы также получите: (2. ) +500 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. в подарок (только через ЛК) Общее: Оружие + заряды, Броня и Бижутерия рангов А и S (были B и А). Значительно больше Расходников. Box with "My Teleport" Items (1 Book, 3 Flags, 25 Scrolls); Далее указаны только изменения относительно того, что было до обновления Удален B-gr; +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr) и Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.;Personal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Weapon at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section. +1 Personal Coupon (A-gr) и Personal CouponPersonal Item. Exchange Coupon for a Personal Full Armor Set at NPC MW Premium Store Butler in the "Starter Sets" section.; + Набор Tateossian бижутерии; Можно носить с 1-го уровня. Blessed MW RingBlessed Ring from Unique MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 50%, + 5% PvE Defence, +20 Inventory Slots. Active Skills: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown; -BSoR with 3 hours cooldown. 56 Маг. Защ. 15 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 15 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; 5 MW Vitality Pie; 10 Vitality Maintaining Potion; 10 Vitality Replenishing Potion; 20.000 Soulshot Pack (A-Grade) и Soulshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item.;If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. 12.000 Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade) и Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item.; 500 Personal Greater Healing PotionMagic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 seconds. Personal Item.; 500 Personal Greater CP Potion; 25 Personal Blessed Scroll of Escape;A magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. 15 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Fame: MW Fame CouponThis coupon can be change for 100 Fame in Olympiad Store. Fame can be purchased after your 2nd class transfer. - теперь 100 за 1 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. (вдвое больше) Расходка: Personal Greater Healing Potion - теперь 100 за 3 Master Coin / 500 (!) за 10 Master Coin (вдвое больше); CP PotionRestores CP by 50. Cooldown: 1 sec. - теперь 100 за 1 Master Coin (вдвое больше); Greater CP PotionRestores CP by 200. Cooldown: 1 sec. - теперь 100 за 2 Master Coin (вдвое больше); Personal Greater CP Potion - теперь 100 за 3 Master Coin (вдвое больше); По 200 банок 3-х видов: 10 Master Coin (вдвое больше). Заряды Количество: по 5000 физ. / по 3000 маг. Убраны из магазина: NG/D/C, их можно купить за Адену у обычных NPC продавщиков в городах. Стоимость А и S снижена: Soulshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin;Official server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. Soulshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin; Soulshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 5000 Soulshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 3 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots B-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 1 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots A-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 2 Master Coin; Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade)If used, 3000 Blessed Spiritshots S-grade are acquired. Shots - personal items with zero weight. Package with Shots is tradable item. - 6 Master Coin. Биллеты: Повторные проходки в низкоуровневые Инстанс-зоны стали вдвое дешевле: Box with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) - 1 Master Coin; Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka - 2 Master Coin. Коктейли: Стали вдвое доступнее: 1 Sweet Fruit Cocktail / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 1 Master Coin; 10 Sweet Fruit Cocktaill / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 7 Master Coin; 1 Sweet Fruit Cocktail / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 5 Empty GlassYou can refill the glass with Fresh Fruit Cocktail at MW Premium Store Butler. 2 Sweet Fruit Cocktaill / Fresh Fruit Cocktail - 2 Empty Glass + 1 Master Coin. Эликсиры: Убраны Эликсиры рангов C, B; А и S - стали доступнее: 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (A-Grade)Regenerates 360 MP. Can be used by characters above level 61 and below level 75 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 10 Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade)Regenerates 420 MP. Can be used by characters above level 76 upon themselves. Re-use delay 5 minutes. - 2 Master Coin; 15 Elixir of Life (A-Grade)Regenerates 1900 HP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 15 Elixir of Life (S-Grade) - 2 Master Coin; 25 Elixir of CP (A-Grade)Regenerates 1000 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is between 61 and 75. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 1 Master Coin; 25 Elixir of CP (S-Grade)Regenerates 1200 CP. This item can only be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. Re-use delay is 5 minutes. - 2 Master Coin. Банки Душ: 75 Full Bottle of Souls - 5 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - 1 Master Coin (вдвое больше); 50 Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - 1 Master Coin (вдвое больше). Колчаны Стрел и Болтов (по 10.000 Стрел / Болтов): D, C, B - по 1 Master Coin; Mithril QuiverIf used, 10000 personal A-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. / Mithril Bolt ContainerIf used, 10000 personal A-grade Bolts with zero weight are acquired. - 2 Master Coin; Quiver of LightIf used, 10000 personal S-grade Arrows with zero weight are acquired. / Bolt of LightPersonal Item with zero weight. Bolt made of unknown materials. Can be used with a S-grade crossbow. - 3 Master Coin. Система Атрибута Стала доступна вставка в броню S/Dynasty/Moirai/Vesper/Vorpal/Elegia третьего защитного Атрибута. Обратите внимание! Доступно перечисленным но не B/А; Таким образом все предметы брони S/S80/S84 ранга можно улучшить тремя разными стихийными защитами, кроме стихий-антиподов. 900 = камнями 3х5х60; 1800 = кристаллами 3х5х120. Локации Seed of Annihilation (SoA) и спот с Karik-ами. Общее: Основа локации работает согласно концепции, другими словами она работает так, как вы привыкли; Ниже будут указаны изменения, которые были сделаны поверх базы. SoA: Смена комнат в SoA будет происходить один раз в сутки в 6:30 утра. Комнаты будут меняться без рандома по часовой стрелке. Штраф на урон в не профильной вашему классу комнате SoA снижен на 50%. Раньше без профильного бафа локации (маг, физ, арчер баф) урон по мобам срезался почти до нуля. Мы учитываем, что многие группы нашего сервер играют комбинированными сетапами, поэтому основной баф комнаты дает полный урон по мобам как и должен (у нас он повышен еще с первого запуска, согласно концепции), а персонажи без бафа получают снижение урона не 100, а 50%. Теперь в SOA можно выбить всю Vorpal экипировку. Базовый дроп предметов так же был апнут (ресурсы, заточки, S гемы, Мастери и т.д.) Спойл остался без изменений: Vesper рецепты и куски (как и на оригинале, проще говоря - Адена) Новый Квест: Охотясь на монстров в локации вы будете получать квестовые предметы - Scalding Tear; Предметы можно передавать.Tears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. Квестовые предметы можно будет обменять на сундуки с Vorpal экипировкой у NPC Nemo. Так же за квестовые предметы и N-ое количество ресурсов и адены вы сможете улучшить свою Vorpal экипировку на Атаку или Защиту. Об этом детальнее можете прочитать ниже. Три Рейдовых Босса в SoA - Taklacan, Torumba, Dopagen. Ранее этих Боссов почти никто и никогда не убивал, так как они были сломаны на всех или почти на всех серверах. Нам удалось в ручную восстановить их логику и механику. Теперь они работают корректно, за исключением следующих изменений: Мы облегчили некоторые фазы фарма боссов и заметно улучшили и обновили дроп с них. Респаун боссов будет в вечернее время, аналогично как это работает с Epidos и Anais. Общая информация для для Taklacan и Dopagen: Чем дольше идет фарм Босс - тем сильнее на нём бафф, а на игроках дебафф. Если уводить Босса далеко от его точки появления, он исчезает на 2-5 минут и все его механики бафов и дебаффов обнуляются. Боссы имеют 30.000 P.Def и 15.000 M.Def Во время фарма Босса, появляются столбы, к которым нужно его подводить, что бы столб наложил дебафф, который уменьшает P.Def и M.Def на 95%. Столб, который может накинуть дебафф помечается огромной яркой молнией. Torumba: Босс, во время своего появления дает оповещение на весь мир. Однако бить его в первые 3 минуты после появления нельзя. Босса можно убить только в трансформах оборотней. В оборотня превращает NPC Bomona, которая находится в пещере, не далеко от места его появления. Вне трансформы все персонажи получают паралич от Босса Персонажей в трансформе нельзя лечить обычными методами. Однако кто ищет - тот всегда найдет 😉 Что бы убить Босса, нужно нанести несколько сотен ударов умением (Treykan Claw), которая есть в трансформе Босса нельзя отводить далеко от точки появления. Bloody Karik (LoA): Как и говорилось выше - локация работает классически и подверглась только незначительным улучшениям Новый Квест: Охотясь на монстров в локации вы будете получать квестовые предметы - Bloody Tear; Предметы можно передавать.Tears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. Квестовые предметы можно будет обменять на сундуки с Vorpal экипировкой у NPC Theodric; Так же за квестовые предметы и N-ое количество ресурсов и адены вы сможете улучшить свою Vorpal экипировку на Атаку или Защиту. Об этом детальнее можете прочитать ниже. Дроп: На локации теперь можно выбить всю Vorpal экипировку; Базовый дроп так же был улучшен. Vorpal Теперь Vorpal имеет следующие параметры: Сет Новые бонусы Общие бонусы Vorpal Heavy Set Макс. HP +209 (750 вместо 341) Маг. Защ. +8.47% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле +5, Святости/ Тьме +10 ВЫН +2, СИЛ -2 Макс. HP +750 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +8.47% Маг. Защ. +8.47% +2 ед. Блок. Магии Точность +4 Скорость +7 Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +70.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Vorpal Leather Set Макс. MP +140 (500 вместо 360) Сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +6.50% (+6.50% вместо +182) Скорость +7 (+7 вместо 3%) Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +50.00% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра +5, Тьмы/Святости +10 Макс. MP +500 СИЛ+1, ЛВК+2, ВЫН-3 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +5.57% Скор. Атк. +5.00% Сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +6.50% Скорость +7 Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Vorpal Robe Set Макс. MP +258 (350 вместо 92) Бонус восстановления MP +10.00% (15% вместо 5%) Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +30.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле +5, Святости/ Тьме +10 МДР +2, ИНТ -1, ДУХ -1 Маг. Атк. +8.70% Скор. Маг. +15.00% Макс. MP +350 Бонус восстановления MP +15% Скорость +7 Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +30.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Бонусы <RARE> предметов: Heavy Предмет Бонус Vorpal HelmetMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +1.05% M. Def. +1.05% Max HP +175 Resistance Paralyze +5.25% Resistance Medusa +5.25% Resistance Sleep +7% Resistance Hold +7% Resistance Bleed +7% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +175 Физ. Атк. +0.85% Физ. Защ. +1.05% Маг. Защ. +1.05% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +7.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +5.25% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +2.10% M. Def. +2.10% Max HP +350 Resistance Paralyze +10.5% Resistance Medusa +10.5% Resistance Sleep +14% Resistance Hold +14% Resistance Bleed +14% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Breastplate {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +2.10% M. Def. +2.10% Max HP +350 Resistance Paralyze +10.5% Resistance Medusa +10.5% Resistance Sleep +14% Resistance Hold +14% Resistance Bleed +14% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases: - Resistance to sleep/hold attacks by 25%; - Max HP by 350; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - P. Def. by 2.5%. Макс. HP +350 Физ. Атк. +1.70% Физ. Защ. +2.10% Маг. Защ. +2.10% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +14.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +10.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal Gaiter Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.1% P. Def. +1.35% M. Def. +1.35% Max HP +225 Resistance Paralyze +5% Resistance Medusa +5% Resistance Sleep +6.75% Resistance Hold +6.75% Resistance Bleed +6.75% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +225 Физ. Атк. +1.10% Физ. Защ. +1.35% Маг. Защ. +1.35% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +9.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +6.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal GauntletMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Max HP +125 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance Medusa +3.75% Resistance Sleep +5% Resistance Hold +5% Resistance Bleed +5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +125 Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.75% Маг. Защ. +0.75% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +5.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.75% M. Def. +0.75% Max HP +125 Resistance Paralyze +3.75% Resistance Medusa +3.75% Resistance Sleep +5% Resistance Hold +5% Resistance Bleed +5% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +125 Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.75% Маг. Защ. +0.75% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +5.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal ShieldMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +4.Masterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. Блок. Магии +4 ед. Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет (без щита) Макс. HP +1000 Физ. Атк. +4.85% Физ. Защ. +6.00% Маг. Защ. +6.00% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +40.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +30.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +25 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Light Предмет Бонус Vorpal Leather HelmetMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +0.85% P. Crit. Damage +0.91% Atk. Spd. +0.7% Speed +1.4 Max MP +105 Resistance Stun +5.25% Magic Cancel Damage -5.25 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.85% Физ. Защ. +0.85% Скор. Атк. +0.70% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.91% Макс. MP +105 Скорость +1.4 Сопротивление Оглушению +5.25% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +5.25% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal Leather BreastplateMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +1.7% P. Crit. Damage +1.82% Atk. Spd. +1.4% Speed +2.8 Max MP +210 Resistance Stun +10.5% Magic Cancel Damage -10.5 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Leather Breastplate {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.7% P. Def. +1.7% P. Crit. Damage +1.82% Atk. Spd. +1.4% Speed +2.8 Max MP +210 Resistance Stun +10.5% Magic Cancel Damage -10.5 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases: - Max MP by 225; - Atk. Spd. by 2%; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 7%. Физ. Атк. +1.70% Физ. Защ. +1.70% Скор. Атк. +1.40% Сила Физ. Крит. +1.82% Макс. MP +210 Скорость +2.8 Сопротивление Оглушению +10.50% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +10.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal Leather LeggingMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +1.1% P. Def. +1.1% P. Crit. Damage +1.17% Atk. Spd. +0.9% Speed +1.8 Max MP +135 Resistance Stun +6.75% Magic Cancel Damage -6.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +1.10% Физ. Защ. +1.10% Скор. Атк. +0.90% Сила Физ. Крит. +1.17% Макс. MP +135 Скорость +1.8 Сопротивление Оглушению +6.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +6.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal Leather GlovesMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.6% P. Crit. Damage +0.65% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Speed +1 Max MP +75 Resistance Stun +3.75% Magic Cancel Damage -3.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.60% Скор. Атк. +0.50% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.65% Макс. MP +75 Скорость +1 Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal Leather BootsMasterwork Item. P. Atk. +0.6% P. Def. +0.6% P. Crit. Damage +0.65% Atk. Spd. +0.5% Speed +1 Max MP +75 Resistance Stun +3.75% Magic Cancel Damage -3.75 Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.60% Скор. Атк. +0.50% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.65% Макс. MP +75 Скорость +1 Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +3.75% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет Физ. Атк. +4.85% Физ. Защ. +4.85% Скор. Атк. +4.00% Сила Физ. Крит. +5.20% Макс. MP +600 Скорость +8 Сопротивление Оглушению +30.00% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +30.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +25 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Robe Предмет Бонус Vorpal CircletMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.4% Max MP +75 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.8% Resistance Stun +5.25% Resistance Mental attacks +3.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.40% Макс. MP +75 Реген. MP +2.80% Сопротивление Оглушению +5.25% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +3.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal TunicMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +2.8% Cast. Spd. +2.5% Max MP +150 MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6% Resistance Stun +10.5% Resistance Mental attacks +7.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%. Vorpal Tunic {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. M. Atk. +2.8% Cast. Spd. +2.5% Max MP +150 MP Regeneration Bonus +5.6% Resistance Stun +10.5% Resistance Mental attacks +7.00% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Маг. Атк. +2.80% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Макс. MP +150 Реген. MP +5.60% Сопротивление Оглушению +10.50% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +7.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal StockingsMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.8% Max MP +95 MP Regeneration Bonus +3.6% Resistance Stun +6.75% Resistance Mental attacks +4.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.80% Макс. MP +95 Реген. MP +3.60% Сопротивление Оглушению +6.75% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +4.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal GlovesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.0% Max MP +50 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.0% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance Mental attacks +2.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.00% Макс. MP +50 Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal ShoesMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +1.0% Max MP +50 MP Regeneration Bonus +2.0% Resistance Stun +3.75% Resistance Mental attacks +2.50% Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Unholy +5 PvP Defense +1%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.00% Макс. MP +50 Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +5 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vorpal SigilMasterwork Item. Resistance to magic damage +4.Masterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. Блок. Магии +4 ед. Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет (без сигиля) Маг. Атк. +8.00% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Макс. MP +420 Реген. MP +16.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +30.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +20.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +25 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Бижутерия Предмет Бонус Vorpal NecklaceMasterwork Item. Max MP +40 Resistance Paralyze +15% Resistance Sleep +15% Resistance from Holy +10 Resistance from Unholy +10 Resistance from Water +10 Resistance from Fire +10 Resistance from Wind +10 Resistance from Earth +10.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Макс. MP +40 Сопротивление Параличу +15.00% Сопротивление Усыплению +15.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +10 Vorpal EarringMasterwork Item. Resistance Stun +15% Resistance Mental attacks +15%.Masterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Сопротивление Оглушению +15.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +15.00% Vorpal RingMasterwork Item. Resistance Hold +15% P. Crit. Damage +10%.Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Сила Физ. Крит. +10.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +15.00% На сервере MasterWork вы можете улучшить свой сет до Attack или Defence: Heavy Сет Новые бонусы Общие бонусы Vorpal Heavy Attack Set СИЛ +1 Шанс Физ. Крит. +38 Перезарядка Физ. умений, Ритмов -7.00% Шанс Ментальной Атак +12.00% Шанс Кровотечения/ Яда +20.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 ВЫН +2, СИЛ -1 Макс. HP +750 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +8.47% Маг. Защ. +8.47% +2 ед. Блок. Магии Точность +4 Скорость +7 Шанс Физ. Крит. +38 Перезарядка Физ. умений, Ритмов -7.00% Шанс Ментальной Атак +12.00% Шанс Кровотечения/ Яда +20.00% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +70.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Vorpal Heavy Defence Set ЛВК +1, ВЫН +1 Блок. Магии +1 ед. Защита Щитом +25.00% Мощность Входящего Лечения +7% Получаемый Физ./ Маг. Крит. урон -10.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% ЛВК +1, ВЫН +3, СИЛ -2 Макс. HP +750 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +8.47% Маг. Защ. +8.47% Блок. Магии +3 ед. Точность +4 Скорость +7 Защита Щитом +25.00% Мощность Входящего Лечения +7% Получаемый Физ./ Маг. крит. урон -10.00% Сопротивление Кровотечению/ Сну/ Удержанию +70.00% Сопротивление Параличу/ Окаменению +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Light Сет Новые бонусы Общие бонусы Vorpal Light Attack Set СИЛ +1 Точность +4 Мощность Физ. Умений +7.00% Перезарядка Физ./ Маг. умений, Ритмов -7.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 СИЛ +2, ЛВК +2, ВЫН -3 Макс. MP +500 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +5.57% Скор. Атк. +5.00% Сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +6.50% Точность +4 Скорость +7 Мощность Физ. Умений +7.00% Перезарядка Физ./ Маг. умений, Ритмов -7.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +50.00% НОВОЕ Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Vorpal Light Defence Set ЛВК +1, ДУХ +1 Уклонение +4 Уклонение от Физ./ Маг. умений +5.00% Стоимость Физ./ Маг. умений, Ритмов -10.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% СИЛ +1, ЛВК +3, ДУХ +1, ВЫН -3 Макс. MP +500 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +5.57% Скор. Атк. +5.00% Сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +6.50% Скорость +7 Уклонение +4 Уклонение от Физ./ Маг. умений +5.00% Стоимость Физ./ Маг. умений, Ритмов -10.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Robe Сет Новые бонусы Общие бонусы Vorpal Robe Attack Set ИНТ +1 Сила Mаг. Крит. Атк. +15.00% Перезарядка Маг. умений -7.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 МДР +2, ДУХ -1 Маг. Атк. +8.70% Скор. Маг. +15.00% Макс. MP +350 Бонус восстановления MP +15.00% Скорость +7 Перезарядка Маг. умений -7.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +30.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Vorpal Robe Defence Set ВЫН +1, ДУХ +1 Стоимость Маг. умений -10.00% Мощность входящего лечения +10.00% Защита от Сжигания MP +12.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +10 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% МДР +2, ИНТ -1, ВЫН +1 Маг. Атк. +8.70% Скор. Маг. +15.00% Макс. MP +350 Бонус восстановления MP +15.00% Скорость +7 Стоимость Маг. умений -10.00% Мощность входящего лечения +10.00% Защита от Сжигания MP +12.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +30.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +50.00% Сопротивление Огню/ Воде/ Ветру/ Земле/ Святости/ Тьме +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Улучшение Vorpal на Атаку / Защиту (обмен): Обмен Vorpal тел брони любых вариаций (обычная, редкая, обычная ПВП, редкая ПВП) на Атаку либо Защиту производится у тех же новых NPC (LoA - NPC Theodric, SoA - NPC Nemo, у которых проходит покупка Сундука со случайной Vorpal частью: Shillien SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Vorpal Armor. за: 2100 Bloody TearTears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. +5кк (LoA, Karik); 4200 Scalding TearTears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. + 5кк (SoA). Стоимость улучшения на Атаку / Защиту: 840 Bloody TearTears obtained from creatures in the Antharas Lair. Bring them to Watchman Theodric to obtain Vorpal Armor. ИЛИ 1680 Scalding Tear;Tears obtained from creatures in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring them to Magician Nemo to obtain Vorpal Armor. 15.000.000 Adena; 7 Arcsmith's Anvil;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 5 Warsmith's Mold;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 5 Leolin's Mold;Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store. 775 Mithril Alloy;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 1350 Crafted Leather;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 850 Synthetic Cokes;A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop. 365 Asofe;Crystal representing life and protection. Used for making items of B-Grade and above and can also be sold at ordinary shops. 185 Orichalcum.Material used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store. Стоимость Обмена Атаки на Защиту / Защиты на Атаку: 15.000.000 Adena, по аналогии с Vesper'ом. Предметы (разное) Стоимость Вставки {PvP}: Любой вариант Тяж. Верх Брони: 14.000 Fame; 2.792.000 Adena Любой вариант Лайт / Роба Верх Брони: 10.500 Fame; 2.094.000 Adena Снятие {PvP} вставки: Как обычно, бесплатно. Способы добычи Vorpal Сферы MasterWork Crystal - S85: Эпические боссы: Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Beleth; Dent. Инстансы: Tiat; Frintezza; Freya; Blessed Freya. Боссы: Epidos; Anais; Ankou; Kerberos. Неопознанные Предметы: Шанс получения Редких Предметов при распечатке Неопознанных Предметов: По умолчанию: 99% - Обычный предмет, 1% - Редкий предмет. Все предметы Брони и Оружия ранга B: 25% Редкий Предмет. Все предметы Брони и Оружия ранга А: 20% Редкий Предмет. Все предметы Брони и Оружия ранга S: 15% Редкий Предмет. Все предметы Брони и Оружия Dynasty: 10% Редкий Предмет. Все предметы Брони и Оружия Moirai: 5% Редкий Предмет. 10% Редкая Бижутерия. Все предметы Брони и Оружия Vesper: 5% Редкий Предмет. 7% Редкая Бижутерия. Все предметы Брони Vorpal: 5% Редкий Предмет. 5% Редкая Бижутерия. Обмен Персональной Эпик. Бижутерии (у NPC Pona в Luxury Shop): Zaken's Earring (Personal); Ring of Queen Ant (Personal); Frintezza's Necklace (Personal) Стоимость каждого варианта: 12 Shard of MajestyItem that can be exchanged for personal Epic Jewelry in Giran from Luxury Shop Trader Pona! + 5.000.000 Adena. Обмен обычного Vorpal на <RARE> Vorpal с помощью новых Сфер MasterWork Crystal - S85 Стоимость обмена аналогична S/S80/Vesper: Верх - 4 MasterWork Crystal - S85If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange an ordinary Vorpal item for a Masterwork Item.; Низ и Шлем - 3 MasterWork Crystal - S85; Ботинки и Перчатки - по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S85; Щит, Сигиль и Бижутерия - по 1 MasterWork Crystal - S85. Другое Продолжительность Оффлайн Трейда увеличена до 72 часов (3 дней). Вся S80 / S84 бижутерия была заменена в Дропе из монстров (Monastery of Silence, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas и прочее) на Неопознанную. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater, для того, что бы обновление отображался корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам регулярно пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  16. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Dear friends, Since the last PatchNote was published🙃 we continued to introduce and add the necessary updates for the server and stage, according to the concept. Now we want to combine and announce them, as well as upcoming updates. Happy Reading! Great Olympiad General The number of participants for 1v1 battles has been reduced from 20 to 14; The number of groups of three characters for 3v3 fights has been reduced from 7 to 5 ; The sorting box and the number of participants have been adjusted: The chance that characters with approximately the same number of points will hit each other has become higher. Skills The base cast time of the skills described below has been accelerated by 1 second (from 3 seconds to 2 seconds): For OlympiadFor Warriors. Good Luck, Have Fun! ; For Olympiad . <RARE> Weapon The chance of triggering buff effects when using skills has been increased: focus : Staff of Evil Spirits Casts Focus on target with 20% chance. = 20% = 20% on Focus Lv. 3 Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy SpiritMasterwork Item. Incoming Heal Power +33. Casts Focus on target with 20% chance. = 35% on Focus Lv. 3 There was no chance increase +15% more from <RARE> Bless the Body : Staff of Evil Spirits Casts Bless the Body on target with 28% chance. = 28% on Bless the Body Lv. 5 Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy SpiritMasterwork Item. Incoming Heal Power +33. Casts Bless the Body on target with 35% chance. = 40% on Bless the Body Lv. 5 Chance increase was up to 35% +12% more from <RARE> Mental Shield : Spell Breaker Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Spell Breaker - HailMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +7%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +10% more from <RARE> Sprite's Staff Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Sprite's Staff - HailMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +7%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +10% more from <RARE> Hell Knife Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Hell Knife - ConfusionMasterwork Item. Evasion +4. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +10% more from <RARE> Daimon Crystal PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Daimon Crystal - WisdomMasterwork Item. MP Consumption -5%. PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +15% more from <RARE> Daimon Crystal {PvP}Bound Item. cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. MP Consumption -5%, Cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +15% more from <RARE> Themis' Tongue PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Themis' Tongue - ClevernessMasterwork Item. MP Regeneration Bonus +15%. PvP Damage +5%.. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +15% more from <RARE> Themis' Tongue {PvP}Bound Item. cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. MP Regeneration Bonus +15%, With 5% chance Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +10%.. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% on Mental Shield Lv. 4 There was no chance increase +15% more from <RARE> We remind you that all the weapons described above (and many others) are available in the Luxury Shop . Vitality Items The cooldown of Items that replenish / hold Vitality has been accelerated (reduced) by half ! Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Was : 30 minutes Now : 15 minutes Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Before : 60 minutes Now : 15 minutes Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel GiftPersonal item for 7 days. Active Skill: Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes. Reuse time: 3 hours. Passive Skill: Autoloot. It was : 6 hours Now : 3 hours M.W. Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Was : 15 minutes Now : 30 minutes Lucky Four-leaf Clover (lvl. 1-52, 1-64, 1-76, 1-81, 1-85) - All hats contained in Clover, for example: It was : 11 hours 30 minutes Now : 5 hours 45 minutes Explanation: Throughout the server, we have significantly improved Vitality items: faster cooldowns, better cooldowns, reduced prices. At the moment we have made the best update of this branch of the store and it will also apply to MasterWork Eternal . At the start of the new season you will: Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. - 30 minutes; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. - 30 minutes. Skills Clan skill Clan Unity Now for the cumulative effect, fewer online players are needed: 1st level: from 9 to 17 clans online (was 18+) Exp/SP Bonus +3%, HP/MP Recovery Bonus +7%, Defense/Damage in PvE +1%. 2nd level: from 18 to 26 clans online (was 27+) Exp/SP Bonus +5%, HP/MP Recovery Bonus +10%, PvE Defense/Damage +2%. 3rd level: from 27 or more clans online (was 36+) Exp/SP Bonus +7%, HP/MP Recovery Bonus +15%, PvE Defense/Damage +3%. Improved skill description: Removed postscript about Super. Strike, since these skills do not and should not: Soul VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy with 112 Power added to M. Atk. For 30 seconds, decreases Speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit. ; Dark VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of darkness and inflicts dark damage on an enemy with 139 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 25% as HP. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance against darkness by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second. . The following skills now deal Super. Hit: Light VortexSummons a dimensional vortex that inflicts holy damage on an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 139 Power. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance to holy damage by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second. ; Mud VortexSummons a morass vortex that inflicts earth damage on an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 139 Power. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance to earth damage by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second. ; VolcanoContinuously inflicts powerful Fire damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. ; CycloneContinuously inflicts powerful Wind damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. ; Raging WavesContinuously inflicts powerful Water damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. ; GehennaContinuously inflicts powerful dark damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. ; Earthquake EpicenterContinuously inflicts powerful Earth damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. . Fixed Description of Skills and Enchanting branches: Dryad RootImmobilizes an enemy for 30 seconds. (Cleric, Elven Oracle, Shillien Oracle) Wind ShackleDecreases an enemy's Atk. Spd. by 17% for 30 seconds. (Elven Mage, Dark Mage) TranceCauses an enemy to sleep for 15 seconds. (Bishop, Elven Elder) Stigma of ShilienFor 30 seconds, decreases resistance to short-range weapons by 16. (Shillien Elder) Critical SenseIncreases critical rate by 10% and critical attack power by 111. (Berserker, Soul Breaker (M), Arbalester, Soul Breaker (F), Inspector) Ancient Sword Mastery Increases P. Atk. by 5 when using an ancient sword. (Trooper, Inspector) Rapier MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 3 when using a short sword. (Trooper, Warder) Sword/ Blunt/ Dualblunt Weapon MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 1.5 when using a sword, blunt or dualblunt weapon. (Human Knight, Elven Knight, Palus Knight) Bow MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 10 when using a bow. (Rogue, Elven Knight, Elven Scout, Palus Knight, Assassin) Dagger MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 3.6 when using a dagger. (Rogue, Elven Knight, Elven Scout, Palus Knight, Assassin, Scavenger) Shield MasteryIncreases Shield Defense by 30% and Defense Rate by 50%. (Human Knight, Elven Knight, Palus Knight, Artisan) Dual Weapon MasteryIncreases P.Atk. by 23 when using a dualsword/dualblunt. (Gladiator, Bladedancer) Two-handed Weapon MasteryIncreases P.Atk. by 4.5 and Accuracy by 3 when using a two-handed sword or a two-handed blunt weapon. (Orc Raider, Orc Monk) Fist Weapon MasteryIncreases P.Atk. by 4.5 when using a hand-to-hand weapon. (Orc Monk) Fast Spell CastingIncreases Casting Spd. by 5%. (Human Wizard, Cleric, Elven Wizard, Elven Oracle, Dark Wizard, Shillien Oracle, Orc Shaman, Geomancer) Boost Attack SpeedIncreases Atk. Spd. by 5%. (Rogue, Orc Monk) Duelist SpiritIncreases dualsword/dualblunt weapon Atk. Spd. by 8% for 20 minutes and ordinary/skill attack damage by 5% during PvP. (Gladiator) Arcane AgilityMaximizes magic efficiency by increasing Casting Spd. by 20% and magic MP consumption by 10%, and by decreasing magic re-use time by 10%. 50 HP is consumed per second. (Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master) Changed the description of ALL (158 ) skills to Cost, Time and Chance. Now the correct numbers when enchanting, the correct names of enchantings, etc. Those improvements that we previously made for the Duel and Attribute branches have now been made for the above branches as well. Others Sending and receiving mail window now displays 2 lines of attached items. It became more convenient 😉 Monsters in Dragon Valley are now retracted ~25% further . It has become more convenient to collect monsters. It was 2000~2500, it became 2400~3000 distance. We recommend that you pay attention to this item.❗ This will make the movie of this location more comfortable. The cost of selling to the Store is now half as much: Recipes for Dynasty Weapons: Was : 1.493.000; Now : 746.500. Recipes for Icarus Weapons: Was : 2.068.800; Now : 1.034.400. Recipes for Vesper Weapons: Was : 2.867.120; Now : 1.433.560. Doors in the Monastery of Silence in front of Anais : Previously : Opened for 30 seconds; Then they went into inactive for 30 minutes. Now : Open for 60 seconds; They go inactive for 5 minutes. Why : Now, by analogy with the Bosses in ToI, the doors will open more often, which will allow you to fully fight for an important Boss, not relying solely on summoning skills . Look into the future Vorpal with Attack and Defense upgrades available New locations: Seed of Annihilation (SoA); Spots with Karik in Lair of Antharas. Improved Epic Quest; New Instance Zone (to replace outdated ones) With the help of the Epic Quest and the new Instance Zone, you can get some types of Personal Epic Accessories. It will not transfer and improve, but it will fully strengthen your character. Simplification of starting development, in particular the ability to wear items of ranks B and A from level 1 . You will need to use our Updater in order for the update to be displayed correctly. We highly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature regularly , as we regularly release various minor and major updates. With ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  17. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья, С момента публикации последнего Патчноута 🙃 мы продолжали вводить и добавлять необходимые для сервера и этапа обновления, согласно концепции. Теперь мы хотим объединить и анонсировать их, а также грядущие обновления. Приятного прочтения! Великая Олимпиада Общее Было уменьшено количество участников для боев 1х1 с 20 до 14; Было уменьшено количество групп из трех персонажей для боев 3х3 с 7 до 5; Было скорректировано окно сортировки и кол-во участников: Шанс того, что персонажи с примерно равным количеством очков попадут друг на друга стал выше. Умения Было ускорено базовое время применения нижеописанных умений на 1 секунду (было 3 сек, стало 2 сек): For OlympiadДля Воинов. Good Luck, Have Fun!; For Olympiad. <RARE> Оружие Был увеличен шанс срабатывания усиливающих Эффектов при использовании умений: Focus: Staff of Evil Spirits Casts Focus on target with 20% chance. = 20% = 20% на Focus Lv. 3 Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy SpiritMasterwork Item. Incoming Heal Power +33. Casts Focus on target with 20% chance. = 35% на Focus Lv. 3 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +15% больше от <RARE> Bless the Body: Staff of Evil Spirits Casts Bless the Body on target with 28% chance. = 28% на Bless the Body Lv. 5 Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy SpiritMasterwork Item. Incoming Heal Power +33. Casts Bless the Body on target with 35% chance. = 40% на Bless the Body Lv. 5 Увеличение шанса было до 35% Стало на +12% больше от <RARE> Mental Shield: Spell Breaker Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Spell Breaker - HailMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +7%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +10% больше от <RARE> Sprite's Staff Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Sprite's Staff - HailMasterwork Item. M. Atk. +7%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +10% больше от <RARE> Hell Knife Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Hell Knife - ConfusionMasterwork Item. Evasion +4. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 60% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +10% больше от <RARE> Daimon Crystal PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Daimon Crystal - WisdomMasterwork Item. MP Consumption -5%. PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +15% больше от <RARE> Daimon Crystal {PvP}Bound Item. Cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. MP Consumption -5%, Cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +15% больше от <RARE> Themis' Tongue PvP Damage +5%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Themis' Tongue - ClevernessMasterwork Item. MP Regeneration Bonus +15%. PvP Damage +5%.. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +15% больше от <RARE> Themis' Tongue {PvP}Bound Item. Cast. Spd. +15% during attack, PvP Damage +10%. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 50% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP}Bound Masterwork Item. MP Regeneration Bonus +15%, With 5% chance Cast. Spd. +15%, PvP Damage +10%.. Casts Mental Shield on target with 50% chance. = 65% на Mental Shield Lv. 4 Не было увеличения шанса Стало на +15% больше от <RARE> Напоминаем, что все вышеописанное оружие (и многие другие) доступны в Luxury Shop. Vitality Предметы Перезарядка Предметов Восполняющих / удерживающих Энергию (Vitality) ускорена (снижена) вдвое! Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. Было: 30 минут Стало: 15 минут Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. Было: 60 минут Стало: 15 минут Autoloot Vitality Agathion - Angel GiftPersonal item for 7 days. Active Skill: Agathion's Gift that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%) and maintains the Vitality stage by 30 minutes. Reuse time: 3 hours. Passive Skill: Autoloot. Было: 6 часов Стало: 3 часа MW Vitality PiePersonal Item. Restore full Vitality. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Было: 15 минут Стало: 30 минут Lucky Four-leaf Clover (ур. 1-52, 1-64, 1-76, 1-81, 1-85) - Все содержащиеся в Клеверах Шапки, к примеру: Было: 11 часов 30 минут Стало: 5 часов 45 минут Пояснение: На протяжении всего сервера мы значительно улучшали Виталити предметы: ускоряли откаты, улучшали откаты, снижали цены. На данный момент мы сделали лучшее обновление этой ветки магазина и оно будет действовать и на MasterWork Eternal. На старте нового сезона вы будет: Vitality Maintaining PotionPersonal magic potion that maintains the Vitality stage by 10 minutes. Reuse delay 15 minutes. - 30 минут; Vitality Replenishing PotionPersonal magic potion that restores 5000 points of Vitality (12.5%). Reuse delay 15 minutes. - 30 минут. Умения Клановые умение Clan Unity Теперь для накопительного эффекта нужно меньше игроков онлайн: 1-й уровень: от 9 до 17 сокланов онлайн (было 18+) Бонус Exp/SP +3%, бонус восстановления HP/MP +7%, Защита/Урон в PvE +1%. 2-й уровень: от 18 до 26 сокланов онлайн (было 27+) Бонус Exp/SP +5%, бонус восстановления HP/MP +10%, Защита/Урон в PvE +2%. 3-й уровень: от 27 и более сокланов онлайн (было 36+) Бонус Exp/SP +7%, бонус восстановления HP/MP +15%, Защита/Урон в PvE +3%. Поправлено описание умений: Убрана приписка про Сверх. Удар, так как эти умения его не наносят и не должны: Soul VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy with 112 Power added to M. Atk. For 30 seconds, decreases Speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit.; Dark VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of darkness and inflicts dark damage on an enemy with 139 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 25% as HP. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance against darkness by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second.. Теперь следующие умения наносит Сверх. Удар: Light VortexSummons a dimensional vortex that inflicts holy damage on an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 139 Power. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance to holy damage by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second.; Mud VortexSummons a morass vortex that inflicts earth damage on an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 139 Power. For 30 seconds, decreases Accuracy by 6 and resistance to earth damage by 30. Consumes 12 MP every second.; VolcanoContinuously inflicts powerful Fire damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.; CycloneContinuously inflicts powerful Wind damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.; Raging WavesContinuously inflicts powerful Water damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.; GehennaContinuously inflicts powerful dark damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.; Earthquake EpicenterContinuously inflicts powerful Earth damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.. Поправлено Описание Умений и веток Заточки: Dryad RootImmobilizes an enemy for 30 seconds. (Cleric, Elven Oracle, Shillien Oracle) Wind ShackleDecreases an enemy's Atk. Spd. by 17% for 30 seconds. (Elven Mage, Dark Mage) TranceCauses an enemy to sleep for 15 seconds. (Bishop, Elven Elder) Stigma of ShilienFor 30 seconds, decreases resistance to short-range weapons by 16. (Shillien Elder) Critical SenseIncreases critical rate by 10% and critical attack power by 111. (Berserker, Soul Breaker (M), Arbalester, Soul Breaker (F), Inspector) Ancient Sword Mastery Increases P. Atk. by 5 when using an ancient sword.(Trooper, Inspector) Rapier MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 3 when using a short sword. (Trooper, Warder) Sword/ Blunt/ Dualblunt Weapon MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 1.5 when using a sword, blunt or dualblunt weapon. (Human Knight, Elven Knight, Palus Knight) Bow MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 10 when using a bow. (Rogue, Elven Knight, Elven Scout, Palus Knight, Assasin) Dagger MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 3.6 when using a dagger. (Rogue, Elven Knight, Elven Scout, Palus Knight, Assasin, Scavenger) Shield MasteryIncreases Shield Defense by 30% and Defense Rate by 50%. (Human Knight, Elven Knight, Palus Knight, Artisan) Dual Weapon MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 23 when using a dualsword/dualblunt. (Gladiator, Bladedancer) Two-handed Weapon MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 4.5 and Accuracy by 3 when using a two-handed sword or a two-handed blunt weapon. (Orc Raider, Orc Monk) Fist Weapon MasteryIncreases P. Atk. by 4.5 when using a hand-to-hand weapon. (Orc Monk) Fast Spell CastingIncreases Casting Spd. by 5%. (Human Wizard, Cleric, Elven Wizard, Elven Oracle, Dark Wizard, Shillien Oracle, Orc Shaman, Geomancer) Boost Attack SpeedIncreases Atk. Spd. by 5%. (Rogue, Orc Monk) Duelist SpiritIncreases dualsword/dualblunt weapon Atk. Spd. by 8% for 20 minutes and ordinary/skill attack damage by 5% during PvP. (Gladiator) Arcane AgilityMaximizes magic efficiency by increasing Casting Spd. by 20% and magic MP consumption by 10%, and by decreasing magic re-use time by 10%. 50 HP is consumed per second. (Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master) Изменено описание ВСЕХ (158) умений на Стоимость, Время и Шанс. Теперь корректные цифры при заточке, корректные названия заточек и тд. Те улучшения, которые ране мы ранее делали для ветки Duel и Attribute - теперь были сделаны и для вышеописанных веток. Разное В окне отправки и приёма почты теперь отображается 2 строки приложенных предметов. Стало удобней 😉 Монстры в Dragon Valley теперь отводятся на ~ 25% дальше. Стало удобнее собирать монстров. Было 2000~2500, стало 2400~3000 дистанции. Рекомендуем обратить внимание на этот пункт❗ Это сделает фарм данной локации более комфортным. Стоимость продажи в Магазин теперь ниже вдвое: Рецепты на Dynasty Оружие: Было: 746.500; Стало: 373.250. Рецепты на Icarus Оружие: Было: 1.034.400; Стало: 517.200. Рецепты на Vesper Оружие: Было: 1.433.560; Стало: 716.780. Двери в Monastery of Silence перед Anais: Ранее: Открывались на 30 секунд; Далее уходили в инактив на 30 минут. Теперь: Открываются на 60 секунд; Уходят в инактив на 5 минут. Зачем: Теперь, по аналогии с Боссами в ToI, двери будут открываться чаще, что позволит полноценно воевать за важного Босса, не рассчитывая исключительно на умения призыва. Сброс саб-умений у НПЦ Avant-Garde теперь стоит 5.000.000 Adena. Взгляд в будущее Vorpal с доступным улучшением на Attack и Defence Новые локации: Seed of Annihilation (SoA); Споты с Karik в Lair of Antharas. Улучшенный Эпический Квест; Новая Инстанс Зона (на замену неактуальным) С помощью Эпического Квеста и новой Инстанс Зоны вы сможете получить Персональную Эпическую Бижутерию некоторых видов. Она не будет передавать и улучшаться, однако полноценно усилит вашего персонажа. Упрощение стартового развития, в частности возможность ношения предметов рангов B и A с 1 уровня. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater, для того, что бы обновление отображался корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам регулярно пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  18. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Дорогие друзья, Сегодня мы рады анонсировать наше (надеемся, что и ваше) долгожданное обновление, над которым мы работали несколько лет (от момента идеи, концепции, питчинга, задачи, до технической реализации и тестов)! - Это Спойлер? - Это Крафтер? - Это Гном с сабом на Сорка? - Это Гном-Маг! 😎 Вступительное слово MasterWork - это продукт, который совмещает в себе классическо-ностальгическую версию нашей игры и современный подход к подготовке и работе над продуктом. Важная составляющая в работе над продуктом - фишки\фичи, которые могли бы привнести новые элементы в достаточно старую игру, при этом не нарушая её аутентичность и не ломая привычные правила игры. Примеров таких изменений\доработок можно привести много: Актуальный клиент - это позволяет не меняя общий визуальный стиль игры, использовать новые производительные мощности и визуальные составляющие. MidCompany - система, которая (пока что не идеально, но мы работаем над этим) разделяет основные типы\группы игроков из так "BigWar" и "MidWar", давая возможность каждому из кланов той или иной группы выполнять основные задачи против соизмеримых по силе конкурентов. Меняет ли это общие каноны игры? Нет. Но это дает возможность разным игрокам получать максимум удовольствия от игры. Перебалансировка типов локаций - ранее всегда были локации только для одного\для приоритетного класса (маг локи\физ локи). Мы перебалансировали монстров (их параметры, умения, механики) для того, что бы любая локация могла подходить как для одних, так и для других. А в комплексе с улучшением ряда "не топовых" лок - у вас теперь всегда есть возможность найти себе спот. Джудикатор - теперь все группы могут иметь в своем составе переработанный класс, который имеет различный набор умений, позволяющий как эффективно защищаться, так и эффективно нападать. В сумме с объединением 2-х бардов в один класс - у вас всегда есть для него место. Актуализация классов - так как мы затронули класс Джудикатора, будет правильным сказать, что все классы было доработаны: они стали сбалансированный, играбильней и просто интересней, что, в свою очередь, повлияло и на составы групп, которые стали разнообразней и дают возможность проявить креатив, при этом претендовать на сильную реализацию и получать от игры удовольствие; Упрощение системы Саб-Классов - саб-классы на нашем сервере ничем не уступают основным классам: на них также работают саб-скилы, они не ограничены в уровне, сняты почти все ограничения на взятия тех или иных классов (включая возможность камаэлей брать други саб-классы, кроме расовых) и они могут использовать некоторые геройские умения. Фактически единственное отличие саб-класса от основы - участие в Великой Олимпиаде. Таким образом игроки получили огромную вариативность в рамках одного персонажа, а группы - мотивированных сопартийцев. И многое-многое другое. В рамках общей логике и миссии развития продукта MasterWork - мы приняли решение о создании нового класса Земляного Мага расы Гномов. Мотивация Тяга к созданию чего-то нового и прекрасного - одна из движущих сил нашей команды. Мы никогда не хотели заниматься "переоткрытиями серверов с флешки" и как только у нас появилась техническая возможность концептуально улучшить игру - мы сразу взялись за эту возможность. Первые шаги в этом направлении назывались Interlude Final - это IL с различными умениями и механиками с хроник выше. Если очень просто - это был IL без камаэлей, атрибутов и локаций присущих этим хроникам. Далее был Interlude Rework - вершина развития данной ветки разработки IL-а, которая решила большую часть проблем и привела к относительно сбалансированной игре в рамках этих хроник. Ну а дальше вы все знаете, что случилось.. Его величество - MasterWork (не ЧСВ, а фигура речи 🤪). После создания самой концепции поэтапных хроник - мы взялись обтачивать и улучшать все, что работало не правильно\не идеально\криво\рудиментарно и т.д. Однако не исправлениями едиными. Как и говорилось выше - мы всегда жаждали создавать что-то новое, однако создание ради создания и обновления ради обновлений - это точно не про нас. Пожалуй любой игрок, который попробовал наш продукт сможет это подтвердить. Это не говорит о том, что все наши решения были идеальным - часть из них дорабатывались, изменялись, улучшались после их ввода. Но все они преследовали какую-то цель и были мотивированы какой-то идеей. Почему Гном-Маг Многие игроки любят брать визуально приятные глазу расы и создавать на них интересующие Саб-Классы (хвала наша концепция позволяет так делать, об этом писалось немного выше). Три самые распространенные расы, которые используются визуально для таких Саб-Классов, это: Гномы; Орки; Темные Эльфыийки (ну тут все понятно 🤪). Согласно этому "исследованию" мы решили взять Гномов и создать для них новый класс - Маг Земли. Если данное нововведение будет принято позитивно - мы готовы расширять данную систему до Орков-Лучников и так далее. Однако, подчеркну. ТОЛЬКО если это будет принято вами, нашими любимыми игрокам ❤️. Основные положения При создании нового Маг-класса мы руководствовались следующими правилами: Новый Класс должен легко вписываться в игру во всех её составляющих (партийная игра, соло-игра, олимпиада, PvE, PvP и т.д.); Новый Класс должен быть интересным, но не IMBA, что бы не создавать явного перекоса в существующем балансе; Мы понимаем, что с первого раза нам не удастся создать идеальное соотношение, поэтому мы будем внимательно следить за вашим фидбеком и вносить необходимые изменения. На дистанции у нас с вами все получится! Новый Класс на данный момент (и, вероятно, на следующем сезоне) нельзя брать как Саб-класс. Он будет доступен исключительно как Основа. Данное ограничение создано для того, чтобы игроки, которые хотят попробовать новый класс, могли конкурировать между собой в равных условиях, а мы, соответственно получили максимально точное понимание по балансу класса. Новый Класс, безусловно, получил новые эффекты\механики умений, однако для нас было важно, чтобы он был условно равен своих коллегам-магам и мог дать конкуренцию, но не стать ультимативным. Профессии: Dwarven Mystic; Geomancer; Terramancer; Tectonic Sage. Лор Жадность - одна из доминирующих и широко известных особенностей характера Гномов. Именно она привела их в один из многих рудников в поисках важного и ценного ресурса - Мифриловой Руды. Какова же была их радость, когда они наткнулись на него в большом количестве. Но все было не так радужно, как казалось на первый взгляд... Спустя некоторое время интенсивной работы они заметили, что рудник пронизан неизвестной им темной магией и руническими символами. Пробираясь все глубже и глубже в недры земли, они стали встречать страшных монстров, пронизанной той самой магией. Но это было ничто, по сравнению с содроганием земли, которые доносилось все громче и громче. Ослепленные жаждой золота, которое сулило им после продажи ресурсов, они проигнорировали все знаки и встретили то, что по истине ужаснуло мир... Огромный Земляной Червь Траскен пробудился от долгого сна. Они пытались замкнуть его в пещере, но было уже поздно. Начался бой. Сколько Гномов полягло в той ужасной битве... Поняв, что самим им не совладать с силой древнего чудища - они призвали воинов со всего Эльморадена. Со всех сторон в Деревню Гномов стали прибывать небезразличные, авантюристы и любопытствующие. Собрав достойное войско, Luciena повела их в самое сердце зла - Логово Траскена. Силен был враг, но и воины бились отважно! Спустя долгие часы напряженной битвы объединенному войску все же удалось нанести Траскену серьезные повреждения и он зарылся в глубь своих земляных владений. Сделав выводи и заплатив жестокую плату за свою жадность - Гномы покинули рудник. Но что-то внутри них изменилось. Они так долго пробыли вблизи рунической магии, которой пропитана вся шахта, что Гномы, которые ранее не обладали магией, почувствовали силу управлять Стихией Земли. Все гномы, которые рождались после битвы - открывали в себе магические способности и стали в один ряд с великими Магами других Рас. А шахта так и осталась заброшенной. Сейчас её населяют монстры, а те авантюристы, которые решаются посетить рудник, говорят, что страшные звуки и содрогания земли доносится все чаще и чаще... Умения Мы бы очень хотели, что бы изучение умений, баланса и механики нового класса происходило естественным путем, т.е. через игру. Однако мы понимаем, что принять решение о создании нового персонажа - не легкое. По этому мы подготовили для вас: Страницу на Wiki, где вы сможете узнать полный набор умений, их описание, силу, откат и т.д.; Описание нескольких умений с новыми уникальными механиками, а именно: Nature Absorb Описание: Наносит врагу урон магией земли. Мощность 32. Активирует умение Природное Восстановление; Откат: 9 секунд; Уровни изучения: с 14 по 25; Цена изучения: 0 SP; Логика: Аналог Vampiric ClawInflicts dark damage on an enemy with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 40% of the damage as HP., который вместо единоразового восстановления HP - использует постепенное восстановление (как Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.). Natural ReplenishmentRecovers 23 HP per second for 5 seconds. Описание: Восстанавливает 45 HP каждую секунду. Время действия: 5 сек. Не занимает бафф-слот Работает вместе с: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Rune of Rebirth. Rune of RebirthGathers energy from fallen enemies to restore their own health. Recovers 63 HP per second. For 5 seconds. Описание: Собирает энергию умерших врагов для восстановления своего здоровья. Восстанавливает 63 HP каждую секунду. Время действия: 5 сек; Откат: 5 секунд; Уровни изучения: с 30 по 74; Цена изучения: 30.000 - 850.000 SP (на первом и последнем уровне); Логика: Своеобразный Corpse Life DrainAbsorbs residual life energy from a corpse to restore the user's HP., который вместо единоразового восстановления HP - использует постепенное восстановление (как Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.); Работает вместе с: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Natural Replenishment. Rune of RepealRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. with 35% Remove 1 buff from an enemy every 8 seconds. Duration time: 20 seconds. Описание: Снимает несколько положительных эффектов с врага. С шансом в 35%% снимает 1 положительный эффект каждые 8 сек. Время действия: 20 cек. Откат: 30 секунд Уровни изучения: с 48 по 74; Цена изучения: 63.000 - 1.150.000 SP (на первом и последнем уровне); Логика: Аналог CancellationRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy., который снимает несколько бафов (меньше чем его оригинальный собрат), но накладывает дебаф, который, если не будет отменен, продолжит снимать положительные умения. Итог Мы с радостью создаем для вас новые элементы игры, которые могли бы создать для вас интересные ситуации и позволять изучать игру, которую вы уже давно знаете. Однако все это только при вашем желании! Если вам не интересна игра за другой класс - вы совершенно не обязаны это делать и это, почти ни на что не повлияет. Однако мы рекомендуем вам все таки попробовать что-то новое и получить новые эмоции, ведь так или иначе мы все тут за этим 😉 P.S.: 😁 Напоминаем, что после общесерверного убийства Траскена - Земляного Червя, вам необходимо обновиться с помощью Fast Check воспользовавшись нашим Updater. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  19. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Dear friends, Today we are happy to announce our (and hopefully yours) long-awaited update, on which we have been working for several years (from the moment of idea, concept, pitching, task, to technical implementation and tests)! - Is this a Spoiler? - Is that Crafter? - Is it a Dwarf with a sub-class on Sorca? - It's a Gnome Mage! 😎 introduction MasterWork is a product that combines a classic-nostalgic version of our game with a modern approach to preparing and working on a product. An important component in the work on the product is chips/features that could bring new elements to a rather old game without violating its authenticity and without breaking the usual rules of the game. There are many examples of such changes/improvements: The current client - this allows you to use new performance capabilities and visual components without changing the overall visual style of the game. MidCompany - a system that (not yet perfect, but we are working on it) separates the main types / groups of players from the so-called "BigWar" and "MidWar", allowing each of the clans of a particular group to perform basic tasks against competitors of comparable strength . Does this change the general canons of the game? No. But this allows different players to get the most out of the game. Rebalancing of types of locations - previously there were always locations for only one\for the priority class (magic locations\physic locations). We have rebalanced the monsters (their parameters, skills, mechanics) so that any location could be suitable for both one and the other. And in combination with the improvement of a number of "non-top" locations - now you always have the opportunity to find yourself a spot. Judicator - now all groups can have a reworked class in their composition, which has a different set of skills, allowing you to both effectively defend and attack effectively. Combined with combining 2 bards into one class, you always have a place for him. Class updates - since we touched on the Judicator class, it would be correct to say that all classes have been improved: they have become balanced, more playable and simply more interesting, which, in turn, has affected the composition of groups, which have become more diverse and provide an opportunity to show creativity, at the same time, claim a strong implementation and enjoy the game; Simplification of the Sub-Class system - sub-classes on our server are in no way inferior to the main classes: sub-skills also work on them, they are not limited in level, almost all restrictions on taking certain classes have been removed (including the ability of kamaels to take other sub- classes other than racial) and they can use some hero skills. In fact, the only difference between the sub-class and the base is participation in the Great Olympics. Thus, the players received a huge variability within the same character, and the group - motivated party members. And much, much more . As part of the overall logic and mission of developing the MasterWork product , we decided to create a new class of Earth Mage of the Dwarf race. Motivation The desire to create something new and beautiful is one of the driving forces of our team. We never wanted to deal with "reopening servers from a flash drive" and as soon as we had a technical opportunity to conceptually improve the game, we immediately took up this opportunity. The first steps in this direction were called Interlude Final - this is IL with various skills and mechanics from the chronicles above. If very simply - it was IL without kamaels, attributes and locations inherent in these chronicles. Next was Interlude Rework - the pinnacle of the development of this development branch of IL, which solved most of the problems and led to a relatively balanced game within these chronicles. Well, then you all know what happened .. His Majesty - MasterWork (not CSV, but a figure of speech🤪). After creating the very concept of step-by-step chronicles, we began to grind and improve everything that did not work correctly / not ideally / crookedly / rudimentary, etc. However, not uniform fixes. As mentioned above - we have always longed to create something new , but creating for the sake of creating and updating for the sake of updates is definitely not about us. Perhaps any player who has tried our product will be able to confirm this. This does not mean that all our solutions were perfect - some of them were finalized, changed, improved after their introduction. But they all pursued some goal and were motivated by some idea. Why Gnome Mage Many players like to take visually pleasing races and create Sub-Classes of interest to them (praise our concept allows us to do this, we wrote about this a little higher). The three most common races that are visually used for these Sub-Classes are: Gnomes; Orcs; Dark Elves (well, everything is clear here🤪). According to this "research" we decided to take the Dwarves and create a new class for them - Earth Mage . If this innovation is accepted positively, we are ready to expand this system to Orc-Archers and so on. However, I will emphasize. ONLY if it is accepted by you, our favorite players ❤️. Basic provisions When creating a new Mage class, we were guided by the following rules: The new Class should easily fit into the game in all its components (party game, solo game, olympiad, PvE, PvP, etc.); The new Class should be interesting , but not IMBA , so as not to create a clear skew in the existing balance; We understand that we will not be able to create the perfect balance the first time, so we will closely monitor your feedback and make the necessary changes. At a distance, we will succeed! The new Class at the moment (and probably next season) cannot be taken as a Sub-class . It will be available exclusively as a Foundation. This restriction was created so that players who want to try a new class can compete with each other on an equal footing, and we, accordingly, get the most accurate understanding of class balance. The new Class, of course, received new effects / mechanics of skills, however, it was important for us that it was conditionally equal to its fellow mages and could give competition, but not become an ultimatum. Professions: Dwarven Mystic; Geomancer; Earthmancer ; Tectonic Sage. Lore Greed is one of the dominant and widely known personality traits of Dwarves. It was she who led them to one of the many mines in search of an important and valuable resource - Mithril Ore . What was their joy when they stumbled upon it in large numbers. But everything was not as rosy as it seemed at first glance... After some time of intensive work, they noticed that the mine was riddled with dark magic and runic symbols unknown to them. Making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth, they began to meet terrible monsters, permeated with that same magic. But it was nothing compared to the trembling of the earth, which came louder and louder. blinded by thirst of Gold, which promised them after the sale of resources, they ignored all the signs and met what truly terrified the world ... The huge Earthworm Trasken woke up from a long sleep. They tried to lock him in a cave, but it was too late. The fight has begun. How many Dwarves fell in that terrible battle... Realizing that they themselves could not cope with the power of the ancient monster , they called on warriors from all over Elmoreden . From all sides, indifferent, adventurers and curious people began to arrive in the Dwarf Village . Gathering a worthy army, Luciena led them to the very heart of evil - Trasken's Lair . The enemy was strong, but the warriors fought bravely! After many hours of intense battle, the combined army still managed to inflict serious damage on Trasken , and he dug deep into his earthen possessions. Having made the withdrawal and paid a cruel price for their greed, the Dwarves left the mine. But something inside them has changed. They have been so long near the runic magic that the entire mine is saturated with, that the Dwarves , who previously did not possess magic, felt the power to control the Earth Element . All the gnomes who were born after the battle discovered their magical abilities and became on a par with the great Mages of other Races. And the mine remained abandoned. Now it is inhabited by monsters, and those adventurers who dare to visit the mine say that terrible sounds and tremors of the earth are heard more and more often... Skills We would really like to see the learning of skills, balance and mechanics of the new class take place in a natural way, i.e. through the game. However, we understand that the decision to create a new character is not an easy one. That is why we have prepared for you: A page on the Wiki , where you can find outthe full set of skills, their description, strength, cooldown, etc .; Description of several skills with new unique mechanics, namely: Nature Absorb Description: Deals earth damage to an enemy. Power 32. Activates the skill Natural Recovery; Cooldown: 9 seconds; Levels of study: from 14 to 25; Study Cost: 0 SP; Logic: An analogue of Vampiric ClawInflicts dark damage on an enemy with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 40% of the damage as HP. , which instead of a one-time recovery of HP - uses a gradual recovery (like Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. ). Natural ReplenishmentRecovers 23 HP per second for 5 seconds. Description: Restores 45 HP every second. Duration: 5 sec. Doesn't take up a buff slot Works with: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Rune of Rebirth. Rune of RebirthGathers energy from fallen enemies to restore their own health. Recovers 63 HP per second. For 5 seconds. Description: Gathers the energy of dead enemies to restore your health. Restores 63 HP every second. Duration: 5 sec; Cooldown: 5 seconds; Learning levels: from 30 to 74; Research cost: 30.000 - 850.000 SP (on the first and last level); Logic: A kind of Corpse Life DrainAbsorbs residual life energy from a corpse to restore the user's HP. , which instead of a one-time recovery of HP - uses a gradual recovery (like Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. ); Works with: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Natural Replenishment. Rune of RepealRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. with 35% Remove 1 buff from an enemy every 8 seconds. Duration time: 20 seconds. Description: Removes several buffs from an enemy. Has a 35%% chance to remove 1 buff every 8 seconds. Duration: 20 sec. Cooldown: 30 seconds Learning levels: 48 to 74; Research cost: 63.000 - 1.150.000 SP (on the first and last level); Logic: Similar to CancellationRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. , which removes a few buffs (less than its original counterpart), but inflicts a debuff that, if not canceled, will continue to remove positive skills. Outcome We are happy to create for you new elements of the game that could create interesting situations for you and allow you to explore the game that you have known for a long time. However, all this is only if you wish! If you are not interested in playing for another class, you are absolutely not obliged to do this and this will hardly affect anything. However, we recommend that you still try something new and get new emotions, because one way or another, we are all here for this. 😉 P.S.: 😁 We remind you that after a server-wide kill of Trasken - Earthworm, you need to update using Fast Check using our Updater . with ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  20. Дорогие друзья, Сегодня мы рады анонсировать наше (надеемся, что и ваше) долгожданное обновление, над которым мы работали несколько лет (от момента идеи, концепции, питчинга, задачи, до технической реализации и тестов)! - Это Спойлер? - Это Крафтер? - Это Гном с сабом на Сорка? - Это Гном-Маг! 😎 Вступительное слово MasterWork - это продукт, который совмещает в себе классическо-ностальгическую версию нашей игры и современный подход к подготовке и работе над продуктом. Важная составляющая в работе над продуктом - фишки\фичи, которые могли бы привнести новые элементы в достаточно старую игру, при этом не нарушая её аутентичность и не ломая привычные правила игры. Примеров таких изменений\доработок можно привести много: Актуальный клиент - это позволяет не меняя общий визуальный стиль игры, использовать новые производительные мощности и визуальные составляющие. MidCompany - система, которая (пока что не идеально, но мы работаем над этим) разделяет основные типы\группы игроков из так "BigWar" и "MidWar", давая возможность каждому из кланов той или иной группы выполнять основные задачи против соизмеримых по силе конкурентов. Меняет ли это общие каноны игры? Нет. Но это дает возможность разным игрокам получать максимум удовольствия от игры. Перебалансировка типов локаций - ранее всегда были локации только для одного\для приоритетного класса (маг локи\физ локи). Мы перебалансировали монстров (их параметры, умения, механики) для того, что бы любая локация могла подходить как для одних, так и для других. А в комплексе с улучшением ряда "не топовых" лок - у вас теперь всегда есть возможность найти себе спот. Джудикатор - теперь все группы могут иметь в своем составе переработанный класс, который имеет различный набор умений, позволяющий как эффективно защищаться, так и эффективно нападать. В сумме с объединением 2-х бардов в один класс - у вас всегда есть для него место. Актуализация классов - так как мы затронули класс Джудикатора, будет правильным сказать, что все классы было доработаны: они стали сбалансированный, играбильней и просто интересней, что, в свою очередь, повлияло и на составы групп, которые стали разнообразней и дают возможность проявить креатив, при этом претендовать на сильную реализацию и получать от игры удовольствие; Упрощение системы Саб-Классов - саб-классы на нашем сервере ничем не уступают основным классам: на них также работают саб-скилы, они не ограничены в уровне, сняты почти все ограничения на взятия тех или иных классов (включая возможность камаэлей брать други саб-классы, кроме расовых) и они могут использовать некоторые геройские умения. Фактически единственное отличие саб-класса от основы - участие в Великой Олимпиаде. Таким образом игроки получили огромную вариативность в рамках одного персонажа, а группы - мотивированных сопартийцев. И многое-многое другое. В рамках общей логике и миссии развития продукта MasterWork - мы приняли решение о создании нового класса Земляного Мага расы Гномов. Мотивация Тяга к созданию чего-то нового и прекрасного - одна из движущих сил нашей команды. Мы никогда не хотели заниматься "переоткрытиями серверов с флешки" и как только у нас появилась техническая возможность концептуально улучшить игру - мы сразу взялись за эту возможность. Первые шаги в этом направлении назывались Interlude Final - это IL с различными умениями и механиками с хроник выше. Если очень просто - это был IL без камаэлей, атрибутов и локаций присущих этим хроникам. Далее был Interlude Rework - вершина развития данной ветки разработки IL-а, которая решила большую часть проблем и привела к относительно сбалансированной игре в рамках этих хроник. Ну а дальше вы все знаете, что случилось.. Его величество - MasterWork (не ЧСВ, а фигура речи 🤪). После создания самой концепции поэтапных хроник - мы взялись обтачивать и улучшать все, что работало не правильно\не идеально\криво\рудиментарно и т.д. Однако не исправлениями едиными. Как и говорилось выше - мы всегда жаждали создавать что-то новое, однако создание ради создания и обновления ради обновлений - это точно не про нас. Пожалуй любой игрок, который попробовал наш продукт сможет это подтвердить. Это не говорит о том, что все наши решения были идеальным - часть из них дорабатывались, изменялись, улучшались после их ввода. Но все они преследовали какую-то цель и были мотивированы какой-то идеей. Почему Гном-Маг Многие игроки любят брать визуально приятные глазу расы и создавать на них интересующие Саб-Классы (хвала наша концепция позволяет так делать, об этом писалось немного выше). Три самые распространенные расы, которые используются визуально для таких Саб-Классов, это: Гномы; Орки; Темные Эльфыийки (ну тут все понятно 🤪). Согласно этому "исследованию" мы решили взять Гномов и создать для них новый класс - Маг Земли. Если данное нововведение будет принято позитивно - мы готовы расширять данную систему до Орков-Лучников и так далее. Однако, подчеркну. ТОЛЬКО если это будет принято вами, нашими любимыми игрокам ❤️. Основные положения При создании нового Маг-класса мы руководствовались следующими правилами: Новый Класс должен легко вписываться в игру во всех её составляющих (партийная игра, соло-игра, олимпиада, PvE, PvP и т.д.); Новый Класс должен быть интересным, но не IMBA, что бы не создавать явного перекоса в существующем балансе; Мы понимаем, что с первого раза нам не удастся создать идеальное соотношение, поэтому мы будем внимательно следить за вашим фидбеком и вносить необходимые изменения. На дистанции у нас с вами все получится! Новый Класс на данный момент (и, вероятно, на следующем сезоне) нельзя брать как Саб-класс. Он будет доступен исключительно как Основа. Данное ограничение создано для того, чтобы игроки, которые хотят попробовать новый класс, могли конкурировать между собой в равных условиях, а мы, соответственно получили максимально точное понимание по балансу класса. Новый Класс, безусловно, получил новые эффекты\механики умений, однако для нас было важно, чтобы он был условно равен своих коллегам-магам и мог дать конкуренцию, но не стать ультимативным. Профессии: Dwarven Mystic; Geomancer; Terramancer; Tectonic Sage. Лор Жадность - одна из доминирующих и широко известных особенностей характера Гномов. Именно она привела их в один из многих рудников в поисках важного и ценного ресурса - Мифриловой Руды. Какова же была их радость, когда они наткнулись на него в большом количестве. Но все было не так радужно, как казалось на первый взгляд... Спустя некоторое время интенсивной работы они заметили, что рудник пронизан неизвестной им темной магией и руническими символами. Пробираясь все глубже и глубже в недры земли, они стали встречать страшных монстров, пронизанной той самой магией. Но это было ничто, по сравнению с содроганием земли, которые доносилось все громче и громче. Ослепленные жаждой золота, которое сулило им после продажи ресурсов, они проигнорировали все знаки и встретили то, что по истине ужаснуло мир... Огромный Земляной Червь Траскен пробудился от долгого сна. Они пытались замкнуть его в пещере, но было уже поздно. Начался бой. Сколько Гномов полягло в той ужасной битве... Поняв, что самим им не совладать с силой древнего чудища - они призвали воинов со всего Эльморадена. Со всех сторон в Деревню Гномов стали прибывать небезразличные, авантюристы и любопытствующие. Собрав достойное войско, Luciena повела их в самое сердце зла - Логово Траскена. Силен был враг, но и воины бились отважно! Спустя долгие часы напряженной битвы объединенному войску все же удалось нанести Траскену серьезные повреждения и он зарылся в глубь своих земляных владений. Сделав выводи и заплатив жестокую плату за свою жадность - Гномы покинули рудник. Но что-то внутри них изменилось. Они так долго пробыли вблизи рунической магии, которой пропитана вся шахта, что Гномы, которые ранее не обладали магией, почувствовали силу управлять Стихией Земли. Все гномы, которые рождались после битвы - открывали в себе магические способности и стали в один ряд с великими Магами других Рас. А шахта так и осталась заброшенной. Сейчас её населяют монстры, а те авантюристы, которые решаются посетить рудник, говорят, что страшные звуки и содрогания земли доносится все чаще и чаще... Умения Мы бы очень хотели, что бы изучение умений, баланса и механики нового класса происходило естественным путем, т.е. через игру. Однако мы понимаем, что принять решение о создании нового персонажа - не легкое. По этому мы подготовили для вас: Страницу на Wiki, где вы сможете узнать полный набор умений, их описание, силу, откат и т.д.; Описание нескольких умений с новыми уникальными механиками, а именно: Nature Absorb Описание: Наносит врагу урон магией земли. Мощность 32. Активирует умение Природное Восстановление; Откат: 9 секунд; Уровни изучения: с 14 по 25; Цена изучения: 0 SP; Логика: Аналог Vampiric ClawInflicts dark damage on an enemy with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 40% of the damage as HP., который вместо единоразового восстановления HP - использует постепенное восстановление (как Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.). Natural ReplenishmentRecovers 23 HP per second for 5 seconds. Описание: Восстанавливает 45 HP каждую секунду. Время действия: 5 сек. Не занимает бафф-слот Работает вместе с: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Rune of Rebirth. Rune of RebirthGathers energy from fallen enemies to restore their own health. Recovers 63 HP per second. For 5 seconds. Описание: Собирает энергию умерших врагов для восстановления своего здоровья. Восстанавливает 63 HP каждую секунду. Время действия: 5 сек; Откат: 5 секунд; Уровни изучения: с 30 по 74; Цена изучения: 30.000 - 850.000 SP (на первом и последнем уровне); Логика: Своеобразный Corpse Life DrainAbsorbs residual life energy from a corpse to restore the user's HP., который вместо единоразового восстановления HP - использует постепенное восстановление (как Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.); Работает вместе с: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Natural Replenishment. Rune of RepealRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. with 35% Remove 1 buff from an enemy every 8 seconds. Duration time: 20 seconds. Описание: Снимает несколько положительных эффектов с врага. С шансом в 35%% снимает 1 положительный эффект каждые 8 сек. Время действия: 20 cек. Откат: 30 секунд Уровни изучения: с 48 по 74; Цена изучения: 63.000 - 1.150.000 SP (на первом и последнем уровне); Логика: Аналог CancellationRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy., который снимает несколько бафов (меньше чем его оригинальный собрат), но накладывает дебаф, который, если не будет отменен, продолжит снимать положительные умения. Итог Мы с радостью создаем для вас новые элементы игры, которые могли бы создать для вас интересные ситуации и позволять изучать игру, которую вы уже давно знаете. Однако все это только при вашем желании! Если вам не интересна игра за другой класс - вы совершенно не обязаны это делать и это, почти ни на что не повлияет. Однако мы рекомендуем вам все таки попробовать что-то новое и получить новые эмоции, ведь так или иначе мы все тут за этим 😉 P.S.: 😁 Напоминаем, что после общесерверного убийства Траскена - Земляного Червя, вам необходимо обновиться с помощью Fast Check воспользовавшись нашим Updater. Также не забудьте ознакомиться с Патчноутом 🙃, который вышел в преддверии Нового Класса с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  21. Papanda

    New Class - Geomancer (Dwarven Mage)!

    Dear friends, Today we are happy to announce our (and hopefully yours) long-awaited update, on which we have been working for several years (from the moment of idea, concept, pitching, task, to technical implementation and tests)! - Is this a Spoiler? - Is that Crafter? - Is it a Dwarf with a sub-class on Sorca? - It's a Gnome Mage! 😎 introduction MasterWork is a product that combines a classic-nostalgic version of our game with a modern approach to preparing and working on a product. An important component in the work on the product is chips/features that could bring new elements to a rather old game without violating its authenticity and without breaking the usual rules of the game. There are many examples of such changes/improvements: The current client - this allows you to use new performance capabilities and visual components without changing the overall visual style of the game. MidCompany - a system that (not yet perfect, but we are working on it) separates the main types / groups of players from the so-called "BigWar" and "MidWar", allowing each of the clans of a particular group to perform basic tasks against competitors of comparable strength . Does this change the general canons of the game? No. But this allows different players to get the most out of the game. Rebalancing of types of locations - previously there were always locations for only one\for the priority class (magic locations\physic locations). We have rebalanced the monsters (their parameters, skills, mechanics) so that any location could be suitable for both one and the other. And in combination with the improvement of a number of "non-top" locations - now you always have the opportunity to find yourself a spot. Judicator - now all groups can have a reworked class in their composition, which has a different set of skills, allowing you to both effectively defend and attack effectively. Combined with combining 2 bards into one class, you always have a place for him. Class updates - since we touched on the Judicator class, it would be correct to say that all classes have been improved: they have become balanced, more playable and simply more interesting, which, in turn, has affected the composition of groups, which have become more diverse and provide an opportunity to show creativity, at the same time, claim a strong implementation and enjoy the game; Simplification of the Sub-Class system - sub-classes on our server are in no way inferior to the main classes: sub-skills also work on them, they are not limited in level, almost all restrictions on taking certain classes have been removed (including the ability of kamaels to take other sub- classes other than racial) and they can use some hero skills. In fact, the only difference between the sub-class and the base is participation in the Great Olympics. Thus, the players received a huge variability within the same character, and the group - motivated party members. And much, much more . As part of the overall logic and mission of developing the MasterWork product , we decided to create a new class of Earth Mage of the Dwarf race. Motivation The desire to create something new and beautiful is one of the driving forces of our team. We never wanted to deal with "reopening servers from a flash drive" and as soon as we had a technical opportunity to conceptually improve the game, we immediately took up this opportunity. The first steps in this direction were called Interlude Final - this is IL with various skills and mechanics from the chronicles above. If very simply - it was IL without kamaels, attributes and locations inherent in these chronicles. Next was Interlude Rework - the pinnacle of the development of this development branch of IL, which solved most of the problems and led to a relatively balanced game within these chronicles. Well, then you all know what happened .. His Majesty - MasterWork (not CSV, but a figure of speech🤪). After creating the very concept of step-by-step chronicles, we began to grind and improve everything that did not work correctly / not ideally / crookedly / rudimentary, etc. However, not uniform fixes. As mentioned above - we have always longed to create something new , but creating for the sake of creating and updating for the sake of updates is definitely not about us. Perhaps any player who has tried our product will be able to confirm this. This does not mean that all our solutions were perfect - some of them were finalized, changed, improved after their introduction. But they all pursued some goal and were motivated by some idea. Why Gnome Mage Many players like to take visually pleasing races and create Sub-Classes of interest to them (praise our concept allows us to do this, we wrote about this a little higher). The three most common races that are visually used for these Sub-Classes are: Gnomes; Orcs; Dark Elves (well, everything is clear here🤪). According to this "research" we decided to take the Dwarves and create a new class for them - Earth Mage . If this innovation is accepted positively, we are ready to expand this system to Orc-Archers and so on. However, I will emphasize. ONLY if it is accepted by you, our favorite players ❤️. Basic provisions When creating a new Mage class, we were guided by the following rules: The new Class should easily fit into the game in all its components (party game, solo game, olympiad, PvE, PvP, etc.); The new Class should be interesting , but not IMBA , so as not to create a clear skew in the existing balance; We understand that we will not be able to create the perfect balance the first time, so we will closely monitor your feedback and make the necessary changes. At a distance, we will succeed! The new Class at the moment (and probably next season) cannot be taken as a Sub-class . It will be available exclusively as a Foundation. This restriction was created so that players who want to try a new class can compete with each other on an equal footing, and we, accordingly, get the most accurate understanding of class balance. The new Class, of course, received new effects / mechanics of skills, however, it was important for us that it was conditionally equal to its fellow mages and could give competition, but not become an ultimatum. Professions: Dwarven Mystic; Geomancer; Earthmancer ; Tectonic Sage. Lore Greed is one of the dominant and widely known personality traits of Dwarves. It was she who led them to one of the many mines in search of an important and valuable resource - Mithril Ore . What was their joy when they stumbled upon it in large numbers. But everything was not as rosy as it seemed at first glance... After some time of intensive work, they noticed that the mine was riddled with dark magic and runic symbols unknown to them. Making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth, they began to meet terrible monsters, permeated with that same magic. But it was nothing compared to the trembling of the earth, which came louder and louder. blinded by thirst of Gold, which promised them after the sale of resources, they ignored all the signs and met what truly terrified the world ... The huge Earthworm Trasken woke up from a long sleep. They tried to lock him in a cave, but it was too late. The fight has begun. How many Dwarves fell in that terrible battle... Realizing that they themselves could not cope with the power of the ancient monster , they called on warriors from all over Elmoreden . From all sides, indifferent, adventurers and curious people began to arrive in the Dwarf Village . Gathering a worthy army, Luciena led them to the very heart of evil - Trasken's Lair . The enemy was strong, but the warriors fought bravely! After many hours of intense battle, the combined army still managed to inflict serious damage on Trasken , and he dug deep into his earthen possessions. Having made the withdrawal and paid a cruel price for their greed, the Dwarves left the mine. But something inside them has changed. They have been so long near the runic magic that the entire mine is saturated with, that the Dwarves , who previously did not possess magic, felt the power to control the Earth Element . All the gnomes who were born after the battle discovered their magical abilities and became on a par with the great Mages of other Races. And the mine remained abandoned. Now it is inhabited by monsters, and those adventurers who dare to visit the mine say that terrible sounds and tremors of the earth are heard more and more often... Skills We would really like to see the learning of skills, balance and mechanics of the new class take place in a natural way, i.e. through the game. However, we understand that the decision to create a new character is not an easy one. That is why we have prepared for you: A page on the Wiki , where you can find outthe full set of skills, their description, strength, cooldown, etc .; Description of several skills with new unique mechanics, namely: Nature Absorb Description: Deals earth damage to an enemy. Power 32. Activates the skill Natural Recovery; Cooldown: 9 seconds; Levels of study: from 14 to 25; Study Cost: 0 SP; Logic: An analogue of Vampiric ClawInflicts dark damage on an enemy with 49 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 40% of the damage as HP. , which instead of a one-time recovery of HP - uses a gradual recovery (like Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. ). Natural ReplenishmentRecovers 23 HP per second for 5 seconds. Description: Restores 45 HP every second. Duration: 5 sec. Doesn't take up a buff slot Works with: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Rune of Rebirth. Rune of RebirthGathers energy from fallen enemies to restore their own health. Recovers 63 HP per second. For 5 seconds. Description: Gathers the energy of dead enemies to restore your health. Restores 63 HP every second. Duration: 5 sec; Cooldown: 5 seconds; Learning levels: from 30 to 74; Research cost: 30.000 - 850.000 SP (on the first and last level); Logic: A kind of Corpse Life DrainAbsorbs residual life energy from a corpse to restore the user's HP. , which instead of a one-time recovery of HP - uses a gradual recovery (like Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. ); Works with: Greater Healing PotionA magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds.; Chant of LifeRecovers all party members HP by 5%. Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds. \ The Heart of Pa'agrio \ Greater HealRestores the target's HP with 204 Power, and additionally restores 14 HP per second for 15 seconds.; Natural Replenishment. Rune of RepealRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. with 35% Remove 1 buff from an enemy every 8 seconds. Duration time: 20 seconds. Description: Removes several buffs from an enemy. Has a 35%% chance to remove 1 buff every 8 seconds. Duration: 20 sec. Cooldown: 30 seconds Learning levels: 48 to 74; Research cost: 63.000 - 1.150.000 SP (on the first and last level); Logic: Similar to CancellationRemoves multiple buffs from an enemy. , which removes a few buffs (less than its original counterpart), but inflicts a debuff that, if not canceled, will continue to remove positive skills. Outcome We are happy to create for you new elements of the game that could create interesting situations for you and allow you to explore the game that you have known for a long time. However, all this is only if you wish! If you are not interested in playing for another class, you are absolutely not obliged to do this and this will hardly affect anything. However, we recommend that you still try something new and get new emotions, because one way or another, we are all here for this. 😉 P.S.: 😁 We remind you that after a server-wide kill of Trasken - Earthworm, you need to update using Fast Check using our Updater. Also don't forget to check the Patchnote 🙃, that was right before Dwarven Mage update! with ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  22. Papanda

    MasterWork: Patch Notes

    Restart : 05/22/23 Dear friends, We are pleased to announce a major update for our server. As part of this patchnote 🙃 we will not only review the list of changes with you, but also analyze the reasons for certain of our actions. We hope you appreciate our work! By the way, there are rumors that maybe this is not the whole update ... 🤨 Server Wide Event On Monday (05/22/23) there will be an important server-wide event ! During this event, you will: Combine the efforts of the entire server in the fight against the Ancient Evil ; Get nice rewards for your campaign; Prepare to carefully read the announcements both during and after 😉 Details: Date : Monday, 05/22/23; Time : 21:30; Location : Dwarven Village, NPC Luciena. Levels and other changes Now 2+2 boxes are available! The 3rd box is available if at least 1 of the 2 has a PA. The 4th box is available if at least 2 out of 3 running ones have a PA. We remind you that at the start of the next season there will be from 1 to 2 boxes (more details will be announced along with the server concept). Now Offline Merchants will sit up to 48 hours (previously - 24); Leveling: The 85th level became "available"; Simplified evolution from 60~84; Same for Weekend Rates (starting May 27-28). Rates: Experience and SP rates, Monsters, Monday - Friday (starting from 22.05): Level rates 1 - 39 x10 40 - 69 x9.85 => 4.5 70 - 79 x4.4 => 3 80 x2.5 81 x2 82 x1.5 83 x1.3 84 x1 85 x1 Experience and SP rates, RB / Instance Bosses, Monday - Friday (starting from 22.05): Level rates 1 - 39 x7 40 - 69 x6.92 => 4.75 70 - 79 x4.67 => 4 80 x3.75 81 x3.5 82 x3 83 x2.5 84 x2 85 x1.5 Weekend rates Rates of Experience and SP, Monsters, Saturday - Sunday, x1.5 (starting from 27.05): Level rates 1 - 39 x15 40 - 69 x14.77 => 6.75 70 - 79 x6.6 => 4.5 80 x3.75 81 x3 82 x2.25 83 x1.95 84 x1.5 85 x1.5 Rates of Experience and SP, RB / Instance Bosses, Saturday - Sunday, x1.25: Level rates 1 - 39 x8.75 40 - 69 x8.65 => 5.93 70 - 79 x5.844 => 5 80 x4.68 81 x4.37 82 x3.75 83 x3.12 84 x2.5 85 x1.87 Experience gain increased from: Hellbound Ankou; Kerberos. RB in Field of Whisper and Ginat's Cave : Giant Marpanak ; Gorgolos ; Last Titan Utenus ; Hekaton Prime ; Gwindorr ; Water Spirit Lian . Instance Bosses : Orfen; core; Baylor; Queen Ant; Tiat. Raid Bosses : Epidos; Anais. Epic Bosses General: Frintezza: The world boss has been removed from the game; Starting Monday, the Frintezza instance will be available for everyone; Added upgrade options to Frintezza's necklace Enhanced; supreme. Beleth spawn time moved from 20:30 ~ 21:00 to 21:00 ~ 21:30; Beleth: 21:00~21:30 +5 minutes wake up. Beleth spawn time moved from 20:30 ~ 21:00 to 21:00 ~ 21:30; Antharas\ Valakas: Antharas: 21:00~21:30 + 30 minutes wake up; Valakas: 21:00 + 20 minutes wake up. Baium 21:00~21:30 +5 minutes wake up. Other events: SOD (150+ ATT) - on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 19:00 to 22:00. Anais (RB in MOS) - every day, 19:00 ~ 23:00 Epidos (RB to HB) - every day, 19:00 ~ 23:00. The levels of Epic Bosses have been increased: 82nd levels: Dent; Bane. 85th levels: Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Beleth. Drop from Epic Bosses: Added drop Vesper Equipment and Accessories (similar to Moirai earlier); Note! Noble stones have not been added ! Removed drop items rank S (Imperial Crusader, Arcana Mace, Tateossian ring, etc; but NOT Dynasty ). Added MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. drop , changed MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 drop .If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. Drop chance of MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 has been increased.If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. The range of MidCompany Items for Dent's Coin has been revised !Congratulations on successfully killing of Epic Boss! You can spend these coins to purchase Clan Epic Jewelry from NPC Hunter. Please note! Only the Clan Leader can exchange coins! Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 - 35 Dent's Coin (New); Zaken's EarringMax. MP+31 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed attack rate +30% Resistance to Shock/Mental attacks +20% Shock/Mental attack rate +20% Heal amount +10% Vampiric rage effect +4% When equipped with two identical earrings, only one effect is applied. When equipped together with Enchanted Zaken's Earring, only the effect of Enchanted Zaken's earring will be applied. - 25 Dent's Coin (early 40); Earring of OrfenMax. MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20% Chance of Bleed attack +20% Increase Healing effects +6% Decreases skill MP Consumption by 2% When eqiupped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. - 15 Dent's Coin (was 25); Ring of CoreMax. MP + 21 Poison Resistance + 20% Poison Atk. Rate + 20% Accuracy +1 Moving Speed +1 When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. - 15 Dent's Coin (was 25); Ring of Queen AntMax. MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15% Resistance to Poison +30% Poison attack rate +30% Resistance to Hold +20% Hold attack rate +20% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. When equipped together with Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant, only the effect of Enchanted Ring will be applied. - 50 Dent's Coin . Frintezza Update The Epic Boss leaves the open world and appears as an Instance Zone. General information: Up to 10 simultaneous CCs within the zone; From 18 to 45 players in one CC; Level: 80-85; The maximum duration is 120 minutes; Cooldown on Wednesday and Saturday, 06:30 am server time; Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal Scroll item has been added to NPC Butler to access the Instance Boss:The scroll that permits passage though Frintezza's Magic Force Field. Meet his guide near the Imperial Tomb entrance and he will let you enter the forbidden area. Needed only by Command Channel Leader; Cost: 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. + 2.500.000 Adena. Awards: Lots of Experience; Vesper (100%) and Mid S84 Weapon (15%); Moirai, Vesper Equipment and Jewelry; Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents. ; Attributes Supplies ; Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 with 25% Chance! Soul Crystals (Chance is personal for each member of the finishing group) 11 => 12 = 100%; 12 => 13 = 100%; 13 => 14 = 50%; 14 => 15 = 25%; 15 => 16 = 15%; 16 => 17 = 10%. Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 can now be upgraded from NPC Pona in the Luxury Shop (similar to )! Upgrade cost: Enhanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs.: 2 Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 ; 2.500 Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. ; 350 Gemstone S ; 50.000.000 Adena . Supreme Frintezza's Necklace DEX +2, Resistance from Unholy +25, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +10, Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +50%, Resistance Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep +25%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +50%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +25%, Skill Reuse Time -10%, Reflect Damage +6%. For 15 sec. blocks all debufs. : 2 Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs. ; 7.500 Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade. ; 950 Gemstone S ; 150.000.000 Adena . Accessory Options: Frintezza's Necklace:Max. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 Rank A; Mag. Def.: 125; Max. MP +42; Sleep/Paralysis/Stun Resistance +15%; Chance of Sleep/Paralysis/Stun target +15%; Poison/Bleed Resistance +25%; Chance of Poison/Bleeding +25%; Skill cooldown -5%; Damage return from normal mili attacks +4%; Dark Attribute Defense +15. Enhanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs.: Grade S80; Mag. Def.: 131; DEX+1; Max. MP +47; Sleep/Paralysis/Stun Resistance +20%; Chance to Sleep/Paralyze/Stun the target +20%; Poison/Bleed Resistance +35%; Chance of Poisoning/Bleeding +35%; Skill Cooldown -7%; Damage return from normal mili attacks +5%; Dark Attribute Defense +20; Defense against attributes of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy +5; Active Skill Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace - Mystic Immunity : Grants the Owner Immune to Debuffs (similar to PP's Mystic Immunity). Duration: 10 seconds. Fixed Cooldown: 600 seconds. Does NOT work for the Olympics. Supreme Frintezza's Necklace DEX +2, Resistance from Unholy +25, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +10, Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +50%, Resistance Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep +25%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +50%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +25%, Skill Reuse Time -10%, Reflect Damage +6%. For 15 sec. blocks all debufs.: Grade S84; Mag. Def.: 138; DEX+2; Max. MP +52; Sleep/Paralysis/Stun Resistance +25%; Chance to Sleep/Paralyze/Stun target +25%; Resistance to Poison/Bleeding +50%; Chance of Poisoning/Bleeding +50%; Skill cooldown -10%; Damage return from normal mili attacks +6%; Dark Attribute Defense +25; Defense against attributes of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy +10; Active Skill Supreme Frintezza's Necklace - Mystic Immunity : Grants the Owner Immune to Debuffs (similar to PP's Mystic Immunity). Duration: 15 seconds. Fixed Cooldown: 300 seconds. Does NOT work for the Olympics. New Locations Beast Farm: Best suited for solo players and mini groups; Loot available at the location: Vesper Armor - recipes, pieces, whole (drop and spoil); Recipes and pieces of Vesper weapons (spoil); High-level resources ( increased chance ); Fighter's\Archer's\Magician's Will; Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Attribute Crystals. Dragon Valley: Best suited for solo players, strong mini-groups and full groups; Loot available at the location: Vesper Armor - recipes, pieces, whole (drop and spoil); Noble Enhancement StoneItem needed to upgrade Vesper armor to Noble Vesper armor through Maestro Ishuma. ; High-level resources ( increased chance ); Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Attribute Crystals. Lair of Antharas: Best suited for strong mini-groups and full groups; Loot available at the location: Vesper Armor - recipes, pieces, whole (drop and spoil); Vesper weapons - whole, recipes and pieces (drop and spoil); High-level resources ( increased chance ); Fighter's\Archer's\Magician's Will; Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Noble Enhancement Stone (spoiled) ; Attribute Crystals. Conclusion❗❗❗ If earlier you had a prejudice that your class does not belong in some location - this is not true ! We've reworked a lot of locations (even outside of this list) to make them more balanced for different classes/types of groups. Try it and you will succeed! What specifically has been changed? Removed the ultimate resistance of monsters and the resistance of some types of weapons. Everything you knew about locations (especially on the HF chronicles) - on MasterWork you will most likely get in the way. Mage in MoS ? Yes! Physical in LoA ? Yes! All locations - for everyone! Explore the world, try new things and succeed! Vesper Update The base Vesper has the following options: Set Bonus Vesper Heavy Set STR +2, DEX -2.; Phys. Atk./P. Defense +5.57%; Max. HP +531; Resistance to sleep/hold attacks - by 70%. Vesper Leather Set STR +1, CON -2, DEX +1; Phys. Atk. +5.57%; Speed Atk. +5%; MP recovery rate + 5%; Max. HP +347. Vesper Robe Set INT +1, MEN -2, WIT +1; Mag. Atk. +8.47%; Speed Mag. +15%; MP recovery rate +5%; Stun resistance +50%; Reduces spell interrupt chance by 30. <RARE> item bonuses : Heavy Item Bonus Vesper HelmetMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +175 P. Def. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. Def. +0.70% M. Def. Def. +0.70% Mental Attack Resistance +5.25% Sleep Resistance +7.00% Hold Resistance +7.00% All 6 Attribute Defense +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper BreastplateMasterwork Item that increases: - Resistance to sleep/hold attacks by 25%; - Max HP by 350; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - P. Def. by 2.5%. Max. HP +350 P. Def. Atk. +1.70% P. Def. Def. +1.40% M. Def. Def. +1.40% Mental Attack Resistance +10.50% Sleep Resist +14.00% Hold Resist +14.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Resist +1.00% Vesper GaiterMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +225 P. Def. Atk. +1.10% P. Def. Def. +0.90% M. Def. Def. +0.90% Mental Attack Resistance +6.75% Sleep Resistance +9.00% Hold Resistance +9.00% All 6 Attribute Defense +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper GauntletMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +125 P. Def. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. Def. +0.50% M. Def. Def. +0.50% Mental Attack Resistance +3.75% Sleep Resist +5.00% Hold Resist +5.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Resist +1.00% Vesper BootsMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Max. HP +125 P. Def. Atk. +0.60% P. Def. Def. +0.50% M. Def. Def. +0.50% Mental Attack Resistance +3.75% Sleep Resist +5.00% Hold Resist +5.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Resist +1.00% Vesper ShieldMasterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. +3 units Block. Of magic General bonuses for <RARE> set (no shield) Phys. Atk. +4.85% P. Def. Def. +4.00% M. Def. Def. +4.00% Mental Attack Resistance +30.00% Sleep Resist +40.00% Hold Resist +40.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +20 PvP Damage Resist +5.00% light Item Bonus Vesper Leather Helmet Phys. Atk. +0.85% P. Def. +0.70% P. Crit. +0.70% Max. MP +105 Regen. MP +2.80% Paralysis Resistance +5.25% Petrification Resistance +3.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper Leather BreastplateMasterwork Item that increases: - Max MP by 225; - Atk. Spd. by 2%; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 7%. Phys. Atk. +1.70% Speed Atk. +1.40% P. Crit. +1.40% Max. MP +210 Regen. MP +5.60% Paralysis Resistance +10.50% Petrification Resistance +7.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper Leather LeggingMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +1.10% Speed Atk. +0.90% P. Crit. +0.90% Max. MP +135 Regen. MP +3.60% Paralysis Resistance +6.75% Petrification Resistance +4.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper Leather GlovesMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +0.60% Speed Atk. +0.50% P. Crit. +0.50% Max. MP +75 Regen. MP +2.00% Paralysis Resistance +3.75% Petrification Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% Vesper Leather BootsMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Phys. Atk. +0.60% Speed Atk. +0.50% P. Crit. +0.50% Max. MP +75 Regen. MP +2.00% Paralysis Resistance +3.75% Petrification Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1.00% General bonuses for <RARE> set Phys. Atk. +4.85% Spd. Atk. +4.00% P. Crit. +4.00% Max. MP +600 Regen. MP +16.00% Paralysis Resistance +30.00% Petrification Resistance +20.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +20 PvP Damage Defense +5% Robe Item Bonus Vesper CircletMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.40% Regen. MP +2.80% Stun Resistance +5.25% Spell Cancel Resistance +3.50% Disarm Resistance +3.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1% Vesper TunicMasterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Mag. Atk. +2.80% Speed Mag. +2.50% Regen. MP +5.60% Stun Resistance +10.50% Spell Cancel Resistance +7.00% Disarm Resistance +7.00% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1% Vesper StockingsMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.80% Regen. MP +3.60% Stun Resistance +6.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +4.50% Disarm Resistance +4.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1% Vesper GlovesMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.00% Regen. MP +2.00% Stun Resistance +3.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +2.50% Disarm Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1% Vesper shoesMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Mag. Atk. +1.00% Regen. MP +2.00% Stun Resistance +3.75% Spell Cancel Resistance +2.50% Disarm Resistance +2.50% Defense against all 6 attributes +4 PvP Damage Defense +1% Vesper SigilMasterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. +3 units Block. Of magic General bonuses for <RARE> set (no sigil) Mag. Atk. +8.00% Spd. Mag. +2.50% Regen. MP +16.00% Stun Resistance +30% Spell Cancel Resistance +20% Disarm Resistance +20% Defense against all 6 attributes +20 PvP Damage Defense +5% Accessories Item Bonus Venus necklace Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Max. MP +33 Paralysis Resistance +13% Sleep Resistance +13% Attribute Resistance +8 Venus EarringMasterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Stun Resistance +10% Mental Attack Resistance +10% Hold Resistance +5% Sleep Resistance +5% Ring of VenusMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. P. Strength Crete. +8% Hold Resistance +10% Stun Resistance +5% On the MasterWork server , when upgrading your set to Noble , you can also choose the desired additional modification Attack or Defense : Heavy Set Bonus Vesper Noble Heavy Attack Set STR +3, DEX -2 Max. HP +541 P. Def. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. Def. +5.57% M. Def. Def. +5.57% Critical Rate Atk. +32 Recharge P. Def. Skills and Rhythms -5% Atk. Run +5 Psychic Attack Resistance +50% Sleep Resistance +70% Hold Resistance +70% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Dark/Holy attribute defense +10 Vesper Noble Heavy Defense Set STR +2, CON +1, DEX -1 Max. HP +541 P. Def. Atk. +5.57% P. Def. Def. +5.57% M. Def. Def. +5.57% Speed Run +5 Chance to Block. Magic +2 points. Incoming Healing +7% P./ M. Def. Crete. +8% Mental Attack Resistance +50% Sleep Resistance +70% Hold Resistance +70% PvP Damage Defense +5% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Dark/Holy attribute defense +10 Light Set Bonus Vesper Noble Light Attack Set STR+2, DEX +1, CON -2 P. Def. Atk. +5.57% Speed Atk. +5.57% P. Crit. +5.57% P. Strength Skills +6% Recharge P./ M. Def. Skills and Rhythms -5% Max. MP +354 Regen. MP +5.57% Petrification Resistance +30% Paralysis Resistance +50% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Dark/Holy attribute defense +10 Vesper Noble Light Defense Set STR+1, DEX +2, CON -1 P. Def. Atk. +5.57% Speed Atk. +5.57% P. Crit. +5.57% Evasion +4 P./ M. Evasion Skill +3% MP Consumption P./ Skill M. -7% Max. MP +354 Regen. MP +5.57% Paralysis Resistance +50% Petrification Resistance +30% PvP Damage Defense +5% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Darkness/Holy attribute defense +10 Robe Set Bonus Vesper Noble Robe Attack Set INT +2, WIT +1, MEN -2 M. Def. Atk. +8.47% Speed Mag. +15.00% Chance M. Crit. +1 unit Reload Mag. Skills -5% Atk. Run +7 Regen. MP +5.57% Disarm Resistance +30% Stun Resistance +50% Disarm Resistance +30% Spell Cancel -30% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Dark/Holy attribute defense +10 Vesper Noble Robe Defense Set INT +1, WIT +1, CON +1, MEN -1 M. Def. Atk. +8.47% Speed Mag. +15.00% Spd. Run +7 Regen. MP +5.57% MP Consumption M. Def. skills -7% Incoming Healing +10% Disarm Resistance +30% Stun Resistance +50% Spell Cancel -30% PvP Damage Defense +5% Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Dark/Holy attribute defense +10 You can also see all the changed sets at the link in our wiki Item Exchange: General information: Appropriate line added to Master Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran and Ancient City Arcan. For all exchange transactions, the following are saved: Item enchanting level; Item attribute; {PvP} insert; <RARE> . In the exchanger, only those options are visible for which the player has enough items to exchange: for example, vesper_noble_helmet will be visible if there is a vesper_helmet in the inventory, from 430 noble_upgrade_jewel and from Exchange price: Exchange regular (rusty) for Noble Attack / Noble Defense for Noble Enhancement Stone Item needed to upgrade Vesper armor to Noble Vesper armor through Maestro Ishuma.: Helmet: 430 Noble Enhancement Stone + 3.500.000 Adena ; Body (all types): 860 Noble Enhancement Stone + 7.000.000 Adena Heavy top also 860 Noble Enhancement Stone (previously 1150 Noble Enhancement Stone). Bottom: 540 Noble Enhancement Stone + 4.500.000 Adena Heavy bottom also 540 Noble Enhancement Stone (previously 750 Noble Enhancement Stone). Gloves: 290 Noble Enhancement Stone + 2.500.000 Adena Boots: 290 Noble Enhancement Stone + 2.500.000 Adena. Noble Attack Body Exchange for Noble Defense : 1 to 1 + 15.000.000 Adena. Exchange of ordinary Noble bodies for Noble Attack / Noble Defense - for free ! Only available to MasterWork Eternal players who already own the Noble Vesper. {PvP} and <RARE> upgrade Inserting {PvP} into regular and <RARE> bodies: Heavy: 14.000 + 2.792.000 Adena; Light / Robe: 10.500 + 2.094.000 Adena. Remove {PvP} from regular and <RARE> bodies: For free Convert Normal bodies to <RARE> , {PvP} Normal bodies to <RARE> {PvP} : 4 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. . Skills Before proceeding to a specific description of the changes/improvements of skills, we would like to tell you about the logic of the work done . In other words: why is it so and why is it good. General mechanics of how Critical Strikes work for P. Def. AOE skills: Most AOE P. Def. skills can Crit and deal Superblow (according to the concept of MasterWork); Crit is calculated from the base value in the skill. Usually it is 15% and the STR modifier; STR modifier : STR: 10 = -1.58 STR: 20 = -1.41 STR: 30 = -1.16 STR: 40 = 1.20 STR: 50 = 1.71 STR: 11 = -1.57 STR: 21 = -1.39 STR: 31 = -1.13 STR: 41 = 1.24 STR: 51 = 1.77 STR: 12 = -1.55 STR: 22 = -1.37 STR: 32 = -1.10 STR: 42 = 1.29 STR: 52 = 1.83 STR: 13 = -1.54 STR: 23 = -1.34 STR: 33 = -1.06 STR: 43 = 1.33 STR: 53 = 1.90 STR: 14 = -1.52 STR: 24 = -1.32 STR: 34 = -1.03 STR: 44 = 1.38 STR: 54 = 1.97 STR: 15 = -1.50 STR: 25 = -1.29 STR: 35 = 1.00 STR: 45 = 1.43 STR: 55 = 2.04 STR: 16 = -1.49 STR: 26 = -1.27 STR: 36 = 1.04 STR: 46 = 1.48 STR: 56 = 2.11 STR: 17 = -1.47 STR: 27 = -1.24 STR: 37 = 1.08 STR: 47 = 1.54 STR: 57 = 2.19 STR: 18 = -1.45 STR: 28 = -1.22 STR: 38 = 1.12 STR: 48 = 1.59 STR: 58 = 2.27 STR: 19 = -1.43 STR: 29 = -1.19 STR: 39 = 1.16 STR: 49 = 1.65 STR: 59 = 2.35 Usually the average is 35 \ 50 STR . Crit has a fixed x2 damage that (currently) cannot be increased. Exception: Dager AOE skills. There, the power of Crit is calculated with all modifiers, as for the usual physical. attacks (buffs, passives, item skills, etc.). Consider an example : Archer, 50 STR, uses Burst Shot = Deals 1000 damage. Base Chance Crete. Atk. Burst Shot : 15% 0.15 (base chance) x 1.71 (modifier from 50 STR) = 0.2565 = 25.65% chance x2 Crit Attack. The final average damage, taking into account Crit. Atk. you get (round up to 25% for ease of calculation): (3 x 1000 + 1 x 2000) / 4 = 5000 / 4 = 1250 damage. Reality: Monsters of 60 levels, for the most part, are quite light and die in one or two shots. Monsters of levels 78-85, on the contrary, have much more defense and health, while a proportional increase in P. damage. Skill lags far behind the character's base damage, which makes the relevance of using skills instead of auto-attack questionable. What we want to achieve: Balance (slightly more difficult) killing level "60" monsters with physical skills; Balance (slightly ease) monster killing at later levels using physical skills. What do we do for this: We share the chance of Phys. Crit. Attacks on PVP and PVE components, while not touching the base chance of P. Def. Crit. Atk. Skills. We are partially lowering it in PvE at early levels and increasing it at later levels. As part of the concept of this season, we have already used this logic and it has shown itself perfectly. Now we apply it to more classes/skills. Another example : Archer level 52, 50 STR, uses Burst Shot and deals, conditionally, 100% damage to both the player and the monster. Base Chance Crit. Atk. Burst Shot : 15% in PvP, 8% in PvE. 0.15 (base chance) x 1.71 (modifier from 50 STR) = 0.2565 = 25.65% chance x2 Crit Attack in PvP. 0.08 (base chance) x 1.71 (modifier from 50 STR) = 0.2565 = 13.68% chance x2 Crit Attack in PvE. The final average damage, taking into account Crit. Atk. you get (round up to 25% for ease of calculation): (3 x 100 + 1 x 200) / 4 = 500 / 4 = 125% damage in PvP. The final average damage, taking into account Crit. Atk. you get ((round up to 25% for ease of calculation): (6.3 x 100 + 1 x 200) / 7.3 = 500 / 4 = 113.7% damage in PvE. -------- Archer level 85, 50 STR, Burst Shot +30 . = Deals vacuum 100% damage to both the player and the monster. Base Chance Crit. Atk. Burst Shot : 15% in PVP, 25% in PVE. 0.15 (base chance) x 1.71 (modifier from 50 STR) = 0.2565 = 25.65% chance x2 Crit Attack in PvP. 0.25 (base chance) x 1.71 (modifier from 50 STR) = 0.4275 = 42.75% chance x2 Crit Attack in PvE. The final average damage, taking into account Crit. Atk. get: 125.65% damage in PvP. The final average damage, taking into account Crit. Atk. get: 142.75% damage in PvE. We figured out the base, now let's move on to the list of skills that have received processing according to the logic described above. We would like to note that the list will be supplemented in the future. Warriors Gladiators: Triple SonicAttacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Slash Triple SlashAttacks an enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Double SonicSupplements the user's P. Atk. with Power 918, enabling a powerful sword stroke once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt weapon whose 3rd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Slash Sonic BlasterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 369 Power in a deadly blast of force from the sword once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Sonic BusterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Sonic StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. . Tyrant: Force BlasterDischarges a powerful energy beam at an enemy with 143 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Force BurstSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Hurricane AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 501 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon recharged to its 2nd energy stage. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Force StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. . Berserker: Slash BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Dark SmashAttacks an enemy with 568 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; shoulder charge; Blade RushHolds a sword up and rushes forward to inflict bleed on the enemies in the rushing path for 20 seconds. Makes them consume 107 HP every second. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword to be equipped. Over-hit. ; Slash BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Crush of PainSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 3509 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; ContagionSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 4113 Power in a deadly vital strike. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Storm AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 571 Power in a hurricane-like assault. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. . Berserker, Soul Breaker (M), Soul Breaker (F), Inspector: Spread WingSpreads wings to attack nearby enemies with 866 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit is possible. . Can now deal Critical Damage (has a standard 15% chance like other Kamael skills). Doombringer: Rush Impact; Enuma Elish. Warlord, Destroyer, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith: WhirlwindSwings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 554 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. . Warlord: Power crush. Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro: earthquakeSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 4848 Power in an Earth-shattering spear thrust. Requires a polearm. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. Target may be canceled. . Dreadnought: Cursed Pierce. Fortune Seeker: Lucky StrikeSkill with Earth attribute that inflicts an exploding attack on an enemy with 4312 Power added to P. Atk. Causes damage and spoil at the same time on some nearby enemies. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. . Chance of P. Def. Crit. for PvP increased. Titan: Crush of DoomAttacks the target with 4558 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Demolition Impact Unleashes a shock of destruction to attack nearby enemies with 7475 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon. Over-hit and Critical are possible. The skill has Fire attribute.. Grand Khavatari: Force of Destruction Attacks an enemy with 2200 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the targets with destructive energy. Chi Energy Stage 4 Recharge needed. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Over-hit and Critical are possible. The skill has Fire attribute.. Chance of P. Def. Crit. decreased on PvP ; Chance of P. Def. Crit. on PvE increased . Archers Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger: burst shot; Seven ArrowsShoots 7 arrows to attack an enemy with 8445 Power added to P. Atk. Critical hit is possible. ; double shot. Phantom ranger: Fatal Counter. Arbalester: Twin ShotFires 2 powerful bolts with 984 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit. Critical. ; Rising ShotFires a soaring bolt at an enemy's position with 1050 PvP Power and 1575 PvE Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. . Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster: Lethal ShotShoots an arrow that is aimed at a vital spot. Attacks an enemy with 7698 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow. Over-hit. Half Kill. Critical. ; Multiple ShotAttacks multiple enemies with 11110 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow. . Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel Evade Shot. Daggers Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker: Knives out ; BackstabSupplements P. Atk. with 1107 Power to strike an enemy's unprotected back. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit, critical hit and half-kill are possible. ; Deadly BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1107 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill. ; Lethal BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 5773 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill. ; RazorRainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible. . Treasure Hunter: Critical Blow. Soul Breaker: Triple ThrustSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 930 Power in a blindingly quick triple jab. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a rapier. Over-hit is possible. Critical is possible. ; Shining EdgeAttacks the target's vital points with 1853 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible. ; checkmate. Bards and Buffers Swordsinger, Bladedancer: Deadly StrikeAttacks multiple enemies with 833 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow/hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped. Over-hit. . Chance of P. Def. Crit. for PvP is absent; Chance of P. Def. Crit. added to PvE. Overlord, Warcryer: Burning ChopAttacks an enemy with 167 Power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 10 seconds, and makes him consume 43 HP every second. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. . Chance of P. Def. Crit. for PvP increased. And other skills! Even if you are enchanting skills not for Attribute / Duel, this change will still apply. And now about other changes in skills. Rain of Fire (Sorcerer) Inflict Overhit (+25% XP on killing with these skills). Aqua SplashSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 41 Power to create a massive tidal wave that inflicts Water damage on an enemy. Over-hit. (Spellsinger) Inflict Overhit (+25% XP on killing with these skills). TempestStirs up a hurricane that inflicts Wind damage near an enemy with 31 Power added to M. Atk. Over-hit. (Spellhowler) Inflict Overhit (+25% XP on killing with these skills). Star FallCrashes down meteors to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near an enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous 100 non-attribute damage. Over-hit. (Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer) No longer have a fixed skill cooldown. Base cooldown: 300 seconds "Accelerates" by the effects of Rhythm of Purity, Gift of the Seraphim, etc. Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience on last hits with these skills) You can enchant! The Power improvement branch increases both the base power of the skill and the periodic damage during the passage of the effect: From 117 (+0) to 140, 1~2 per enchant level; From -100 (+0) to -250 (+15), 10 per enchant level. MeteorCrashes down meteors to inflict continuous fire damage near an enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous 100 fire damage. Over-hit. (Archmage, Soultaker) No longer have a fixed skill cooldown. Base cooldown: 300 seconds "Accelerates" by the effects of Rhythm of Purity, Gift of the Seraphim, etc. Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience on last hits with these skills) You can enchant! The Power improvement branch increases both the base power of the skill and the periodic damage during the passage of the effect: From 117 (+0) to 140, 1~2 per enchant level; From -100 (+0) to -250 (+15), 10 per enchant level. Burning ChopFire attacks enemies in front with 167 Power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 10 seconds, and makes them consume 43 HP every second. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. (Overlord, Warcryer) At all levels, deals damage with a small cone AOE (similar to the Deadly StrikeAttacks multiple enemies with 833 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow/hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped. Over-hit. PvE Critical. of Bards); Base Attribute: Fire; When upgraded to Power, in addition to the base damage, periodic damage now also increases, by +1 for every 2 rounds of enchanting: From 66 units / tick (at +0) to 82 units. / tick (at +30). What we want to achieve: Shamans will be able to get into the main composition of the group faster in the early stages Be more self-sufficient in solo leveling and more active at the beginning of the game in PvP. They will be able to farm later locations on their own, such as the School of Authority or Mithril Mines. Critical WoundIncreases Critical Damage by 15%. Requires a dagger. (Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker) Now the skill can be enchanted! Power improvement branch, increases skill power from 30 to 38%: +1 - 31% +3 - 32% +5 - 33% ... +15 - 38% Also, when enchanting, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of passing. The dependence of the skill level on the level of enchanting: +1~3 = lvl 81; +4~6 = lvl 82; +7~9 = lvl 83; +10~12 = lvl 84; +13~15 = lvl 85 Enchanting Skills Skill enchanting for Duel for all main skills will work both to increase PvP and PvE skill damage. This change will allow characters who chose to change the enchant branch from Attribute to Duel to not lose the damage against monsters (PvE) that they had previously. Example: Razor RainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible. +0 Previously when enchanted at +30 (Duel): 2740 PvE Power and 3152 PvP Power. Now when enchanted to +30 (Duel): 3940 PvE Power and 3152 PvP Power. ~40% more PvE Power, proportional to PvP gain. List of Skills that received this rework: Force BlasterDischarges a powerful energy beam at an enemy with 143 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Triple SlashAttacks an enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Double SonicSupplements the user's P. Atk. with Power 918, enabling a powerful sword stroke once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt weapon whose 3rd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Slash Sonic BlasterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 369 Power in a deadly blast of force from the sword once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Sonic StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Sonic BusterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Force BurstSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Double ShotSupplements P. Atk. with 1476 Power to fire 2 arrows in rapid succession. Requires a bow. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; BackstabSupplements P. Atk. with 1107 Power to strike an enemy's unprotected back. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit, critical hit and half-kill are possible. ; Force StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; WhirlwindSwings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 554 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Triple SonicAttacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Slash Deadly BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1107 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill. ; Hurricane AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 501 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon recharged to its 2nd energy stage. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Aura BoltInflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy using 26 Power added to M. Atk. ; Aura SymphonySupplements the user's M. Atk. with 150 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. ; Elemental AssaultSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. Over-hit is possible. ; Elemental SymphonySupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. Over-hit is possible. ; Elemental StormSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. ; Fatal CounterSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 2908 Power to fire an agony-inducing arrow at a target. The power of the attack increases as an enemy's HP decreases. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. ; Crush of DoomAttacks the target with 4558 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Lethal ShotShoots an arrow that is aimed at a vital spot. Attacks an enemy with 7698 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow. Over-hit. Half Kill. Critical. ; Lethal BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 5773 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill. ; Evade ShotAttacks an enemy with 2020 Power added to P. Atk. and increases Evasion by 6. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. ; Critical BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1832 Power added to P. Atk. Increases the user's success rate of vital point attacks by 10% for 15 seconds. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill. ; Dark SmashAttacks an enemy with 568 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Storm AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 571 Power in a hurricane-like assault. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Shoulder ChargeDisrupts an enemy with a sudden and powerful shoulder charge, stunning them for 9 seconds. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit is possible. ; Blade RushHolds a sword up and rushes forward to inflict bleed on the enemies in the rushing path for 20 seconds. Makes them consume 107 HP every second. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword to be equipped. Over-hit. ; Slash BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Crush of PainSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 3509 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; ContagionSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 4113 Power in a deadly vital strike. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. ; Triple ThrustSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 930 Power in a blindingly quick triple jab. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a rapier. Over-hit is possible. Critical is possible. ; Shining EdgeAttacks the target's vital points with 1853 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible. ; checkmateSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 2388 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. ; Soul of PainSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 50 Power to inflict dark damage on an enemy. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Target cancel is possible. ; Annihilation CircleSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 82 Power to inflict dark damage on an enemy's location. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. ; Twin ShotFires 2 powerful bolts with 984 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit. Critical. ; Rising ShotFires a soaring bolt at an enemy's position with 1050 PvP Power and 1575 PvE Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. ; Enuma ElishSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 4666 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; LeopoldSummons the devastating cannon Leopold to Fire upon an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 224 Power. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. ; Soul VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy with 112 Power added to M. Atk. For 30 seconds, decreases Speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit. ; Soul Vortex ExtinctionDetonates an Soul Vortex to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy with 195 Power added to M. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. ; Soul StrikeConsecutively throws souls to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy using 166 Power added to M. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. ; Rush ImpactRushes forward to attack the enemies in front with 3110 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Requires an Ancient Sword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. ; Death SpikeThrows a bone to inflict dark damage on an enemy with 35 Power added to M. Atk. ; Power CrushAttacks an enemy with 664 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. ; Cursed PierceAttacks an enemy with 3849 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. ; Seven ArrowsShoots 7 arrows to attack an enemy with 8445 Power added to P. Atk. Critical hit is possible. ; Knives outSupplements P. Atk. with 620 PvP Power and 775 PvE Power to strike an enemies unprotected backs. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Shares cooldown with Backstab skill. ; RazorRainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible. ; Elder Rune BoltInflicts non-attribute massive runic damage on an enemy using 26 Power added to M. Atk. . Now, when changing the branch of enchanting a skill, the Skill will not lose levels . Previously, the skill would randomly lose 3/2/1/0 enchant levels. Example: Triple Sonic Slash +25 Earth , which has been re-tuned to Duel : Previously : Triple Sonic Slash +22/23/24/25 on Duel at random. Now : Guaranteed Triple Sonic Slash Attacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. +25 Duel . Giant's Codex - DisciplineAn item required to change an enchantment path. can now also be purchased from the Adventurers' Guide in the Ivory Store for 150 Ivory Coin and 1.500.000 Adena .Personal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. All skills for which Attribute enchanting was available have received an updated display format : The skill will now show the Attribute number that was added to the skill. The description of a HUGE number of skills , enchant branches and descriptions has been sorted out and improved . It would seem: why do we single out such an item ..? In fact, this is a very voluminous work that requires a lot of attention, perseverance and motivation. We believe that you will appreciate our work, regardless of whether it was a major update or such "little things" as improving the description. Conclusion❗❗❗ What conclusion should be drawn from this? Skill enchanting is VERY important to your character's performance! Attribute and Duel (for offensive skills), depending on the server stage, will not only SIGNIFICANTLY increase the strength of your character, but also increase the level of the skill, which will increase the chance of passing it. Frequent misconceptions: Opinion : My character is level 83 and skill is +6. That's enough, my character is strong and effective! Answer : No, no, no, god, please no! © Starting to enchant the skill, you certainly took a step in the right direction, but did not reach the finish line. The current level of skill enchanting is often much more important than enchanting your weapon by another +1/2. Opinion : I'll finish the 85th - then I'll sharpen. Why waste books? Answer : Error! Regularly maintaining the level of sharpening the skill to the "correct" branch (at the bottom of the article you will find a link to the Guide, in which you can learn more about effective ways to develop the character, but often it is Attribute or Duel) - you significantly strengthen your character for a relatively small investment and you get a PvE simplificationand a PvP boost as a result, which, in turn, also allows you to farm effectively! Opinion : I did not figure out what to enchant. I'll get it and figure it out. Answer : Don't put off enchanting! Making the wrong choice on MasterWork servers is difficult. You can, of course, but it's very difficult.🤪. However, even if you make such a mistake, you will still get a skill above the level, and the system for changing the type of enchanting without a penalty, which we talked about above, will allow you to change the type of sharpening painlessly. However, you can trust us: Attribute (for GF) and Duel (for HF). Conclusion-conclusion: enchant your skills! Items NPC Butler : Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal Scroll item has been added to access the Frintezza Instance Boss :The scroll that permits passage though Frintezza's Magic Force Field. Meet his guide near the Imperial Tomb entrance and he will let you enter the forbidden area. Needed only by Command Channel Leader; Cost: 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. + 2.500.000 Adena. Simplified obtaining Attribute Ore for Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Master Yo in the Anceint City Arcan and he will gladly give you an attribute ore. (personal reward for the 3rd profession): 1 Personal Ore = 1 Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Master Yo in the Anceint City Arcan and he will gladly give you an attribute ore. + 250.000 Adena (was 3 + 750.000 Adena ). Improved dialogs with Attribute Managers: NPCs in Aden, Rune and Arcan City. We remind you that: 1 Crystal = 5 Stones + 2.500.000 Adena; 1 Crystal = 5 Stones + 5 Master Coins; 1 Personal Ore = 1 Attribute Coin + 250.000 Adena; 1 Stone \u003d 1 Stone of the opposite element (Fire - Water, Earth - Wind, Darkness - Holiness). The weight of Soul Cans for the Kamael race has been changed : Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - now have a weight of 0 (previously 2); Available from Butler or in My Account . Full Bottle of Souls - 5 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - now have a weight of 1 (was 2). Mag. Protection of unique Rings has been increased: Pioneers RingUnique Ring of Pioneers for those who took part in MasterWork - 2022 Grand Opening. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 10%, + 2% PvE Defence, +10 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -SoE with 10 minutes cooldown. 40 Mag. Def.; 2% PvE defense against any type of damage; +10 Inventory slots; -10% experience loss on death; Active skill SoE. Greater M.W. RingGreater Ring from Rare MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 25%, + 3% PvE Defence, +15 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown. ( Starter SetPersonal Starter Pack with equipment and useful items to boost your character! ) 48 Mag. Def.; 3% PvE defense against any type of damage; +15 Inventory slots; -25% experience loss on death; Active BSoE skill. Blessed MW RingBlessed Ring from Unique MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 50%, + 5% PvE Defence, +20 Inventory Slots. Active Skills: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown; -BSoR with 3 hours cooldown. ( Unique SetPersonal Unique Set with equipment and all useful items that boost you at the start and grant comfort to Your character! ) 56 Mag. Def.; 5% PvE defense against any type of damage; +20 Inventory slots; -50% experience loss on death; Active skills: BSoR and BSoE. Mag. The protection of the Olympic Jewelry has been increased: Olympiad NecklaceLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP+ 42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attacks +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attack rate +15% Skill reuse delay -5% Damage shield effect +4% Was: 85 M.Def; Now: 100 M.Def. Olympiad EarringLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP+31 Resistance to Shock/Mental attacks +20% Shock/Mental attack rate +20% Vampiric rage effect +4% When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. Was: 63 M.Def; Now: 75 M.Def. Olympiad RingLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15% Resistance to Hold +20% Hold attack rate +20% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. Was: 42 M.Def; Now: 55 M.Def. We remind you that in order to create (craft) items, you now (still) need Adena as well : Sgr.: Weapons: + 1.500.000 Adena ; Armor: + 1.000.000 Adena for any part. Accessories: + 500.000 Adena . Dynasty Weapons: + 3.500.000 Adena ; Armor: + 2.500.000 Adena for any part. Accessories: + 1.000.000 Adena . Moirai (Armor and Jewelry), Icarus (Weapons): Weapons: + 5.000.000 Adena ; Armor: + 3.500.000 Adena for any part. Accessories: + 1.500.000 Adena . Vesper: Weapons: + 7.500.000 Adena ; Armor: + 5.000.000 Adena for any part. Accessories: + 2.000.000 Adena . The MasterWork Crystal Orb - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. has been added to the drop! Ways to get: MidCompany Dent. 1-2 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 3-5 MasterWork Crystal - S;If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. 2-3 MasterWork Crystal - S80.If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. Epic Bosses (1) Baium; Beleth. 1-3 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 3-6 MasterWork Crystal - S . 2-4 MasterWork Crystal - S80 . Epic Bosses (2) Antharas; Valakas. 1-3 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 4-7 MasterWork Crystal - S . 3-4 MasterWork Crystal - S80 . Daily Epic Bosses Epidos; Anais. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (30%). Specific Bosses Ankou; Kerberos. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (7%). MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 - increased chance. RB in Field of Whisper and Ginat's Cave : Giant Marpanak ; Gorgolos ; Last Titan Utenus ; Hekaton Prime ; Gwindorr ; Water Spirit Lian . 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (3%); MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 - chance increased to 7% and 5% respectively Changed the current Attribute Drop to 10-20 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. . Instance (1) Tiat. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (3%); MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 - chance increased to 7% and 5% respectively Changed the current Attribute Drop to 15-25 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. . Instance (2) Frintezza. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S (15%) 1 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (12.5%) 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (10%). Instance (3) Orfen; core; Baylor; Queen Ant. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (2%); MasterWork Crystal - S and MasterWork Crystal - S80 - chance increased to 3% and 2.5% respectively. The exchange rate (upgrades) of B/A/S/S80/S84 Orbs has been revised ! ️ We would like to remind you that the bonuses from Rare <Rare> Items: Weapons, Armor, Jewelry — on MasterWork have been redone / improved / finalized! More about this on our Wiki . ️B Grade Items : Any solid Armor ( body): 3 MasterWork Crystal - B (was 1); Any Armor Top ( top): 2 MasterWork Crystal - BIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (was 1); Weapons, Helmets, Bottoms, Boots, Gloves, Shields, Accessories - 1 each MasterWork Crystal - B (no change). A grade items : Any Low and Mid Weapons ( Carnage BowBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Bleed, or Mana Up. , Soul BowBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Quick Recovery, or Focus. ): 2 MasterWork Crystal - AIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange an A-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (was 3); Any Top Weapon ( Shyeed's BowBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Focus, or Quick Recovery. ): 3 MasterWork Crystal - A (no change); Any solid Armor ( body): 4 MasterWork Crystal - A (was 2); Any Armor Top ( top): 3 MasterWork Crystal - A (was 2); Helmet and Armor Bottoms: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - A (unchanged); Boots and Gloves: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - A (no change); Shields: 1 each MasterWork Crystal - A (was 2); Accessories (Necklaces, Earrings, Rings): 1 each MasterWork Crystal - A (no change). S grade items : Any Weapon: 4 MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (no change); Major Arcana Rob and Draconic: 5 each MasterWork Crystal - S (was 3 each); and Imperial Crusader Breastplate: 3 each MasterWork Crystal - S (no change); Helmets: 3 each MasterWork Crystal - S (no change); Boots and Gloves: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S (was 3 each); Shield and Sigil: 1 each MasterWork Crystal - S (was 3 each); Accessories (Necklaces, Earrings, Rings): 1 each MasterWork Crystal - S (no change). Example: Major Arcana Set / Draconic Set: Was: 3+3+3+3 = 12 MasterWork Crystal - S ; Now: 3+5+2+2 = 12 MasterWork Crystal - S . Imperial Crusader Set: Was : 15 MasterWork Crystal - S; Now : 13 MasterWork Crystal - S (2 cheaper). Dynasty Items : Any Weapon: 5 MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (no change); Armor Top: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S (was 4); Helmet and Armor Bottom: 4 each MasterWork Crystal - S (no change); Boots and Gloves: 3 each MasterWork Crystal - S (was 4 each); Shield and Sigil: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S (was 4 each); Accessories (Necklaces, Earrings, Rings): 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S (no change). Example: Full set before : 4+4+4+4+4 = 20 MasterWork Crystal - S ; Full set is now : 4+5+4+3+3 = 19 MasterWork Crystal - S . Items Moirai \ Icarus : Any Weapon: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S80If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (no change); Armor Top: 4 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (was 3); Helmets and Bottoms of Armor: 3 each MasterWork Crystal - S80 (no change); Boots and Gloves: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S80 (was 3 each); Shield and Sigil: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S80 (was 3 each); Accessories (Necklaces, Earrings, Rings): 1 each MasterWork Crystal - S80 (no change). Example: Full set before : 3+3+3+3+3 = 15 MasterWork Crystal - S80 ; Full set is now : 3+4+3+2+2 = 14 MasterWork Crystal - S80 . Vesper Items : Any Weapon: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. ; Top Armor: 4 MasterWork Crystal - S84 ; Helmet and Armor Bottoms: 3 each MasterWork Crystal - S84 Boots and Gloves: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S84 ; Shield and Sigil: 2 each MasterWork Crystal - S84 ; Accessories (Necklaces, Earrings, Rings): 1 each MasterWork Crystal - S84 . Example: Full set: 3+4+3+2+2 = 14 MasterWork Crystal - S84. Now regular NPCs in towns that sell consumables will also sell D and C grade Soulshots and Spiritshots (in addition to No-Grade Soulshots and Spiritshots) Soulshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a D-grade weapon. = 10 Adena ; Soulshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a C-grade weapon. =15 Adena ; Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with D-grade weapons. =14 Adena ; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with C-grade weapons. =21 Adena. Something Cool Gide At first I wanted to describe all-all changes and descriptions \ explanations to them in Patchnote. And then I looked at the size of the post and realized that this is a VERY voluminous text. Thank God we have@Safero 😁 We recommend that you subscribe to his Telegram channel and read the description of the change. Also there you will find an analysis of various statistics - We have collected information about the server and analyzed the various decisions of the players. Link to post ; Link to Safero channel ; Link to Shilen's Diary . This is really very interesting and educational. I highly recommend you check out our official Telegram channels! You will need to use our Updater in order for the update to be displayed correctly. We highly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature regularly , as we regularly release various minor and major updates. With ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  23. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    Рестарт: 22.05.23 Дорогие друзья, Мы рады анонсировать масштабное обновление для нашего сервера. В рамках данного Патчноута 🙃 мы не только рассмотрим с вами список изменений, но и разберем причины тех или иных наших действий. Надеемся, что вы оцените нашу работу! Кстати ходят слухи, что возможно это не все обновление... 🤨 Общесерверный Ивент В Понедельник (22.05.23) пройдет важный общесерверный ивент! В рамках этого ивента вам предстоит: Объединить усилия всего сервера в борьбе с Древним Злом; Получить приятные награды за свой поход; Приготовиться внимательно читать анонсы как во время, так и после 😉 Детали: Дата: Понедельник, 22.05.23; Время: 21:30; Место: Dwarven Village, NPC Luciena. Уровни и другие изменения Теперь доступно 2+2 окна! 3-е окно доступно в случае, если на хотя бы 1 из 2-х есть ПА. 4-е окно доступно, если хотя бы на 2-х из 3-х запущенных есть ПА. Напоминаем, что на старте следующего сезона будет от 1 до 2 окон (детальнее будет анонсировано вместе с концепцией сервера). Теперь Оффлайн Торговцы будут сидеть до 48 часов (ранее - 24); Прокачка: Стал "доступен" 85-й уровень; Упрощено развитие с 60~84; Тоже самое и для Рейтов Выходного Дня (начиная с 27-28 Мая). Рейты: Рейты Опыта и SP, Монстры, Понедельник - Пятница (начиная с 22.05): Уровень Рейты 1 - 39 x10 40 - 69 x9.85 => 4.5 70 - 79 x4.4 => 3 80 x2.5 81 x2 82 x1.5 83 x1.5 84 x1 85 x1 Рейты Опыта и SP, РБ / Инстансовые Боссы, Понедельник - Пятница (начиная с 22.05): Уровень Рейты 1 - 39 x7 40 - 69 x6.92 => 4.75 70 - 79 x4.67 => 4 80 x3.75 81 x3.5 82 x3 83 x2.5 84 x2 85 x1.5 Рейты Выходного Дня Рейты Опыта и SP, Монстры, Суббота - Воскресение, х1.5 (начиная с 27.05): Уровень Рейты 1 - 39 x15 40 - 69 x14.77 => 6.75 70 - 79 x6.6 => 4.5 80 x3.75 81 x3 82 x2.25 83 x1.95 84 x1.5 85 x1.5 Рейты Опыта и SP, РБ / Инстансовые Боссы, Суббота - Воскресение, х1.25: Уровень Рейты 1 - 39 x8.75 40 - 69 x8.65 => 5.93 70 - 79 x5.844 => 5 80 x4.68 81 x4.37 82 x3.75 83 x3.12 84 x2.5 85 x1.87 Увеличен получаемый Опыт c: Hellbound Ankou; Kerberos. РБ в Field of Whisper и в Ginat's Cave: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime; Gwindorr; Water Spirit Lian. Инстанс Боссы: Orfen; Core; Baylor; Queen Ant; Tiat. Рейдовые Боссы: Epidos; Anais. Эпические Боссы Общее: Frintezza: Мировой босс убран из игры; С понедельника будет доступен инстанс Фринтезы для всех и каждого; У ожерелья Фринтезы добавлены варианты улучшений Enchanced; Supreme. Время появления Белефа передвинуто с 20:30 ~ 21:00 на 21:00 ~ 21:30; Beleth: 21:00~21:30 +5 минут пробуждение. Время появления Белефа передвинуто с 20:30 ~ 21:00 на 21:00 ~ 21:30; Antharas\ Valakas: Antharas: 21:00~21:30 + 30 минут пробуждение; Valakas: 21:00 + 20 минут пробуждение. Baium 21:00~21:30 +5 минут пробуждение. Другие события: SOD (150+ ATT) - по Вторникам и Пятницам, с 19:00 по 22:00. Anais (РБ в МОСе) - каждый день, 19:00 ~ 23:00 Epidos (РБ на ХБ) - каждый день, 19:00 ~ 23:00. Уровни Эпических Боссов были увеличены: 82-е уровни: Dent; Bane. 85-е уровни: Baium; Antharas; Valakas; Beleth. Дроп с Эпических Боссов: Добавлен дроп Vesper Экипировки и Бижутерии (по аналогии с Moirai ранее); Обратите внимание! Нобл камни не были добавлены! Удалён дроп предметов ранга S (Imperial Crusader, Arcana Mace, Tateossian кольцо и тд; но НЕ Dynasty). Добавлен дроп MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item., изменён дроп MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. и MasterWork Crystal - S80If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.. Шанс дропа MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. и MasterWork Crystal - S80 был увеличен. Ассортимент Предметов MidCompany за Dent's CoinCongratulations on successfully killing of Epic Boss! You can spend these coins to purchase Clan Epic Jewelry from NPC Hunter. Please note! Only the Clan Leader can exchange coins! был пересмотрен! Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 - 35 Dent's Coin (New); Zaken's EarringMax. MP+31 Resistance to Bleed +30% Bleed attack rate +30% Resistance to Shock/Mental attacks +20% Shock/Mental attack rate +20% Heal amount +10% Vampiric rage effect +4% When equipped with two identical earrings, only one effect is applied. When equipped together with Enchanted Zaken's Earring, only the effect of Enchanted Zaken's earring will be applied. - 25 Dent's Coin (ране 40); Earring of OrfenMax. MP +31 Resistance to Bleed +20% Chance of Bleed attack +20% Increase Healing effects +6% Decreases skill MP Consumption by 2% When eqiupped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. - 15 Dent's Coin (ранее 25); Ring of CoreMax. MP + 21 Poison Resistance + 20% Poison Atk. Rate + 20% Accuracy +1 Moving Speed +1 When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. - 15 Dent's Coin (ранее 25); Ring of Queen AntMax. MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15% Resistance to Poison +30% Poison attack rate +30% Resistance to Hold +20% Hold attack rate +20% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. When equipped together with Enchanted Ring of Queen Ant, only the effect of Enchanted Ring will be applied. - 50 Dent's Coin. Frintezza Update Эпический Босс покидает открытый мир и появляется в виде Инстанс Зоны. Общая информация: До 10 одновременных ЦЦ внутри зоны; От 18 до 45 игроков в одном ЦЦ; Уровень: 80-85; Максимальная продолжительность - 120 минут; Откат в Среду и Субботу, 06:30 утра по серверному времени; В NPC Butler был добавлен предмет Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal ScrollThe scroll that permits passage though Frintezza's Magic Force Field. Meet his guide near the Imperial Tomb entrance and he will let you enter the forbidden area. для прохода к Инстанс Боссу: Нужна только Лидеру Командного Канала; Стоимость: 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. + 2.500.000 Adena. Награды: Много Опыта; Vesper (100%) и Mid S84 Оружие (15%); Moirai, Vesper Экипировка и Бижутерия; Enchanted MW BoxOpen the Box to obtain any valuable rewards for Enchant your items! Double-click to see the countents.; Attributes Supplies; Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 с Шансом 25%! Кристаллы Души (Шанс персональный для каждого члена добивающей группы) 11 => 12 = 100%; 12 => 13 = 100%; 13 => 14 = 50%; 14 => 15 = 25%; 15 => 16 = 15%; 16 => 17 = 10%. Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 теперь можно улучшать у NPC Pona в Luxury Shop (по аналогии с )! Цена улучшения: Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs.: 2 Frintezza's NecklaceMax. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15; 2.500 Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade.; 350 Gemstone S; 50.000.000 Adena. Supreme Frintezza's Necklace DEX +2, Resistance from Unholy +25, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +10, Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +50%, Resistance Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep +25%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +50%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +25%, Skill Reuse Time -10%, Reflect Damage +6%. For 15 sec. blocks all debufs.: 2 Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs.; 7.500 Crystal (S-Grade)A crystal of S-Grade.; 950 Gemstone S; 150.000.000 Adena. Параметры Бижутерии: Frintezza's Necklace:Max. MP +42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Stun +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Stun attack +15% Resistance to Poison/Bleed +25% Poison/Bleed attack +25% Skill re-use delay -5% Damage Shield effect +4% Resistance to Dark attribute +15 Ранг А; Маг. Защ.: 125; Макс. MP +42; Сопротивление к Усыплению/Параличу/Оглушению +15%; Шанс Усыпления/Паралича/Оглушения цели +15%; Сопротивление к Отравлению/Кровотечению +25%; Шанс Отравления/Кровотечения +25%; Перезарядка умений -5%; Возврат урона от обычных атак в ближнем бою +4%; Защита от атрибута Тьмы +15. Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace DEX +1, Resistance from Unholy +20, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +5, Resistance to Bleed/ Paralyze +35%, Resistance to Stun/ Sleep +20%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +35%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +20%, Skill Reuse Time -7%, Reflect Damage +5%. For 10 sec. blocks all debufs.: Ранг S80; Маг. Защ.: 131; DEX +1; Макс. MP +47; Сопротивление к Усыплению/Параличу/Оглушению +20%; Шанс Усыпления/Паралича/Оглушения цели +20%; Сопротивление к Отравлению/Кровотечению +35%; Шанс Отравления/Кровотечения +35%; Перезарядка умений -7%; Возврат урона от обычных атак в ближнем бою +5%; Защита от атрибута Тьмы +20; Защита от атрибутов Огня, Воды, Земли, Ветра, Святости +5; Активное умение Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace - Mystic Immunity: Дарует Владельцу Иммунитет к Негативным Эффектам (как Mystic Immunity у PP). Время действия: 10 секунд. Фиксированная Перезарядка: 600 секунд. НЕ работает на Олимпиаде. Supreme Frintezza's Necklace DEX +2, Resistance from Unholy +25, Resistance from Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy +10, Resistance to Poison/ Bleed +50%, Resistance Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep +25%, Poison/ Bleed Chance +50%, Paralyze/ Stun/ Sleep Chance +25%, Skill Reuse Time -10%, Reflect Damage +6%. For 15 sec. blocks all debufs.: Ранг S84; Маг. Защ.: 138; DEX +2; Макс. MP +52; Сопротивление к Усыплению/Параличу/Оглушению +25%; Шанс Усыпления/Паралича/Оглушения цели +25%; Сопротивление к Отравлению/Кровотечению +50%; Шанс Отравления/Кровотечения +50%; Перезарядка умений -10%; Возврат урона от обычных атак в ближнем бою +6%; Защита от атрибута Тьмы +25; Защита от атрибутов Огня, Воды, Земли, Ветра, Святости +10; Активное умение Supreme Frintezza's Necklace - Mystic Immunity: Дарует Владельцу Иммунитет к Негативным Эффектам (как Mystic Immunity у PP). Время действия: 15 секунд. Фиксированная Перезарядка: 300 секунд. НЕ работает на Олимпиаде. Новые Локации Beast Farm: Лучше подходит для соло игроков и мини групп; На локации доступна добыча: Веспер Доспехов - рецепты, куски, цельные (дроп и спойл); Рецепты и куски Веспер оружия (споил); Высокоуровневых ресурсов (повышенный шанс); Fighter's\Archer's\Magician's Will; Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Кристаллы Атрибута. Dragon Valley: Лучше подходит для соло игроков, сильных мини групп и полных групп; На локации доступна добыча: Веспер Доспехов - рецепты, куски, цельные (дроп и спойл); Noble Enhancement StoneItem needed to upgrade Vesper armor to Noble Vesper armor through Maestro Ishuma.; Высокоуровневых ресурсов (повышенный шанс); Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Кристаллы Атрибута. Lair of Antharas: Лучше подходит для сильных мини групп и полных групп; На локации доступна добыча: Веспер Доспехов - рецепты, куски, цельные (дроп и спойл); Веспер оружия - цельные, рецепты и куски (дроп и спойл); Высокоуровневых ресурсов (повышенный шанс); Fighter's\Archer's\Magician's Will; Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Noble Enhancement Stone (споил); Кристаллы Атрибута. Вывод❗❗❗ Если ранее вы имели предубеждение, что вашому классу не место на какой-то локации - это не правда! Мы переделали много локаций (даже вне этого списка), сделав их более сбалансированными для разных классов\типов групп. Пробуйте и у вас получится! Что конкретно было изменено? Убраны ультимативные сопротивления монстров и сопротивление некоторым типам оружиям. Все что вы знали про локации (особенно на хрониках HF) - на MasterWork вам скорее будет мешать. Маг в MoS? Да! Физ в LoA? Да! Все локации - для всех! Изучайте мир, пробуйте новое и достигайте успеха! Vesper Update Базовый Vesper имеет следующие параметры: Сет Бонус Vesper Heavy Set СИЛ +2, ЛВК -2.; Физ. Атк./Физ. Защиту +5,57%; Макс. HP +531; Сопротивление усыпляющим/удерживающим атакам - на 70%. Vesper Leather Set СИЛ +1, ВЫН -2, ЛВК +1; Физ. Атк. +5,57%; Скор. Атк. +5%; Скорость восстановления MP + 5%; Макс. HP + 347. Vesper Robe Set ИНТ +1, ДУХ -2, МДР +1; Маг. Атк. +8,47%; Скор. Маг. +15%; Скорость восстановления MP +5%; Сопротивление оглушению +50%; Уменьшает шанс прерывания заклинания на 30. Бонусы <RARE> предметов: Heavy Предмет Бонус Vesper HelmetMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +175 Физ. Атк. +0.85% Физ. Защ. +0.70% Маг. Защ. +0.70% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +5.25% Сопротивление Сну +7.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +7.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper BreastplateMasterwork Item that increases: - Resistance to sleep/hold attacks by 25%; - Max HP by 350; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - P. Def. by 2.5%. Макс. HP +350 Физ. Атк. +1.70% Физ. Защ. +1.40% Маг. Защ. +1.40% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +10.50% Сопротивление Сну +14.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +14.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper GaiterMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +225 Физ. Атк. +1.10% Физ. Защ. +0.90% Маг. Защ. +0.90% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +6.75% Сопротивление Сну +9.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +9.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper GauntletMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +125 Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.50% Маг. Защ. +0.50% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +3.75% Сопротивление Сну +5.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +5.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper BootsMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Resistance to sleep, and resistance to Hold. Макс. HP +125 Физ. Атк. +0.60% Физ. Защ. +0.50% Маг. Защ. +0.50% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +3.75% Сопротивление Сну +5.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +5.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper ShieldMasterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. +3 ед. Блок. Магии Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет (без щита) Физ. Атк. +4.85% Физ. Защ. +4.00% Маг. Защ. +4.00% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +30.00% Сопротивление Сну +40.00% Сопротивление Удержанию +40.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5.00% Light Предмет Бонус Vesper Leather HelmetMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.85% Физ. Защ. +0.70% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.70% Макс. MP +105 Реген. MP +2.80% Сопротивление Параличу +5.25% Сопротивление Окаменению +3.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper Leather BreastplateMasterwork Item that increases: - Max MP by 225; - Atk. Spd. by 2%; - P. Atk. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 7%. Физ. Атк. +1.70% Скор. Атк. +1.40% Сила Физ. Крит. +1.40% Макс. MP +210 Реген. MP +5.60% Сопротивление Параличу +10.50% Сопротивление Окаменению +7.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper Leather LeggingMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +1.10% Скор. Атк. +0.90% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.90% Макс. MP +135 Реген. MP +3.60% Сопротивление Параличу +6.75% Сопротивление Окаменению +4.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper Leather GlovesMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.60% Скор. Атк. +0.50% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.50% Макс. MP +75 Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Параличу +3.75% Сопротивление Окаменению +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Vesper Leather BootsMasterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP. Физ. Атк. +0.60% Скор. Атк. +0.50% Сила Физ. Крит. +0.50% Макс. MP +75 Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Параличу +3.75% Сопротивление Окаменению +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1.00% Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет Физ. Атк. +4.85% Скор. Атк. +4.00% Сила Физ. Крит. +4.00% Макс. MP +600 Реген. MP +16.00% Сопротивление Параличу +30.00% Сопротивление Окаменению +20.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5% Robe Предмет Бонус Vesper CircletMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.40% Реген. MP +2.80% Сопротивление Оглушению +5.25% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +3.50% Сопротивление Разоружению +3.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1% Vesper TunicMasterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Маг. Атк. +2.80% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Реген. MP +5.60% Сопротивление Оглушению +10.50% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +7.00% Сопротивление Разоружению +7.00% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1% Vesper StockingsMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.80% Реген. MP +3.60% Сопротивление Оглушению +6.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +4.50% Сопротивление Разоружению +4.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1% Vesper GlovesMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.00% Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +2.50% Сопротивление Разоружению +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1% Vesper ShoesMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Маг. Атк. +1.00% Реген. MP +2.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +3.75% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +2.50% Сопротивление Разоружению +2.50% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +4 Защита от PvP Урона +1% Vesper SigilMasterwork Item that increases Resistance to Magic Damage. +3 ед. Блок. Магии Общие бонусы за <RARE> сет (без сигиля) Маг. Атк. +8.00% Скор. Маг. +2.50% Реген. MP +16.00% Сопротивление Оглушению +30% Сопротивление Прерыванию Заклинаний +20% Сопротивление Разоружению +20% Защита от всех 6 атрибутов +20 Защита от PvP Урона +5% Бижутерия Предмет Бонус Ожерелье Венеры Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Shock, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Макс. MP +33 Сопротивление Параличу +13% Сопротивление Сну +13% Сопротивление атрибутам +8 Серьга ВенерыMasterwork Item that decreases magic cancel rate by 12%. Increases: - Resistance to shock attacks by 15%; - M. Atk by 2.5%; - Casting Spd. by 1.5%; - Mana Regeneration by 10%. Сопротивление Оглушению +10% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +10% Сопротивление Удержанию +5% Сопротивление Сну +5% Кольцо ВенерыMasterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Resistance to Stun, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate. Сила Физ. Крит. +8% Сопротивление Удержанию +10% Сопротивление Оглушению +5% На сервере MasterWork при улучшении своего сета до Noble вы также можете выбрать желаемую дополнительную модификацию Attack или Defence: Heavy Сет Бонус Vesper Noble Heavy Attack Set СИЛ +3, ЛВК -2 Макс. HP +541 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +5.57% Маг. Защ. +5.57% Шанс Крит. Атк. +32 Перезарядка Физ. Умений и Ритмов -5% Скор. Бега +5 Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +50% Сопротивление Сну +70% Сопротивление Удержанию +70% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Vesper Noble Heavy Defence Set СИЛ +2, ВЫН +1, ЛВК -1 Макс. HP +541 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Физ. Защ. +5.57% Маг. Защ. +5.57% Скор. Бега +5 Шанс Блок. Магии +2 ед. Входящее Лечение +7% Защита от Физ./ Маг. Крит. Урона +8% Сопротивление Ментальным Атакам +50% Сопротивление Сну +70% Сопротивление Удержанию +70% Защита от PvP Урона +5% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Light Сет Бонус Vesper Noble Light Attack Set СИЛ+2, ЛВК +1, ВЫН -2 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Скор. Атк. +5.57% Сила Физ. Крит. +5.57% Сила Физ. Умений +6% Перезарядка Физ./ Маг. Умений и Ритмов -5% Макс. MP +354 Реген. MP +5.57% Сопротивление Окаменению +30% Сопротивление Параличу +50% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Vesper Noble Light Defence Set СИЛ+1, ЛВК +2, ВЫН -1 Физ. Атк. +5.57% Скор. Атк. +5.57% Сила Физ. Крит. +5.57% Уклонение +4 Уклонение от Физ./ Маг. Умений +3% Расход MP Физ./ Маг умений -7% Макс. MP +354 Реген. MP +5.57% Сопротивление Параличу +50% Сопротивление Окаменению +30% Защита от PvP Урона +5% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Robe Сет Бонус Vesper Noble Robe Attack Set ИНТ +2, МДР +1, ДУХ -2 Маг. Атк. +8.47% Скор. Маг. +15.00% Шанс Маг. Крит. +1 ед. Перезарядка Маг. Умений -5% Скор. Бега +7 Реген. MP +5.57% Сопротивление Разоружению +30% Сопротивление Оглушению +50% Сопротивление Разоружению +30% Прерывание Заклинаний -30% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Vesper Noble Robe Defence Set ИНТ +1, МДР +1, ВЫН +1, ДУХ -1 Маг. Атк. +8.47% Скор. Маг. +15.00% Скор. Бега +7 Реген. MP +5.57% Расход MP Маг. умений -7% Входящее Лечение +10% Сопротивление Разоружению +30% Сопротивление Оглушению +50% Прерывание Заклинаний -30% Защита от PvP Урона +5% Защита от атрибутов Огня/Воды/Земли/Ветра/Тьмы/Святости +10 Также вы можете ознакомиться со всеми изменёнными сетами по ссылке в нашей Вики Обмен предметов: Общая информация: Соответствующая строка добавлена к Master Blacksmith Pushkin в Giran'e и в Ancient City Arcan. Для всех обменных операций сохраняются: Уровень заточки предмета; Атрибут предмета; {PvP} вставка; <RARE>. В обменнике видны только те опции, на которые у игрока хватает предметов для обмена: к примеру, vesper_noble_helmet будет виден при наличии в инвентаре vesper_helmet, от 430 noble_upgrade_jewel и от Цена обмена: Обмен обычного (ржавого) на Noble Attack / Noble Defense за Noble Enhancement StoneItem needed to upgrade Vesper armor to Noble Vesper armor through Maestro Ishuma.: Шлема: 430 Noble Enhancement Stone + 3.500.000 Adena; Тела (всех типов): 860 Noble Enhancement Stone + 7.000.000 Adena Тяжелый верх также 860 Noble Enhancement Stone (ранее 1150 Noble Enhancement Stone). Низ: 540 Noble Enhancement Stone + 4.500.000 Adena Тяжелый низ также 540 Noble Enhancement Stone (ранее 750 Noble Enhancement Stone). Перчатки: 290 Noble Enhancement Stone + 2.500.000 Adena; Ботинки: 290 Noble Enhancement Stone + 2.500.000 Adena. Обмен Тел Noble Attack на Noble Defense: 1 к 1 + 15.000.000 Adena. Обмен обычных Noble тел на Noble Attack / Noble Defense - бесплатно! Доступно только для игроков с MasterWork Eternal, которые уже имеют Noble Vesper. Улучшение {PvP} и <RARE> Вставка {PvP} в обычные и <RARE> тела: Heavy: 14.000 + 2.792.000 Adena; Light / Robe: 10.500 + 2.094.000 Adena. Снятие {PvP} из обычных и <RARE> тел: Бесплатно Превращение Обычных тел в <RARE>, {PvP} Обычных тел в <RARE> {PvP}: 4 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.. Умения Перед тем, как перейти к конкретному описанию изменений\улучшений умений - мы бы хотели рассказать вам о логике проделанной работы. Другими словами: почему так и почему это хорошо. Общая механика работа Критических Ударов для Физ. АОЕ умений: Большинство АОЕ Физ. умений могут Критовать и наносить Сверх.удар (согласно концепции MasterWork); Крит высчитывается из базового значения в умении. Обычно это 15% и модификатор STR; Модификатор STR: STR: 10 = -1.58 STR: 20 = -1.41 STR: 30 = -1.16 STR: 40 = 1.20 STR: 50 = 1.71 STR: 11 = -1.57 STR: 21 = -1.39 STR: 31 = -1.13 STR: 41 = 1.24 STR: 51 = 1.77 STR: 12 = -1.55 STR: 22 = -1.37 STR: 32 = -1.10 STR: 42 = 1.29 STR: 52 = 1.83 STR: 13 = -1.54 STR: 23 = -1.34 STR: 33 = -1.06 STR: 43 = 1.33 STR: 53 = 1.90 STR: 14 = -1.52 STR: 24 = -1.32 STR: 34 = -1.03 STR: 44 = 1.38 STR: 54 = 1.97 STR: 15 = -1.50 STR: 25 = -1.29 STR: 35 = 1.00 STR: 45 = 1.43 STR: 55 = 2.04 STR: 16 = -1.49 STR: 26 = -1.27 STR: 36 = 1.04 STR: 46 = 1.48 STR: 56 = 2.11 STR: 17 = -1.47 STR: 27 = -1.24 STR: 37 = 1.08 STR: 47 = 1.54 STR: 57 = 2.19 STR: 18 = -1.45 STR: 28 = -1.22 STR: 38 = 1.12 STR: 48 = 1.59 STR: 58 = 2.27 STR: 19 = -1.43 STR: 29 = -1.19 STR: 39 = 1.16 STR: 49 = 1.65 STR: 59 = 2.35 Обычно среднее значение составляет 35 \ 50 STR. Крит имеет фиксированный х2 урон, который (на данный момент) нельзя увеличить. Исключение: АОЕ умения дагерщиков. Там сила Крита высчитывается со всеми модификаторами, как и для обычной физ. атаки (баффы, пассивки, предметные умения и тд). Рассмотрим пример: Лучник, 50 STR, использует Burst Shot = Наносит 1000 урона. Базовый шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. у Burst Shot'a: 15% 0.15 (базовый шанс) х 1.71 (модификатор от 50 СИЛ) = 0.2565 = 25.65% шанс х2 Крит Атаки. Итоговый средний урон с учётом Крит. Атк. получится (округляем до 25% для простоты подсчета): (3 х 1000 + 1 х 2000) / 4 = 5000 / 4 = 1250 урона. Реальность: Монстры 60 уровней, в большинстве своем, достаточно легкие и умирают с одного-двух выстрелов. Монстры 78-85 уровней - наоборот, имеют значительно больше защиты и здоровья, в то время, как пропорциональный рост урона Физ. Умений сильно отстает от базового урона персонажа, что делает актуальность использования умений вместо авто-атаки - сомнительной. Чего мы хотим добиться: Сбалансировать (незначительно усложнить) убийство монстров "60-х" уровней физическими умениями; Сбалансировать (незначительно облегчить) убийство монстров на поздних уровнях используя физические умения. Что иы для этого делаем: Мы разделяем шанс Физ. Крит. Атаки на PVP и PVE составляющие, при этом не трогая базовый шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. Умениями. Мы частично понижаем его в PvE на ранних уровнях и повышаем на поздних уровнях. В рамках концепции этого сезона мы уже использовали эту логику и она показала себя отлично. Теперь мы применяем её для большего количества классов\умений. Еще один пример: Лучник 52 уровня, 50 STR, использует Burst Shot и наносит, условно, 100% урона и по игроку, и по монстру. Базовый шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. у Burst Shot'a: 15% в PvP, 8% в PvE. 0.15 (базовый шанс) х 1.71 (модификатор от 50 СИЛ) = 0.2565 = 25.65% шанс х2 Крит Атаки в PvP. 0.08 (базовый шанс) х 1.71 (модификатор от 50 СИЛ) = 0.2565 = 13.68% шанс х2 Крит Атаки в PvE. Итоговый средний урон с учётом Крит. Атк. получится (округляем до 25% для простоты подсчета): (3 х 100 + 1 х 200) / 4 = 500 / 4 = 125% урона в PvP. Итоговый средний урон с учётом Крит. Атк. получится ((округляем до 25% для простоты подсчета): (6.3 х 100 + 1 х 200) / 7.3 = 500 / 4 = 113.7% урона в PvE. -------- Лучник 85 уровня, 50 STR, кастует Burst Shot +30. = Наносит вакуумные 100% урона и по игроку, и по монстру. Базовый шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. у Burst Shot: 15% в ПВП, 25% в ПВЕ. 0.15 (базовый шанс) х 1.71 (модификатор от 50 СИЛ) = 0.2565 = 25.65% шанс х2 Крит Атаки в PvP. 0.25 (базовый шанс) х 1.71 (модификатор от 50 СИЛ) = 0.4275 = 42.75% шанс х2 Крит Атаки в PvE. Итоговый средний урон с учётом Крит. Атк. получится: 125.65% урона в PvP. Итоговый средний урон с учётом Крит. Атк. получится: 142.75% урона в PvE. С базой разобрались, теперь давайте перейдем к списку умений, которые получили переработку согласно логике описанной выше. Хотим отметить, что список будет дополняться в дальнейшем. Воины Gladiator: Triple Sonic SlashAttacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.; Triple SlashAttacks an enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Double Sonic SlashSupplements the user's P. Atk. with Power 918, enabling a powerful sword stroke once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt weapon whose 3rd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic BlasterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 369 Power in a deadly blast of force from the sword once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic BusterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.. Tyrant: Force BlasterDischarges a powerful energy beam at an enemy with 143 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Force BurstSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Hurricane AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 501 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon recharged to its 2nd energy stage. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Force StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.. Berserker: Slashing BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Dark SmashAttacks an enemy with 568 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Shoulder Charge; Blade RushHolds a sword up and rushes forward to inflict bleed on the enemies in the rushing path for 20 seconds. Makes them consume 107 HP every second. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword to be equipped. Over-hit.; Slashing BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Crush of PainSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 3509 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; ContagionSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 4113 Power in a deadly vital strike. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Storm AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 571 Power in a hurricane-like assault. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.. Berserker, Soul Breaker (M), Soul Breaker (F), Inspector: Spread WingSpreads wings to attack nearby enemies with 866 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit is possible.. Теперь может наносить Критический урон (имеет стандартный шанс 15%, как и у остальных умений Камаелей). Doombringer: Rush Impact; Enuma Elish. Warlord, Destroyer, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith: WhirlwindSwings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 554 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.. Warlord: Power Crush. Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro: EarthquakeSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 4848 Power in an Earth-shattering spear thrust. Requires a polearm. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. Target may be canceled.. Dreadnought: Cursed Pierce. Fortune Seeker: Lucky StrikeSkill with Earth attribute that inflicts an exploding attack on an enemy with 4312 Power added to P. Atk. Causes damage and spoil at the same time on some nearby enemies. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.. Шанс Физ. Крит. для PvP увеличен. Titan: Crush of DoomAttacks the target with 4558 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Demolition ImpactUnleashes a shock of destruction to attack nearby enemies with 7475 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/ blunt weapon. Over-hit and Critical are possible. The skill has Fire attribute.. Grand Khavatari: Force of DestructionAttacks an enemy with 2200 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the targets with destructive energy. Chi Energy Stage 4 Recharge needed. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Over-hit and Critical are possible. The skill has Fire attribute.. Шанс Физ. Крит. на PvP уменьшен; Шанс Физ. Крит. на PvE увеличен. Лучники Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger: Burst Shot; Seven ArrowShoots 7 arrows to attack an enemy with 8445 Power added to P. Atk. Critical hit is possible.; Double Shot. Phantom Ranger: Fatal Counter. Arbalester: Twin ShotFires 2 powerful bolts with 984 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit. Critical.; Rising ShotFires a soaring bolt at an enemy's position with 1050 PvP Power and 1575 PvE Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible.. Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster: Lethal ShotShoots an arrow that is aimed at a vital spot. Attacks an enemy with 7698 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow. Over-hit. Half Kill. Critical.; Multiple ShotAttacks multiple enemies with 11110 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow.. Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel Evade Shot. Даггерщики Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker: Knives Out; BackstabSupplements P. Atk. with 1107 Power to strike an enemy's unprotected back. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit, critical hit and half-kill are possible.; Deadly BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1107 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.; Lethal BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 5773 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.; Razor RainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible.. Treasure Hunter: Critical Blow. Soul Breaker: Triple ThrustSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 930 Power in a blindingly quick triple jab. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a rapier. Over-hit is possible. Critical is possible.; Shining EdgeAttacks the target's vital points with 1853 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible.; Checkmate. Барды и Бафферы Swordsinger, Bladedancer: Deadly StrikeAttacks multiple enemies with 833 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow/hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped. Over-hit.. Шанс Физ. Крит. для PvP отсутствует; Шанс Физ. Крит. на PvE добавлен. Overlord, Warcryer: Burning ChopAttacks an enemy with 167 Power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 10 seconds, and makes him consume 43 HP every second. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped. Over-hit. Critical.. Шанс Физ. Крит. для PvP увеличен. И другие умения! Даже если вы затачиваете умения не на Атрибут / Дуель - все равно будет действовать данное изменения. А теперь про другие изменения по умениям. Rain of Fire (Sorcerer) Наносят Overhit (+25% опыта при добивании этими умениями). Aqua SplashSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 41 Power to create a massive tidal wave that inflicts Water damage on an enemy. Over-hit. (Spellsinger) Наносят Overhit (+25% опыта при добивании этими умениями). TempestStirs up a hurricane that inflicts Wind damage near an enemy with 31 Power added to M. Atk. Over-hit. (Spellhowler) Наносят Overhit (+25% опыта при добивании этими умениями). Star FallCrashes down meteors to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near an enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous 100 non-attribute damage. Over-hit. (Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer) Теперь не имеют фиксированной перезарядки умения. Базовая перезарядка: 300 секунд "Разгоняется" эффектами от Ритма Чистоты, Дар Серафима и т.д. Наносят Overhit (+25% опыта при добивании этими умениями) Можно точить! Ветка улучшения на Мощность (Power), увеличивает как базовую силу умения, так и периодический урон при прохождении эффекта: От 117 (+0) до 140, по 1~2 за уровень заточки; От -100 (+0) до -250 (+15), по 10 за уровень заточки. MeteorCrashes down meteors to inflict continuous fire damage near an enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous 100 fire damage. Over-hit. (Archmage, Soultaker) Теперь не имеют фиксированной перезарядки умения. Базовая перезарядка: 300 секунд "Разгоняется" эффектами от Ритма Чистоты, Дар Серафима и т.д. Наносят Overhit (+25% опыта при добивании этими умениями) Можно точить! Ветка улучшения на Мощность (Power), увеличивает как базовую силу умения, так и периодический урон при прохождении эффекта: От 117 (+0) до 140, по 1~2 за уровень заточки; От -100 (+0) до -250 (+15), по 10 за уровень заточки. Burning ChopFire attacks enemies in front with 167 Power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 10 seconds, and makes them consume 43 HP every second. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. (Overlord, Warcryer) На всех уровнях наносит урон небольшим конусным АОЕ (по аналогии с Deadly StrikeAttacks multiple enemies with 833 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow/hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped. Over-hit. PvE Critical. Бардов); Базовый атрибут: Огонь; При улучшении на Мощность (Power) помимо базового урона теперь также растёт периодический урон, по +1 за каждые 2 раунда заточки: От 66 ед. / тик (на +0) до 82 ед. / тик (на +30). Чего мы хотим добиться: Шаманы смогут быстрее попадать в основной состав группы на ранних стадиях Быть более самодостаточными в соло прокачке и более активными вначале игры в рамках PvP. Смогут самостоятельно фармить поздние локации, например Школу Полномочий или Мифриловые рудники. Critical WoundIncreases Critical Damage by 15%. Requires a dagger. (Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker) Теперь умение можно точить! Ветка улучшения на Мощность (Power), увеличивает силу умения от 30 до 38%: +1 - 31% +3 - 32% +5 - 33% ... +15 - 38% Также при заточке увеличивается уровень умения, что увеличит шанс прохождения. Зависимость уровня умения от уровня заточки: +1~3 = 81-й лвл; +4~6 = 82-й лвл; +7~9 = 83-й лвл; +10~12 = 84-й лвл; +13~15 = 85-й лвл. Заточка Умений Заточка умения на Duel у всех основных умений будет работать как на увеличение PvP, так и PvE урона умений. Данное изменение позволит персонажам, которые предпочли сменить ветку заточки с Атрибута на Duel не потерять урон по монстрам (PvE), который они имели ранее. Пример: Razor RainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible. +0 Ранее при заточке на +30 (Duel): 2740 PvE Мощность и 3152 PvP Мощность. Теперь при заточке на +30 (Duel): 3940 PvE Мощность и 3152 PvP Мощность. На ~40% PvE Мощности больше, пропорционально с PvP прибавкой. Список Умений, которые получили данную переработку: Force BlasterDischarges a powerful energy beam at an enemy with 143 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Triple SlashAttacks an enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Double Sonic SlashSupplements the user's P. Atk. with Power 918, enabling a powerful sword stroke once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt weapon whose 3rd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic BlasterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 369 Power in a deadly blast of force from the sword once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Sonic BusterSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Force BurstSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Double ShotSupplements P. Atk. with 1476 Power to fire 2 arrows in rapid succession. Requires a bow. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; BackstabSupplements P. Atk. with 1107 Power to strike an enemy's unprotected back. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit, critical hit and half-kill are possible.; Force StormSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast. Requires a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon whose 1st energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 2 Energy Stones. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; WhirlwindSwings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 554 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Triple Sonic SlashAttacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.; Deadly BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1107 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.; Hurricane AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 501 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon recharged to its 2nd energy stage. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Aura BoltInflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy using 26 Power added to M. Atk.; Aura SymphonySupplements the user's M. Atk. with 150 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy.; Elemental AssaultSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. Over-hit is possible.; Elemental SymphonySupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. Over-hit is possible.; Elemental StormSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy.; Fatal CounterSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 2908 Power to fire an agony-inducing arrow at a target. The power of the attack increases as an enemy's HP decreases. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible.; Crush of DoomAttacks the target with 4558 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Lethal ShotShoots an arrow that is aimed at a vital spot. Attacks an enemy with 7698 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a bow. Over-hit. Half Kill. Critical.; Lethal BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 5773 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.; Evade ShotAttacks an enemy with 2020 Power added to P. Atk. and increases Evasion by 6. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible.; Critical BlowAttacks the target's vital points with 1832 Power added to P. Atk. Increases the user's success rate of vital point attacks by 10% for 15 seconds. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.; Dark SmashAttacks an enemy with 568 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Storm AssaultSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 571 Power in a hurricane-like assault. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Shoulder ChargeDisrupts an enemy with a sudden and powerful shoulder charge, stunning them for 9 seconds. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit is possible.; Blade RushHolds a sword up and rushes forward to inflict bleed on the enemies in the rushing path for 20 seconds. Makes them consume 107 HP every second. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword to be equipped. Over-hit.; Slashing BladeSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 605 Power in a mighty sword swing. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Crush of PainSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 3509 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; ContagionSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 4113 Power in a deadly vital strike. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.; Triple ThrustSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 930 Power in a blindingly quick triple jab. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a rapier. Over-hit is possible. Critical is possible.; Shining EdgeAttacks the target's vital points with 1853 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible.; CheckmateSupplements the user's P. Atk. by 2388 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.; Soul of PainSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 50 Power to inflict dark damage on an enemy. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Target cancel is possible.; Annihilation CircleSupplements the user's M. Atk. with 82 Power to inflict dark damage on an enemy's location. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls.; Twin ShotFires 2 powerful bolts with 984 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit. Critical.; Rising ShotFires a soaring bolt at an enemy's position with 1050 PvP Power and 1575 PvE Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a crossbow. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible.; Enuma ElishSupplements the user's P. Atk. with 4666 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; LeopoldSummons the devastating cannon Leopold to Fire upon an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 224 Power. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls.; Soul VortexStirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on an enemy with 112 Power added to M. Atk. For 30 seconds, decreases Speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit.; Soul Vortex ExtinctionDetonates an Soul Vortex to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy with 195 Power added to M. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls.; Soul StrikeConsecutively throws souls to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy using 166 Power added to M. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls.; Rush ImpactRushes forward to attack the enemies in front with 3110 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Requires an Ancient Sword weapon to be equipped. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls.; Death SpikeThrows a bone to inflict dark damage on an enemy with 35 Power added to M. Atk.; Power CrushAttacks an enemy with 664 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.; Cursed PierceAttacks an enemy with 3849 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical.; Seven ArrowShoots 7 arrows to attack an enemy with 8445 Power added to P. Atk. Critical hit is possible.; Knives OutSupplements P. Atk. with 620 PvP Power and 775 PvE Power to strike an enemies unprotected backs. Available when equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger. Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible. Shares cooldown with Backstab skill.; Razor RainAttacks nearby enemy's vital points with 625 PvE Power and 500 PvP Power. Requires dagger or dualdagger weapon. Over-hit and Critical is possible.; Elder Rune BoltInflicts non-attribute massive runic damage on an enemy using 26 Power added to M. Atk.. Теперь при смене ветки заточки умения, Умение не будет терять уровни. Ранее случайным образом умение теряло 3/2/1/0 уровней заточки. Пример: Triple Sonic Slash +25 Earth, которое было переточено на Duel: Ранее: Triple Sonic Slash +22/23/24/25 на Duel случайным образом. Теперь: гарантировано Triple Sonic SlashAttacks an enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword/dualblunt. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. +25 Duel. Giant's Codex - DisciplineAn item required to change an enchantment path. теперь можно также приобрести в Ivory Store у Adventurers' Guide за 150 Ivory CoinPersonal Item. Special Coin of Ivory Tower's Magic Guild which can be received by participating in media and in-game events. You can use it to buy various consumable and other goods at NPC Adventurers' Guide. и 1.500.000 Adena. Все умения, для которых была доступна заточка на Атрибут получили обновленный формат отображения: Теперь на умении будет показываться цифра Атрибута, которая была добавлена к умению. Было перебрано и улучшено описание ОГРОМНОГО количества умений, веток заточек и описаний. Казалось бы: почему мы выделяем такой пункт..? На самом деле это очень объемная работа, которая требует большого внимания, усидчивости и мотивации. Мы верим, что вы оцените нашу работу по достоинству, вне зависимости от того, было ли это крупное обновление или такие "мелочи" как улучшение описания. Вывод❗❗❗ Какой вывод нужно из этого сделать? Заточка умений ОЧЕНЬ важна для эффективности вашего персонажа! Атрибут и Дуель (для атакующих умений), в зависимости от этапа сервера не только ЗНАЧИТЕЛЬНО увеличат силу вашего персонажа, но и увеличат уровень умения, что увеличит шанс его прохождения. Частые заблуждения: Мнение: У меня персонаж 83-го уровня и умение на +6. Этого достаточно, мой персонаж силен и эффективен! Ответ: No, no, no, god, please no! © Начав затачивать умение вы, безусловно, сделали шаг в верном направлении, но не дошли до финиша. Актуальный уровень заточки умений зачастую значительно важнее, чем заточить ваше оружие еще на +1\2. Мнение: Докачаю 85-й - тогда и заточусь. Чего по напрасну книги тратить? Ответ: Ошибка! Регулярно поддерживая уровень заточки умения на "правильную" ветку (внизу статьи вас ждет ссылка на Гайд, в котором вы сможете больше узнать о эффективных путях развития персонажа, но зачастую это Attribute или Duel) - вы значительно усиляете своего персонажа за относительно не большие вложения и получаете на выходе упрощение PvE и усиление PvP, что, в свою очередь, также позволяет эффективно фармить! Мнение: Я не разобрался на что затачивать. Докачаюсь и разберусь. Ответ: Не откладывайте заточку! Сделать не правильный выбор на серверах MasterWork сложно. Можно, конечно, но это очень сложно🤪. Однако даже если вы допустите такую ошибку - вы все равно получите умение выше уровня, а система смены типа заточки без штрафа, о которой мы рассказывали выше - позволит вам безболезненно сменить тип заточки. Однако можете довериться нам: Attribute (для GF) и Duel (для HF). Вывод-вывод: точите умения! Предметы NPC Butler: Был добавлен предмет Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal ScrollThe scroll that permits passage though Frintezza's Magic Force Field. Meet his guide near the Imperial Tomb entrance and he will let you enter the forbidden area. для прохода к Инстанс Боссу Frintezza: Нужна только Лидеру Командного Канала; Стоимость: 10 Master CoinOfficial server's currency. 10 Master Coins = 1 Dollar. Thank You for supporting our team and our products. + 2.500.000 Adena. Упрощено получение Руды Атрибута за Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Master Yo in the Anceint City Arcan and he will gladly give you an attribute ore. (персональная награда за 3-ю профессию): 1 Персональная Руда = 1 Attribute CoinAn ancient stone coin with obscure symbols. Take it to Master Yo in the Anceint City Arcan and he will gladly give you an attribute ore. + 250.000 Adena (было 3 + 750.000 Adena). Улучшены диалоговые окна с Атрибут Менеджерами: NPC в Aden, Rune и Arcan City. Напоминаем, что: 1 Кристалл = 5 Камней + 2.500.000 Adena; 1 Кристалл = 5 Камней + 5 Master Coin; 1 Персональная Руда = 1 Attribute Coin + 250.000 Adena; 1 Камень = 1 Камень противоположной стихии (Огонь - Вода, Земля - Ветер, Тьма - Святость). Был изменен вес Банок Душ для расы Камаель: Full Bottle of Souls - 10 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - теперь имеют вес 0 (ранее 2); Доступны у Butler или в Личном Кабинете. Full Bottle of Souls - 5 SoulsPersonal Item. A bottle containing 5 Souls. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Kamael Exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races. - теперь имеют вес 1 (ранее было 2). Маг. Защита уникальных Колец была увеличена: Pioneers RingUnique Ring of Pioneers for those who took part in MasterWork - 2022 Grand Opening. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 10%, + 2% PvE Defence, +10 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -SoE with 10 minutes cooldown. 40 Маг. Защ.; 2% PvE защиты от любых типов урона; +10 слотов Инвентаря; -10% потери опыта при смерти; Активное умение SoE. Greater MW RingGreater Ring from Rare MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 25%, + 3% PvE Defence, +15 Inventory Slots. Active Skill: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown. (Starter SetPersonal Starter Pack with equipment and useful items to boost your character!) 48 Маг. Защ.; 3% PvE защиты от любых типов урона; +15 слотов Инвентаря; -25% потери опыта при смерти; Активное умение BSoE. Blessed MW RingBlessed Ring from Unique MW's Ancestral Treasure. When killed, decreases a character's Exp. points consumption rate by 50%, + 5% PvE Defence, +20 Inventory Slots. Active Skills: -BSoE with 1 hour cooldown; -BSoR with 3 hours cooldown. (Unique SetPersonal Unique Set with equipment and all useful items that boost you at the start and grant comfort to Your character!) 56 Маг. Защ.; 5% PvE защиты от любых типов урона; +20 слотов Инвентаря; -50% потери опыта при смерти; Активные умения: BSoR и BSoE. Маг. Защита Олимпийской Бижутерии была увеличена: Olympiad NecklaceLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP+ 42 Resistance to Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attacks +15% Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attack rate +15% Skill reuse delay -5% Damage shield effect +4% Было: 85 M.Def; Стало: 100 M.Def. Olympiad EarringLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP+31 Resistance to Shock/Mental attacks +20% Shock/Mental attack rate +20% Vampiric rage effect +4% When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied. Было: 63 M.Def; Стало: 75 M.Def. Olympiad RingLimited time item available for 28 days. Max. MP +21 Accuracy +2 Critical Damage +15% Resistance to Hold +20% Hold attack rate +20% When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied. Было: 42 M.Def; Стало: 55 M.Def. Параметры Физ. и Маг. Атк. геройского Оружия были соразмерно увеличены, а именно: Infinity BladeDuring a critical attack, decreases one's P. Def and increases de-buff casting ability, damage shield effect, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP, and shield defense power. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 480 / 240 Infinity CleaverIncreases critical attack success rate/power, MaxHP, MaxCP. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Inflicts extra damage on critical attack. Reflects debuff attack back on enemy. Стало: 580 / 240 Infinity AxeDuring a critical attack, it bestows one the ability to cause internal conflict to one's opponent. Damage shield function, Max HP, Max MP, Max CP as well as one's shield defense rate are increased. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 480 / 240 Infinity RodWhen good magic is casted upon a target, increases Max MP, Max CP, Casting Spd, and MP regeneration rate. Also recovers HP 100%. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 380 / 285 Infinity CrusherIncreases Max HP, Max CP, and Atk. Spd. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 580 / 240 Infinity ScepterWhen casting good magic, it can recover HP by 100% at a certain rate, increases MAX MP, Max CP, M. Atk., lower MP Consumption, increases the Magic Critical rate, and reduce the Magic Cancel. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 460 / 300 Infinity StingerIncreases Max MP, Max CP, Atk. Spd., MP regen rate, and the success rate of Mortal and Deadly Blow from the back of the target. Silences the target when a critical attack occurs and has Vampiric Rage effect. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 430 / 240 Infinity FangIncreases Max HP, Max MP, Max CP and evasion. Stuns a target when a critical attack occurs and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the player at a certain probability rate. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 580 / 240 Infinity BowIncreases Max MP/Max CP and decreases re-use delay of a bow. Slows target when a critical attack occurs and has Cheap Shot effect. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 890 / 240 Infinity WingWhen a critical attack occurs, increases Max HP, Max MP, Max CP and critical chance. Silences the target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 580 / 240 Infinity SpearDuring a critical attack, increases Max HP, Max CP, Atk. Spd. and Accuracy. Casts dispel on a target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 480 / 240 Infinity RapierDivine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, casts a P. Def.-decreasing de-buff on the target. Also causes damage shield, and increases Max HP/Max MP/Max CP. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. There is a chance that party members including yourself will get increased P. Atk., M. Atk., and the amount of recieved heal, and decreased MP consumption per skill during a critical attack. Стало: 440 / 240 Infinity SwordDivine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts additional damage on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/Max CP and Critical Damage/Rate. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 530 / 240 Infinity ShooterDivine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts slow on the target. Decreases MP Consumption during skill use, and increases Max MP/Max CP. Increases critical attack success rate by 78. Enhances damage to target during PvP by 20% and PvE by 40%. Стало: 560 / 240 Напоминаем, что для создания (крафта) предметов теперь (все еще) нужна и Adena: S gr.: Оружие: + 1.500.000 Adena; Броня: + 1.000.000 Adena за любую часть. Бижутерия: + 500.000 Adena. Dynasty: Оружие: + 3.500.000 Adena; Броня: + 2.500.000 Adena за любую часть. Бижутерия: + 1.000.000 Adena. Moirai (Броня и Бижутерия), Icarus (Оружие): Оружие: + 5.000.000 Adena; Броня: + 3.500.000 Adena за любую часть. Бижутерия: + 1.500.000 Adena. Vesper: Оружие: + 7.500.000 Adena; Броня: + 5.000.000 Adena за любую часть. Бижутерия: + 2.000.000 Adena. Сфера MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. была добавлена в дроп! Способы получения: MidCompany Dent. 1-2 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 3-5 MasterWork Crystal - S;If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. 2-3 MasterWork Crystal - S80.If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. Эпические Боссы (1) Baium; Beleth. 1-3 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 3-6 MasterWork Crystal - S. 2-4 MasterWork Crystal - S80. Эпические Боссы (2) Antharas; Valakas. 1-3 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (100%); 4-7 MasterWork Crystal - S. 3-4 MasterWork Crystal - S80. Ежедневные Эпические Боссы Epidos; Anais. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (30%). Специфические Боссы Ankou; Kerberos. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (7%). MasterWork Crystal - S и MasterWork Crystal - S80 - шанс увеличен. РБ в Field of Whisper и в Ginat's Cave: Giant Marpanak; Gorgolos; Last Titan Utenus; Hekaton Prime; Gwindorr; Water Spirit Lian. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (3%); MasterWork Crystal - S и MasterWork Crystal - S80 - шанс увеличен до 7% и 5% соответственно Текущий Дроп Атрибута заменён на 10-20 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal.. Инстанс (1) Tiat. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (3%); MasterWork Crystal - S и MasterWork Crystal - S80 - шанс увеличен до 7% и 5% соответственно Текущий Дроп Атрибута заменён на 15-25 Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal.. Инстанс (2) Frintezza. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S (15%) 1 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (12.5%) 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (10%). Инстанс (3) Orfen; Core; Baylor; Queen Ant. 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84 (2%); MasterWork Crystal - S и MasterWork Crystal - S80 - шанс увеличен до 3% и 2.5% соответственно. Курс обмена (улучшения) Сферами B/A/S/S80/S84 был пересмотрен! ️Хотим напомнить, что бонусы от Редких <Rare> Предметов: Оружия, Брони, Бижутерии — на MasterWork переделаны / улучшены / доработаны! Детальнее об этом на нашей Wiki. ️Предметы ранга B: Любая цельная Броня ( тело): 3 MasterWork Crystal - B (было 1); Любой Верх Брони ( верх): 2 MasterWork Crystal - BIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (было 1); Оружие, Шлема, Низ, Ботинки, Перчатки, Щиты, Бижутерия - по 1 MasterWork Crystal - B (без изменений). Предметы ранга A: Любое Лоу и Мид Оружие (Carnage BowBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Bleed, or Mana Up., Soul BowBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Quick Recovery, or Focus.): 2 MasterWork Crystal - AIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange an A-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (было 3); Любое Топ Оружие (Shyeed's BowBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Focus, or Quick Recovery.): 3 MasterWork Crystal - A (без изменений); Любая цельная Броня ( тело): 4 MasterWork Crystal - A (было 2); Любой Верх Брони ( верх): 3 MasterWork Crystal - A (было 2); Шлема и Низы Брони: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - A (без изменений); Ботинки и Перчатки: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - A (без изменений); Щиты: по 1 MasterWork Crystal - A (было 2); Бижутерия (Ожерелья, Серьги, Кольца): по 1 MasterWork Crystal - A (без изменений). Предметы ранга S: Любое Оружие: 4 MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (без изменений); Major Arcana Роба и Draconic: по 5 MasterWork Crystal - S (было по 3); и Imperial Crusader Breastplate: по 3 MasterWork Crystal - S (без изменений); Шлема: по 3 MasterWork Crystal - S (без изменений); Ботинки и Перчатки: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S (было по 3); Щит и Сигиль: по 1 MasterWork Crystal - S (было по 3); Бижутерия (Ожерелья, Серьги, Кольца): по 1 MasterWork Crystal - S (без изменений). Пример: Major Arcana Set / Draconic Set: Было: 3+3+3+3 = 12 MasterWork Crystal - S; Стало: 3+5+2+2 = 12 MasterWork Crystal - S. Imperial Crusader Set: Было: 15 MasterWork Crystal - S; Стало: 13 MasterWork Crystal - S (на 2 дешевле). Предметы Dynasty: Любое Оружие: 5 MasterWork Crystal - SIf you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (без изменений); Верх Брони: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S (было 4); Шлема и Низ Брони: по 4 MasterWork Crystal - S (без изменений); Ботинки и Перчатки: по 3 MasterWork Crystal - S (было по 4); Щит и Сигиль: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S (было по 4); Бижутерия (Ожерелья, Серьги, Кольца): по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S (без изменений). Пример: Полный сет ранее: 4+4+4+4+4 = 20 MasterWork Crystal - S; Полный сет теперь: 4+5+4+3+3 = 19 MasterWork Crystal - S. Предметы Moirai \ Icarus: Любое Оружие: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S80If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a S80-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item. (без изменений); Верх Брони: 4 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (было 3); Шлемы и Низы Брони: по 3 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (без изменений); Ботинки и Перчатки: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (было по 3); Щит и Сигиль: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (было по 3); Бижутерия (Ожерелья, Серьги, Кольца): по 1 MasterWork Crystal - S80 (без изменений). Пример: Полный сет ранее: 3+3+3+3+3 = 15 MasterWork Crystal - S80; Полный сет теперь: 3+4+3+2+2 = 14 MasterWork Crystal - S80. Предметы Vesper: Любое Оружие: 5 MasterWork Crystal - S84If you bring it to Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran, you can exchange a B-Grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.; Верх Брони: 4 MasterWork Crystal - S84; Шлема и Низы Брони: по 3 MasterWork Crystal - S84 Ботинки и Перчатки: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S84; Щит и Сигиль: по 2 MasterWork Crystal - S84; Бижутерия (Ожерелья, Серьги, Кольца): по 1 MasterWork Crystal - S84. Пример: Фулл сет: 3+4+3+2+2 = 14 MasterWork Crystal - S84. Теперь у обычных NPC в городах, которые продают расходники будут также продаваться Зарядов Души и Духа рангов D и С (помимо No-Grade Зарядов Души и Духа) Soulshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a D-grade weapon. = 10 Adena; Soulshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a C-grade weapon. =15 Adena; Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with D-grade weapons. =14 Adena; Blessed Spiritshot (C-Grade)The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with C-grade weapons. =21 Adena. Кое-что крутое Гайд Сначала я хотел описать все-все изменения и описания\пояснения к ним в Патчноуте. А потом я взглянул на размер поста и понял, что это ну уж ОЧЕНЬ объемный текст. Слава богу у нас есть @Safero 😁 Рекомендуем вам подписаться на его Телеграмм канал и ознакомиться с описанием изменением. Также там вы найдете разбор различной статистики - Мы собрали информацию о сервере и разобрали различные решения игроков. Ссылка на пост; Ссылка на канал Safero; Ссылка на Дневник Шилен. Это правда очень интересно и познавательно. Очень рекомендую вам заглянуть в наши официальные Телеграмм каналы! P.S. Напоминаем, что вы можете сменить вашего мейн Judicator на Doombringer\Soul Hound\Trickster с помощью Proof of Magic Transfer (которая продается в личном кабинете). Важно! Второй раз пройти квест на смену саба Judicator на мейн не получится. Вам будет необходимо воспользоваться нашим Updater, для того, что бы обновление отображался корректно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам регулярно пользоваться функцией Fast Check, так как мы регулярно выпускаем различные минорные и мажорные обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
  24. Papanda

    MasterWork: Патчноут

    MONASTERY-OF-SILENCE Дорогие друзья, Нельзя сказать, что это небольшой Патчноут 🙃 с точки зрения разработки, однако то самое "масштабное" обновление еще впереди 😉 Умения Boost ManaIncreases Max MP by 30. (Sorcerer, Necromancer, Warlock, Bishop, Prophet, Spellsinger, Elemental Summoner, Elven Elder, Spellhowler, Phantom Summoner, Shillien Elder, Overlord, Warcryer) При заточке теперь увеличивает Макс. MP с 200 до 500, по +10 за раунд. Fast Mana RecoveryIncreases MP Recovery Bonus by 1.10. (Sorcerer, Necromancer, Warlock, Bishop, Prophet, Spellsinger, Elemental Summoner, Elven Elder, Spellhowler, Phantom Summoner, Shillien Elder, Overlord, Warcryer) При заточке теперь равномерно увеличивает Регенерацию MP с 3.4 до 8 ед. за тик, по +0.15 за раунд. Seed of FireUses Fire energy to increase user's Fire Atk. Attribute by 20 for 20 min. (Sorcerer) Теперь доступно для изучения классу Warlock на 66-м уровне Теперь можно Заточить: увеличивает АТТ от 20 до 50, по +1 за каждый раунд заточки. Seed of WaterUses Water energy to increase user's Water Atk. Attribute by 20 for 20 min. (Spellsinger) Теперь доступно для изучения классу Elemental Summoner на 66-м уровне Теперь можно Заточить: увеличивает АТТ от 20 до 50, по +1 за каждый раунд заточки. Seed of WindUses Wind energy to increase user's Wind Atk. Attribute by 20 for 20 min. (Spellhowler) Теперь доступно для изучения классу Phantom Summoner на 66-м уровне Теперь можно Заточить: увеличивает АТТ от 20 до 50, по +1 за каждый раунд заточки. Surrender To FireFor 30 seconds, decreases an enemy's resistance to Fire by 30 and increases resistance to Water by 10. (Sorcerer) Базовое понижение Защиты от АТТ Огня увеличено с 20 до 30 Теперь можно Заточить (четвёртая ветка): уменьшает защиту от АТТ Огня от 30 до 90, по +2 за каждый раунд заточки. Surrender To WaterFor 30 seconds, decreases an enemy's resistance to Water by 30 and increases resistance to Fire by 10. (Spellsinger) Базовое понижение Защиты от АТТ Воды увеличено с 20 до 30 Теперь можно Заточить (четвёртая ветка): уменьшает защиту от АТТ Воды от 30 до 90, по +2 за каждый раунд заточки. Surrender To WindFor 30 seconds, decreases an enemy's resistance to Wind by 30 and increases resistance to Earth by 10. (Spellhowler) Базовое понижение Защиты от АТТ Ветра увеличено с 20 до 30 Теперь можно Заточить (четвёртая ветка): уменьшает защиту от АТТ Ветра от 30 до 90, по +2 за каждый раунд заточки. Chant of ElementsFor 20 minutes, increases the elemental attribute of all party members by 20. (Doomcryer) Теперь можно Заточить, по аналогии с Elemental Protection Профета: увеличивает защиту АТТ от Огня/Воды/Ветра/Земли от 20 до 50, по +2 за каждый раунд заточки. Divine ProtectionFor 20 minutes, increases resistance to Darkness by 30 and resistance to Divinity by 20. (Cardinal, Eva's Saint) Теперь можно Заточить, по аналогии с Elemental Protection Профета: увеличивает защиту АТТ от Святости от 20 до 50 и АТТ от Тьмы от 30 до 60 по +2 за каждый раунд заточки. Holy WeaponIncreases a party member's holy P. Atk. by 20 for 20 minutes. (Bishop, Prophet, Elven Elder) Теперь можно Заточить, по аналогии с Dark Weapon Слб/Джудикатора: увеличивает атаку АТТ Святости от 20 до 50: на +30 АТТ за +1, далее по 0/1 за раунд. Были улучшено описание: Умений и Заточки на Мощность Умений и Заточки на Физ. Защ. и на Атрибут Защиты Заточки Robe Mastery на Маг. Защ. Локации Узнать детальнее о всех локациях, которые были доработаны на MW можно на нашей Wiki. Monastery of Silence Общая информация: Нижняя часть локации лучше подходит для мини групп; Верхняя часть локации лучше подходит для полноценных групп; Хорошая прокачка, дроп Веспер оружия, куски и рецепты Веспер оружия для крафта РАР, фарм Атрибут камней, дроп и крафт Moirai экипировки, бижутерии; Актуальный ежедневный РБ. Параметры Монстров: Среднее значение HP увеличено на 20~35%; Физ. и Маг. Защ. увеличены на 15~20%; Получаемые Опыт и SP значительно увеличены; Количество монстров (особенно до верхних этажей) увеличено, а их респаун - ускорен. Добыча: Дроп: Moirai Экипировка и Бижутерия; Оружие Венеры (согласно хроникам); Ресурсы, Атрибут Камни и Кристаллы. Споил: S Гемы, Заточки, Книги Мастери. Как Дропом, так и Споилом: Куски и Рецепты на оружие Венеры; Куски и Рецепты на Moirai Экипировку и Бижутерию. Рейдовый Босс Anais Параметры: Респаун раз в день, с 19:00 до 23:00; Значительно усилен, но все еще достаточно "проходимый"; "Флагает" при атаке (как и во многих аналогах). Дроп: Случайное Мид S84 оружие (5%); Все вариации Moirai экипировки: броня и бижутерия, а также куски; Стандартный дроп для РБ: Атрибуты, Сферы S и S80, Эссенция S80, Камни и Кристаллы АТТ, Виллы и тд. Прокачка SA: 10 => 11 = 35%; 11 => 12 = 30%; 12 => 13 = 25%; 13 => 14 = 20%; 14 => 15 = 15%; 15 => 16 = 10%; 16 => 17 = 5%. Anomic Foundry Общая информация: Для полноценных групп; Стало немного проще, а дроп был улучшен; Квест на Moirai. Дроп Атрибута улучшен/изменен: Шанс выпадения камней Атрибута незначительно увеличен; Кроме обычных камней теперь будут выпадать Attributes SuppliesDouble-click to obtain 1 random Attribute Stone/Crystal. (Сундуки со случайным Камнем либо Кристаллом). Дроп Экипировки улучшен/изменён: Кроме предметов ранга S теперь в локации будут выпадать цельные предметы Dynasty. Спойл/Дроп расходников увеличен: Чаще выпадают рецепты Dynasty, Gemstone S; Шанс на споил Кодексов и Заточек увеличен. Теперь оглушение, которое всем знакомо, было ослаблено (от монстра Foundry Foreman'a): Висит на секунду меньше (в среднем); Проходит незначительно реже. Sel Mahum Training Grounds Общая информация: Лучше подходит для соло игроков и небольших групп; Убраны штрафы (теперь локация "для всех"); Квест на рецепты Moirai. Детальнее: Убраны ультимативные резисты к оружию; Викнес к мили оружию; Небольшой резист к лукам; Высокий м.деф; По квесту No More Soup For You теперь можно получить любые рецепты Морай на выбор. Вкусный Дроп/Спойл: Рецепты и куски Moirai концов; Файтер вил, Протекшены. Plains of Lizardmen Общая информация: Для соло игроков и небольших групп; Убраны штрафы, т.ч. локация "для всех"; Квест на рецепты Moirai. Детальнее: Убраны ультимативные резисты к оружию; Викнес к атакам из лука/арбалета; Средний м.деф; По квесту Figuring It Out теперь можно получить любые рецепты Moirai на выбор. Вкусный Дроп/Спойл: Рецепты и куски Moirai концов; Арчер вил, Протекшены. Fields of Whispers & Fields of Silence Общая информация: Для соло игроков и небольших групп; Мобы стали вкуснее, убраны штрафы; Квест на рецепты Династии. Детальнее: Убраны ультимативные резисты к арчер и мили атакам; Небольшое увеличение получаемого опыта. Дроп Magician's Will; Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment; Pavel Ruins Локация соответствует хроникам HF. Саб-классы качать легко и просто. . Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам пользоваться нашим Updater, так как мы регулярно выпускаем обновления. с ❤️, E-Global & Averia
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